S3 E6 - Human Design

Laura Konst Season 3 Episode 6

I am talking to Courtney, who is a yoga therapist, Psychotherapist and a Human Design Reader.  Human Design is a science of differentiation utilizing the modern sciences of the quantum mechanics of physics, genetics and biochemistry, along with the ancient sciences of the Chinese I' Ching, Hindu Brahmin Chakras, Zohar/Kabbalist Tree of Life, and Astrology.
A wonderful episode with lots to learn and discover!

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Laura Konst:

Hi and welcome to Tali and Loz. Where we discover spirituality together. And today I have a beautiful, really interesting lady with me, which is Courtney. Hi, Courtney, how are you?


Hi, how are you?

Laura Konst:

I'm very good. Thank you for being here. Courtney is all the way from the USA. Well, for us here in the UK, it is all the way. And she is a yoga teacher, a yoga therapist, a psychotherapist and a human design reader. So she can do a lot. She has so much knowledge, but we're going to focus mostly today on the human design. And yeah, for those who don't know, Courtney would love Tommy first actually, tell me first about yourself, and then we're gonna go to into the human design.


Yes, so I am a well, if you take it from Yuma dot design perspective, I'm a generator. I'm, I live here in Houston, Texas, I have been a psychotherapist for about nine years. And then kind of about four year round four years and to being a psychotherapist, I kind of went on a yoga journey, and it really connected with it, it helped me a lot personally. So I went on to study yoga then began incorporating yoga and my work with clients. And, you know, I would about a year and a half ago, a little over a year and a half ago, I really know we all have our personal struggles. And I think that, you know, going through your own personal struggles can especially being a therapist can help you connect with people a lot and kind of went on this crystal healing path and then just started looking at, you know, who I am and how I can find self acceptance through energy healing. So that kind of brought me into, that's kind of where the Human Design kind of crept in, I had a friend who he inner, you know, we were just texting and he mentioned crystals, and it was something I'd always been interested in. So I kind of took that path dived into that. And then, you know, he came across Human Design and had heard about it and was like, Hey, there's this human design into your training, you know, you should you know, look into this. So I took that and then kind of got swept away in the passion of human design and did a one on one training. But, you know, for me personally, it's like, I'm, I have so many interests and I'm just a passionate person about so many things and it's just all over the board. I'm just like this. Sometimes I feel like I'm the bouncing ball of energy. And I'm a animal lover. You know, just nature lover? It's yeah.

Laura Konst:

Because if you if well if I take it from let's say to psychotherapy, which is like a renowned you know, study and science on the medical world believes in in quote unquote, believes netlist, let's put it that way. And then you also do something as human design? Which is that's more towards the spiritual ways. Yes. And how the, the colleagues of your psychotherapy do they do they find that were to do they embrace it, that you incorporate these two things. You know,


I've found that, you know, and there's like, how clients are, you know, approaching it. And I feel like from the psychotherapy and other professionals, you know, the networking, it's the human design and all this, it's something much newer, so I get a lot of interest, you know, it's like they don't you know, it's in the psychotherapy field, it's like, oh, you know, it's, they want to know more, so I don't get and I'm also finding there are many more psychotherapist now that are beginning to weave in the energy healing work. So I'm finding more and more psychotherapist that are bringing this into their work, and it's really interesting to connect with them. So it's actually becoming more embraced in the field of psychotherapy than, you know, it was probably 10 years ago.

Laura Konst:

Wow. It's beautiful, isn't it that everything becomes sort of more fluid in the whole world? Yeah, I did the traditional medical world, whether the whether that be mind or body is now sort of that some doctors or practitioners or therapists they incorporate the fluidity of spirituality in it. Yeah, and that works best for most people. It is Yeah.


