S3 E7 - Starseeds: Pleiadians

Laura Konst Season 3 Episode 7

I am talking to Cassidy, the awakening star. She has discovered she is a Starseed, more specifically a Pleiadian and has been in contact with her Pleiadian family and has gained a lot of knowledge about these beings. I have been told I am also a Pleiadian, so lets discover what that means!

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Laura Konst:

Welcome to Tali and Loz. Today I have with me, Cassidy from the awakening star. Yay, how


are you? Great, thank you. Thanks so much for having me.

Laura Konst:

Thank you. I'm super excited because this is something that I've been wanting on my podcast app. And we talked about a little bit but you I think in the last few months, you have learned so much yourself, that it is now the perfect time for us to chat about Starseeds, but particularly Pleiadians. Hmm,


yeah, so I resonate as being a Pleiadian star. So I know that you've been given that information that you are a Pleiadian as well. I think I did want to preface this talk with just whatever anyone hears in this. If it doesn't resonate with them, please don't take it. Because what I've learned in this journey is that everyone's reality is very different from one another. So what might resonate for someone might not resonate for someone else. And that is completely okay. Whatever is going on in your world, in your bubble, is your truth, you know, so I can only go with my personal experiences and the things that my bleeding guys told me, but that might not resonate with someone else that watches this. So please only take what resonates and be open to all information, I think is the main thing.

Laura Konst:

I think you're totally right. I think I really see that in all the podcasts I've we've had, the people that I've been talking to are so different. Our players, we had Reiki we had dragon energy. And you really see like that some people that, especially if it's very niche, like I always take dragon energy from Victoria as an example, because that's one of the most extreme ones, the amount of listeners is massive. But so people that are either just interested or really resonated with Reiki, a lot of people know about Reiki and sound healing, or they've heard of it or experienced it. And they are very stable figures. So it's so interesting. And I think with Starseeds, I've been learning about it a little bit. And I've been told I'm plating. And I've never been in contact with them themselves, or I haven't seen any sign so. So it's just for me, also a completely new discovery. But it's it's huge, like Starseeds, it's something very, very different. You can talk about hours and hours and hours about it. happy that you're here.


Amazing. Yeah, so there's many different ways that people can become a star seed. So you can you can just be a I hate to say the word normal, but a regular person, and you can be put into contact with someone that is a star seed, and they can give you light energy, so then you could then become a star seed. My personal experience from being a star seed is that I walked into this body that I'm in so when this body was in utero, so when this body was a fetus, I came into this body as a Pleiadian. So the soul that was incarnating, my fetus agreed that I would take over this body so I could carry out my mission in this vessel. So that also is a possibility of how someone can become a star seed. And that can happen at any point in their lifetime. So someone could agree that upstart he could walk into their body and use their body as a vessel. So that's something that is quite out there for a lot of people as a concept. Yeah.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, no. Did you? How did you find out? Have you always known or is it awakening, or? Yeah, so


this is all really, really new to me. I think I've known that I'm a bleeding for about, I think seven or eight months now altogether. But I started my journey in lockdown. So I awakened in lockdown, but I was very much in the spiritual realm. I was guided to Reiki training. So I'm a Reiki Master as well. And I also read oracle cards. So I was in the more of the esoteric realms, working with spirit understanding that side of things, but it very much felt like things that I've done before, you know, and then all of a sudden, I just felt more and more energy just building up around me and I couldn't explain it. So for about two weeks, I just felt this crushing of like, energy just around me. And I was like, I don't understand what's going on. My spirit guides weren't telling me anything. So I've been in contact with a few of them for a while. And I didn't understand what this energy was. And then after about two weeks of that, a different kind of voice came through for me, so didn't sound like my Spirit Guides. It was a different sounding voice came through. And they were there to tell me that they are my Pleiadian family. They are my star family. Yeah, so that was amazing news for me. But it's quite interesting because when I started my journey, I was really connected to what was a wolf spirit, and a bear spirit. So they were my two spirit guides that came in for me in the start of my journey. But when my Pleiadian family came through, they were like, that was actually us. So the wolf spirit is actually my child, Neo, who exists in the Pleiades. So, and the best part is my primary pleading Guide, which is Tahoe.

Laura Konst:

Wow. Your your wolf spirit and your best pair, they've always been there.


Yeah. And I just learned, Oh, you

Laura Konst:

didn't know until the last few months? Yeah. How cool is that? And so for the listeners are completely new to this, and the brains are already exploding. Which I do understand that feeling people? What is exactly a star seed? What does that even mean?


Yeah, so a stars, you can mean many, many different things. But for the basis of what a star seed actually is here to do, it's a higher level being basically so a higher level spiritual being. And they're here for many different reasons. But the primary reason why a lot of star seeds are here is to raise the frequency of the planet of other souls that are are being incarnated in this lifetime of human beings as a race in general. But a star seed is here to bring light, they're here to bring information to give guidance. And they have lots of information, obviously, because they've lived for 1000s of years, some of them so they have a lot of information that isn't necessarily given to us by the powers that be you know, so we have a different level of science and technology than what is available to us already. So that is the main reason why Starseeds are here is to carry on that ancient knowledge and pass it on to other people to use.

