S3 E8 - Oracle Cards

Laura Konst Season 3 Episode 8

I am talking to Cassidy and this time she is explaining what Oracle Cards are (and we touch on Tarot), what they do and how they work. Plus we are pulling 3 cards from 3 different decks for information for the collective and I give my own interpretation on them as well!

After this episode I am taking a short break and I am back Mid November with the last episodes of season 3!

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Laura Konst:

Hi and welcome to Tali and Loz podcast where we gather for the second week running I have Cassidy with me. It was so good. Yeah, I honestly loved it and you have so much energy and you talk so easily and it's fantastic to have you back. And this time, we're going to talk about oracle cards a lot about Tarot as well, but mainly about oracle cards. But before we go into that, I just want to make a little announcement that throughout October, I will do many big festivals and events Mind Body Spirit on yoga show. So I am going to take a little break from the podcast. And we'll be back in November with the last two episodes of season three. So just so you know, I haven't forgotten to upload anything. It's just I just need a break and it won't fit him. I'm scheduled to do it all. So but for now we have Cassidy and we are going to talk oracle cards, which I think it's super exciting. It's a magical thing to me. And I want to know more about it. I started a little bit myself for those who also follow me on Instagram. I've posted a couple of videos of the sacred geometry oracle cards that I do, and then I mixed them with the crystals for the day. I think it's quite cool. But there is many, many more. So and I think the obvious first question everybody wants to know, what are oracle cards and what is the difference between oracle cards and tarot cards?


Yes, of course. So there's quite a lot to talk about with the differences between tarot and oracle cards. I'm gonna start with Tarot first and just give you a rundown of how tarot cards work. And then I will talk about Oracle because Tarot has quite a strict structure. And that's the main difference between tarot and Oracle is the Oracle isn't so structured. So tarot cards are mainly based upon 78 cards in total, they have two sets of Arcana cards are kind of cards are related to Hidden Truth or hidden knowledge. So the Major Arcana cards are based of 22 cards. And those cards are cards that kind of relate to things that might be out of our self control. So things that the Divine is bringing in for us, or places in our life where we are giving a test or a trial that we kind of can't change it's already written in our structure. So there's 22 cards, one of those in which is the full card that full card relates to the journey of the 22 cards so that for goes through a journey that relates to all of those 22 cards and he goes through obstacles, strives and gains wisdom as he's doing that. The next set of cards is the Minor Arcana cards and they're related more like playing cards they have 10 number cards and then one court card. The court cards are related to swords, wands, coins, and Pentacles and they are related to different elements or so so wands is related to fire coins is related to Earth Swords is related to and cups are related to water, and they are then related to the zodiac signs as well. So fire Aries, Leo and Sagittarius Earth, Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn, Gemini, Libra and Aquarius and water Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Now all of those cards are numbered, which is also important because the different numbers relate to different astrological points, all of those kinds of things. And also the colors are important to you because they have different ideologies within the realm of tarot. So when you are dealing tarot cards, you kind of have to relate to those structures. So once you see a tarot card, you know what that card means directly as soon as you flip it if you are familiar with Tarot. And I think that's great to have a structure if that's how you like to read. But I like the fact that when you actually flip over an Oracle Card, you might not know what that card means straightaway. And that's one of the main differences. So all of those structures that you have the Tarot oracle cards don't have at all. They do have certain levels that obviously different colors denote different things across the board. So we see red, we think fire we think anger that brings up all of those kinds of emotions. So we do have like a universal rule that is denoted with colors and symbols as well but it's something that you can relate to your own life rather than the structure of tarot. So oracle cards can be about absolutely anything, which is why I love them so much. And obviously when you do have tarot cards, most of them are dated back to the 15th century idea of money from Italy which is a rider's weight so they all stick to that one same structure, whereas oracle cards now are completely about anything. The first oracle cards decks was in the 17th century by Madame Leonardo. So she was from France. And her cards actually related more like playing cards again. But she had animals on there, she had pictures of celestial beings. And it was a much more broader scope of how to read cards in a different way. That wasn't Tarot. So that's what kind of piqued my interest at the beginning with them as well.

Laura Konst:

Well, so that they dates back quite far as well. Yeah, really, at that time. It was witchcraft wasn't it? Was probably that


close. Yeah. So it was a lot of people called it fortune telling them Oh,

Laura Konst:

brilliant fortune telling Yeah. It's like something you see in the movies, fortune teller with like, I have this this sort of image in my head, which I will not describe how that looks like. But yeah, I love oracle cards. And they are. I don't know why they're so intriguing. Like, what is the what would the power of those be? Why do people find it so interesting?