Are you know, they're coming to therapist, and they're mentioning these things, you know, so it's, you know, it's kind of like, well, the psychotherapy now has to kind of make some adjustments, like you said, and be good to what people are asking for an interesting, you know, when I'm talking to other psychotherapist, you know, especially in the field, you know, bringing human design into the work it's very much like this is I kind of present it to them to the people who are a little bit more on the closed minded side a little bit more as like, this is a tool, this is another tool that you can give clients, just like you would give them the tool of, you know, why actually, tons of therapists now are saying, you know, meditation, relaxation, you know, or even, you know, the tools such as Myers Brigg personality tests, really what I can pair human designed to is, it's like an energetic version of the Myers Brigg and Clifton Strength Finders. So that kind of makes people a lot more interested. Know, Like I said, like, psychotherapist always are giving clients tool. So this is a tool. Exactly. Yeah. self acceptance.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, definitely. And so tell us about the human design. For those who don't know anything about it, or maybe never heard of it. What what is it? And what what do we do that?


Okay, so what it is, is human design is it generates body graph, so you get like a picture of the energy, how the energy naturally flows and is present in your body. So, you go eat, it's you go, you can get this body graph, this picture of how the energy is in your body. And it's based on ancient and modern sciences. So what it's based on is Chinese icing. And within that there are 64, hexagrams. And each, and there are six lines in the hexagram. And then it's also based on astrology, it brings in the planets, it's based on the gene keys, the 64, Gene keys as well. And something that a lot of people are a little bit more familiar with is the chakra system. You know, with this, the chakra is actually what it uses is the nine chakra system versus a seven because it was around like 1781, that we actually as humans evolved from the seven to the nine doctorate energy systems. So play, and it generates this graph of what because every person has different shockers, or different systems that are defined versus undefined. And when they're defined, that's where your energy is very consistent in that area. So you can see how it all works together. And one important thing is that there is you know, some modern science weaved into this. It is also it's based on it's actually physics, there's a particle called a neutrino. And it's very, it's an extremely small particle with a very small amount of mass, but it moves around, it vibrates around the state and moves around the same speed as light. So what you do to get your body graph you need your name, the place you were born, the time you were born, known, of course, the day you were born, your birth date. So it's based on these particles are constantly moving through the universe. So the particles and the information and the mass that they carry, in carry at the time you were born influenced the energy.

Laura Konst:

Oh, right. So this was sort of where the astrology comes in. So when you want to know like, your moon sign or your, your, your chart you need, you need all of that as well to see where the planets were. And so the nutrients you said, the nutrients and the planet, they all give up certain energy. And that is the energy that you base the Human Design map on. Do I understand that right?


Yes. It's Yes, it's very confusing. But I mean, it's just so interesting how it all comes together and kind of the history behind it and how you know the creator of this like yeah, actually went kind of in isolation for eight days and had all this come to him and is relatively new because that happened in 1987.

Laura Konst:

Right? Wow, yeah, this Yeah, reasonably new. And so tell us a shake because I always work on the seven chakra system. So what are the other two chakras that you work with?


Okay, so the evolution was a solar plexus was divided into two. So it's like, one is still called the solar plexus. And it's more on the left side of the body, and the other is on the right. And it's the spleen. So it's like you have the solar plexus is now the solar plexus in the spleen. And the heart, they're still the heart, but it's in human design. It's called the heart slash the ego. And that was kind of divided between the heart ego, and the G Center, which is a center of identity,

Laura Konst:

the center of identity. Is that what you're saying? Oh, wow. Right. So you have the ego which this goes all sadness. Now I see a somewhat of connection with your psychotherapy, then because the ego is our hottie. Yeah. How do you explain what your ego is? It's something that you that can take over from who you actually are. Right? That's the ego is in the way often is in the way of who you are. Yeah, how would we explain what the ego is?


Yes. And human design also takes it in a little different perspective, because a lot of people think of the ego as a bad thing. But the ego is also that driving force. So to like, do something so in human design, the ego is more worked. Seeing the work around that is more seen as that's what we consider the center of will, man assertion.

Laura Konst:

Yeah. Oh, right. Okay. And then you have to center of being and that more your spirit. Bing, is that? Is that the one that connects more to the, to your astrology then? Oh, is yeah, that I've said it wrong. What was it? Did jeans, G. G sent out? I'm gonna rephrase that. And then the, and then the G center. So that's different than the ego heart chakra, the G center is that then who is? Who Your spirit is?