Laura Konst:

Wow. And we, I think, yeah, most or maybe not, maybe most, but a lot of people that are interested in spirituality, we have learned that the younger generations sort of degeneration under us. So the teens and the early 20s, roughly from now, but also very, very much the children, they are more of a star seed generation. Yeah.


Yeah. So they will be classed as like the Indigo, the crystal and the rainbow children. Yeah. So their souls are very fresh to plan, some of them but they do have the ancient knowledge. And so these are beings that have been training for a certain amount of time on different sort of galaxies, or constellations. And now they're coming straight down here knowing what their mission is, and I guess being a little bit more in tune with who they are from a really young age because the frequency of Mother Gaia Pachamama has already been raised so there's not a lot of conditioning there that they kind of have to go through because some of us that have already reincarnated we've gone through lifetimes and lifetimes are trying to pull back all of this knowledge and remembering who they are. But they are coming in remembering who they are a lot of them which is really exciting for the world and yeah, humanity when

Laura Konst:

you think that's also a huge part of why spirituality and crystals Wicca you name it is now getting more and I hate the word mainstream even though it's not mainstream, but maybe that is do you think that is the reason because for them, they are the new generation getting jobs and you know, they're able to spend money on crystals and tarot cards and all that stuff and because they buy that is getting more normal quote, unquote, okay, mainstream Do you think that is the reason because they know already the day I


think yeah, I think it's for many reasons. One, I think that it's just time for a lot of souls to awaken like I said, I've had a very very quick ascension process this lifetime I woke up and locked down and from where I was then to where I am now is then such as a fast acceleration into being something of a higher level being you know, and because of where we are planetary wise, it's just time for a lot of people to just remember who they are because we're really trying to go from this 3d to 5g You know, in terms of frequency so I think that having crystals out there as a mainstream as really just going to help the planet in general, you know, and I definitely use a lot of crystal energy and that was that helped me on my ascension process. So I think yeah, new souls are coming in or knowing that they are of a different lifetime, you know, and remembering who they are quicker, but also just having that information out there and a mainstream is helping people remember, you know, we've got information at our fingertips or technology that didn't happen years and years ago, it was all word of mouth or things that you read in book. But if someone hears the word star season, they Google it, they might find information, you know, the guides are guiding them to find more and more information out there. So the fact that technology is also got to a level where it is at our fingertips, I think that's helped everyone awaken a lot quicker, because they can go and research whatever they want to.

Laura Konst:

Yes, exactly. Yeah, I love it. I love that it's more now just normal. And we're not weird anymore as we would have been in our childhood. Definitely. So yeah, now actually being normal is weird, because like he wants to be normal. Anywho? Nobody, right. So from there, so you've learned you're played here. So where where do we because I have to say we because apparently I am one. Where you come from? And why are we here? Can we see us? Can we see us from here?


Yes, we can still see the constellation of the Pleiades, it is part of the Taurus constellation. It is also called the Seven Sisters. And we navigate from being in the fifth dimension already. So there'll be aspects of your being that is already from the five that the fifth dimension, you know, but it's just a remembrance of so a lot of people call Pleadians, the School of learning school of knowledge. So we're here really to pass on information that we already have learned in our different lifetimes. Yeah, I think something else to mention is that something that took me by surprise is that Starseeds don't know everything you know, and interacting with my guys especially, it's like, they're still learning they learn from human beings as well. So it's very much a give and take sort of scenario that we're living in. So as much as we have so much information locked in our bodies, we are always still gathering information from Planet Earth. You know, that's kind of why we're here. And I'm connected to some of my star family on this 3d physical plane of existence. And they're definitely living our lives where they are, I guess, playing out a part in their lifetime, which is giving them information to then give back to the ladies as well. So I have a particularly a member who is struggling with mental understanding and capacity, but they chose to incarnate in that lifetime, so they could give that information. But that lady is how the mind works. So how the human mind works. So that would be just be one example of how vice versa learning is happening from either side.

Laura Konst:

Do we have because there's more stuff Starseeds like from Sirius or other other ones? There's loads I think, I don't know how many there are, you know, a lot anyway. Do we all have, like certain qualities like we have an earth like, Oh, I'm a Sagittarius. So I travel and perfectionistic? And do we have that a star seat as well that we are a type a certain type of started?


Yeah, so there are certain characteristics that you can sort of differentiate from being one star seed to another so a Ryan's really like to be matter of fact, they're very fact illogical. Interfax, they want things to be just so. But I think what's also interesting is that you can incarnate as a star seed, but then incarnate in the planet of a different star seeds. So you can take on two aspects of the theme star seed. So this is where it gets really expensive. So just because you are a particular star seed doesn't mean that you haven't lived lives somewhere else, you know, because the definition of a star seed is that you've come from one constellation and then you can move to a different place that sort of makes you a star seed, but you can do that, and another realm of being the star seed so I could go to work turian and become an uproarious star seed because I'm living a lifetime on that planet.

