S2 E4 - Atlanteans

Laura Konst Season 2 Episode 4

I am talking to Intuitive Listener Victoria Jane. Victoria is in touch with many realms but in this episode she is explaining who the Atlanteans are. How can their energy benefit us and can we all connect to them?

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Laura Konst:

I am Welcome to the Tali and Loz podcast where we discover spirituality together. And Victoria is with me, and you probably have heard our dragon energy episode in the first season. Hi Victoria, how are you?


Fine thank yo. Thank you for having me back.

Laura Konst:

Oh, it was great that dragon energy has been very popular as well. And people have been listened to it quite a bit. And so pleased to hear that. Yes. And you you, your business is The intuitive listener. And you are in contact with other universes dimensions as well. And today we're gonna talk about the Atlanteans


Yes. Atlanteans Yeah,

Laura Konst:

the colleagues completely unknown. So tell us about them


in Lemuria two entities in themselves, because people lean towards one more than the other. But I've actually discovered with my course, you know, this, everything I do, connects back to dragons. And it was a dragons that led me into Atlantis, because they were like, I kept having these niggles in the back of my head of seeing crystal caves, underwater crystal caves, and just different images. And it's like, what is this and it felt be like home to me. And I was like, This feels really familiar. And I wasn't into Starseeds Galactics, anything like that at the time. Although I remember picking up a book by Adana Cooper. On Atlantis The Golden Age of Atlantis, I think it was called way back in the night. And it was probably just too far advanced for me at that time. I remember thinking it was a very dry book. And it didn't tell me. It wasn't like feeding my soul in any way. It was an interesting read that wasn't feeding myself. But Atlantis was talked about by Pluto, the great Greek philosopher all the way back and 360 BCE. So I mean, the myth, some people call it a myth. Some people call it a reality. That's still everyone falls somewhere different on that spectrum. For me, Atlantis did exist whether we exist in the areas that we think it did, is totally different. Yes, but we lost a lot of important information when Atlantis fell. We lost a lot of spiritual great technology information that we haven't been able to get back again. But things Atlantis was it then the memories, so put it this way. The echoes of Atlantis The memories of Atlantis went up to the ancestral, not the ancestral astral realms. That's what I've strapped into the astral realms. And that's how when we tap into like, I'll say, dragons star seeds Lemuria all these sort of energies. We're looking at time corridors now and in the astral realms. So we're experiencing that via portals, astral projection, all these different things. So basically, I mean, the first Miss ology of the mighty the great Atlantis building was all the way back between 20,000 BCE and 10,000 BC. So I mean, we're going back collection, the myth of this the mythology of taxes has been around centuries. Yeah, so many times over. So it really is a hot topic thing. Yeah, because quite often you will hear people speak about Atlantis let's like I was a great healer in Atlantis. I've been a shaman and like just, I was a piece system Atlantis, because they're the most talked about creates the most talked about areas of Atlantis. Atlantis were known for the healing they were known for the crystals. They were known for their politics, they are known for the spirituality. They were known for the magics. But when we dive deeper into Atlantis, we find out that Atlanteans had great craftsmanship and a great understanding of this oneness of community until the end when it all got very political very greedy. Egos money they all got in the way before Lantus fell, and alliances fell by a series of earthquakes and volcano eruptions are happening in one single day night. As legend goes, Yes, he goes. But how and speaking to many people and experienced a few some memories myself, I can actually tell you honestly that there was definitely an issue of water rising over the city. And like seeing the water coming over the chasms

Laura Konst:

and the city and army basically Yeah,


very much like a tsunami.

Laura Konst:

Wow. And you said that they are very spiritual folk. And because there's so There's probably well they're now here yeah on Earth somewhere in you know other people.