It's very much yes. It's who your spirit is. And also of your sense of self.

Laura Konst:

Your sense of self. All right. I see. Yeah, so that's, uh huh. Okay, so that's really interesting. So that's when, if we in spirituality, say more, you need to work more on your heart chakra. You actually work on your sense of self. Rather than it's more like self love and acceptance. Oh, I see. So then you actually work on that chakra?


Yes. Because if you think about it, too, when you're talking about self self acceptance in the heart, it's also like that self love.

Laura Konst:

Yeah. Yes, definitely. Yeah, that's the most most important isn't it? I think people get struggled to love themselves. They're also more difficult to love others often. Because their ego is maybe self Yes. Okay, that's really interesting. Okay, so let's say I am your client. And you make the chart. So with the Yeah, for the astrology and the other things. And then what happens?


Okay, so once I you know, I get the chart and I analyze it. I talked to the client and I go through and I explained to them because it's if you if you saw the chart, it's so much information. So I give him you know, like the basics, I tell them their energy tie, their strategy, their authority, environment, digestion, their profile and a main thing is their incarnation Cross, which is so interesting because it's more or less a store story of the journey that they're probably going to encounter or they will encounter in their life. No, it goes to like what is their major gift and theme throughout life? What lesson do they need to evolve through and then of course I've we're so focused on the positive so after you go through that lesson, what is your prize? No. What do you what good comes out of that lesson, that major lesson in life that you learn in his life there unique gift. Yes.

Laura Konst:

Oh, that's really interesting. Okay, so let's see. Let's zoom in on the things that you said. So first, you are going to their energy type, and what could be an energy type? How would How does that work?


Okay, so the energy type is it's determined by the defined areas, the divine defined energy systems in their body. And there are 555 main types. There's the generator, they have a defined sacral area, there's an manifester, which has a define throat connected to a motor, another motor chakra. There are projectors, who there have like mostly the defined Aashna. Okay, then there are, this is an interesting one, or there's reflectors, who nothing is defined. They're pretty much like less than 1% of the population and like to be able to I have not worked with a reflector yet, but that is like a dream of mine. Why is manifesting generators who are a combination of the manifester and the generator, so they have a defined sacral and defined throat and it's connected. And there's

Laura Konst:

connecting those two. Oh, wow, that goes very deep. It sounds quite complex, I'm trying to understand the standard. So they are energy types, and everybody has an energy type. Everybody. And from that energy type, what can you what does that say about a person?


Okay, so what it can say is, and I'm very, throughout, you know, my human design sessions, I really keep things focused, I try to, like not go into that phase of stereotyping clients by their energy because their energy types because even when someone has an energy type, there are so many different, no, it's almost impossible for any one's charts to be the same. So someone can have people can have the same energy type, but there are 64 gates. So what's activated and what's connected is it's almost impossible. With the energy type, it really boils down to the energy type is shows more how this person will have a tendency to utilize utilise their energy, like how their energy comes out. So I generators are all about joy and passion. manifester is their energy. No. So a generator is someone who can create a lot of their own energy and that energy will be sustained. If they're doing something that they enjoy, for example, a manifester, their energy is pure divine energy so their energy isn't created from within their energy is from like, this, the universe comes through them. So it's very powerful. A projector they're not an energy beings, so they tend to get their energy from those around them. And they're that person who kind of like we described as a Bird on the wire, they're looking down at observing and their gift is like, Okay, this is what needs to be fixed. They're like looking versus out and doing. And so they're, they something that they may tend to struggle with is realizing that they need time to take a step back and not be doing doing

Laura Konst:

all the time. That's husband like myself, to be honest.


People accept kind of energetically how they respond to the world and work in the world. And one of the most beneficial things is really the authority, their center of authority, because the Define center of authority is their guide guidance of how to make decisions in their life. Oh, we're really confused. You know, I guys and go back to your center of authority. Yeah.

Laura Konst:

And how so? Is that one of the other maps that you do?