Laura Konst:

So it can be a mixture of as well. Yeah. Can you as in you personally be in contact with other Starseeds are you only in contact with with the Pleiadians


No, not just Pleiadians so I have had different Starseeds come in to give me information. The last Starseeds actually that came before me were Andromedan and they had information that we are all coming together in unison to to work together. basically now, they've kind of sorted out or the, I guess, into intergalactic fights that have been going on that is all sort of leveling out to a certain degree. But different star seeds and different planetary solar systems are coming together to work together to raise your frequency of like all eyes are on earth at the moment, that is just a message that I'm being given time and time again, is that everyone is looking at Earth right now, because we're so important for the rest of the universe. And I think that's something that gets so lost on a lot of people and a lot of humans and just that even if you don't resonate as being a star seed, the life that you're living is so important to the planet. So it's just really about being aware of how you're showing up in your lifetime, you know, what are you doing for the planet for yourself and for your family? Because that's what's going to help everyone out here in the universe, you know, it's just this idea of universal love and looking out for each other.

Laura Konst:

And do they like the status? Do you know, like, how do that look like? Do they have? Are they? You know, do they have blue skin and green?


So yeah, different styles, these look very different. So yeah, and there's different traits, depending on different stances. So in terms of Pleadians, and there's like a Nordic aspect to some bleeding, so they look very Scandinavian, light hair, light eyes, light skinned, but then you also get blue Pleadians. So I see my original physical form, and I'm a blue pleadian. So I look very different to how I look. Yeah.

Laura Konst:

So cool. How did you how did you see that? So I'm gonna show you.


Yeah, so that was in meditation. So I asked to see my physical form. And so when I go into meditation, I see a lot of visions. I guess I would consider myself to be like a psychic, clairvoyant. All my colors are very on online now these days. So I get a lot of visions in my meditation time. So I asked to be shown my physical form, and then I was Yeah,

Laura Konst:

wow. And do you have it like with sort of past life that people go into their past lives? They say, everyone's different, except the eyes. By the eyes, you could tell Oh, I recognize my mother. Oh, I recognize my dad. Is that the same thing as well?


Yes, definitely. I've got a couple of friends actually, that resonate with being different types of starseeds. And I've seen them in like, different lifetimes that I've played out with them. And it is the eyes are the same. They might be a little bit further apart and a little bit bigger, but the eyes are still the same. Like, yeah, the eyes are the windows to the soul, you know? And it's like, Yeah, as soon as you look into the eyes, I could see that it's them. So yeah, that's a really beautiful trait that, you know, that stays the same.

Laura Konst:

Yes, exactly. And you told me Well, I told you that I was told I'm played in and they you, you asked your guides, if that writer when I was, excuse me, but what did they say something else about me? Like, I'll be careful for that one, or


they did it. But I find it very interesting that I knew you already to know don't mean as well. So we worked in the same company, didn't we for a little while, like a few years ago. So I find that now, especially in what I'm doing, I'm drawing in lots of Pleadians into my work, and I'm just being putting across with other people that I've known that I've lived in other lifetimes with. But no, they said, You're very beautiful, and expansive. So there's nothing to be afraid of.

Laura Konst:

I need to let them in. Yeah. Last last podcast, actually, I was talking to Vernon Ben frost. And I told him like, same in 2020, my vibration 2021, big part of it was so high, and I could see a lot more and feel a lot more and that kind of stuff. And now it's been like, it's all gone down again. And he said this because your resonance, resonance is just slowing down. You know, it's like up and down, up and down, like in normal life. And he said, you have to open your heart again, you have to work on your heart, because and I think that's true. And I think I've said it in different podcasts that last few months. I'm sort of almost preoccupied with other things, but my spirituality, but on the other hand is like I really want to come out again, because I do I think I'm ready to be open and do get more messages and more guidance and stuff. So I think it'd be really cool. So yeah, they are if they are ready to come to me then they can come by Yeah, let's see. How does that gonna work?


Absolutely. Really, I mean, I could bring someone in for you speak to if you wanted to ask a couple of questions.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, you can do that. Yeah. Okay. So


I'll bring in, I think, Tom, I wanted to be here. So he's my main guide in the PDS. He is my brother bear that I saw at the beginning of my ascension, in terms of a spirit. So I'll invite Tahoe to come and so Tahoe will speak through me.

Laura Konst:

Hello, Laura. Hi, how are you?


I'm great. How are you?

Laura Konst:

I'm good. I'm good. Welcome here on the podcast, Tali and Loz.


Thank you. I was very excited. I mentioned to Cassidy a while ago that I think that I would want to come on and say some words to to you and everyone.

