S2 E2 - Sound Healing with Becky

Laura Konst Season 2 Episode 2

In our second episode Becky is joining me to talk about sound healing.
What is sound healing and how does it work? Do you need tools for it and how does is effect our body?

Listen, learn and enjoy!


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Laura Konst:

I am Welcome to the Tali and Loz podcast where we discover spirituality together. And I am super excited that Becky is back. Back, she's back. And this time Becky is gonna teach us and tell us all about sound healing, which you just started only a few months ago.


Yes. So I completed my training in September. And yeah, I've been training since the beginning of 2021. I just have to remember what you do is in there. I think like everybody, we've all kind of lost track of where we are.

Laura Konst:

Oh, definitely. I think the last few years have been weird, but they've gone so fast.


Yeah, it's like, it's totally flown by it. And I think I really utilize the time to learn as much as I could. And I did my training with Tim wheather. And cherub Sansone. And Tim, we Oh, is really a legend in the field of ambient sound. So yeah, so it was a real honor to train with him and cero bees, like this beautiful pixie fairy delight of like, either no sound knowledge, like she's just filled with all of this information that kind of blows you away. So yeah, I think going into it initially, I had absolutely no idea what I was doing, or why, yeah, I just knew that it was an important part of my journey, to understanding the holistic approach to healing. With using Reiki and other methods that I use in my practice.

Laura Konst:

For those who don't know, what is sound healing, or


sound healing is using various percussion instruments, really, and frequencies to impact the energy body on a cellular level. So if you imagine sound as a carrier of information, that then impacts our electro bio magnetic field, and actually has the ability to change the messages that we're receiving for our body. So frequencies would work in a way that if you're sick, or if you have some energetic, let's call them stagnations. It has the ability to shift that and move that along. I feel like in a very tangible and physical way. So you use specific instruments for for that,

Laura Konst:

right. So from what I understand you can use frequencies but I love for example, sound bowls, yes. And like you said, drums as well. So it's all all those tools could be used for sound healing, is that right? Yes. So


the first thing I should say about sound healing is actually our main tool is our voice. And we are all born with an innate gift. And that is a voice that is to speak, that is how we communicate with each other. So if you think about our voice, we always think we have to be a perfect singer. But actually, it has nothing to do with that. The first voice we might hear is that say a mum singing a lullaby to us, which naturally soothes us. In tribal cultures. There is a song before a child is born, which they carry through their life with them, in order to make them feel like they're still at home and they connect. It goes back to mantra is the same thing that we are connecting using our voice to a divine presence. So that is our first Hall. Then we have obviously other instruments and the sound bowls, drums, percussion instruments, tuning forks, are set at different notes. And those notes and tunings resonate with different areas of our body.

Laura Konst:

Oh, so they sort of resonate with your auras or your chakras or all of it or


both. But generally with different chakras in our body. So we've got the C now is your root chakra. So if you think about going through the levels, you're going to start at the lower notes going up to the higher frequencies which will take you from bottom up through the chakras. Yeah. So C for root, D for sacral. A for solar plexus, F for heart, G for fro, A is for your third eye, and B is for your crown chakra. So when you're using sound bowls, for instance, my sound bowl my crystal bowl is actually set at an F which is for your hearts at Yeah, so but also I can use that alongside enough to know which will create for bye I have levels. So for heart, and let's say I was going to do a for solar plexus, or then I might introduce a C for the root. And all of those sounds working together are going to work for all of those elements of the body.