Yeah, I think just cards in general. So if you're interested in Tarot or oracle cards, I think that just using them as a tool for divination. So I think a lot of people don't know what they are, they kind of know where they exist. They don't know what they're there for. But I see them as a tool to help guide you know, and I think one reason why I like oracle cards over tarot cards is that I don't like the idea of having such a strict structure that we can't change. So this idea of having cards that things are outside of our control, I don't enjoy thinking that way. You know, I think we're in control of everything. And when I do my readings, I say, therefore guidance only and you can change anything, it's within your power to change anything in your own universe, you know. But there's something about oracle cards that gives you a freedom that Tarot doesn't. And I work quite a lot with the cosmic energies that are out there. So I think that was why I was drawn down the route of oracle cards or tarot cards. But now that being said, this lifetime, I did start reading Tarot first. And it wasn't until we decided to do this cast that I thought that Yeah, I think it's really important to have those that knowledge down of Tarot as well at the beginning, because I do kind of cross reference some things that I know within them. And there's certain oracle cards that remind me of Major Arcana cards. So I will say, this card reminds me of you know, the lovers card or the son or the death card, things like that. So it is, it's quite good to have a good scope of knowledge before you start reading cards in general. Now, that could be about anything. I think that if you are interested in reading for the first time, and you are wanting to start with oracle cards, I would say think about what you're interested in and pick your oracle cards as such. And I'm guessing that's the same with you. You're interested in sacred geometry, right. So that's why you picked the cards, you were drawn to them for that reason. And I think that's important to make a connection to your cards, you know, to have a reason to want to connect with them.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, that is very interesting, actually. Because when I, there's two people that told me within the same week, I have to get those cards, and one of them was that you might know from the dragon energy episode. And the other one was Maria Lena, she's got the two episodes about the multi dimensions. And they don't know each other, and then the opposite side of the world. And within a week, I spoke to both of them. And both of them said, for Victoria, it was dragons. But for Maria, Elena was also the Pleiadians. They both said, they telling me you have to get these cards, and I was like, What is your card? I was like, okay, and I was starting, I had no clue I've never done I've had one Tarot reading, I think was like 15 years ago, back in Holland, where I actually got the death card. And but it was standing for a big transformation, which was true, because a few weeks later, I was going to Australia, and then my whole life changed. Wow. beside the point. Yeah, it was very interesting reading. There was one there was only one of those things that the lady said she gave me four points. And one of them hasn't, hasn't come true yet, quote unquote, true yet. Yes, exactly. She did say at the time. She said, It has something that has something to do with horses. And she gave me a bit bit of a story of what it might be, she said, but it would not happen anytime soon. It can take decades for this to happen. That we're still waiting for that moment. That's why I'm not gonna say what it actually is. Because, yeah, if you say something out loud to other people, then people might manipulate the situation, obviously. And I don't want that. So I just I won't tell anybody what it is. Exactly. It's got something to do with horses. Let's see the other ones were all true. They all came come true. So it's quite interesting. But anywho so the the sacred geometry cards, so we've got them and no clue how to read them. And Marie Lena told me Look, don't read the instructions. Just don't read them. Just pull a card and read what it was. And there's a few other people like Jeff and Becky they all say I have to work on my heart chakra including Maria Lena, and what was the first card I pulled? It was the heart chakra. Yeah. And I've heard that one quite often, as well. And the over Labor I really like about these particular answers, they give you a reflection. So pull the card and it says sort of what it means that sacred geometry or there's also chakras in there and other things. And it gives you sort of, yeah, like reflection and guidance, but it's very interesting. The cars I pull off a certain subject. Yeah. And if Georgia Parker pulls cars, and he doesn't, he doesn't believe in any of the spiritual stuff. But he likes to pull these cards. Now. First, he was a bit scared of it. But for him, it's always more about, like self trust. Always, always, always is. So when I say random, but it's not random. But it's so interesting. So then, oh, how does that work?


