S2 E3 - How To Connect To Your Spirit Guides

Laura Konst Season 2 Episode 3

I am talking to Glynis, a Metaphysical Teacher, Clairvoyant Medium and Writer. She is talking about how to connect to your spirit guides. Why do we have spirit guides?  What steps do we need to take for a connection and how do we know we are connected?

*PS - The South African Birds did like to get involved in this episode as well in the background

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Laura Konst:

Hi and welcome to Tali and Loz. podcastwhere we discover spirituality together. And I'm very excited because Glynis is Back, how are you? Hi,


I am very well, thanks, you.

Laura Konst:

Good, good. Thank you all the way from South Africa to the UK, we have the connection today. And for all the listeners, Glynis was with me on the podcast as well, last year or last season where we talked about a spirit guide spirit connections. And we were thinking it was, the episode was it's, it's still very popular. Every week, I still have listened to that particular episode. So why don't we talk about how do you connect to our spirit guides? And Glennis said, Let's do it. So last time, we talked about spirit guides, you have a few and you mentioned also about, we all have spirit guides, right? Yes, questions that we both probably received, like, how do you connect with spirit guides? But also maybe it's good to understand why do we have spirit guides? What can you tell us about that?


Yeah, so you know, it really is. So yes, we do all have spirit guides. And essentially, we all have one main guide, who is kind of our protector guide, or you know, like, some people will refer to their guardians you do keeper as well, that they bet one spirit being that is with you, generally through more than one lifetime. Sir, they kind of work with you even before you are born, to help you to choose what it is that you coming into this lifetime to experience. Because you know, bearing in mind that everything that you do through each physical existence, is to facilitate your spiritual growth. Right. So your God, your main, God knows what your contract is, they know who you have kind of signed contracts with in terms of your soul families to come in and spend this lifetime. And so they, they are there to help you. So connecting to them, and creating that kind of connection that that they on a daily basis. Make sense, when you know that they are there to be able to help you along the spiritual path. So you know that for me, I always kind of look at them as being up screen because they love you unconditionally. And they have your best interests at heart, you know?

Laura Konst:

Yes. Yeah, they know more. They can, because they know they know your contract. They know your purpose. Is this what I'm getting. So they can help you to reach the purpose of your cipher of your of your soul, because we're all spirits in the end ambi. X. And, okay, so everybody can connect it to their guides. I assume it takes time it takes training. I know from our last conversation, it takes that you start with meditation. Yes, right. Yeah. Yeah. Why is meditation so important? And how do you how do you start to connect with your spirit guides?


Yeah. And so I mean, essentially, that is the only way that you can do it when you first start out. And the reason why is so that you can learn to quieten the thoughts in your mind. So if you think of mindfulness meditation is well, it's really just connecting with your environment around you, that feeling those subtle vibrations around you, and studying the mind so that you can form that connection to the universal consciousness. And so you need to be able to raise your vibration, much higher than just sort of your wind, sort of the label that you buy back when you interacting on a day to day basis with business meetings and dealing with shopkeepers and people on the road. And, you know, cooking day meals and all that kind of stuff. So it's almost up here to set aside time. To be able to quieten your mind, lift those vibrations at the end in the inform their connection to your spirit guide. So you can always look at it is that building up a relationship with a new partner and your potential partner that you just meet, you would go out to dinner and you would set aside time to ask each other questions and find out about each other and kind of see how you click and you know, eventually you are answering each other's sentences and, you know, finishing each other's sentences and that kind of thing. So it really is, you know, a sort of romantic relationship. It still is a button app of a relationship with somebody who you know, it's going to be an amazing village because there's no judgment or there's no negativity, then it cost the best thing here because those emotions don't exist in the spirit world. Because pure unconditional love that comes to you. And you know not, why not just take advantage and try and learn how to do it in your lap said it, the way to do it initially is just through sitting quietly in meditation, when you when you get much more used to what they feel like around you, and you feel up to actually all big messages from them every day, you don't have to specifically set aside that time, because you can kind of integrate them into your day to day life. Were you picking up things from them all the time? No. Ah,

Laura Konst:

okay. Yeah, because they're all around you. Yeah, it's just it's because they they vibrate on a higher level. Being spirits, we as human form, we need to raise our vibrations to match their energy. That's how you open the channel. Yes, absolutely. Yeah. Okay, and do spirits? Do you always have to let them in? Or can they also, maybe you don't notice it? But can they get messages to you, even before you actively go search for them?