As a lot of people that reincarnated in this life time, yeah holistic worker, light worker, if they can clear the trauma that they experienced in the end of these are the Lantis or the end of these Lemuria because we're seeing both pop up all the time just now. And one of the things that me and another lady I work I've experienced multiple times, is we can see these bridges interconnecting Atlantis and Lemuria. So you could literally work in one and go home now which to a lot of people be like, but one came before the other didn't it? They were enemies, what they the evidence that is there from shamanic journeys and exploration visions, quests, if you will, is they did live simultaneously. There's a lot of common ground until Atlanta started the politics and everything went on. So the media in many ways stuff at the same thing to the Lance's where they went on longer, or got cut down shot before Atlantis, it did get consumed by the water by enemies attacking the city.

Laura Konst:

Right. And you you mentioned when you clay, the bridges, so you're talking about the human beings on Earth right now, if they're healers or they need to clear their traumas and clear. And how do we do that? How can we do that?


How we can do that is basically we can either work with healers, or we can start to force ourselves to look at what our fears our triggers are in this lifetime. Because if we often have a fear or trigger that we can see, we have to ask ourselves, where did this establish itself in this light, if we can't find a clear cut, pinpoint moment that this established itself, quite often, it's because it's come from another timeline, we're carrying that weight forward, we're carrying that emotion forward. So this is either a past life issue, a timeline issue, an ancestral issue, or society conditioning? Those are the forming groups when we look at these things. So what is that sort of thing? And honestly, I think you need to go to someone, because they can dig a little bit deeper than you. And they can ask you the right questions and work with you to see what's going on. And you can bring the memory to the surface, or you can just go into like a full on treatment kind of thing. And just get all cleared away. And if you've got a good mentor, they're going to say to you afterwards, well, if you've got, like nightmares or feeling some making you uncomfortable, they're going to say to you, okay, for the next few days, reach out to me, if something comes up, reach out to me, so I can support you through it. And you're not going to be left alone with that. While you do get some people that work with you. They're there for an hour, and then they back off. And that really doesn't help because elantas had this whole system of values. They were teeth, clarity, peace, but they also worked and looked at fears right in the eye. They looked at hurt, they looked at sadness, the work they found about setting boundaries, and this boundaries had to be acknowledged. Now, on a society level in Atlantis, the ones that helped people stay within their boundaries on the energetic level on a spiritual level. On the physical level. We're the guardians of Atlantis. And these were like, teams of two usually. And they would walk around Atlantis. So like, ancient day police force. Yeah. But it wasn't to stop physical fights and things like that. It was much more like there's been around this family, let's go help them. Get the vibration back in the home. Right. Let's help them make peace. Again, like everything else was aligned to it started off with a pure clear intent. Yeah. And then later down the line. He got murky. Politics got involved, things like that.

Laura Konst:

Right. Oh, wow. Yes, it's completely, especially at the beginning of sort of just the society. We all want to be there, right? Yeah. And so you are in contact with the Atlanteans as well as the dragons how, how do you use those contacts to help your clients like how can they benefit us? And how can you


have a honest story here? Yes, very honestly. I was sitting down to work with the dragons. I make like several new packages with the dragons. As usual. I do go my notebook, and I'm a pen and sit and listen to listen to what they want to tell me. I usually have a couple of my bets in front To me just to see okay, this is who I'm pairing up with who this is where you want them. This is for this purpose kind of thing just to keep my brain organized more than anything else. And as I say, I think I said to you before I use my cards in a very unique way, like use them to open portals. Yeah, and things like that. So I was sitting down one night to do this was a specific task of working with the dragons and the dragon thing only sat down it was like you need to work on Atlantis and this is like 60 packages we're gonna give you here Oh, and I was like, I was like that was not the purpose of this evening guys. No, don't care. Let's just go go straight to Atlantis and I have been holding back from speaking out on the Lance's because in my mind, there was better teachers out there that were already speaking about it. But like everything else, it into connection to my work. Yeah. So it's like, okay, this, I can see where they were going with this. So I started speaking about a Lantian values. I did a masterclass on that. I did dragons and Atlantis Crystal Temple treatment, little miniature recording, I did it as a freebie forgive. No freebie for the event I was holding. And then I just put it up in my library, the dragon library membership I have. But I also then went on and created releasing their land in a way, which is all about releasing elantas tarama. So it's like releasing anger, fear, bringing in and integrating your shadow self within yourself. And what was really nice about this treatment for me was, I'll say I'm going okay, let's use the line thing. Gods and Goddesses, the angels and the dragons and Atlantis. And then right at the handle anthem Phoenix's rows up as well. It's like, hey, we need to be included in this. Oh, so it was really, I like doing things like that. Because it always want to just channel it. And it's pure like that. It's amazing. And each experience is different for each person I do it for, but seamlessly mixes right up and just like, Okay, we need to start with you soon. And I was like, okay, but can we just finish task one? Can we finish project a please?