Well, yeah, it depends on your belief. So what I would say is that, you know, the cars are a reflection of our world. So whatever is in your world, is what the cars are going to relate to. Now, it doesn't matter in your beliefs, you can see its universe guiding you, you can see it's your spirit guide, you can see its angels, you can see it's God, it's all part of the same structure. And when you ask a question out to the universe, out to source, you know, it's there to help you to guide you to give you information of what you want to know on how to help best guide you forward. And also, like you say, information about yourself. So things that you might want to work on for yourself. So I learned a lot about myself, especially going through my first part of my awakening, like my spiritual awakening, and I started to read tarot for myself. And it was just a reflection of all the things that I knew I personally needed to change within myself, you know, so that's why I really love to work with Tarot at the beginning. And especially if you are just looking for an extra bit of guidance in your day to day like, there isn't a day where I don't pull some cards for myself, it just doesn't happen, you know, anymore. So I have that built into my morning practice. So I'll do some meditation, and I'll pull cards for the day. So either something to, you know, give me guidance on what the day is ahead or something like a bigger question that I might have had a dream about something that I want some more guidance on. So I always turn to my cards for guidance. And like you say, a lot of it is to do with trusting yourself as well. I really see that oracle cards. And tarot cards are a way to start trusting your own intuition. Also, you know, and using that as a tool to gain that knowledge and build that muscle within yourself as well. If you're looking to gain a spiritual practice, or just be a bit more well aware, unconscious spiritually is a great tool to start bringing that into your life in a really easy way.

Laura Konst:

Oh, I see. Because you have many decks that you know how many bodies showed me quite a lot. You've got moon, Star seeds, Dragon energy, and a few other few heads. So how do you pick which ones you're going to do?


I just know it's the same with you with crystals. Right? How you say someone to just trust your intuition. My tiny the what was the first Oracle card deck that I got? I can't remember. I should know this the answer to this question. It was the star seed Oracle deck that we're going to use today. Yeah, that was my first Oracle deck, it was the star seeds deck. So that obviously really relates to my life because we the discussion that we've had on the previous podcast is that I'm a Pleiadian star seed. So I got this Oracle Card Deck not knowing exactly what type of star seed I was, I just felt a real connection to being a star seed. But that deck really helped me gain more knowledge on myself of the different races of Starseeds out there. And it's a deck that's really close to my heart, you know, and as you said, I didn't read the instructions straightaway. So I just looked through the imagery, and then when I read the instructions from the author, I just immediately burst into tears because it just resonated with me so much, you know, but there's lots of different oracle decks out there on so many different things. I've got one about bruises, I've got ones about ancient Egypt, everything so it just is all personal preference. What you You might be most interested in I started researching decks that relate to that, you know. And the same with Tarot cards, you can get tarot cards are about specific topics as well. So they are based on the original rider's weight, but the imagery will be related to different subjects on my first tarot card deck was actually related to birth. So I didn't buy a traditional tarot deck, which is something that people are often advised to do, but I just say, just go with what you're interested in. Otherwise, you're not going to feel a connection to your deck, you know, and I definitely have different feelings towards different decks that I've got. Yeah, structure strong connection.

Laura Konst:

Yeah. And do you oracle cards always have the same amount of cards, like to cut with the Tarot is just how the designer feels


exactly just the author. So I think the most amount of cards in a deck that I've got is 78. And then the least amount of cards in a deck, I've got his 42 at the moment. So it really does just depend, there is no limit to the amount of cards, there's no limit to what the cards mean. Some of my decks are numbers, some of them aren't numbered, you know, it really just depends on the author what they've wanted to create. And that's why I find them so interesting, because the possibilities are limitless.

Laura Konst:

That's the thing is like, I'm, I'm quite curious on how does an author come up with it? And how do you decide what that card means? Like, for example, The Who, whoever did the the star seat one? How I'm then curious, how do they decide what is what the problem


is? I'm choosing that, yeah, that intuition is telling them and their guides are helping them and they are channeling messages, you know, from beyond the veil, or different realms that they are connected to. And I think that's why it's such a beautiful thing to pick an Oracle deck, because you're taking a snapshot of someone's life and what their creation is and what spiritual practice they are on or whatever, you know, it might be a time in history that they really love, which is why they've been guided to ancient Egypt, you know, it's like it's a snapshot of someone else's mind and their understanding of a spiritual realm. And we get to take that with us, which is just beautiful.

Laura Konst:

Yeah. It's amazing, shall we? Shall we try some cons?


Definitely. So we're gonna go with the star seed Oracle, which is by Rebecca Campbell, which is my first deck of cards, oracle cards. Do you want to ask the question? Oh, yeah,

Laura Konst:

I was gonna say do you ask a question? questions? Sure. We do.