Laura Konst:

Okay, so you can use all of them in one session as well with a client or for yourself,


you can, you can, but I think what I didn't realize before, and before training with Tim and cherub is that, obviously, we can just go and buy bowls. And we could just go, say, day A, and just be hitting the bowls, and not really understanding the impact that they have. And that can actually have a triggering impact on somebody that could actually make that book. I don't like that feeling, oh, that's really annoying, this irritating me, because it's not being approached with a sensitivity and an understanding of how each of those notes resonate. So let's say you've got a bowl, you're not just going to hit the heart chakra really hard. That's going to cause some level of shock. And I'd say disturbance to the individual, you're going to approach it softly. Our hearts are sensitive area will open it softly. So we might want to stir the ball. Whereas with the Root Chakra, if we want grounding, we might actually want to hit the bowl, right, as opposed to just stirring the bowl. So is it about using this kind of, I feel like it's, it's kind of like a poetry, it's an emotional sensitivity to sound to resonate that message that you're trying to send out to people, which I believe overall is love, which is healing. So and if you imagine that sound is then the carrier of that intention that you're putting out, when you approach these instruments, everyone is going to feel the impact of that, rather than just crashed my wallet.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, no disrespect


to people out there. We're all learning. But in the first instance, that's kind of you. We never what we see. Right? Yeah. So so we just think, Oh, I'm going to let me just hit that drum as an example. But actually, drums in themselves are earthy, yes. Yeah. They can invoke memory in us. And so if, again, if we're doing that, too abruptly, it could actually bring out let's say, anger. Frustration, frustration behavior. Yeah. So sound sound is a set is that sense of understanding? Not just our physical body, but as our spiritual energetic body, and how that sound impacts that flow of our energy.

Laura Konst:

Ah, okay. Well, that makes sense, I think because you also, well, you're a Reiki Master. And I love crystal healing, which also obviously work with frequencies and energies. So for example, if you have a client and you feel with a Reiki session, or he or she is blocked in whatever root chakra, then would you also maybe recommend or would you combine it with a root chakra sound healing frequency or a node? Would it help to maybe unblock it?


Yeah. So I think when we're talking about frequencies, aside from using, let's say, instruments, then we're talking about solfeggio, which actually is a therapeutic treatment, which works again on different energetic, they say layers of the body, and different frequencies, set of frequent different frequency tones will help certain aspects of what that person is going through. So let's say your root chakra is associated with your family, and it's associated with your foundations and your sense of safety and belonging. Most people living in this world, pretty much will have an imbalance Root Chakra. Yes, it's kind of I feel like that's really normal. And for me, most people you see, in that level, especially in your first sort of treatments, you will say that they're going through something that makes them feel unsafe. And often it's because they're coming into a treatment and they don't know you, and they're not really too sure what's about to happen. So that can knock their root energy as well. In that instance, you might want to not might want to you would want to I would want to remove the element of fear. Yeah, yeah. So for me, I would want to use a frequency that does that. Now in solfeggio, there is a frequency which does that which is 396 hertz. So any type of sound which is using that hertz wave Help the remove or fear within your treatment. Now for me, you just want to use that in everything that you're doing really. But you could use that in a Reiki treatment for someone who's root chakra, it may be a little bit off balance or blocked, or you might want to use it, you've got a job interview. Yeah. And you want to prepare. And so you will just maybe listen to those frequencies in preparation for you about to do a job interview.

Laura Konst:

So you, if you even with your own meditation, if you want to have like a root chakra meditation, you can put that frequency on. And that would help.


Well, that's what I recommend to my clients. So I recommend different frequencies based on where I observe that the energy is not flowing, where it should be okay? For women, a lot of the time it's our sacral, chakras, heart and fro. So I'd recommend a combination, or right, always recommend 111 Hertz. Just because it is a miracle frequency. It is uplifting, it helps to heal, it can calm us it removes stresses, anxieties within the body. Okay, so, I mean, and this is also like, this is not kind of woowoo this is scientific, you know, sound has been used since the beginning of time. That, you know, if you look at sound, even if you want to look at it, firstly, in a non religious context, they still get it from a science perspective, let's look at the Big Bang. Yes, and use the sound. Yes, sound was here, you know, sound in light. So when I, when I look at it, I'm like, okay, Reiki is light, we're looking at this divine, beautiful intelligence we connect into, we're connecting to live frequency, then we bring sound into that, and then the movement through the body, and you've got this Holy Trinity, of, of sensation and energy, that's actually a tangible thing, to, to feel, and for the person to experience. So I just, I feel like frequency has always been used, then you just maybe we didn't, we didn't have to explain it like we do now.