Laura Konst:

They all come to you at one go. So based on definitely is that when you connect to them? And for your clients? They are there helping with a client's anxiety and fear and traumas and grief. They're very good at that like, Yes, very good person down or


right. It's not so much calming down. It's like removing the anxiousness feeling. It's like completely dissolving it in most cases.

Laura Konst:

And how so often, whenever the client how, how are you talking to them,


I'm talking to them and sit with them on like a zoom call like you and I are currently doing. And what I will basically do is I will guide them into like a meditative state. So it's like a shamanic journey almost. But it's a very channeled experience. So yes, I'm going in with an idea of scripts, I want to run to help with the healing. But I'm very much in the moment. So I'm constantly picking up on their team, what their team want me to do, and highlighting any extra areas that come up during the session. So there is a basic game plan of going in. But then there's constantly things that are coming up. So the team was saying, like I'm trying to clear anger. And if I'm doing it with a drag, as I do it through several processes, I could remove it from the chakras, I remove it from the limiting beliefs, I remove it from ancestral patterns, and then I removed it on a cellular level, going super, super deep into the body was allowed to stir. What I do is I said, Okay, let's remove all the root causes of anger, they're hanging on to us from our Lantian lifetime. And by doing that, we focus purely on that a lengthen timeline. Okay, and then we start to just set all the strings of all the pain points that our body is holding on to be it, emotion, be it limiting belief, be at a mindset that we are not good enough to do something. And that makes us angry and frustrated. I mean, you can really help people with speech difficulties and things like that when you work on the throat chatter. And when you go with that little bit deeper into different things, you can expand it even more.

Laura Konst:

Ah, okay, right. So you, you basically make a bridge between your client and them, and they guide you through the removal of those blockages and stuff


through the removal. So it's like I take the journey with them. I think that's probably the best way to describe it. And then if need be, we can go into Lantian healing chambers, we can go to Crystal beds, but half the time we just go into like this beautiful temple. And we may be just standing in the room, we don't need to, like, you know, have them lie down or anything. We're literally and we're just letting the light of certain beings wash over them a check in and make sure, like, no sensations are unpleasant, there's no tightness, there's no fear, if someone feels overwhelmed, like, Okay, guys, you need to step back. And let's go at this a different way. Because you want someone to either have that emotional release that, that either maybe feel the need to cry, feel the need to laugh, feel the need, that they're getting hot, cold or tingling. That's all normal, that's fine. But you don't want someone who's just feeling fear. Because if they're feeling fear, they're not going to get the full healing experience. So it might just be a case of in some cases, honestly, that that's just a point that they're not ready to release that trauma. There's still there's still something there they want to hold on to. Because sometimes trauma becomes identity.

Laura Konst:

Yes. Yeah. And that's true. Yeah,


it's a horrible thing to say. But sometimes it really does. Yes, until you're ready to just let go of your old self and let go of that old identity. It doesn't work.

Laura Konst:

That doesn't work. Now. It's it's very, you go very, very deep with them, basically. Yeah. And then can we we can learn to connect to the Atlanteans as well. Just like yes,


I mean, again, very much. Like meditations. I mean, there's heaps of recordings out there. Then I named Diana Cooper at start she did just many years ago about a walk around Atlantis, basically, meeting different Atlantean guides, and that you can have people like myself that can teach you take you on experience. And then when you get off the call with me, then obviously you've got the replay so you can put yourself back in. And that allows you that foot in the door connection. If you like that you can just get more confident within yourself a calling on your lamping guides are calling in that going to that place to heal a particular problem that you now know about for yourself.