Advice for the collector. Yeah. Yeah. Advice. Yeah. Yeah. Shuffling the cards. So let's see what advice the source has today. So for your viewers, what is the advice for whenever they watch this? There's obviously going to be a timeless time for this podcast. So we'll see what pops out. So the card that we've got is lost lands. So memories and gifts, you've done this before.

Laura Konst:

Great memories and gifts. You've done this before?


Yeah, there's some underwater themes. And so it looks like the lost city of Atlantis. There's lots of greenery, there's a waterfall as well. And yeah, there's some buildings, but when the building is like this, I always see it as like the gates of heaven, you know, no matter what, even it looks like, a place of bliss, you know, yeah, a land that you are familiar with. Okay, so let's talk through. So say you've pulled this card for yourself for the first time. The way that I like to read cards is I will see what the words are on there. See if I can pick out any specific symbols or things that relate to anything that I intuitively feel. So I'll look at the colors as well and see what they relate to, to me. So you've got lots of blues, you've got lots of greens, you've got lots of pinks and violets. I'm a Reiki practitioner. So when I work with colors, I normally relate them to the chakra system, but obviously if you're not familiar with that, you can just go with what intuitively you feel. So for me with a lot of blue in there, it could be released into the throat chakra which is blue. Also, the greens and pinks in there will be related to the heart chakra, which makes sense you were saying you always need to work on your heart chakra as well. And then I just go with what I feel, you know, just the general feeling of the car. So to me, it just looks so dreamy, you know, and this idea of lost lands is that to me, you know, there's places that we haven't been yet that we will be familiar with, you know, there might be places that you've lived in previous lives that you are yet to return to that is calling you home, you know, a source calling of going somewhere that might feel lost to you, if your soul is calling out for you to visit there that you just haven't been yet, but their memories and gifts, and you've done this before, is that just a remembrance of that? We've all lived many lives, at least that's what I believe. And I think that's what this art is telling your viewers you know, it's like, your possibilities are endless. You've done so many different things in your life, and there's still yet so much more to come. You know,

Laura Konst:

that is true. Can I tell you what I see from a fire lately? Oh, myself, my personal straightaway, I was like, Oh my god. So I've been it's been like hectic and crazy. And the last times I feel a bit lost. Oh, I've got this big show coming up to shows the Omega show 20,000 tickets sold roughly. And mind body spirit 15,000. And I'm exhibiting them. And I am scared because they are, you know, very, very big. I've never done such a big thing before. So that's sort of like I'm lost. Like, what? Yeah, what what do I do, but then the last bit that caught my eye if done this before, because I do events twice a month. So then it's sort of for me is I guess I feel a bit scared and bit lost about the upcoming few weeks is very important for my business, Tali and Loz. Very important, so I feel a bit lost and scared for that. But then the end it says you've done this, again, which you've done, that you've already done this. You've done this before. That's what it said. So, obviously, I have done it before, because I've done festivals and events before. So what should I be scared of?


Exactly, yeah. So then that's what I mean, just from one card, you know, it's like that we pulled here together off the fly is giving you that confidence boost to move forward and have your thought pattern change, you know, in one single instant. And that's why I do love pulling cards for myself and clients, you know, because sometimes we need that extra boost and that extra little support in our lives, you know, and that I think that's what oracle cards can do for you. When you are looking for guidance, there are a tool for that.

Laura Konst:

Exactly. So it's it's a very beautiful way of guidance, isn't it? It's a reflection. And I think they are there to bring us on the right path for today. Even for a longer term, because for me, this is more like the upcoming few weeks type of card. And I'll keep it in my mind like, well, you've done this before. If and then you see the colors like you said it's like very much calm. You know, take your red part. In Yeah, it's like underwater, and which is very calming, and the beautiful pink clouds and the top and it's yeah, it's like just Just stay calm, you'll be fine.


Yeah, so very tranquil. And, you know, it's like things like this, you can you can keep them in mind, you know, I love cards to also like meditate and visualize with them as well. So sometimes if I pull a card, and I really feel like it's resonating with me, I'll just place it somewhere in my home, you know, in a picture frame or somewhere where I can have it around me for the day just to keep reminding me, you know, to keep that faith in that car, whatever that message might have been for me. So they are a good tool to just have with you throughout the day, if you want that extra support as well, you know.