Yeah, and I feel like they really do. You know, I mean, sometimes we wake up in the morning, and we have, like a sense of dread that something's gonna go wrong, or we have a feeling that I really should find my sister today. I just feel like I need to speak to, you know, that kind of thing. And then you'll find that if you if you act on them, or you take particular key through their day, you know, you might find that you just avoided having a medical accident, just because you were much more aware that you had this sense of something going to happen, or you find your sister and she says, Look, you know, I'm actually sitting in the emergency room hospital, I fell and cracked my hippo, you know, that kind of thing. So there are guides do influence our minds. And you know, luckily, might also keep that noticing a little bird come and sit on the patio outside or, you know, there. So they're trying to kind of attract our attention. So they do do it. Even if we haven't set that intention, and we haven't formed it execute connection needs.

Laura Konst:

And when you train yourself with meditation, are there any actually specific meditations? That would be good to connect to your spirit guides? Or can it be any meditation? Or what? Yeah, what is sort of the focus or intention of the meditations to be able to connect the spirit guides.


Yeah, and, you know, if there are lots of, of guided meditations out there, in the course, that you were mentioning, I've got 12 meditations that are specifically designed to create that connection, into spirit in you actually can go and little journeys with your spirit guides, and they can show you things and teach you things in that as well. But you can do it just quietly, yourself as well, you know, and it doesn't have to be long meditation. So in the course, I've got meditations that are like 20, or 25 minutes long. But when you start doing it yourself, all you need to do really is find a quiet space, where you know, you're not going to be interrupted, you can put some quiet music on as well, something that kind of puts you into that alpha state of mind, you know, that state of Amanda, just before you get into the techniques and relaxed state, work on your own body as well to index all your muscles. So you don't want to be sitting with a pair of pants on it's got a tap outside so that you feel like a concrete. So you want to be in some nice comfy clothing as well. And then, in a trauma to eat before you did so. So that your body's not working and chewing up food inside it is you know, so in make sure that you've heard that plenty of water to drink so that you're feeling nice and refreshed. And then just set initial intention be that you went in to create the connection. Because Because your guides are around you, they will know that that's what it is that you wanted to do. And then you start off doing it five minutes or 10 minutes every day. And then when you finish them write down what you got. Because, you know like my experience has shown me over the years that when people first start out, they must see em color or they might see like flashes or sometimes the guides show you neck. It looks like you're looking through a photo album, all our photos coming out flying cars to us, kind of thing. So anymore. I mean if you don't probably don't know what that's all about. But if you write them all down each time you do There's meditations when you go in and look through the alerts that you've made. You'll see that other keeps showing me this thing that came in, I said, when you kind of become aware of that, then then when you sit in your intention, again today to your meditation will say, you keep showing me the color purple staff elaborate on that, for me, make me feel and seems what does it mean when you show in purple? So that's how we kind of building up a language that you can talk to them? Because everything they show us is all very, very symbolic. Particularly when you're first starting out, you know,

Laura Konst:

yeah, so it's not per se that that you would, because you're a psychic medium. So you're, you have a naturally open channel already with them. Yeah, who isn't? And it's not per se that I would be able to see them right in front of me that I see that hole, how they look like to the name, talk to them, as we talk right now, let's start with smaller symbols, and possible for everyone, it might take a long time to do see them to do see how do they look like? Or match their name? Or hear them with words? Is that possible? Possible?


