S3 E5 - Healing with Vernon Frost

Laura Konst Season 3 Episode 5

Vernon Frost is a clairvoyant,  teacher and healer in the field of esoterics and metaphysics. He travelled the world for decades giving  workshops, talks, healing sessions and much more! This episode is about overall healing, how he does it and what works for him. A great light chatty episode but with a lot to learn!

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Laura Konst:

Hi and welcome to the Tali and Loz podcast where we discover spirituality together. And I have a wonderful man with me this time. We don't get many men on my podcast. But van and he is from South Africa. And he will be visiting London and New York this week as well, for some events, which we're going to talk about. I Vernon, how are you?


I'm very well, thank you.

Laura Konst:

Thank you so much. Yeah. Oh, good. Oh, good. Thank you so much for making the time to talk to me. Yeah, for the, for the listeners, Vernon frost, he is a clairvoyant. He's a teacher in metaphysics, and he's coaching people as well. And there's a lot of information with a lot of experience, I believe, 35 to 40 years experience of a little


bit longer. 25 You just

Laura Konst:

turned 25 today. Brilliant. Well, then, yeah. Tell us a bit about yourself, where where do you come from? And how did you discover your ability to look for the clairvoyance? But also to teach people?


Right? Yeah. Well, first of all, I'm from Cape Town. Born and bred, yeah. And never wanted to move, but travel a lot. And when I was a kid, I was already starting to see things. And I would tell my mother, you know, these are Auntie somebody walking around. And she would give me a smack over the head and say, that's terrible. What do you see? And, and then it receded a little bit. Because it's just, that's how it happened sometimes. And then, when I was in my 1819, around that time, I discovered hypnotherapy. And that really moved me forward. And I realized that it's just the tip of the iceberg, there must be more than just an amazing subject like that. And as I was doing it, so my clairvoyance side started to open up and I didn't need to look so much. Or take people into a hypnotic state, I could sense or see where the issue is. And that's how I developed for me. So people asked me to, can I teach them how to do it. And I would gladly do it, if they had that kind of ability. Because I can just see the age the place or wherever it is. And I just have a unique slant on it. There's so many people out there that do this kind of work, that, you know, we just all to get, if we put it all together, we just, it's just an amazing modality that I have. So I'm able to look at the energy of the person can be even on Zoom or wherever. And people say to me sometimes that, you know, can you fix this up? And can you fix that up? The answer is yes. If you're supposed to,

Laura Konst:

oh, why? Why? If you're supposed to,


because there is more to do you have a spiritual side to you. And maybe your journey is not yet fulfilled. Maybe you haven't put the dots together, why you have something that's giving you this problem. So it's a different slant. But when you realize you got to take accountability for yourself, I want to, then subtle things happen to us so that you may be merged into my world where I can help people. But it's 99% of the time that people come to me, they are the type of people that want to shift or clear. So healing. When you talking about healing. It's such a complicated, and I like to keep it simple. And the way I look at it is that you have an issue, let's say you got a stomach ache or something like that. It is to just take you there to it, you go into that emotion, and then your body starts talking to you. And when he starts talking to me, which is a kind of strange thing that happens. So sometimes somebody's got a liver and then the liver talks to me and says, you know, I just feeling I'm not good enough or something like that. And I repeated back to them, Do you feel like you're not good enough? And then they will say yes or no or whatever. And we continue and it's not repairing itself. Oh, so

Laura Konst:

see, do you is it do talk to spirit or do you see Carl


I just, it's just my own connection to who I am. And to them to who they really are. Yes. So I feel things like, recently I had a lady that we were traveling with to one of our gamers, reserves, and she had an up in the UK. And when she lifted the I seem to be okay. And then it seemed to get worse and worse and worse. So when she arrived to meet us, she could hardly see through this design of us. And I started to look at it. And I saw where the issue is. And I would say, it's this little bit, and then I would leave it. And then the next day, because we had about five days, we were together, and then the next day would carry on with a little bit more. And she agreed with everything that I was doing. The last thing when I looked at her, I said, the only problem with your eyes, it's swollen. And she was going to the, to the surgeon, or two days later, to look at it. And when they examined it, they said the only problem is that your eyes are swollen. So you know, this is the thing I get I get a lot of that kind of confirmation. But because I see it, I don't see it in the way that I see the eye. I see it in an energetic way. It's it's like I would see somebody that's got has had a i a heart attack or the heart has been broken. I can look at the energy of the heart. And if I had to imagine that the heart looks like that. I sometimes see it like that. Right? So shifted. Yes. So you got you got two energies, you got to authentic energy. And you got the humaneness. Yeah. So when you get that I help I help them to reset it. And when it's reset it, they they feel much better. They still go to they still accountable, you see, to look after them. Yes, this is this is interesting thing you are given, we all given chances, we will given help, but it's up to us, either we shoot ourselves in the foot game, or we carry on helping ourselves. So it's that's where I'm at with that energy.