It's, it's in the human design isn't

Laura Konst:

Yeah, yeah, that's what I mean. So you have the first you you look at the energy type, which we just talked about, and then and then what you do the astrology


Yes, the astrology that's where it gets, you know, the astrology actually determines the Incarnation cross

Laura Konst:

incarnation process, the word I was looking for. So what? Yes, what is that's that's the Incarnation cross is that also has to is it linked to Evolutionary astrology. So that the journey of your soul?


Yes, because the Incarnation cross is based. And when do we have you look at your chart and you have the planets, it has the gates that you have activated corresponding to those planets. And you have the personality side and the design side and the personality is a lot of your trades that you're more conscious of, and you're more aware of, and the design is the things that you may not be quite as aware of. So the Incarnation cross takes the the Sun and the Earth of the personality, and the Sun and Earth of the design side, and that creates the Incarnation cross. Wow. So it's like your your son and your earth is what kind of corresponds to your journey in life?

Laura Konst:

Yes. Wow, that sounds very deep. It sounds like a huge amount of work as well to make a map for someone how, how long does it take you out of interest?


Okay, of interest, well, takes me, I go in and I get the, the body graph, and then really, I analyze it and to analyze it, it takes over and it takes an over a little over an hour to an hour and a half for me to analyze a chart on my own. And then when I give a reading the reading that I the reading is me giving the information to the client. Yeah, and that takes about about 60 minutes.

Laura Konst:

Wow. So it's Yeah, that's a lot of work. Yeah, that's amazing.


Yeah, because, um, you know, and it's very, such rewarding work. And because it's so much information, you know, in that first 60 minute reading, I just, you, a lot of times, we don't get through everything, because really, you don't want to overwhelm people, because it's so much. And I work with clients, I tell them, No, there are some people that have come to me just for a human design reading and not you know, psychotherapy, which is always you know, an option. And, you know, it's like, when you get this information, you really have to take time to take it in, and how can I utilize this in my life? Yeah, because tell them like, Okay, now you know, you know, how you may have the tendency to make decisions and go about your life, how your energy is working for, you need to take like a month to play around with that. And I say, use this to maybe see how it plays out in your life, you know, see how it's in there. Like, I'm always there for you people want to dive deeper and they want to go further, they want to have questions. But it's a lot of information. So it's always like, you have that 60 minute reading, you can always have a follow up, you know,

Laura Konst:

definitely and do you. So, as a client, then from you from the reading, I know sort of my I know my energy type I would know my incarnation cross, yes. And what else would you tell me?


I will tell you the profile profile is a lot of how you see yourself and others tend to see you. Yes, yes. So, that is a lot of like, kind of some patterns of how you may operate in the world, like some people are here to be changemakers some people are here, you know, their main role is to be a role model for others is another example. And, you know, with that is the numbers in the profile, kind of also tell you your karma in this life. Like some people have personal karma, which means that they're here to all their lessons, everything they do in life is meant to be for themselves. They're here not so much to like, deal with past life things or to, you know, things for future lives, you know, it's kind of all for them. They're not here necessarily to like, learn things and like share them with others. You know, it's a very personal karma where for some people it's a transpersonal karma. They're either here to kind of clear past life stuff or to learn things and be sharing what they're learning with others.

Laura Konst:

Oh, and and how do you get that information? Is that in the map as well? Okay,


so if you have a if the first number in your profile is smaller than the second, it's a personal karma. first number is a larger number if you have transpersonal karma.

Laura Konst:

Oh, I see. What do you get the numbers from


the numbers it's on when you get your body graph, it's on the body graph.

Laura Konst:

It's on the body graph.


There's a column on the side that will tell, you know, the basic information.

Laura Konst:

Yes. Wow, that sounds so interesting. It's like something that it to me it sounds like such a big mirror of oneself. And then as a client, when you know these things, like your tendency, how, what your energy is, then you think, Oh, actually, yes, that is true. That is me. Because there are so many people who I think actually all of us, we don't always realize ourselves.