Yeah, and you know that I don't expect to actually get talking in your head. You know, I'm sure that some people actually do. But I don't, that has, so that it's all our thoughts. So it's almost a third place thoughts in your mind. So the ever seems like somebody is saying something to me, and this is what they're saying, you know, so and I think the biggest thing is, is to be able to trust that what you're getting is not something that you just make up because you so want to hear from them. But it's also kind of using that creative energy that you hear, that's usually the creative side of your brain, and the sad handle that part of you over to them to your guides, so that they can use their creativity, your imagination to conjure up an image or a kind of a thoughts of what you get.

Laura Konst:

Ah, yeah, because they also need to learn how to communicate with you. Yes, absolutely.


It is, I mean, it's pretty much not going to another country and in trying to find a way to communicate without being able to speak the language. If you had to go to I don't know, say, making an assumption that you went to Portugal, and you don't speak Portuguese, but you went on to find a way you can find a place to sleep, you know, you in case, you use a bit of body language, and, you know, that kind of thing. So, you know, it's really similar in terms of learning how to talk to your guide and literal God talk to you. Ah, okay.

Laura Konst:

And so when you get to the stage of meditation, is it? Is this sort of like an average that you'd say it would take? Or is it very personal? Like for one person, it might work within two weeks? Yeah. And for the other person it takes five months? Or is? Or is did you say? Well, if you did with your course, for example, is it a day to day practice? Or weekly practice? What would you say?


No. And I mean, it's a very difficult question to answer because, you know, some of us come into this lifetime, equipped with those skills, or, you know, that kind of is that ability that we bring in from our previous lifetimes or from being with us from spirits, that we are able to connect and communicate much easier. Some people have to be supportive a long time. And I think those who struggle are those who put too much expectation and pressure on themselves, because I think even those who think that they're struggling, or connecting and are getting the messages, but because they kind of wanted to be so perfect, or they wanted to be so clear, that they missed the subtleties of getting those messages as well. So in you know, it's like with anything, if you if you want to learn to drive a car, if you only go out once a month and drive the car, it's gonna take you a long time. If you sit every day or you get in the car every day, and you drive it you learn how to drive it so much quicker. So, you know, I think it depends on the person themselves and how passionate they are about wanting to create the connection and how much they believe in themselves. Yes, they actually need the day ahead this connection It's time to do it.

Laura Konst:

Yes, yes, it's, it's very personal. Okay, so I want to connect to my spirit guides, I'll do a guided course like yours meditation, let's say a few weeks in and I start to see symbols or colors or anything? Would it always be the same guy? Would it always be one guide? The? Or could it be different guides that are talking to you in different ways? Like how? How and how can I tell them apart?


Oh, yeah, that's a very interesting question as well, because we do have more than one gods with us. But I think that the, the main thing is for you to be able to set routines that you are only connected to that one to your one line guide. So initially, anyway, so that, you know, you can get to feel what it feels like around them. And when I say that, when they come to you, sometimes you may get back a warning in your ears, or you might stand up on your arms, or you could feel that little sort of wind around you or, you know, you just feel something that the vibration is changed around you. And you start to get used to the opinion that that's the same Guide, which you can need to work when you when you're much more able to connect with them. And if your intention is for you to say learn how to do healing, or learn how to do readings, in a party working with your cards, or you know, whatever it how you deliver those messages, then you can ask your guides, to invite other guides or to come in and work with you or your guide mark, say, you know, I'm here to help you and to fulfill this purpose. But if this is what you want him to do, as well being let's bring another guide that will help you actually to be able to be the cause picture, or another guy that will work with you to do your healing. So different gods with different skills, then we'll come in with the different things that you went into them to do. Yeah, so

Laura Konst:

And is your spirit family, always yours to guide to the spirit guides also have other people they could help like, like shared guides.