Laura Konst:

Wow, that's amazing. Isn't it just gives you that that place? And what is your Do you have like a favorite one that you go there quite often in terms of a deck? Oh, yeah. In terms of the deck, or something that maybe even something that you miss? Is there anything that you think why that you think why hasn't done that before?


Oh, so yeah, I It's funny, because whenever it's a new moon or a full moon, I'm always drawn to my moon cards, just like I think that you know that like she's there. She's wanting to give me information. So I'm always drawn to my moon cards. Whenever there's a new or full moon coming up, and I find that really curious, you know, and I think sometimes I think you know, where's this information exactly coming from and it is just from the universe, you know, so I love that I'm always drawn to that. But I've been doing a lot of work with Dragon Energy recently. So I've been really drawn to my dragon cards as well. So that's been really fun. But I was also guided to work with like mother rose earlier on in the year. So I did buy a mother rose Oracle deck as well and that's been like a really great tool in my life also. So that's what I mean like things kind of chop and change and some days are which ones are more different decks than others but it really just depends on the day on the feeling and there is a deck that I will use more day to day which is an archetype deck and that goes more towards like, understandings of like the mental mind. So the philosophy of the theology of the mind so different ways you can show up in the world as like the mother or father, you know, the heart of the universe, that type of thing. So some some decks, I will have more of a day to day, other decks, like the moons will work with the moon cycles, so, I'm drawn to them more towards the moon times of the year. But things like my star seed Oracle's is like a staple, you know, it's very rare that I'll go two to three days without pulling my star seed deck.

Laura Konst:

That's amazing. Can we can we do another another one? From the star seat then maybe after? Because I need to do everything is free. I'm a bit OCD like that. So I thought we could always try and Moon one about the moon, as well.


Yeah, let's get the moon ones out as well. Oh, my witch's wisdom deck. I love that deck as well. That one's

Laura Konst:

Oh, otherwise, we do one moon and one, which is with Yeah, let's


do that. Let's do a moon and then we'll do a witch's wisdom.

Laura Konst:

Yeah. That's amazing, isn't it? It's just Yeah. And I also always, well, not always, but a lot of times, I'm so intrigued by the art. Yeah, at work. It's incredible.


It is just all it can take as a single part of a card, you know. So someone might look at the card that we've just pulled and not see anything but the clouds even though they are in the background of the image. You know, it's like, some things hold such symbolism for us that we will all interpret a card in a different way, which is why it is so interesting. And it's also amazing to have the author's guidance on there. But like you said, when I originally will first buy your deck, I won't read the instructions. I'll go with my intuition, and then I'll start to delve into what the authors have written by a card. written about what cards do we want to have a question for the moon? Is the moon in Aries coming up once this week? Do you feel this on Sunday? Isn't it so?

Laura Konst:

What is our question to learn at this time? I think what our what should our focus be for ourselves?


So we're gonna ask mother Moon, Moon, Oracle, what is this song really wanted to come out

Laura Konst:

for yourself, oh, no, they always shuffle and then you once one drops and that's it.


Yeah, so I, it depends what I'm doing. It's not often now that I will stick to a strict structure of a layout because you can still use oracle decks in the way that you use tarot and have, you know, I started doing past present and future when I first started reading cards myself, and then I would do daily cards as well, just the one that's how I started just to gain like my mental muscle with my intuition and start trusting myself that I could, you know, read. But now, I will just pull as many cards as I feel. So I shuffle and whatever comes out, but I, I trust my intuition enough now to know you know, how many cards I want to pull for myself or someone else, but it does take a while to trust in that, you know, I started off just shuffling all my cards and closing my eyes and just picking one out. I don't know what it means, but I think it means this you know, so it does take a little while to trust yourself. And you know, trust that what you what comes to mind is actual information from somewhere else. You know, I think a lot of the time we think, Oh, that it's us and like it is but also not you know, I know there's other people behind the scenes that are helping me read these cards. So the card that we got is full moon and Aquarius. The world the real you. Okay. Yeah. Which I'm not surprised about at all. I'm not

Laura Konst:

surprised about this one either. Wow. Yeah. Okay. So what's your interpretation?