Laura Konst:

Okay. Is there something particular you want to say that I just


wanted to say Welcome back. Welcome back to the family. And we've been watching you for some time. It is always just the timing of someone's life when we make full contact. So if people are open, we will

Laura Konst:

show up. Yes. Oh, wow. Do you have any suggestions for me how I can open up a bit more?


Definitely. I'm glad that you asked that question. The best way to be more open is just to sit and be still. That is one thing that we don't have the luxury for. On this planet of Planet Earth. You know, there's no time to meditate, there's no time to sit with self, everyone is preoccupied living their lives. And that's a great gift, you know, to be a busy person and be living a life and also a life of many lightworkers, which is a type of star seed, they are out here, making a lot of other people happy, you know, but it's all about sitting with self. So if you can carve out some time just to sit and speak out, because there was always a lot of people listening.

Laura Konst:

Yes, exactly. Are there any chance that you will be able to come in as well? For you? Yeah,


no, of course. Yeah, I, I work with a lot of different humans, I actually worked for the Galactic Federation of Light. So I spend a lot of time back and forth from the Pleiades, and then other different planets, I'm hoping that a lot of star seeds in their lifetimes not necessarily speaking to them directly, but I'll be nudging them in the right direction. I guess contact from different Starseeds in different planetary alignments works the same with spirits. So there'll be hints, there'll be guidance, you'll be directed in a certain direction, or you might just feel a gentle nudge to look in a specific book or walk a certain way to find a sign. So we work very much like spirit and energy.

Laura Konst:

Oh, I see. And what would you say to the more the humans who are interested in the concept of star seeds, but don't really know what to do with it?


I would say just get curious if you are interested in Star seeds. I would say that 99.9% means that you are a star.

Laura Konst:

Oh really? Yes. Yeah.


Just be curious. And also, people have just incarnated one lifetime as a star seed that still makes you a star seed you might have lived on the Pleiades at some point in your reincarnations. And that still makes you a star seed. But you might not resonate as being a star seed in this lifetime. But you still have gained knowledge from that lifetime. So some people return to being pleadings time and time again, for Cassidy example, she hasn't been anything other than a pleading at her core. But she has lived lives as many different things on planet Earth, but she has never lived as a different star seeds. She's visited different planetary alignments, but she's never incarnated as a different star seed, if that makes sense.

Laura Konst:

Yes, definitely. Wow. What would your main what is sort of the what is the goal of Starseeds to be on earth? Why are we so important?


Well, as Cassidy was saying, everyone is so important. I think that's a message that gets so messed here for planet Earth that everyone's life is so important, and even people that aren't living, quote, unquote, expansive lives, they are important because they're out here teaching children, they're out here, trying to make a better life for their family, their energetic frequency of love that they have for their family is so important. So no one's life is wasted. You know, and I hate the thought of that. I think that's one thing that I really despise in terms of this toxic positivity and spiritual culture is that If no one if people resonate not as being a star seed as like, they're not important. And that's so isn't true. And I'm really sorry, I forgot in your original question because I've just been babbling on I always do this.

Laura Konst:

My wider focus is so much on Earth and not on other galaxies at the moment.


Well, that is a huge question because, well, Arthur is in a state of disalignment. And now's the time to raise the frequency of planet Earth. So we can all live in more of an alignment, there has been a major shift in planet earth over the recent years, that we've just sunk into a lot of darkness and a lot of destruction. So we're on a very short timeframe of where we can try and turn that around to make sure that we don't have to do anything drastic to planet earth. And we can just help everyone here raise their frequency and their vibration to get to this five d that I think everyone really wants to be living in. Now, as Kathy said, that's going to differ between peoples with different people's realities that for the most part, that is the reality of what is happening right now. But I know there are a lot of people out there that are doing lots of different expansive missions and might be hearing this and they are still fighting intergalactic wars, you know, I'm still involved in that type of in interaction here on the planet, but that might not be everyone's lifetime and timeframe that they're on. So for the main reason, a lot of star seeds are here is either to gain information from human beings on the planet, or to advise and bring information down here on planet Earth.

Laura Konst:

Oh, I see. Wow. So do you think because a lot of humans are not as spiritual, maybe they are in their own way, that is because you have religion and spirituality. So probably more religion of a human concept, rather than from a non human concept. Our own does it also happen in this star seat in the the other universes, and basically that is sort of division on those areas.