Yes, exactly. And, you know, from the work that I've done with clients, there have been, you know, everyone is at a different level and a different place in our life. And there are some people who are there's like, no, they're, they feel really lost. So when they have a human design reading, it's, it feels like they're looking at themselves for the first time, ya know, and that's where it's like, it can be overwhelming to them. And then they're able to have high levels of self awareness. And they've done a lot of self work. So I find like, when those clients have a human design reading for them, what they get out of it is like, they're like, Wow, I've always been aware of myself. But now like, this is validated. You know, this helps me accept those things. And those patterns that I've noticed about myself, you know, it helps them kind of say, like, Okay, now this, I've always thought, I've always noticed this about myself, but they feel more at ease with owning those things about ourselves versus saying, this is something about me that that's wrong and needs to be fixed. And I think that's the beauty of human design is it gives someone a guide to say like, Hey, you know, I don't need to be fixed.

Laura Konst:

Hmm, no, no, it's isn't it largely also accepting from oneself and see how you can work with yourself? Yes, that will give the peace of mind. Yes. And


yes, it's, you know, all about that self acceptance. And, you know, even looking at the energetic perspective, what I found very interesting is, I've had some clients who have had human design readings and have also had Reiki sessions. And there has been this correlation between their, this when they have a Reiki session, the center's chakras that are blocked, are also shockers that are defined in their body graph.

Laura Konst:

Oh, how does? How does that work then?


Yeah, so kind of, like I said, this is because everything, you know, human design is so new, there's been very little research and studies on things, and especially combining it with things like Reiki. But like, what I'm thinking is like, the areas that are defined in your body, they're meant to be flowing, you know, they're meant expressed consistently. So someone is not living by their design. It's going to be blocked, like their sense of who they're supposed to be is being blocked and that shows up in the session.

Laura Konst:

Oh, I see. And then once Oh, that would actually it would make a lot of sense because then if you're now let's say your throat chakra is defined, okay, blocked or both and then you work on that and then start to flow and then you become more yourself. And then you become more in touch with yourself. Yes. Oh, wow. That's so beautiful, isn't it that you


find in the chakra, you have different gates that are activated so the gates get to where it's really specific of like, if you continually you know, you know, looking at the correlations between things, if someone has a lot, throat chakra, you can look at their body graph and if their throat chakra is defined, you can look at what specific gates you know, do they have activated and those gates, you know, are that's where things get really specific of you can have a gate and that gate kind of has a certain way that it needs to be expressed. And begin to express the gates that they have activated in their chart. So they know how to like express themselves and live by that, that design to hopefully you know, unblock

Laura Konst:

right Okay, so when you have a client, so often from what I understand from You in your practice, you have psychotherapy clients, and you offer them this tool. Yes. Do you find that people that use, or your clients that use human design tend to be balanced faster or quicker or they are balanced more? Yes,


I feel that they tend to make progress in your goal, their sense of well being and their emotional stability much quicker. Because I feel because of what I've seen is like, they have this tool, so they begin to embrace themselves and the way they live their daily life. So they start really embracing what are their natural instincts, what feels right to them. So like, no, and like, it's just very natural. Like, as you embrace who you are, it's like there's this weight lifted. So people come to psychotherapy, anxious, depressed, feeling way down and miserable. And then like, they begin and bracing themselves, even in their everyday life, you know, little things I tell people, you know, if this is you're going to your center of authority, use it to make little decisions about like, Okay, what, you know, grocery store, you're going to go to today, what are you going to have for dinner? You know, are you going to say yes to this friend who wants to go do this? Or are you going to say no, you know, begin with small things. Even it can be like, what are you going aware today? No, and no, begin really being yourself in those small ways.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, it's all about practicing your intuition as well, in your own mind, isn't it?


Yes, exactly. I'm glad you brought that word intuition up. Because that is like the key. You know, what I mean, by your design is really living by your intuition.

Laura Konst:

Yes. Yeah. I think intuition is very underrated. Because I have a lot of customers. Ask about my crystals, like, what do I pick? What is the right crystal for me? And then also say it is also is mainly intuition, because the crystal picks you, and I can help you guide. But I would always give you multiple options. And then you pick what feels right. Because it needs to feel right. And where does your feeling come from? It comes from your intuition.