Laura Konst:

Right. Okay. Yeah, definitely. And is it like with the dragons as well that you have a whole family? But like different creatures, or are they all human looking


on the heels of a human looking, but when you enter the land thing, well, you will be running into galactic beings, you will be running into dragons because dragons physically walked in Atlantis, it was one of the last physical reincarnations they had because when Atlantis fell, and actually from what I've channeled in the past, before I learned to spell the dragons up to date, they literally opted out and went up to astral because at that time, their relationship had been previously very healthy with their landlines. As I was saying they were walking among them, they were helping society helping children find the spiritual gifts, nurturing these children, guiding them into the right trades, things like that. Working with people in the healing temples from picking the best crystal helping guide people towards crystal beds and running treatment, like healing treatments on them. And then you've got all the dragons connected into your priestess magic and things that that, that the dragons would actually say, Okay, this one, this is good. This is a good person to help train up to precess level. This one, there's something wrong with this one's energy. So they would have really, they was very integral in many ways in everyday life from Atlantis, which, for me was really interesting when they first started showing me that I was like, okay, and then dragons have also took down all Stasi races, from Pleiadians and so on, to meet their landfills to learn from them and this is how they recommend Alon Theuns bot so knowledgeable with advanced spiritual technology and things is because they learnt it from some of the galactic star seed races

Laura Konst:

right Yeah, cuz you're also men mentioning fantasy Phoenix's for example. And Phoenix. Yeah, so that they are from Atlantis as well or they're from somewhere else?


Yes. I think to me, the Atlanteans have a much a case of rebirth so the Phoenix energy has come from this rebirth energy in Atlantis, because we had fantastic like, I'm trying to I mean, obviously we've got crystals like Atlanta site. But we also have other crystals that have like a mirror effect like how do you explain this?

Laura Konst:

Like self reflection? You mean like like


it sounds? A bit like last but not seaglass? Yeah, a few of these Valle luscious looking crystals that you can get. These were very much like Portal ways in Atlantis and we also had the underwater crystal temples of Atlantis as well. Something we've got to bear in mind too. So I mean, they were like light pyramids, and this was a protection field around Atlantis at times. We also know we're speaking about other beings in Atlantis, like I said at the start. We also had the dragon thing over Lantus, too. But because of their looks, they were not visually as easily accepted. And there was a lot of torture and trauma that went on and alliances with the dragging feet, sadly, but people still came to them. Because of their abilities. People still saw value. And this is when Atlantis may be in my mind going a little bit darker. Because these people didn't fit. So they were pushing them more in a way from the city of Atlantis into the forest. You look too wild, so therefore we're going to treat you like you're wild. So the dragonfly of that time didn't really have a traditional trip trade. It was more like pickpocket thieving, that sort of thing they did to get back.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, just to be resilient.


Yes. A little bit indeed. Yeah. So this is fine. It all started to go a little bit dark in Atlantis brewing. But you had so much she had the Kitsune as well in the Lantus, which is a fintech. If you don't know about Kitsune, it's basically a let me get this right. Japanese Firefox. And that's a whole nother story.

Laura Konst:

That's another podcast.


To be honest, but they have nine, these are boxes with nine tails, a lot of magic, a lot of wisdom, and a lot of cosmic connections. And they were the ones that opened the realms for the Dragons when they left Atlantis. Oh, so

Laura Konst:

they were magical creatures as well like spiritual creatures as well.


Much more like cosmic creatures actually. Okay, of that very deep Cosmic Connection. They are much more less elemental and more cosmic being

Laura Konst:

beings. Okay. Wow. And so the Atlanteans were salvo sort of human looking, and maybe the reincarnation too, the current humans. You said you've met people before they they know from past life past life regression, or for some reason that they were there? And do they remember sort of what they were doing there?