Laura Konst:

I think it's also what you say if you see it with them, often they maybe be in denial that that is a problem. And then you help to see them and they can also help themselves. That's right, as well.


Most times when they when they are having difficulty, or the partner tells them to come. That's the biggest ones. Yeah, they're the ones that are the problem because they drag the feet to me. And then they kind of sit up when they start realizing I'm actually seeing something. And then then it's very easy to help them, it tells you. And I think it applies to anybody, even a surgeon or a doctor, if you got that empathy between you and your client or your patient or whatever you want to call it. Things work out perfectly. But if you have this superior kind of state, it never works.

Laura Konst:

It never works. And did you just going back to the hypnotherapy? Did you? Was it done on you? And then you discovered it? Or did you hear about it and then you you perform.


I was studying a little bit and then I had training. And I found it very easy to do it myself. And it was then I was in the army. And then I did the whole battalion. It was one you know, I was 2122 You and I you just full of you know ego. And you can do this and do that. And it was a great thing because I had nobody teaching me. I taught myself how to do things. So but then I got bored doing all that. And I wanted to move on to other subjects. I still use it, but not as much as being able to do other things because of the ability. It's a different level that I'm working with. And it continually is changing. You know, like anybody. You grow, you grow. And so people asked me, Can I learn this today? And the answer is, well, it's like going to the gym, you're not going to get fit in one day. It takes a progression of time. So with this, if you and that's what happened to me I met some amazing people in my life that were masters and The people that really knew the the art to even this day are way ahead of me. But they they never teach you. They just, they give you the road, they show you how. And then it's up to you to grow with that.

Laura Konst:

Yeah. Development probably as well. self development in the in the craft. Yeah,


yes, exactly. Yeah. It's to show you that you can do because it's always in you. Yeah. When anybody learns, you think everybody can. But I think that's where the lifetime has happened. We have many incarnations to one day we go, I'm so tired at this event do post loves anything anymore. But I used to do quite a lot of that too.

Laura Konst:

Oh, wow. Because that's one of the things talking about past lives that you're going to York for this week. Healing Your past to build your future. Sounds very beautiful. How? How does this sort of work? What is the concept behind that?


Well, the concept is you have your past, we're not talking about incarnation past, we're talking about just your past. So let's say the person is 50 year old and has a particular issue. So they can't lose weight or whatever, then I showed them a technique, how to look into the past. And once they get a sense how to do that, then they free to do it whenever they want to. So I give them the tools to be able to initiate their own healing. But it's, it's quicker when there is somebody around to show you how to do that. So the emotions in your body, that as soon as you feel an anxiety in your body, you need to go there. And we've been taught not to go there. As soon as we get a cold, we rushed to somewhere to go and fix if we had to just look at why we would need to do too much of that.

Laura Konst:

Yes, that's, that sounds very familiar to me. Yeah.


Yeah, all of us. But I mean, even if I break my leg, or I do this, it'd be silly for me to go to Sam your pet, I will need to go to the right, Doctor. So you it's the same thing here with the healing. Mine is an energy way. And it's not for everybody, like, all the all things, you know, not everybody's going to rush to this or that. But it's a beautiful way of empowering them. Because you learn how to do so to particular specific tools that I give you, that enable you to transform yourself. You do meditation in slightly into a meditative state. Yes, yeah. So when you're relaxed, you're able to look back through when you under duress, you can't look back, yes, because the body is trying to hold that, that fear whatever is in there. So when you switch, and you go into that relaxed state, your body is able to tell you the story. And your body knows where it is, this is the interesting part, your body knows everything, it's just a matter of accessing it. Similar to hypnotherapy. If you've got a very, very good hypnotic subject, they're able to go back quite quickly to any event. Okay, and and then they can heal. Whereas with this format, it kind of speeds up the process a little bit more. But both modalities would be very effective,