Yeah, so leaning into that.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, exactly. And when you start trusting your intuition, you trust yourself more.


Yeah, so the human design can really be a way to guide people to connect to their intuition.

Laura Konst:

Yeah. Wow. That's amazing. And how did you feel like studying? How do you? How do you start studying it? Is there an institution that you have to go through,


there is an international institution, but you will find that there are a lot of more different avenues coming up. I was actually trained one on one by the lady that I did the intro course from. So I'm not sure if she's still doing one on one trainings, I could definitely, you know, someone can always email me, and then I can, like, get in touch with her and find out that still are out that she wanted, was wanting to pursue because she's going through, you know, everyone's kind of shifting gears and you know, doing some different things, you know, seems like, especially at this time, so, but there are also there's also other courses that are very doable, because there's a International Institute of Human Design, and they have a very rigorous several year, you know, long study that you can do, but there's also much doable courses. There's also books, you know, that get, and, you know, somewhat Yeah, I can recommend to people that can you can read through and they they'll give you like, you know the basics.

Laura Konst:

Yeah. Yeah, the basics of the human design. So as if we're not a client, but we are really interested. Would you say, more, get a book and obviously, listen to this podcast in the first place, and then get a Verkauf see some videos, could that still help us?


Yes, it could definitely help people. There are books but there's also a couple of websites I can recommend there's Jovian archive, which is one of the main websites and you can go to that and they'll tell you the basics. You can also go to that. You can also go to his website and get your chart. But if you kind of don't know that much about it, getting a real good analysis, you would have to do a lot of self study too. To understand this

Laura Konst:

standard, yes, always, did you have to do a lot of shadow work for yourself? Unable to do this for others?


Yes, yes, I actually, you know, dove into the shadow work, you know. And of course, I took several months from that first inter galactic a few months between the intercourse and no actually taking the one on one training that I had to like, see how the chart worked. And I'm, you know, mentioning the shadow work like with the gates you have activated with the gates you have activated, the way it's presented is that gate has a light side, which is, you know, the positive side, which is what I usually focus on with clients, but it also has a shadow side. And if you're not living by your design, the shadow side comes out. So yes, there's like, it's kind of like Shadow Work is built in with it.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, everybody has a shadow side. But Shadow Work is different cookie. It's yeah, it can be quite. How do you say? Quite a roller coaster? For someone to work on the shadow side?


Yes, very much. So.

Laura Konst:

Yeah. The would you say that doing psychotherapy with you, or another psychotherapist is actually a part of shadow work?


Yes, yes. Is it looking at yourself? I mean, you know, some therapists go that route and bring that in. But I think it is important to look at that side. Because really, if you're looking at, you know, negative habits that you have, which is how it's usually presented in psychotherapy, that is your shadow coming out?

Laura Konst:

Yeah. Yes, exactly. And do you would you if, let's say, if you have a client that has been with you for quite a while, and they do human design and have it like you said, he focused mostly on the positive, which I think it's a good thing. But if the client has like this this feeling of there's something else there is something I need to go through? Is that something that you are able to help them with, which isn't a part of the shadow, I suppose, but maybe they don't even know what it is? Because people do suppress, like trauma, for example?