And yeah, and we definitely do have shared guides. And when we were talking offline, I was saying to you is like you know that I have a one sheet God who are kind of Allahumma Clemens managed names given but he really is a shade guide because he's a teaching guide. And he teaches those lightworkers who do similar work to me and he helps them to be able to educate those who come to see him so people researching the classes you can tell him for the mediumship development inside you Yes, we do have those kind of shade guards. We also have shade guards who like I said I've gotten really into our space yeah and so so if you going through sample specifically traumatic you might have lost somebody really close to you and you're battling to get through the grief of that God's will bring other gods to be with you to bring more comforting to help you to understand you know the grieving process that you're going through and you know when you when you're all in a able to sort of identify the different energy around you you know, some people say I'm getting a new guide no issue Are you kidding me? But those carts will be temporary. They will only be with you for a short while so then you know I've spoken to lots of people they say oh my god across the country they lift me and gosh, they actually know that just fold what is it that came into your space to work with you and to do with you in the inside gone off to them and do the same thing with somebody else? Okay, so

Laura Konst:

it's then it's their guiding purpose for you to be with you and X amount of time. And if you fulfilled if that purpose is fulfilled, they they move on now move on Yeah, someone else as well. Yeah. Do the spirit guides when you establish the connection? Do they always connect in the same way? So your spirit guide would always have for example, symbols and colors and numbers, or would it also be it could change that they all of a sudden do bring your images or do you see what I'm getting at like do they have one language? They've got multiple languages?


Yeah, no, I do think I understand your your question. So it gives an evolution that connection and as a kind of become stronger. You Switzerland. slack you, you understand and you and you can talk to each other kind of telepathically. So that, you know, you you do get to a point we you are receiving information from them, we you don't have to get it when you're sitting in meditation international tip to be just through some, you know, just some random number that you see or that kind of thing, you know, so it might be so for me a lot of it is I get a lot more thoughts in my head that I know a lot my thoughts. And those thoughts then as my guide to punishing you see sex sort of issue strengthen their connection and you become more used to working with each other, you know, that they need for just things to be shown to just symbolically kind of changes and it's really not necessary anymore. In sometimes they will still use those kinds of symbols, if they are working with you to do a reading. Okay, so so that usually may be picking up what it is that they're wanting to say to the person that you're Junior remove for, for us, sometimes those kind of symbols sort of still stay there. And by that, I mean if I'm connecting with my dad to do reading, she will always come and she's always dressed in a specific way. So we see her dressed in the same to you know, she is a traditional healer from the Mesa fog. So she was beautiful red, blue and purple colors. Yes, and especially will always be dressed up. So she will always have beads on her head. And she will always sit at my right foot. floor next to me on the right hand side of me. And as we go through a reading, we will just talk to somebody in as I'm talking. So she's starting to influence my mind of what it is that's necessary for the setup. So if my sisters mother is coming to then make a connection with them, and might not initially see the mother, my God will show me a picture of my own mother. So I will see my mother, who has excellent nothing to do with the reading. But I will know that she's bringing through this lady's mother or the sitter's mother. This took that sort of symbolic messaging that comes through, but I understand because of my working with her understand what it is that she means actually saying, okay, Mama's Yeah. And then as soon as I said to my sister, your mom is Yeah, then my mother will kind of disappear with a picture of my mother will disappear. And I will start to get an impression in my mind of what my sister's manner looks like. Okay, she's

Laura Konst:

like interpretation. Yeah. So


So could it because it works for me, it makes it easier for me. Yeah, you know, sort of me just feeling this kind of kinetic energy and in trying to figure it out and work out who she is, you know, I'll know straightaway who it is they come through.

Laura Konst:

Yes, I see. Because we when we talked in the first episode of The Last season, and you and I were talking about your guides to guide you, and they are not related. But could it be so if you for example, your parents, Passover or brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, grandparents, would they always be with you as a guide? Or in a different form of spirit?