Laura Konst:

effective, but and then the part of building the future is that what does that actually mean that you're sort of learn to accept the past and learn where the aches and pains and coming from mentally as well as in the body and then building the future is that then re sort of resetting yourself, but it's similar


to that because as soon as you have identified and you've started to take accountability and you start forgiving and you start letting it go, then it's like a paradigm shift that starts taking place. So you are not let's call it that these. These the gravel road the main rather than the Royal Road, you might be on that gravel road, trying to resolve things. And so you just repeats and repeats and repeats. And then you just get one day I've had enough and we had to go Yeah. And then you start shifting from the gravel road to either the main road or to the railroad. So once you've moved from either gravel to main road, there is a huge shift. And now you see your life totally different. You'll never want to go back. And that's a pass to everybody, you know. So the empowerment is all yours. Yeah, I remember a lovely story. I read once about this man riding in a train. And it was a silent train. And this guy came in, sat down reading his book. And he did this for years. And one day, the train stopped at one of the stations, people got in, and kids came in as well with the Father. And they were running around. It was so close. He got up and he said to the, to the man, listen, your kids are running. And he he was kind of like, far away. And he said, I'm so sorry. I've, I've just buried my wife. And the paradigm shift happens. You don't get cross anymore. No, you can switch completely to a different reality in yourself. Yeah. And you now got compassion.

Laura Konst:

Yeah. Leadership, empathy.


Exactly. I'm saying it's something like that. You switch so quickly, that you're not even aware that you are doing the event. You just feel things are changing. One of the things that a lot of people experience when they've done something is that they, the, everything looks clearer. Yeah, yes. So. And it's not that the sky is clear, or this is clear. It's just the expression that people say, they just feel freer and clearer and

Laura Konst:

clearer. I thought it was very interesting I had in 2020, it wasn't a great year for many people. But for me, it was very good. Just came out of divorce, I did a lot of healing and stuff. And 2020 2021, I felt so free and clear. And I was very high in my spirituality. And I could see more things than I see now. And then the last, let's say, a month or so, and completely closed again. And I really struggled to get back into it, I really struggled to get back into my regular meditation, or regular yoga. How does that happen? And why? Because I tried to come back in it. Yes. Well, you have a lot of experience, and maybe you know,


I'll give you a different terminology for it. Okay? And is that that we have a resonance and energy. And when we do the healing, we elevate our resonance, we elevate our viewing point, then things happen, where we slip up, and we spiral down, not a lot. But we spiral down not to where we were. But to that way, it's uncomfortable. Yeah. And now you're struggling, because you don't know what happened. What caused me to go through this again, and nine times that attend is just that you and I have dropped our resonance. So when your resonance is higher, you connecting to the it's cooler to the the flow of your own energy or your own spirit. When you when you drop it, you just dropping enough where the confusion still is. The confusion, and you tried to figure out, how do I get out of that? Yeah. And it's, it's, it's to do with that reality. And then you know, you can you can go to a friend or you, you talk about it. And all of a sudden the latch which again, you just feel like your friend tells you something or repeats back to you what you continuing saying? Yeah, and you get it. Like, I'll never get to dry it. It's same with hypnotherapy. You get people wanting to give up smoking. Yeah. Then you do help. And then they they come back the next time. And they say to me, you know, I can't believe it that I gave up smoking. And then that's it. Yeah. The that goes the negative hypnotic suggestion. And so they start smoking again. Again, right? Yes. So it's sometimes our expressions, and we watch them like a hawk, because we all say some kind of negative to who we really are. Yeah, once we kind of catch it, we can change it can change, is what I normally say, is when I hear myself saying something ridiculous. And I realized, Oh, my God, I'm going in the wrong, wrong section, I always say, cancel, cancel, cancel. So I've programmed myself just to say, cancel, cancel, cancel, and the mind knows ah, that is serious. And then that program, start shifting and you go back onto that Royal Road.

Laura Konst:

All right, see, so that's the back to the empathy thing, again, that you just mentioned, as well, like working on self empathy, rather than, yeah, I do have a tendency to not have that I do have a tendency to I need to go work harder, work longer.


If we do do that, because sometimes, we don't know what we've done wrong. And sometimes we move in the world. And we slide across to another job. But let's say say you're a school teacher. And now you've been in the school for 10 years, or 15 years, and you're getting tired of the school. So you move to another school at the same kind of level, it becomes less. So you don't live as you don't know. You don't stay in the in the job as long because you're not inclining your you're not allowing yourself to go to a higher level. If you move and you've got a better position. Yeah, it will be an improvement. Yes, a lot of people slide across, instead of allowing themselves to climb to the next level.

Laura Konst:

So how do we, how do we raise our resonance again?