Not in terms of belief system, because we work in how to say we work in dimensions. So Pleiadians are from the fifth dimension. And then we are trying to ascend to higher dimension. So I guess it's the same down here on planet earth that you are trying to ascend to a higher level of consciousness. But this is where it gets tricky, because religion is an aspect of source energy. Now a lot of people call Source Energy God, or what is their God in their belief system. But it all comes from the same thing. And not everyone wants to take on that notion or that belief, which is absolutely fine. And also, it doesn't really matter. As long as you're believing in something and you're giving up light, it doesn't matter what your belief system is, as long as you are emitting light and a high frequency, or at least trying to, you're going to be benefiting yourself, the people in your life and the planet as a whole. So we don't really want there to be any segregation. But we understand that that is and at this point in the universe's understanding, they kind of have to be that because we're coming into different levels of understanding now. So I guess at what next stages of evolution, there might be, you know, a religion that is just on raising the frequency. And that is just as in alignment as someone else believing in purely a specific religion or doctrine, you know,

Laura Konst:

yes, I see. So there is there is a lot of hope for planet Earth to be that we all could raise up frequencies as much as we can. To make it a better world. Forever. Yeah. And everything I suppose it's also for animals and plants and the whole all of them Mother, Mother, Mother Earth


are all connected a lot more than everyone realizes.

Laura Konst:

Hmm, definitely. Oh, wow. Thank you so much. Was there anything else that you say Lori forgot to ask me this or any other tips or tricks that we should be should know?


Yeah, so I guess the main thing is that looking after your body and your vessel is so important, and that's something that really gets missed. I think a lot of people are trying to change their thoughts but they're not looking after their vessel to so a lot of stasis fill up very much disconnect from their fears. called vessel. So it's really important to make sure that you are honoring the vessel that you are in. And that's definitely hard. You know, I think a lot of Starseeds come down and they get very excited by humaneness and human food and junk food and things like that. And yeah, they don't look after nourishing the body and

Laura Konst:

know exactly. So sort of semester's to all the older Starseeds just to just be aware of your body and take care of it as well. I think that's a really good message. Because yeah, it is very easy to keep on eating really nice stuff that is not necessarily healthy. feeding us properly, basically. Oh, beautiful. Thank you so much for just appearing on the show for a bit.


Not a problem. Yeah, I'll hand castI back over to you.

Laura Konst:

All right. Thank you so much.


Thank you.

Laura Konst:

Hello. Wow, that is something else on this planet knows for sure.


Yeah, I'm, I'm glad that he stopped by I really wanted to bring a bit of channeling in, you know, to the session just to show how, how easy it is to connect, you know, to other beings, because I think a lot of information out there. It isn't from original source of beings, you know, and I think that going forward, it seems like that they want that connection to be a lot more with people, you know, but there's a lot of fear out there surrounding that, which I completely understand. But all I get into contact with is amazing, beautiful, high level beings, I've not been put in danger once in this journey. And I've been heavily protected. And that's not to say that other people haven't had quite dark and scary experiences, because I think that has happened. But as long as you're going into something with the intention of just trying to connect with love and light, you know, that's what you'll be shown with. And if not, that there will be a reason for that in your lifetime, which I know is quite hard to understand. But it's the same with suffering of we're experiencing suffering, it's because there's a lesson in that, you know, that's always just something to keep in mind that you are always safe. And you're always protected. Because I think there's a level of fear as well, surrounding spirituality as a whole, not just in terms of being a star seed because people are afraid of what the unknown is right. And there's a lot of information out there or that were processed through mainstream media in terms of horror movies and things about alien invasions, you know, and it's like, actually, the ETs that are out there, they're here to help us they want to help humanity and the planet, they they love us they the the love that I feel from the different ETs that come in, it's just like nothing I've ever experienced before you know, and they work with the angels, they work with all these other spiritual beings to like, Palladian is really connected to Dragon. So I've been delving into a lot of Dragon energy and that so all realms mesh and interconnects in such a way that we are all as one that we truly are. And it's so beautiful.

Laura Konst:

So you talk about also being more protective or you you are protected. How does that work? Is it what do you use special tools or techniques? Or?


Yeah, so I guess I, I come from a lot of different levels and understandings of protection. So when I was first going through my ascension process, I use a lot of crystals. Just because I didn't know what I was doing, you know, so I really wanted to make sure on like a basic level that I was sending, in sensing and cleansing everywhere that I go into every space that I go into, or sit in when I was trying to contact or connect with something from other different realms, you know, so I use a lot of incense, there's all crystals placed around all my house, I keep them on my being at all times, you know. But as I've got more of a grasp on this reality and the different beings that I'm connecting into, I know that I'm protected by them. So you know, I'm connecting with things that can travel galaxies that can appear in the sky at a drop of a hat, you know, so they, they know how to protect my physical vessel in ways that I can't even comprehend. But a lot of us are connected to the spirit realm, as well as the cosmic realm. You know, I spent a lot of time in the spiritual realm with spirit before I got into this cosmic energy at all. So I knew that I was protected by my ancestors who I could feel it but if you ever feel unsafe, you are a sovereign being you're in control of that, you know, at the beginning, I was having spirits coming and I didn't want them to be there. So I would say leave me alone. You know, if you feel anything that feels uncomfortable to you, or dangerous, just say I don't want you here and they have to respect that you know, and For the most part, apart from very extreme cases, that works, I don't know of many people in my lifetime, at least that I'm connected to that have had bad experiences with spirit or ETS. Because it lifts. So I think, yeah, just don't be, it's natural to feel fear. You know, I was very much cleaning fear. When I started this process. I was like, I don't know what's going on half the time, I could just feel different energies coming in. And that made me feel unsafe at the beginning, you know, so I put a stop to it. And I felt comfortable. And I say, as arrange time for beings to come in and contact me, you know, they don't just come in all day, every day, even though I could do that I set my boundaries. So you need to set be setting boundaries with anything you're contacting as well. Yes, I