Yes. So I think she you know, if I can give you my understanding of what our spirit guides are, they're all very evolved spirit beings. So if say, you know, your your mother head and did her last life on this earth and she had evolved to a point really, she no longer has to come back and have a physical existence, because she is completely spiritually evolved in there's no reason why she couldn't convention be your spirit guide. But I am not trying to bring that person to Spanish spend a lot of time with us still, you know, particularly with those bonds of nadwi to start right once they were young, the earth and they do still work to help us to, to help to kind of make things happen in our lives to influence us in the job interview this so that we can put our best side forward and actually get the job and you know that there will still influence our thoughts. We have an argument with one of our siblings, they all come through and kind of stray it see how we can work through this. And I think because the connection, the love connection to our loved ones in spirit Start Strong, and we pick it up, that it can be misinterpreted, that our loved one is actually a spirit guide. We they're not they're just somebody that we love so intensely and still laughs at certain things, that they're still very much involved in our lives in our perceptions. And then people can pick that up as even better. You know, that's fantastic.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, definitely. Yeah, I think I think I always have a feeling that my grandpa from my mom's side is around me. And even though he wasn't bushfires, now, he wasn't like very spiritual or anything like that. But for some reason, I just have that feeling. And I always, I've always had that. Yes, but I'm not sure if it's true. He could talk to birds like he could do all the whistles or we hear your birds in the background as well. I think they're outside on the butt. My grandpa would could do all the wastes of the different birds. So if he started to whistle, the the bird would always talk back with him like physically, you could hear him. And often when I'm around or do meditation outside, whatever, there's always at least one or two Robins. Yes. And I always think that's my, my, my grandpa sort of talking to me not that he is the bird. But it's his Yeah, his


connection, because the way he wants to be able to make his presence known to you, because you understand that he had the love for the birds and was able to do that with the bird. He can still influence that little bird to be around you in, you know, to give a little chirp. Yeah, because he's probably in spirit whistling to the little bird in the birds on stream him in him picking up you know, and you're picking up on that into your piece as well. Yeah, I've executed how he communicates with

Laura Konst:

you with Yeah, I think I've always had that feeling. Yeah, there's there's many enough like, on my mom's side, a few stories about particular Robins, for some reason always Robins that they said. I think it was. Yeah, was to say that the day he passed away. There was this Robin? At my auntie's house. All of a sudden, I didn't leave like three weeks. It's very, yeah. And just sit there and just look at her. Every morning. She was there. Or she, he or she was there. And it's yeah, for some reason it just stick to in our families was very, very beautiful. Obviously we, yeah, we've all made the connection as


well. Yeah. You mustn't, you mustn't farm it often think I've had so I'm just thinking that. And I just think, because I wanted so much to be like that. Yeah, I the lady came to see me for reading the other day, who just recently lost somebody very, very close to the end. Since that person's pausing. She finds things in pieces. For everywhere she goes, she finds a tasting piece, you know, so it's not an incident. So they became do that kind of thing as well. Yes. Yeah. It's

Laura Konst:

like It's like a It's a sign, isn't it? It's like, I've always that that be the case? Very interesting. Yeah. So I think that yeah, we did talk about it in the our first episode that we all, we are all spirit, obviously, we we in a uniform, but we spirit, and we have a purpose. And when you fulfill the purpose on earth, then you're able to become a guide. As well, you become you stay in spirit. Well, we talked about it in our first episode. And but do spirit guides also evolve? Can they become like OG angels? Do they have levels of being stronger


role? I think that they do. And so because then the the if you look at our purpose of being in the physical existence is for the evolution of our soul, being the purpose of being a spirit guide, is to continue with this evolution of your soul as well. So I definitely do think that the guides can move away from taking responsibility for somebody slide and move up into the higher realms of spirit of spirits. I definitely do believe that that does happen. Yeah, yeah.