So, I'm an Aquarius, sun, moon and rising. So a lot of Aquarian energy, which has a lot of free thinking, you know, a lot of individualism and just relating to being the most authentic you. Obviously, we've got the lady in the Waterbury here. So, to me, this is a card of nourishment as well. You know, I see this water bear here as someone that is looking after themselves, you know, she's looking good, her hair is shiny. She's making sure that she is nourishing her body and enjoying time with herself. And especially with this Aries moon coming up that we've got in the full moon. It is all about self expression and understanding oneself to the highest degree. So I think to have the This is a card of work to keep our main focus is just to have you in mind and what you truly want. You know, and I think that is an important thing to have keeping in mind, good of all harm to none. But what what is it that you want from your life and I think that has definitely been a collective message. And the other work that I've been doing, you know, working with my lady and family and things like that, it's been, how do you want to live your life? Like, how are you going to show up as the best version of you not just for you, but for the collective and the world as a whole, you know?

Laura Konst:

Yeah, it's beautiful. I really liked this card actually, is again, something that I should it's one of my other focuses currently, I need to record more videos for Tali and Loz, the Instagram page as well. And but I'm still working out how, how do I want to be on there? Yeah. So that is sort of my that's why I'm not doing it, basically. Because I didn't know. I didn't know how to show up and people who said, Just be like you, and then


you just

Laura Konst:

so boring. You know, it's so boring when I look at myself. So then, I don't know yet, but it will be fun. But now I see this just Yeah, it's again, something you know, show up as me. So that's another another one that I should, I'll take it to, I'll take it with me. So let's see what the witches have for us, actually. The Witch's wisdom. So what's the thought about behind this?


The Witch's wisdom deck is actually related to a lot of Wiccan and pagan understanding. So it follows the seasons. So what you've got within blocking the SAM Haynes, that type of thing, but also the iconography of which is so it contains like black hats and things like crows, high priestesses like wizards, all of that kind of stuff. It's a really, really beautiful deck, I thought, I find this deck to be really powerful as well. I often find myself using this deck when people have really specific questions on you know, where which direction they should be going with their life? Because I find that there's quite a definitive answer with them as well. So yeah, did we have a question for the witches Oracle?

Laura Konst:

Well, we can ask that we can ask that question. What direction should we go?


What direction should we go? Yeah, what direction should we go this feels quite weighty. Okay, so we've got spring Watchtower of the ears. So springtime. So with this card, although we are in autumn season, this is saying to spring into action, which definitely makes sense with also the Aries full moon coming up. But we've got some crews at the top of the watch tower here. We've obviously got the daffodils. And also there's a lot of starlight just up above here. So to me that there's a lot of cosmic energy right now that will help you birth some of these things that you might want to put into creation, you know, springs a time of seeing everything that is in full bloom. And I think that's what this card is saying is like there's a light in the tower as well, which is saying, you know, lights are on everyone is home, make sure that you are doing your due diligence to make sure you are birthing things into creation that you really want right now, which also ties into the show the world, the real, you know, putting those things into action, right now would be a great time to do that. And obviously, you will come in into the awesome time since that time for harvest as well. So also getting those things that we've already put into motion and making sure that we are showing up as our most of those authentic selves. If things have you know, manifestations have come in for us, it's a great time to be present with those and make sure we are putting in the work with those manifestations as they move forward. You know, like you were saying with your work. So going to the shows, you know, and showing up as your as your most authentic self that's going to gain you the most amount of traction, you know, and interacting with customers that will be there. You know, that's how you will gain more of a presence. And I think that's what we're seeing with this card is everyone showing up as their real selves will help them moving forward with the things that they want in their life.

Laura Konst:

Wow. That's amazing. Is it because they all they Yeah, like you just said very well. They open it your Connect, they all they all say something different. But the same? Yeah.


Yeah. And that's what I mean. That's why I think a lot of people For you will use oracle decks as like a backup tool after they've done a Tarot Spread, so the use oracle cards to kind of ask a deeper depth to the, to the message they've already received. But I think there is such a story to be told through oracle cards alone, you know, and I use lots of different decks, in my personal readings that they do tell a story in a story that is a bit more expansive than what Tarot can sometimes give you because it does just stick to such a structured, structured ideology that it's hard to break out of that, you know, you know what a card means. As soon as you turn it over, I think it's harder than to gain a story from out of that first card, you know, which is why I like oracle cards, because you creating your own story and whatever way you want. Creating to the Universe and Universe is beyond, you know, which is what I love doing.

Laura Konst:

Wow, what would you say to people that think oracle cards are, in terracotta, a bit dark, or black magic, or cool.