Laura Konst:

see red. Also. Yeah, just being clear what you want yourself. So you can tell them and they should respect that basically? Yeah, I think I think fear is the main thing for most people. Yeah. Because they don't know what what, what it is. So when, when one of your spirits or one of your guides is taking over, you just pick through you like what's just happened? Now? Where do you go?


I'm still there. And it's interesting, you bring this up, because I think a lot of people use different techniques to channel. So what it feels like for me energetically is like, it's like, I'm squeezing myself to be smaller, and they're coming in. But realistically, what is happening is that they're channeling through my mind. So the tapping into my consciousness, and I'm speaking their words. So they're not actually physically inhabiting my body at all. It's just their frequency coming through. But because I'm taking on their vibration, sometimes my voice will change. Sometimes, it will physically feel like I look like a different person. Sometimes it's because I'm typically tapping into their frequency, you know, but they're not physically taking over my body. They're just tapping in through my consciousness, and I'm just speaking out the words. But on a very minut level, that's what happens when someone is reading Tarot, you know, they're channeling a voice. That's not that's what happens.

Laura Konst:

Right? I see. Okay, that needs to sink in for a little bit. And, basically, but you can you sort of stop it at any moment, or you like, you hear?


Yeah, yeah, I hear what they're saying. Sometimes it will be that I don't remember what they've said. That happens often, like I couldn't tell you word for word, what Ty has just said to you, you know, that's kind of just gone out of my memory. But no, I'm very much in control of it. If I didn't want them to see something, I can stop them from seeing something because it's like, I guess there is some sort of delay as well, because I will hear it before almost before I speak it. So I will also get a an understanding of what they're trying to say sometimes. So sometimes words do get lost in translation, depending on who's speaking through me. Though, I will catch that before they come through, you know,

Laura Konst:

yes, exactly. Oh, wow. And do you? Do you start readings already with for other people? Because I know you do you do Reiki for other people. You know, you give Reiki sessions or you do Tarot sessions as well still for others. And do you do the channeling as well? Have you started doing that? Or not? yet? I have


started doing that with some people. Yes. So a different service that I wanted to be going into was being able to channel different entities for people that think they are Starseeds but are unsure so they can come to me and I can try and tap into their frequency and see who's on their side for them. So like you you said to Tahoe, they would you come in for me to who could come in for you, but you will definitely have a different primary guide, you know, that I could potentially tap into and bring to you. Does that make sense?

Laura Konst:

Yes, I see. Obviously, you're able to write so you're able to get them as well as like basically like spirit. You could tap into my spirits for example, some people can write I see it's sort of the same, it works the same.



Laura Konst:

So how if someone is bit oblivious, or half oblivious, like myself? How would I know I mean, Tao said, you know, if you're interested, you're probably you are one. But are there any other signs that you think would be helpful for us to listen to, to see or discover where we come from? Who are we?


Yeah, of course. So I think that a lot of Starseeds just feel different, you know, they in themselves, they just, they just feel different and I definitely as a child, and growing up just felt like I was on the outskirts of my family. For one, I'm nothing like anyone in my family. So I stuck out like a sore thumb. You know, and I think a lot of people feel that being a star seed. But if you have like a specific interest in space, but also like a fear of space, I remember this came to me before I got on the podcast. And I thought, Okay, this is something that I definitely wanted to bring to the table. But I remember when I was at primary school, and I found out that space existed, and I just completely crumbled, and I had to be taken out of class, and I was crying. And now I look back on it. And it was because I think they put a level of fear in there, because it wasn't time for me to discover everything that I was, but I had a memory of what space is, you know, I come from there. So there was that level of fear that was inbuilt in me to stop me from tapping in too much in the energy.

Laura Konst:

Right, I see. Yeah, so


I think that it's important to understand who you are, you know, on a soul level. And I think that if you've questioned your life and who you are, and why you're here, that necessarily will connect to you being a star seed. So feeling very much on the outskirts feeling like you're a bit of an outsider, not feeling like you fit in is also a telltale sign of being a star seed, I think if you're particularly interested in a specific subject as well, that was also a sign that you perhaps have studied in that realm, you know, where you're from, like, whichever constellation or Galaxy you're from, you might have expertise in that realm, different sciences, mathematics and things like that, you know, it's not always just in the spiritual realm, it can be in terms of technology, too. So a lot of stars is coming down to how some technological information as well. So some people that might cast themselves as being super nerdy, you know, like, their potential star seeds, as well as these people that just have a love for life, and want to help people. So yeah, the main group of star seeds that exist right now are lightworkers. And that's people that exists just to help other people, you know, and they might not be doing expensive work, they might be your person that works at your corner shop, you know, they might be a nurse, they might be a doctor, things like that of service to other people. So a lot of people that love to be of service to other people are star seeds. And that's another telltale sign that you might be from somewhere else because you're here to serve. You know, you feel like your head.