Laura Konst:

Yeah. I think I think also, if you think about, well, if I think about ancient tribes or communities, they had a lot of music. They had all their rituals that we're doing with sound and every sort of sound or every sort of song if you build a stand for something else. But often it was also linked to the earth, or planet Earth, Mother Earth, however you want to call her. But we've I think, especially in the West, we've lost a touch with that, as


well. In a sense, our ear is no longer to the Earth, where indigenous tribes are, yeah, that's intrinsic in their nature. It is intrinsic in our nature is just he's been taken away from away. Yeah, over. You know, we've got a culture and society and programming and patriarchy. And all of those things have actually taken us further away from ourselves. Yeah. Which is nature. Yeah. So, you know, the Earth has its own frequency, which indigenous people have always been able to connect to, with their voice. Yeah, we've just one instrument that's been made off something from the that resonates that sound Yes. And I think, now more than ever, we, we have to try to get back to that. Because that's where we find our own ability to heal. Using our voice, you know, it sounds like for me, when I first learned this, and I thought, I have voice like, What do you mean, like, it sounds so simplistic, but then think about us as women? Yeah. And our fear to speak?

Laura Konst:

Yes. If you're a lot of people, right? Yeah, they speak on the keyboard, but they don't speak in real life. Exactly. Because the throat chakra is blocked. It's, you know,


and also, we're taught perfectionism. So we're taught that don't sing unless it's perfect.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, that's true. Yeah. Yeah, that's not true. It's not true.


Like, think about how much joy you feel in singing? Yes. When you sing even to yourself. Yeah, you know, when I when I first started learning, I really was really fearful. I was scared to be the novice again. I was like, I felt like I was amongst all these people who were like, you know, you know, they know their stuff in their field and I was just kind of starting out but I know somewhere in it was a fundamental truth about us coming back to ourselves and finding our own or for a and our own power to look after ourselves and to heal ourselves. And somewhere in there, it was connected to sound and and our and our speaking out about our truth and the things we want for ourselves, finding our own song and our own voice and our own way to express it without it being perfect. And that isn't for me in the training was where I had the biggest breakthrough. Okay, was singing again, really? It was such a it was so profound. Yeah. It's like you, you can physically feel blockages moving out of your body for using various techniques. So that that's what the arm is the sound of on the universal on Yeah, you know, on how you do how you actually say on arm. It's round. Yeah. So you start with that on and then you close. So that comes back to you. The idea is this circular vibration of sound going through the body, wholeness, oneness oneness. And that's what our voice can do. Just back to ourselves again,

Laura Konst:

I struggle with that, because I even even by myself, even if nobody could hear me, yeah, I struggled to do on sounds or after my meditation, or even, like, the longer I can do, like, oh, that's fine. But it's all like singing, you know, I, we have this kind of I had a conversation with you earlier a few months ago. And since then, I have tried to start singing even though nobody could hear me. But I'm still embarrassed. Do you have them by myself? So what would you say? That would might even help me further to try?


Also, you could start with frequency when yes, you could start with listening to frequency every day, remove all fear. And start with that. Yeah. And then I would say something that I did was I started using mantra. Now I, for me, it worked, I want to say as well. And I think I said this in our first podcast, I'm not religious in any sense. I wasn't, I wasn't brought up in any religion. You know, or any, you know, I don't have any belief system. In that sense. I can kind of understand all of them. But something about mantra resonated with me. Because what I felt like was every time I was repeating this pattern of sound, something was shifting. So I think a really good art is one I always suggest is is Ganesha is the match. I'll send it to you. Yeah. But there is a science to that. And that is the Ganesha, the remover of obstacles. So that's why I'm saying for you, it'll be nice for you, even if you at first don't sing along that you just listen to this continuation of this on Gam gana Pitaya and then Maha. Yeah, so can you just repeat it, you can sing it, you could just say it until you feel comfortable enough to start moving through. Why do you feel that you can't speak? Yeah, you know, what, what is there? Like you said, you feel embarrassed. So you could you could pull that apart further and say, well, there might be humiliation, or there's something that's triggered that embarrassment before that makes you feel afraid to speak or to sing? Yeah, to be honest. The singing part. We all have it. Yeah. I mean, it is. Absolutely. It's nerve wracking. I used to sing. I can still sing. But I used to sing publicly. Oh, wow. Yeah. And I loved it. Yeah. But it was petrifying is absolutely petrified that first No, to try and get that first note out. Yeah, it's almost like you, you almost have to crack open your voice again. So by using these techniques, whether it's frequency, and then you could use a mantra, or you could use an affirmation, yeah, it doesn't have to be a mantra, I could be an affirmation, it could be a prayer. Simple support me in finding my voice. My voice.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, just repeat until you're comfortable. And then