Yes, some people can remember the exact like the final moments of Atlantis. Some people can remember their job. Some people can remember being thrown into a tower in Atlantis, and being locked away, because they had advised the wrong person. And then I think one session I had with one lady, it really impressed me because we had been going into a healing chamber. And we were trying to work out what it was that she did in this healing chamber room. Because she was not the main healer, she was not a priestess, she was not the cleaner of the room. And the stage we got like, five new jobs, I'd never heard all four of five different processes of what happened before you and the client entered the room. Basically, she was like a Feng Shui expert in that lifetime moving objects. So she had the right energy flow in the room. And this is from bandages, poultice mixtures hubs. Every little detail in this room was perfectly placed to get energy flowing, to make it a high vibrational setting for the client had even come in. And someone who would also come in after that and do things to the crystals like down that were in the room. But she just made sure every single thing. So it's really quite fascinating how they work, and all the different aspects.

Laura Konst:

But yeah, so you said she was your clients wish she knew she's from there. But you also had a similar ish time. Le Maria. And but if you if a client comes to you and says, I think I was in Atlantis, and you have a session with them. Did you ever had an experience that actually they said, Oh, no, you're not Atlantean you are? No Maria.


I've had, it's very difficult, because sometimes you can have a lifetime in one. And then we incarnate in a much shorter, a much quicker pace, and you could end up in Lemuria so some people literally do have memories of both Atlantis and Lemuria Oh, they literally do have memories of both Atlantis and Lemuria. And some people can remember their families living on the side of Atlantis but they worked in Lemuria. There is connections, definitely strong connections, which goes against a lot of what has been written about Atlantis and Lemuria in the past, because at that stage, they focused on the wars they focused on the differences We didn't focus on the similarities.

Laura Konst:

Right? Okay. Yeah. Because that will be very weird as well, obviously.


Yes, definitely.

Laura Konst:

Wow, I still need to get my head around that I think it's pretty fascinating because it's like a whole? Well, it's like a new universe, isn't it? And that


is, I mean, when you get into it, it depends the way you look at it, it can either be completely mind blowing, and you're just like going, Oh, my God, what's the other possibilities that are out there now that we feel this is real. And we've always got to just take this information and see how it resonates with us at our heart sentence. But for each and every one, because the information can be different, you know, it's not everything is going to resonate with everyone, which is just the way of life so much No, but but also, it can be a case, are we looking at this? I was like, Oh, so many things are making sense to me now that I wondered why I always felt like outside. I wondered why I had these memories. I have literally met in my lifetime. One four of my Atlantean so called fan in this lifetime. And that was a very surreal experience. Some have come in the form of friendships, some have come in the form of clients. And I've literally had someone come over session with me. I say, you were there. You were there. That moment holding my hand you were there. Oh, in that section? And I was like, yes. Because usually my team have just given me like a little image flash, like a memory clip. Yeah. As the clients coming out of session, I was like, okay, that's new information to me, too.

Laura Konst:

Wow. That is yeah, it's, I think I have to more often with the healer, since I've become more doing this as a business rather than just a hobby. Yeah, the amount of spiritual people that I meet from everywhere. It's from, you know, set from by you in Scotland, South Africa, America, different places, like everywhere. And I find it very interesting, because then I think, well, actually, it's not coincidence. We've been brought together for a reason. And we might have even known each other in my past lives. And I don't have any abilities like that. So I can do your personal healing chakra you have any other ability, so I would know myself. And maybe at some point somewhere,


you don't need to, it doesn't need I think a lot of people when we speak about these healing processes, they think it's a hard work thing. Quite often, if I'm doing it with the dragons, even if I'm trying to focus on Atlantis, I'll say to the dragons, okay, guys, if there's something I need to know from my life in life time, please send it to me in a dream, show me for I need to know guide me on this journey. And sometimes I will wake up and I have a whole new range of information, a new healing technique in my head that if I don't get it down on paper, I'll forget it was in moments of making basically,

Laura Konst:

right yeah, so they can they can calm.