Laura Konst:

Oh, I see. Yeah, that makes sense. I think the one for myself, particularly about space, I always loved space as a child. And still I do you can take me I live close to granted she can take me there often. And suppose and yeah, I just think it's, it's just brilliant, right then looking at the moon and looking at the see if we can see any other planets or like the Seven Sisters.


You find yourself stargazing a lot, it's probably because you remember that you're from there, you know, and having any interest in space, or animals or just wanting to understand life more in more depth. You know, it's like because your soul is crying out for the remembrance of self. I think another thing that gets missed as well as that a lot of star seeds look quite painful lives at the beginning, you know, because they don't remember who they are. And they are relearning and going through a lot of life lessons for their own personal souls expansion too. So even though we have a lot of information from different lifetimes and different galaxies, our soul as our star seed is also trying to ascend to so we come down and we have to face a lot of life lessons as well at the beginning of our life. So it's usually in the latter part of the life but it's changing now like you see with Indigo and Crystal Children and rainbow children that they remember a lot earlier, but especially in our lifetime. So what it's not until I'm in my 30s Now that I'm discovering everything that I am so up until that you know there was a lot of confusion, a lot of pain, a lot of not feeling like I understood this this world you know, and I had a lot of questions from a very young age about climate about humanity is generally no different people then yeah, there's telltale signs, especially in children if they're asking a lot of expensive questions like encourage them, you know, capture them in that space and yeah, ask them more questions because they might be more than expensive so the newer you know that that's something that's happening is people are giving birth to star seeds that are an older sold and their parents they can that's

Laura Konst:

Oh yeah, that's huge. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Especially especially the last one you said that you have a lot of kids and even teens they know so much stuff that they otherwise I don't want to say should know because it should because that's why they know but the even the parents like how do you know all this and I Are you able if someone, one of the lessons is coming to you, are you able to tell them what they are?


Yeah, so not me personally, but I would ask my guides. And if they didn't know, specifically, we will be able to then go and find out and come back for them. But from what I gather, it's like, everyone's everyone can see who they are, you know, it's like I might not be able to see just by looking at them, but my guys will know where they come from, there'll be able to get in touch with their star system and be able to help them.

Laura Konst:

Well, so that's really interesting. So if you're interested as a listener, go to Cassidy because she will. This definitely is so exciting. Yeah. I had I did a podcast with Victoria also on Atlanteans. And she was also mentioning like memorials, for example. They're also starseeds.


Huh, yeah, so Allah Marines Atlanteans are considered to be like the first set of star seeds that incarnated on this planet. So they were the first ones to reincarnate and try and discover how to lay out the planet as it is today. But a lot of memories Atlantians like really resonate with being in the water. So I think a lot of people out here have like such an affinity to water. And that's kind of a telltale sign that you might have lived a lifetime in the Maria. There's a lot of people that I know that are, they feel like they've lived a life on America, but wouldn't necessarily consider themselves to be an American Stasi, but they are very connected to sacred geometry for an example. And they are also very much in the realms of helping others. So I know a lot of like yoga instructors that resonate with them, Marie, for example. So there's all these little signs of perhaps reincarnating as a star seed at one point, but definitely connected to Lumira. So if you love the water, it's highly likely that you lived a life and Atlantis on a Maria.

Laura Konst:

Oh, that's really interesting. I like again, the sacred geometry pada I love sacred geometry. I'm a machine learning, I've got a course quite in depth about it. And it's just mind blowing as well. Because it looks all like cool shapes and stuff, but so much thought and knowledge behind it. So it does explode my brain yet again. But there's a lot coming on Tali and Loz with crystals and sacred geometry quite soon, hopefully beginning of the year. So yeah, that is something I'm just I don't know why I'm obsessed about I think it's just brilliant. Because you're


a pleadian. Yeah.

Laura Konst:

Well, maybe it was one of the Lemurians then maybe I didn't love it love the mooring coach. Yeah, as well, maybe? I don't know. But yeah, what


I've discovered in my lifetime anyway, there is someone in my life that really resonates with being alone, Marian and I've seen us together, placing crystals in certain aspects of the universe. So in different landmarks, we were there putting crystals in the ground, you know, for others to feel that frequency. So it's no surprise to me that you welcome work in the realm of crystals, you know, being a pleadian and feeling the energy and all beings are connected to sacred geometry. So is it like an innate just natural response? As soon as you start to delve into it, I don't know a single person that hasn't been gripped by it, you know, because it's an essence of what you are.