I mean, I think times have changed, you know, I think there's a lot, there's a lot more open understanding in terms of like designating as just a hole, unfortunately, turning however, you might want to call it but I would say that there is nothing dark about connecting to, you know, outside influences connecting beyond the veil, like I've never had a bad experiencing, do anything in any way shape, or form using cards. And I think if you go into something with fear, that is what you're going to be met with, you know, so going into something with an open mind and just looking for the light, I think if you're using them in a way that is for light rather than darkness, that is what you will receive, you know, I made sure I cleanse all my ducks and make sure I cleanse my room before I started doing anything with anything that I might be using as a tool. And they're just here to help, you know,

Laura Konst:

how do you cleanse them with sage du sage to cleanse them.


Now use different kinds of incense sticks or or use as much stick or use Palo Santo, out place crystals on top of some of my decks as well. And I'll leave them out in the full moon sometimes, especially my moon decks, I'll leave them out in the full moon surcharge as well. But you can use black obsidian and just place those on top of the cards or clear quartz things that will help. You know just transmute any negative energy. But once you if you're interested in starting reading, I would say just pick a deck that you feel most drawn to. And once you start to read for yourself, you'll see, you know, they take on a life of their own, you know, and the relationship we have with them is it really differs from person to person. But I think as long as you are trusting in yourself and knowing that you are just connecting to the light, you're not going to be met with anything scary or anything about you know, all I get as positive information for my clients, you know, sometimes if there is, one might consider bad information, or it's a warning sign is to tell you, this might happen, you know, so be prepared for it or, you know, perhaps you shouldn't be behaving this way. Because it's going to react badly, you know, and other people are on yourself. So the things that you can change, you know, it's just a guidance, if someone says, oh, you know, be on the lookout for I don't know, someone might take some money from you, you know, you're going to be more vigilant of that. And hopefully it doesn't happen. It might happen, you know, you're going to help prevent it, you're going to be on the lookout for that. So I think it's just a great tool to just to help. Yeah,

Laura Konst:

I think so. I think it's amazing. I think it's something I would like to expand more because I only have the one deck at the moment, the sacred geometry one. But I think is definitely Becky as she she gave me the angel cards. I haven't tried those yet. Angel Cards, they're still oracle cards, right? But there's like a hole into kind of almost like a whole different following. Exactly. entity on their own, basically. Yeah. Why is that? Why is that different?


But I think you know, the way that people relate to angels is on such a different level to what someone might relate to, you know, dragons like icy dragons as my angels, you know, but some people might consider dragons like not to be real but would believe in angels for as a concept, you know, and I think because there are so many angels out there that people work with on a personal basis that it has such a great following and because they are so connected to Source Energy God however you want to call it. It is a guidance tool that is so in the light, you know, there's no way that anything, anything dark is going to be in that realm at all, you know, and I think that it is a way for people to get closer to that connection to the divine. You know, the angels are a gateway into everything. So yeah, angels is a great way to start actually, if you are looking to sort of gain more spiritual knowledge, I would consider getting an archangel deck of some kind of an Angels deck for sure if you feel drawn to that, because yeah, each angel is corresponding to different, you know, ways of living and how like Archangel Michael, for example, is really connected to Lightworkers to Sardis. And a lot of people feel such a strong energy towards him. So if you are interested in angels, I would say you will feel such a connection to those cards straight away, you know, as you might not do if you pick up a witch's deck, for example, you know, there's different people who have different ideologies for lots of different things. And some people might never dream of picking up a witch's Oracle deck, but they might be interested in, you know, source energy, they might be interested in chakras for instance.

Laura Konst:

Exactly. It's me, I should actually try it. I think I'll put it out today, and just do some some angel cards from it for myself, see how see what they can tell me, I think is amazing, is I find it very fascinating, because there's always something in my head is like, I understand it, but I don't understand it. It's like a never ending exploration. That's maybe the wording. And for


me as well, you know, I'm, I'm constantly blown away, when I do readings for myself and for clients as well, you know, just how spot on things are. And I find it really funny, because, you know, people that are new to this kind of RAM or people that have never had a reading before, you know, they'll have a reading with me, and they're just so shocked at how accurate it is my kind of thumb into them and be like, Well, what were you expecting? You know, it's like, that's what they're here for. But I think people genuinely just don't believe that. It is as magical as it is because it is magic. You know, it's, you can't explain it to people. And once you start to work with cards, you will see how powerful they are. And if you've never had your cards read, I would suggest that everyone goes and has their cards read even if it's just for general advice, I think it's it's such a great way to start to believe in the magic of this world. There. Sure,