I am finding my voice. Yes. You know, like, affirm it. And then maybe you'll start to feel you know, you haven't got to go out and do a concert. Unfortunately. That's the problem is the problem. This is why I'm loving sound. Because when I first when we first started when I say we, because when we first started doing it with love of light with Bashar and I was like, I should get the bowls, you're gonna be amazing. I'm not touching them. If I touch them, I'm going to break them. Like I'm just so heavy handed. I did everything I could to to prevent myself from engaging in it. I really, I really fail this feeling of I'm not I'm not good enough. And someone's gonna pull me up on it. And I felt weak every single time that I even in my training and when I had to do my case studies, I felt clumsy. And I felt, yeah, I just felt fearful. I felt I, I think I grasp this understanding of this sensitivity and how sound same as music a song can really evoke emotion. Oh, yeah, definitely. So so it was kind of nerve racking for me because also it was evoking emotions in me. Yes, I see. So it realized made me realize I still had work to do. Yeah, even with Reiki or the Reiki, all of the meditations. As soon as I started doing sound, I was like, oh, yeah, there's still stuff here. Wow. Yeah. So

Laura Konst:

you learned about yourself? Yeah. A lot as well. Yeah. And you you do perform? Well, you help clients as well, already with sound you started. Yeah. And also Becky has her website. I've got the website. What's your website?


www dot, Rebekah Fletcher, holistic healing.com.com?

Laura Konst:

I'll put in scription as well. But yeah, it's I think it's amazing that you learned so much last few years, and you share it with other people and you help other people were there as well and trying to find their voice? And


it's so important. Yeah. You know, there's what was the purpose, the purpose otherwise, you know, we, we shouldn't be living in a culture where we're keeping everything for ourselves. So we could be the perfect person, you know, to try to less ego? Yeah, you know, for me, the whole point is, if I learned something, I want you to learn it. Yeah. And then I would want you to share that with somebody else. And I'm starting to understand more, if I can just put that aside, like, even with what you're saying about your own voice, we can put that to one side. Yeah. That will encourage you to speak up and share more, yes, teach more, you know, and then absorb more and pass that on. You know, and for me sound is that perfect medium, you know, this, this wave that that carries this message to everybody? Yeah,

Laura Konst:

I think it makes sense because everybody has a soul to resonate with. If you look at music, one, one person loves Beyonce. Yeah, other people think she's shouty or loud. Or same with Adele with everyone. Yeah, everybody's got lovers or haters. So is that sort of a frequency that resonates with our own frequency


type of thing? Yes. So this is something else that I learned is that we are each born with our own frequency. So we all have our own sound, and that sound will either work with you, or it won't. Yes, I see. Also emotions have sounds. They have vibrational frequencies, do you have low frequencies, and then you have high frequencies? Anger is a low frequency. Yeah, high is a low frequency, frustration. Perfectionism, you know, is low, they're low frequencies. And that's not good for us. So imagine, then put that into human form. And let's say, I'm in a state of anger, constantly, of negativity continuously, then my frequency is going to impact the frequencies around me. Unless you are resonating at such a high frequency. Your system is you're joyful, you're loving. I don't I don't want to make this about like toxic positivity Eva, no, what I want. What I want to say is, is that you don't live in that frequency. You might feel anger sometimes, but your overall vibration is that of joy. Yes, you know, or that of happiness or that of love. So you can easily come out of that frequency you don't live within it. So yes, frequencies impact, and then someone will have their own frequency. I said this to you earlier, you know, sometimes you'll meet someone you think your voice is so annoying. Yeah, they've done absolutely nothing. There's nothing wrong with them. You know, I was going to be like, What are you talking about? Somewhere? You two just shown? There's not a mat? There's no matching?