Laura Konst:

Right? I see. Yeah, it's so cool, isn't it. So more connecting, that you think is not just just a symbol or not just Yeah, anything that looks really cool. Like a Hollywood film, for example, there's a lot of a lot of things behind it. In, in our world, basically,


the fabric of our reality, you know, it's like the one thing that you can keep coming back to. Another thing actually, is that the style stars is really, really, really connected to the angel angelic realm as well. So if you feel like you have an affinity to angels or you feel like you are protected, that's usually because there was angels surrounding you as well. So that's something that I hadn't considered when I discovered that I was a star seed I didn't realize the close connection that they have to the angelic realm as well. And also this idea of Christ consciousness, you know, and being like an Ascended Master, it's like it's all one in the same so another way to gain protection actually, we talked about previously is to call an angel, so Archangel Michael, Archangel Ariel Archangel Gabriel are very much very, very connected to different Starseeds and they will come in and protect you.

Laura Konst:

Oh, really? Did they have particular started they protect or just


Yeah, so whoever they connect with more frequently but this idea of the Indigo crystalline, and also rainbow children, they're really connected to them. Like very early on in age. I work a lot with Archangel Michael and also Archangel Metatron. And he's obviously the Mecca in terms of what is life and sacred geometry. So yeah, if you feel called to gain more protection if you don't feel safe calling the angelic grounds, you know, because they will come in for you to,

Laura Konst:

to do Oh yeah, I actually recently just learned about Metatron because you think is just a symbol, which is gonna be which is really cool for crystal grids. But then when you learn about like, oh, hang on a minute, it actually comes from the Ark Angel. Holding, and he's the protector of the throne of God, basically. So it is super interesting because you look at that symbol. Button not necessarily connected to God, even the, the Catholic or the Christian God. Also, if you think about it, and then that connects in with a square but it square also connects with the big cube not square the cube, I'm sorry, the cube also known connects with the big Q, which is in the square on in Mecca. Which is then you know, be very, very important for the Muslim community. Yeah, and the deeper I go in this nest, like, hang on a minute, lay on him is so connected. So yeah, you only Well, I've only learned about about lots and lots of reading and research and but before that do you think is all separate beliefs system which they are in one hand, but actually, if you go further back in history, and the further you go, the more of actually, it comes from all the same source as we, as you said earlier,


I think it's just about being open to everything, you know, I consider myself to be spiritual, but I'm not adverse to any form of religion, you know, making its appearance in my life, and me collecting aspects of that and taking it for my truth. And that's why it's so great. When you do go on a spiritual journey, when you do go on a Starseed journey, and you go, just delving into different realms of understanding, you know, I spent hours at the computer and books in the library, just picking up different bits of information, and certain things will resonate, and other things won't. So I just take on what resonates for me, and what I feel is true to me in this lifetime, you know, so I think that's also important for other people to know as well as if you feel called to start researching, do that. But don't take everything up to be truth, because it might not be your truth, you know, and you'll feel whether something is for you, it will jump out the page and a light switch will go on. And you'll be like, That makes so much sense. You know, and I love those aha eureka moments when they happen. And I love knowing them about other people. So just be curious, if you feel like you might be a star seed like you say, reach out to me and I can help work with you. But if you're not at that level yet, just start researching star seeds, look at things that you're interested in and see how that might relate back to a different, you know, constellation, or start looking at astrology, there's so many different realms that you can delve into, you know, and I'm always constantly learning like, like I said, I've just gone gone into dragon energy. But I started off in the spiritual realm. And I started doing Reiki and all these things are all connecting to be like my life path, you know, but I've got my fingers in many different places of understandings and knowledge. And I'm just trying to gain as much knowledge as I can as I go.

Laura Konst:

Definitely. Yeah. And it's endless. It's endless knowledge for a lifetime of learning. Oh, Cassidy. Wow, thank you so much for all of these things. I think. Yeah, we've all learned a lot. Definitely, I think so. And I think the listeners as well. And yeah, if you do want to, if you want to get in contact with Cassidy, the her link is below in description, the awakening Star to ask her for guidance or help. Whether it's Reiki or star seed, she can all help you. She's amazing. She does great readings as well. You could probably hear already from the energy coming from her voice. It's incredible humans listening. And taking the time.


No, of course. Yeah. I'm so glad that I can share some information. Yeah, really happy to be here. And if Yeah, if anyone does need my help in any way, you know, that's kind of part of my mission is to help other people understand where they might be in their lifetime right now. So yeah, always here to help.

Laura Konst:

Thank you, Cassidy. And for the listeners as well. If you do want to support the show, please do there's a link all the way below also share it everywhere on YouTube or Instagram. You can share all of it via also the links that you see on your podcast player. It depends on which one you use. And next week we are back as well. All right, thank you