Laura Konst:

for sure. I think that's beautiful. So you would advise for someone who has chosen a deck for the first time, or they were told by other people, they should get one like me? And then and then you're just there. So we both said don't read the instructions? Not yet anyway. Yeah. How? And what then do you just what do you what do you do, what would you advise to do? is the best way,


let me just pull my deck. So say you've literally just picked up your deck of cards. So like this deck that I've got here, it comes in cellophane, I take my deck out of it cellophane, I will cleanse it with some incense or over a candle flame, put a crystal on it, whatever you might want to do. And I just try and connect with the box, before I even took the cards out, I would just lay my hands on and close my eyes and you know as this deck, what it wants, how it wants to work with me how it wants for me to work with it, and then I'll open my box. And I will start just by looking at each card one by one and just getting used to the imagery and seeing if any card particularly stands out to me. And then I will pull a card and just go down the basics of like what we were seeing and discussing what colors are on there. what that might mean to me how I feel about a certain part of the car, something might jump out to me that might not do to someone else, you know, there's like a person, there's a statue on the bottom there. So the statue might pop out to me, some people might see the building, and that will stand out to them. And they'll know or read whatever the card says, and then make notes on that. So when I started reading, I would literally pull a single card a day. And in the morning, I used to do this and then I would write down everything that this card meant to me in the morning. And then sometimes I would do that at night as well. But it's amazing that the things that I would start seeing in the cards would be things that are happening, you know, in my day to day practice my daily life, and I'd be like, Oh my gosh, the card kind of denoted this to me, you know, and then something will happen that mirrors what's happening in the card. So I will start by looking at the card writing all the things down that I might be feeling from that card and doing that for about a week, I would suggest and then I would go in and read the guidebook, of what the cards mean, as well. And there's also different layouts as well that each guidebook normally has as many different layouts that you can use that are connected to the different types of decks as well. So then I would go in and start reading the guidebook. Now some people might pick up the deck. I just want to read the guide but straight away if you feel called to do that do whatever feels most comfortable to you. What you feel most comfortable with but I would suggest doing your intuitive thought process before just to help you build that muscle, you know, when I started reading, I didn't think I was going to be reading for other people, I just thought I'd be reading for myself. But it really helped me to have those daily practices to, from what I'm doing now, you know, sometimes I will feel guided to still read the author's interpretation of a card in my personal readings, but a lot of the time 80 90% of the time, I'm just going off intuition and what my guides told me and speak to me, so I was just pulling a card a day and I and then moving into basic spreads, you know, past present future, that type of thing, there are so many different spreads you can do out there. And such an amazing tool. I know a lot of people are doing lots of Shadow Work through October as well. So it's a great tool to you know, do personal work as well, even if you aren't so interested in the spiritual side of things, these texts out there, you know, for the mental mind for mindfulness is decks out there just working with the chakra and energy systems as decks out there for everything. So if you're less of the woowoo side of things, there's still decks out there that can help you gain a better understanding of yourself and your mental and physical body. You know, the deck out there for everyone.

Laura Konst:

Yes, exactly. Oh, that's beautiful. I think I think everybody should try it at least. And then see how you Yeah, see how you go with it. Because it is not scary. It's not it is magic, but it's not any dark anything or so. Just try it because it's very good for like, again for self reflection, I think as well and just hold you have like a little mirror. Exactly. Yeah.



Laura Konst:

Exactly. And it's all light and it's all love and that's what we that's what we all need really. Fantastic. Thank you so much, Cassidy. Again, not


of course having me anytime.

Laura Konst:

You've got so much knowledge and I love the way just you explain stuff and for pulling the cards as well. They're also for the collective obviously we had our own interpretations, but they are for the collective so whoever's listening, they're also for you. And yeah, if you have any questions, you can find the link to Cassidy's Instagram down down below. I want to say downstairs, but that's a bit weird. And as mentioned before, I will be back in November with the last two episodes for this season number three. And yeah, I hope you all have a beautiful October and if you like Halloween Happy Halloween already.


But yeah, thank you see isn't everyone.

Laura Konst:

Happy spooky season and we'll be back in November. Feel free to share this podcast as well this episode or every other episode. All of the episodes are timeless. So if this is the first time you listen to go back to Season One, they're all timeless. So you've got lots to listen to. Thank you so much.