Laura Konst:

And they will be. They will be like interpret the interpreters, between the creator and the spirit


deeply and work much closer with the Lords of Karma and in whatever it is that happens if that developer and presenter Yes,

Laura Konst:

yeah. Yeah. It's like different levels of being spirits. Are there any other tools that we can use took Next with guides, like, I know crystals can enhance spirit connections, for example, but you also have like tarot cards. So pendulums. Would that help as well? Yeah,


absolutely. You know, in some people start out using them and continue through, you know, a because learning to connect with your garden is not necessarily said that you can do readings for anybody else, it's more so that you can do it for your own personal self. So if you go and if you feel like you should go and buy a set of tarot cards, or a set of angel cards, or a set of oracle cards, get yourself some rooms, get a pendulum, whatever it is that you feel, can help you to form their connection and can help you to get the messages and interpret what it is that the gods are saying to you. And you know, you can use a combination as well, you can use the pendulum and being asked him to back it up with some cards from the tarot deck as well. So in a bearing in mind that you want him to connect to your spirit guide, so that you can keep yourself as close as possible to your purpose in this laptop to what it is that you are wanting to meeting to work through in the stacks virtual ATM. So when you have, you know, challenges that we face challenges every single day, no matter what those are, you know, in relation to connect our guys to get messages being used as tools that let you know use the cards, draw five cards and see what the cards say. And indie cred is that you don't know what then, you know, you can either leave the guides kind of make your own kind of interpretation of what it is we need the backup. There's lots of information online, you can go and see what is the seven of ones actually, what is the APR interest represent? If you're doing the terror chords, and then you know, just sort of keep it to just stuck a week say I'm asking the Garcias to help me through this week. Show me what I should be focusing on what I'm working through just this week. I want these specific answers you can do with the painted in as well. And just that, you know, Mr. underwrites check, should I be continuing with this argument with this guy next door? Or, you know, what should I be doing? And then hold the pendulum in the back? The gods will say, Yes, actually finish it or no duck in the door forever. So you can use those tools. And having crystals around the system brings amazing energy as well. They also help to cleanse the space. Yeah, so you know, we have to try to do as much as possible is the can bearing in mind that our main aim is to raise our vibrations to form that connection. Yeah, so if you want to use you know, some incense to Smedley, when they use the sledging stick to, to snatch your area, we you actually do in your meditation, a good idea is also to always try and do your meditation in the same place and at the same time every day. So that you have the same kind of energies around you as well. And it also sort of disciplines your mind that, okay, at five o'clock in the afternoon is my meditation time. So I'm going to go to my space, I'll smash or make sure that the energy is nice and clear. You can use salts, you can, you know, put some salt into, you know, there's there's the salt crystals, and salt in it, the bedding to some boiled water and being sprinkled around your area as well just to clean that space. And all those things just to help to be able to bring the energy in. If you can use a candle, you can, you know, candle helps you then to be able to keep focus. So you don't have to always meditate with your eyes closed, you can meditate with your eyes open as well as focused on the flame. In your spirit. Sometimes the gods who acknowledge the presence by making the flame get much bigger, flicker gets smaller, they might blow it out. You know, so you can look at that as well. Okay, if you get all that kind of confirmation back there around you. Yes. And then you and then you build up from there, you know, so that you you start asking them to give you a name and if a name never ever comes, give me the name because you're the one that needs the name for the rain. You know, so if you don't ever get the name give them a name calling something. Yeah, bride anything they don't mind. You know? Like I didn't think backers

Laura Konst:

No, no. So wait. There's many many tools you can open up the channels rate Yeah, I always say like, when I'm going for a run, I like to run. That's like my meditation, I often feel like I'm going deeper than sitting, or lying down as a meditation. So that you can also be a channel, I often get most of my ideas when I'm running. Somebody reason,


you're very much so so that's a beautiful way for you to dig into that, that zone, that meditative state and really you're opening up in in the line the information to come through. Some people can do it in the shower, or in the bar. Yes, no, because the the water also helps with the energy that supports data cleansing, as well as keeping your your aura nice and cleaned out. And so just this sort of quiet solitude in the shower, brilliant time for you to be able to get definitely enough to worry about the Federals and things that God's

Laura Konst:

yes, there's many, many ways, but it sounds like meditation, or at least working on raising vibrations is the number one technique of how to connect? And how does it look like you you mentioned before you have courses that help people that guide people to connect to their spirit guides? Take us through the techniques and the course how how would it look like? How does it look like?