Yes, yes. You know, definitely, I think a lot of that comes out when we go into the specifics of looking at the gates. Because when you're looking at the gates app, where that's where you get really specific work brings in that shadow aspect. And, you know, if I noticed clients keep coming up with a certain issue, you know, that's blocking them, you know, I can look, you know, and see what gates are kind of what gates do, we need to discuss, and when we discuss that gate, you know, you make a sandwich out of it, you talk about the light side, and then talk about the shadow and then ended with a light, you know, I thought if you're really truly listening to your intuition, you've got this light, you know, this positive, this has a positive spin on it. And also kind of looking at, you know, human design can also be used to look when you're, like I said, the design side can correlate to past life things as well. So also, if someone is feeling really stuck, we can focus on that design side of their chart, because that's person some of the past life stuff could be and it could be like, Okay, maybe this is something that's, you know, in your energy system, and it's from a past life, how you know, and that's me looking at the Incarnation cross to that shadow lesson that you have to learn in life. You know, that's where some of that shadow working come in. This is the lesson that you're meant to learn, there's going to be a prize afterwards, you know, this is part of something that you may need to go through. This is how we can focus on the positive how to get you through it and support them through that.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, I think it's amazing that you do both because to me, if someone bless, who's not a trained psychotherapist, or a therapist or mental health therapist, or anything that to me, as me not knowing much about human design, it sounds almost that if you don't guide your client properly, you can get them into more trouble. Yes, because it's so deep. It goes very, very deep with all the charts and the gates and looking at paths, not just paths, but also, you know, deeper traumas. It's different than evolutionary astrology without I've been doing with Jeff That's like, it is. It is a little bit about bands, but it's different. It's more about the energies and archetypes. But to me Human Design seems like at least another few layers deeper. All aspects? Yeah,


yes. And really knowing when you're working with someone that you have to be able to gauge how, especially if you know, something related to trauma comes up, you have to be able to gauge like, am I giving them too much? Kind of like, titrated? No, you don't want to give them too much. You know, you need to know the signs, you know, and if it's is something that brings up anxiety and a trauma response, like how to regulate their nervous system and their emotions to bring them down. And, you know, that is where some of the, you know, psychotherapy comes in as, like, how can we also give them tools to rate self regulate, you know, while they're taking in this information, versus just kind of spewing it all out at them and overwhelming them?

Laura Konst:

Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And it takes a lot of guidance, I would think as well. For your clients, they have clients that only one to work on. I suppose they would work on both anyway, when they if they will contact you about the human design. They want to know more about themselves, and you can guide them every time a little bit more if they need someone.


Yes, yes. And you know, it doesn't, you know, people can come to me just for human design. So what I offer is like, you know, the reading, and then there's always like, you can have follow ups. And you know, that I would say it's like a human design reading. But it's also they can have human design, what I consider coaching, which is like follow up where they come in, and they just talk to me and I coached them how to use a human design in their everyday life, you know, and they can talk to, you know, even to like report back and they want someone to talk to you about it, like, Hey, I've been, you know, doing this, and I've noticed how this has changed, or, you know, I'm really stuck here. So there can be human design coaching that I can offer them.

Laura Konst:

Oh, that's amazing. And you were saying a few times about the chart? Can we and we as people being abroad or not close to you also get the chart done by you?


Yes, yes, they actually can because as far as being an other human human design, reading has no regulations. It's like, if someone comes to me, and they're like, I just want psychotherapy, it's like, I'm, I'm bound to just the US. But human design readings can happen, you know, all across the country. It's like, there's no, there's no regulation on human design reading. So people can come to me and say I want human design, reading. And I also want some coaching. And that can happen, I've actually done really a reading for someone in Australia, which was really interesting. So it's nice to I love, like, connecting with people all over the world. And that's another thing that I love about having this option because I went into psychotherapy, because I want to help people, you know, that's what I'm all about. I want to help people live their fullest life. And I love that with human design reading. It's a tool that I'm passionate and I love and helps people. But I don't have I can help people anywhere. You know, like there's there's no restrictions on you know, doing Human Design readings with people. So to have that ability to have this way to help people.

Laura Konst:

That's yeah, that's amazing. That's so beautiful. So yeah, for all the listeners around the globe because we do have listeners around the globe Tali and Loz podcast, you can definitely call Nick contact Courtney, for all of this because yeah, it's to me sounds super interesting. So then I'm thinking when when you do also like psychotherapy, do you do couples therapy and human design? Let's say you have a couple that didn't have a struggle with human design help with that as well.