Laura Konst:

Yeah, because you do have some choices that irritating? Yeah. But I think it's also with even if a person doesn't say anything, or yeah, if you see someone on the tube, and either you feel oh, that person is really nice, or you've never you've never even spoken to them. Or you could feel the opposite. They think oh, that's that's a dodgy person. And frequency as well.


Frequency, vibration. Everything is vibration. And we are electrical currents. Yeah. So we're either going to magnetize or we're going to repel repel. Yes, just science. Yeah. It's just we're either going to be totally attracted and drawn to each other and think I don't know why. I just am so drawn to something within each of your vibrational frequency correspond Yes, or for whatever reason, that person that everybody loves, you cannot stand with you. And it's not it's just you're just not a match, it doesn't mean you're not connected doesn't mean there's anything wrong with either of you. It just means that for some reason or another, you just you don't work very well together. Yeah, that's just I feel like that's just physics.

Laura Konst:

And this, I think, is it's quite common as well as like, you can't please everybody, you can't. It's possible to love everyone. And it's possible for everyone to love you. Everybody would always have people, you know, like them or not.


Well, and also I, you know, I've been thinking about this a lot lately, I don't think like really has anything to do with love and compassion. So I you know, ultimately, I don't have to like you. That doesn't mean I wish anything bad for you. Yes. You know, yeah. And I think we live in a society that is obsessed with being liked. Yeah. And it's not really that important. No, you know, I can still love someone and wish them a great life. And yeah, say, uh, well, you know, well defined for other people. But not like them. Yes. Okay.

Laura Konst:

It's okay. It's okay to not like people, but not but not wish them. Ill.


Right, exactly.

Laura Konst:

I like that. Yeah, it is balance. And I did hear we I think you mentioned Yeah, you did briefly mention the earth frequency. Because we do hear that also with crystals. Like these crystals vibrate with the earth frequency, we will put some sound underneath there, so you can hear it. But what is it? Is it the frequency that the the Mother Earth actually has?


Or the Schumann resonance? So it was a measurement based on the constant hum of the earth? Yeah, which is 7.83 Hertz. And that is a constant harm is always the same. What's interesting is what I learned in in sound in my sound healing training with Tim and cherub was that, if there is, is that, if there is ever a slight distortion. Normally, there is an event that has knocked that slightly. So I think one of the times it changed was during 911. So when when some type of catastrophic event impacts the vibrational flow of the Earth, it knocks it ever so slightly.

Laura Konst:

Also with like nature, disasters, like the tsunami, or


I think, I would say not on a small scale, but I think it has to be something that even impacts on a collective conscious level. Okay, so like it would be interesting to see now during the time that we've had over the last two years, and what I feel we're in a collective consciousness of fear. Yeah. How does fear impact that vibrational flow of the earth?

Laura Konst:

Are there be super interesting? isn't it necessary to look


when it's not a research opportunity? But I'm not sure this?

Laura Konst:

Do you feel that you need to do any research? Please Be our guest? Please let


us know. Because that, you know, this is the thing like when we're talking about sound and frequency is not. Again, it's not as simplistic again, as just a crystal ball. Yeah. Or someone singing a song. We're talking about the faults? You know, in an energetic field, yes, we'll create a sound impact on our surroundings in which is our collective consciousness. Yeah. And our collective consciousness has a direct impact on us. individually. Yes, I believe that. Yeah. And so if if, let's say a case of we want to remove fear, and let's just pump out free nine, six hertz into the world? Let's change the frequency.