Okay, so the way I've structured it is it works out the 12 weeks, but you don't have to do it over 12 weeks, you can do it as quickly as you want to, or you can take 12 months to do it. So these 12 modules, if you want to call the back rather, and they're consistent two videos each. So one of the videos is instruction and information. So there's lots of information. And the information is a lot about what we've been talking about. A lot of it is the spirit realm and the main purpose of angels and you know, they turn Rocky and how that all works and the different ways that dominate the earth and all this quite a lot of information across those 12 modules. And then the second video is a meditation that was given to me by my guides that's inspired by my guides, and it kind of links into the information that was given that day. So we talking about you know, what is the spirit world look like? You know, then that meditation is actually your guide come to meet you and taking you on a journey to the spirit world so that you can actually see it in the meditation. Wow. Yeah, I mean, the one is that you know, we you make this absolute connection to your guide insulin and so it's guided through that meditation for you to get that aha moment of of connecting to your guide. And this one that allows you it's called sitting in the seat of labs that allows you to sit in a space where you can come to say your last advice to your loved ones, if that was something that never happened when they're with you or you can just see them and say you know mystery and I love your whatever you would say to your loved one in spirit if you had the opportunity to see them so and then it kind of moves out of it into the last two of the match and showing you more and more how you can just live your life connected to your guides into what it looks back in tax be able to do it

Laura Konst:

yes so that's what you mentioned earlier that you don't have to meditate anymore because you've you know, such a strong connection you can just cook or walk in and still connect to your spirit guides that we can all reach that level Basically,


most definitely. And you know it really is kind of changing your outlook on your own life as well and how you live to love Indian parts when you use Spirit guidance your love as your best friend says somebody that you enjoy spending 24 hours a day with you know, they don't have to be in your space all the time you can block it out. You know in in we do blocking out when we focused on something that's specific it busy doing, but sometimes we add up say you're running focused on running backs being the perfect opportunity to make

Laura Konst:

it sound beautiful. Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And like we talked about in our first episode, and we do both recommend to listen to that one as well because we talked also about like, I asked questions, if you can call in maybe like the darker forces or everything so if you have any questions like that, please go to our very first podcast, because there's a lot more that we explained in that one. Yes. And yeah, I highly recommend I put your, your website, obviously also in the description, so people can thank you. And also during the course people can always contact you or even not necessarily doing the code every time as well.


Yeah. I mean, I'm, I'm available. So if you if you do decide to do it, you'll see that at the end of each module, I say, you know, let me know what you got in your meditation so that I can help you to, to interpret it, especially initially, as well, you know, so, and I'm always available, you know, and I don't charge for everything that, you know, people phoned me up and asked me a question or pop me a whatsapp or seminar Tamina charge for that, you know, specifically, if you are busy working through the course, then that's up to edit a bonus, you can contact me and might not be available straightaway to give you the answer, because I might be doing a reading or I might be at the shops, or we might have

Laura Konst:

to Tommy's timezone. Yeah.


But I will definitely always, always get back within 24 hours. Yes, I'm always available.

Laura Konst:

Beautiful. Glenys, thank you so much. For your time again, and your explanation on this complex matter.


Thank you so much for this opportunity for me as well. Oh, you. Appreciate it.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, I learned I learned so much every time so thank you so much. Thank you


to yourself. Thanks so much, Laura.