Yeah, cuz that's one of my main things I do with my work as well is there's so many wonderful healers mentors out there. But they over complicate things to a level it doesn't need to be over complicated by ritual and things like that. Well, I'm very much okay, let's take this way back to the bare bones. Let's simplify it and cut it down to science and make it easy for the everyday person to feel comfortable to feel good, that they don't need to rush out buy a lot of herbes bylaw hints and buy a lot of candles, you don't need to

Laura Konst:

don't need to know that because I find it quite interesting that we what we talked about your dragon before. And when a client comes to you, do you see the guidance? Or feel what, what kind of realm they need? Or do they tell you? Or is it a bit of both?


Usually what I do is I honestly have a conversation, it might be a few messages just going back and forth and say, Okay, well, what are you? Where are you at just now, what is your main problem? And I will say okay, well, the FIE are going to really be excellent at helping you through this obstacle, or the dragons. And I'll say to them, This is what I can do. And this is how I will either of you, sometimes they come with I want to come and do like I always sing alliances package, I went to elantas Karma reading, yeah, offer, things like that. So it depends what they need. It depends what they're looking for. But I will always be very honest. And if what they're saying is, this is what I need, and this is what I think I'm going to buy from you. If I don't think it's a match. I'm going to be honest and say that's not going to help you. Yes, and also Just a few other things on the EXPLAIN choir thing that's going to be the better match. Because sometimes people aren't energetically ready. Know, to do certain things. Yeah, so you've got to just advise, I don't want to say guide, but advise people on really where the energies at and how to, you know if this goes well, we can go on to that

Laura Konst:

to the next year. That's right. Yeah, you do a lot of packages I see I've put your, your website or link tree in the description as well. So yeah, people will be ready because you're scrolling for about half an hour.


I was trying to call somebody. Not really, um, it's more likely I'm gonna be taking.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, no, it's great. I mean, you're, you've got so many connections. And we all aware that there's a lot of people that think, well, I don't even know where this is going. Because it's not, you know that some people just don't believe in it, which is totally fine.


Yes, totally fine. It's totally fine. Well, not everyone's meant to, and you were saying about your meeting spiritual people from all different places all over the world. And the state of you know, was the pandemic was everything that's gone on in the world, the last few years, there's been more of a calling for these Lightworkers these healers to stand up in shame. Yes. It's not a coincidence that we have the greatest number of spiritual businesses, heart businesses, people labeling themselves as self entrepreneurs, like I do. That this has grown so much over the last six, seven years, definitely we're seeing more of these businesses. So we're literally in all corners of the world trying to like load up and lift planets decorators.

Laura Konst:

Yeah. Which


because especially in these I'm gonna say expression, darker days, we've had just getting through. So for some of us that ending for some of us that are coming around again, we just don't know, really what's going on at the moment. But literally, what pushing people through I remember the in the first UK lockdown, I had so many people reached out to me because and regular clients of mine, people that work with me, like, I don't know how to get through this and say, Okay, this is what we're going to do. And I have extended conversations with people via voice notes recommending dragons or just doing little by call signed by teeling. Yeah, literally just a couple of lines of healing just to boost and uplift. And it's like, I had people after the first rock band pass, Richard said, I don't know how I would have done that without those conversations. Those moments. Yes. Because you need to feel like someone's in your corner. You need to feel like you're not the only one on the planet going crazy. You need just to have that comfort,

Laura Konst:

or your need. Yeah, we all I think we've gone through pretty pretty well. And yeah, it's great. Ready? How does the adventure still affect us?


We will speak about how Atlantis felt that politics went wrong. Yeah, people were focusing on what made them different, instead of what made them seem so people were losing that unity. So it was all the things that have gone on during the pandemic on the political world stage on the health world stage, or this fight of looking at one particular issue, the VAX if people are anti pro, you know, and a lot of people have been doing, I'm not anti Vax, but I'm not taking this one because it was rushed. Yeah, a lot of people have been like that was this. We, that echoes the traumas from Atlantis, towards entities have been hiccuping in the back of people's brains. It's it's caused this echo effect for the timelines. And this is really happening on people that either a didn't know their Lantian we didn't realize that this was affecting them on the physical level. So deep sea, never knew they had any unhealed trauma never knew anything about this. And D they've had so memories waking up and they can't interpret them, right. So they're coming from a fearful place instead of a place of like I said, compassion unity. So this is super important to look at by these world state issues are causing you so much discomfort. And this is often by me have had either lunch lifetime, elementary and lifetime. And we've seen this play out before. And we're getting nervous because we've seen this play out before and we're like, oh, what's going on now, but this is mean to me. But a lot of people have been having that. But does this mean for me moments in everyday life, with businesses in that falling feeling having to rebuild, not knowing what to rebuild, not knowing how to connect again to family members that might not seem to last years?