Laura Konst:

Because that's the more positive? And is there also a frequency that resonates with the rest of the universal universal frequency? Would you change your frequency,


I would say, we would be looking at the miracle frequency, which is five to eight hertz, or 111 hertz. So five to eight is the miracle frequency.

Laura Konst:

So why is five to eight the miracle frequency actually,


or five to eight is the frequency of love and love, if you look at it has the ability to transform us. And this is what five to eight hertz does. And it transforms our cell DNA. This is one that frequency can do for us. It sends a signal of love to ourselves. Yeah. Which in itself is healing.

Laura Konst:

Yes. And I think if you're more healed, it's easier for you to give love to other people. So it's like, contagious that people


are it's more, it's reasonable. It's encouraging and guarantee. Yeah, it's encouraging It's inspiring. You know, it feels good. I mean, think about being in love. You know, think about when someone you know, when you feel love from your family, what that does to you, you know, you instantly feel good, your body feels good. You're sending a message to your cells. This feels amazing. I feel amazing. Yeah. So that's what that frequency has the ability to do the messages that you're sending to your body, as suddenly those of you're going to be releasing, you know, chemicals, ceratonia, and all the good stuff that makes you feel amazing. And that is healing arms information. Yeah, makes you feel less stressed. When you relax. Yes, you're receptive.

Laura Konst:

Beautiful, sounds beautiful. We all need this frequency. I assume with these frequencies, or like sound healing, they can find it sort of anywhere. I use the meditation of insert type Insight Timer, which there's all kinds of sound healing on there as well. I assume also on YouTube.


Yeah. I mean, you can find and also, I would, you know, it really, I mean, I still feel like, I'm always the learner. And I like that. I like being in that space. Yeah, that keeps me open, you know, to not be a know it all. And I'm sure there's going to be people who will say I don't know, as much as they have, and I don't. But what I would say is if you would want if you wanted to learn, yeah, I would highly, highly recommend the course that I did with Tim and cherub, because I, for me, for me, it changed something in me that their their experience, their knowledge, understanding their heart, and passion really just inspired me to continue using it. And you know, whether you want to go out and go to a soundbar, or whether you want to actually perform a soundbar wherever you decide you love playing the gong. Yeah, whatever it is for you. For me, it was just about bringing in another element to my practice with my clients of healing that that supported them. Yeah, no, that really, really held them. And they showed me how to do that. So I would highly recommend their calls. If I can I'll put it in the link. Yeah. Also, we, we flow of like community, we do our sound healing as part of our circles. Yes. Which will be reinstated. 2022 2022, so keep an eye out for those. And I do also offer personal one to one sound sessions with Reiki or without. I can do that too. But I just think just explore there's so much out there. I mean, for me, my my all time person is Jonathan Goldman. And if you really want to start using frequency for change, I'd highly recommend the I am Moses code of his which is changed my life.

Laura Konst:

Beautiful. Yeah, you can just put it on your headphones on your headphones and go on with your daily life. Really?


It's amazing for train journey.

Laura Konst:

train noise turn that off. 100% Yeah, well, Becky, we can talk about this for probably another hour. Yeah. I can tell. Yes, you're very good. You've got a great ability to explain things to everyone understands it. Not everybody has that ability. But you do. Thank you. And also fish you are someone who naturally wants to learn to share it with other people and yeah, we can all hear it like you love helping people but you love learning and you combine that and we all love you.


And I just want to say like I'm just trying to encourage us all to raise our vibration so that we can live in a better world and the core that like you know, I really huge dream, but I do believe it's possible. So I'll keep saying good.

Laura Konst:

Yes, definitely. And again for the flow of light that you do with Basha and she's amazing as well. She knows that. Yeah, we can we we will do some more beautiful circles with you going.


Yeah, I'm so excited for that. And I'm really looking forward to starting them again. Yeah, this year. Yeah,

Laura Konst:

I look forward for you guys starting them again. Thank you so much for this and if the listeners have any questions, always feel free to contact either of us. Becky's website isn't a descriptions as well, which is finally live. And well. I wish you all the best Becky what will I'm sure we'll see you or hear you you very soon again