Yes, it would. Because the couples it's all about relating because like like I said human design you really see that no two people are alike. So you can really bring in that concept of okay, this is how I am and this is how my energy works. This is how you are this is how your energy works and you know, seeing how can we accept you know, how each other tends to operate and honor that you know when you can understand like okay, you know if you know say you have a partner who's a projector and they just need time out you know, you know everyone needs time out but for some projector they may need it a little bit more. It's like another partners like why do you not want to I always do things all the time. You know, it's like, oh, well, that's why you know, so it brings a lot more patience in relationships.

Laura Konst:

That's amazing. Have you ever had that, that you do like a multi, multi design reading for people?


I haven't done that yet. I'm always up for the challenge. But usually what would happen is, the way I would go about it is I would give each person their reading separately. And then if they want it to come together in a session and talk about it together, and how that's interacting and how it's playing out.

Laura Konst:

That's amazing. That wouldn't work on family members or friends as well.


Yes, family members and friends. And like I said, I did a whole family before and I did them each separately, and I never liked spoke with them all together. But yes, I was able to see how something's played out in the family interactions. And for me, even personally, like I've done a human design reading on my mother, and wow, you know, to understand, like, your mother and that way, it's like, wow, you know, so yes, it's an even like, I've had friends I've done Human Design readings for and I can see like, because with a human design, you may find that if you have a sinner, there's also hanging gates. So you can have a hanging gate, and if the other person completes, that gate has the other side of that canyon gate, you create, you create a channel with that person, when you're in their presence or, you know, interacting with them. So a whole nother part of you can be activated, that wouldn't normally be activated.

Laura Konst:

So, wow, where does that come from? Like, what kind of gauge is that? And? Okay, is that sort of what we have where we have to saying, like, with a couple of complement each other, you fit


exactly like complete each other? Because like, you can have two couples can have like, okay, one person has these energy centers defined, and this person has the opposite ones defined. So like, if you put them together, everything is defined. So that's where it's like, oh, wow, you complete each other comes in.

Laura Konst:

Wow, that's amazing. But how about if the energies are almost look alike? are almost but if they if they if they their energies are the child's, they almost look similar.


Okay, yeah. So what that can mean is what you may find is in people who have very well, what is it's not all going to be like you said similar, because it's not going to be the same. But if there's a lot of similarities, those people may be able to understand each other very easily, like where the other person's coming from, like when they act a certain way, or they say certain things. They may be like, Oh, yes, I totally relate, or like, I'm right on board, or, you know, their energy levels just always match.

Laura Konst:

Wow, that sounds so amazing. It'd be so cool to do that with a couple, like you said, especially, I don't know, if you then want a couple that have challenges or if you want to study couples that are really suited to each other, because then you can see a bit of both, I assume, in my head. Yes. Yes. That was interesting.


Yeah, so couples who are suited, they may be suited because they have a lot of similarities in their chart and they understand each other or they could be very suited for gender because it's like, you know, kind of what one is lacking the other provides?

Laura Konst:

Yeah, exactly. Wow, the circle. Yeah. So if there's any listeners that want to do this with a couple please do contact card new service, you can study that. That'd be so cool. tricycle. therapy.org. And I put it in the description. Definitely. Because you can also see Courtney, her yoga teaching as well. And the psychotherapy and human design. It's all on there.


Yes. And you know, I also want to put out there like anyone who would be interested in a reading like I, I'll give them a 20% discount, just as they mentioned Talion loss.

Laura Konst:

Oh, that's amazing. Everybody go now. Thank you so much, Courtney, that you do this for other people. And I think you're amazing. You've got beautiful energy


here. Share this with people.

Laura Konst:

Thank you so much, Courtney. Well, I want to wish you all the best. And I do have you get Tali and Loz listeners coming to you. And for the listeners. Thank you so much for listening again in our 30s and we are almost where we are we're roughly halfway there the season which will be 10 episodes this time. And please do share the podcast with everybody also online. You can feel free to forward them to your Facebook and to all the People because we want to share all the spirituality with the whole world. So we can make the world a better place for everybody and a bit more peaceful and for ourselves as well. Of course,


you Yes. Just starting to realize, you know, it's morning over here So,

Laura Konst:

exactly. I'm gonna have dinner soon about lunch. Thank you so much and I wish you a beautiful day.