Laura Konst:

Yeah, so that makes actually a lot of sense. I think also maybe The current skepticism that is getting stronger towards the government as well. So yeah, like this echo in time. Yeah. And, to me, if I listened to it, all I can think of is, we all just need healing.


We do 90% of the time, we even need to re harmonize ourselves, we need to give ourselves that personal reset note. So we need to declutter what wasn't working in our life, we need to reprioritize ourselves as the main priority. Look at how lifestyle is completely imbalanced. Like, I have a very unusual lifestyle, as you know, I home it my doctor, well, before the pandemic hit, I run a business from home in the evening, and connect with people all over the world. That's not a traditional lifestyle. That's like very much digital nomad style, only, I don't know. But it is all comes back down to that healing perspective, it's making the little shifts to make the bigger shifts. But I think so many people get stuck. They look at the physical body, they don't look at the emotional self, they don't look at the light bodies, they don't think about past ancestral patterns. They don't think about timelines past lives. I think so many people can get stuck in past life, and then not realize the whole timeline issue, because the two topics are completely different. And the same was ancestral stuff, as well. And then I also now one of the things that the dragons had me do in my modality and dragons of the universe, is it basically get me to remove implants and seals that were put into us from other lifetimes, although it's been safe. And by removing that I'm not allowed to remove that on the individual level, I have to go into society ancestral, the collective level, which is something I had to do so much, but during these last few years, is to disconnect them from the collective level of fear and say, Nope, that's draining you so much, especially for big, powerful healers. Yeah, I was like you've tapped back into that we need to disconnect you from that that's not serving you. It's not serving your soul tribe. Because if your healers coming from an anxious place, they can't really help you be in the best place for yourself. So this is why you'll see a lot of healers bail, if they've fallen ill was things or if something is overwhelming them, they will literally say we need to reschedule if it's a good healer they're going to say we need to reschedule Yes.

Laura Konst:

Oh, definitely. Yeah, cuz otherwise, it's just not worth Yes. It's not no, that's not Wow, Victoria, there's literally a whole new world opening for me right here. And I was always quite curious of CSR on your website, like what it is and what they do and how you connect and stuff. And I think you know, you, you're so eloquent you, you explain everything properly. So we all understand.


Thank you very much like you try.

Laura Konst:

I think it's I think it's a great and yeah, it's it's something for other people, you know, if you if it does call to you to explore and contact?


Definitely, yeah, definitely go out and explore it. Do your own. Read your own books, take things up

Laura Konst:

plays and times. Well, you know, it is definitely the our dragon episode. I think it's it's, well, it is in my top three of the first season and I think I did episodes, yeah, isn't one of the top three. And I think I think it's one of those things that people listen to it. And then even if they're a bit skeptical, they still keep thinking about it. And then maybe Yeah, well, I think actually, I am going to take the step. Yeah. Because when we talked about I did say like, I don't know anything about it, and I just open minded and bring it to me, you know, because I have like zero clue about about all of these realms. But I think yeah, I think, because I've become also a lot more open minded about these things than I do see.


You can see connections once you start showing connections. It's very hard to unsee them again.

Laura Konst:

All right. Well, we thank you so much for your time, and you're talking and I'm sure we'll speak again.


Yeah. And it was lovely to be back. So thank you for having me back.

Laura Konst:

Thank you so much. And yeah, thank you to all the listeners as well. And please do share the podcast and last podcast, leave feedback and comments and contact us. It's all great. Thank you so