Well, one, one of the ways is to allow yourself to see something in a positive way. If you see things like I can do this, it gives you a sense of that, you can also connect to your spiritual side. So when you start going into, say, a divine flow of yourself, Now, not everybody believes in that. So I normally help them to feel what feels right for them. So it could be an Asus doesn't really matter. You got to believe in something, no matter who you are you believing some kind of reality. And then by allowing them to adjust that, they go into a higher frequency for themselves. And, therefore, and what's very interesting about the resonance that you go into, you may have read a, say, a very good spiritual book. And you got it was just a waste of time you put it down, your friend, a couple of months later, says, By the way, have you read this book? He said, It wasn't so good. And she said was amazing. You're gonna Well, I'm not going to tell you that. So you go back. And you now look, pick up the book, and you read it and you understand it. What happened from that time to now you shifted your resonance, not not even knowing that you have in some way upgraded yourself? Right? There's no mock along the way saying, Ding Dong, you you got to this level, these experiences that happen to you. And one of the ways you also find is that coincidence, then synchronicity app, whereas when you in the doldrums, you don't get synchronicity? Yeah, I think seems to to work. And that will show you you're in the wrong resonance. Right? I

Laura Konst:

see. Yeah. So that we have to, Oh, okay. So you can self pack but not to


react to that. And so but I'm now in the bed space, just as it is. But you can then through meditations through connecting to your own heart, you will shift things, and one of the ways is to connect to the heart to go to a deeper level of understanding within yourself that everything changes, then it's become more and more For an open understanding now on the planet, whereas when I learned 40 years ago, and they would these teachers would just tell you, we'll follow your heart where you go, how do you follow the heart, and now through technology, through amazing ways that people are understanding it. And they've got all these electronic things they put on people's or they've seen sentences, and then watched how the heart responds. Yes. So this is the wonderful thing about technology and science. Now coming in line with spirituality. Yeah, it's the heart is the key.

Laura Konst:

Yes, the heart is the key. Hmm. And how important are meditations in all of these, because you also record meditations for people, which are very relaxing, because your voice is variable. Like, so how important is that aspect, aspects to do every day or a couple of times a day? Well, not everybody


has time, which is also an excuse. But even if you do five minutes, I'd say doing a kind of hot process could be the best for you. Because you only need about four or five minutes. You quieten your body down and you connect your heart. And you go into a space that feels very comfortable to you. And once you do that, the meditation is said and you're most refined is called your body rhythm, for want of a word will ever adjusted to that higher frequency. Because you're, you know that expression, your longest journey in the world is from your into your heart. It's your longest journey.

Laura Konst:

Oh, I like that one. Yeah, I actually have not. I don't think I've heard that before. But I quite like that one.


So from the head to the heart is your longest journey that you'll ever do in your life. Yeah. It's one we never look at. Because we always think it's out there. But everything is not out there. It's all inside you

Laura Konst:

inside. Definitely. Wow. Sure. Beautiful. That's actually that's a really nice one. Because that's something to really think about. And that is something that I would repeat in my head. Now. I've heard it. When you've been I struggle with anxiety, whatever, then, is one of those things, anything. Okay, that's, that is the longest journey. Just keep going.


Yeah. You see, if we just say for yourself, if you don't mind, I'm gonna work on you just for a moment. Okay. Yeah. Okay, just to show you they see. So if you say you have anxiety, correct. And you just had to notice in your body right now, where do you feel this anxiety? There'll be four areas, your throat, your chest, your stomach, or your groin? Where do you feel it? Stomach? There you go. So now you're really got a memory of where it's sitting. Yeah. And part of it is, you know, then then sentences come to me. And because this is going to be well, I'm not gonna talk about it. But then then the information comes to me. And then you just release. But what you can say to you so right now, is I released that anxiety within myself.

Laura Konst:

Yeah. Oh, just now, I released the anxiety from myself. That's where they move away from me.


And just wait for a moment. There you go. And you can feel your body quietly. So you've just cleared something without doing much. And you see your stomach's got warm now. Yeah, well, that's true. That is true. Your whole body can get quite warm. By me working like that with you. Yeah. So and then I can't explain how I do. It's just able to do that for you shifted something, but I don't have to become too personal. And go down, down down memory lane with you. I'm just showing you how simple it can be. And it's like an onion. So you take it from that layer to the next to the next to the next. So in a way, your world will change subtly, just by you having released something, right? Yes, exactly. Yes. Because you don't have that amount of energy. It's like a bucket. You've not emptied a bit of the water so it's easier to carry

Laura Konst:

to carry it. Yes, exactly. That's a good one too. And for the listeners I shudder I'm actually really well. I felt a little bit before but I think also because I've listened to you meditated today and it's so nice. But there's I think there's something in your voice as well, that really triggers something. I don't know what it is. With me anyway. Wow, that is that's amazing. Yeah. So that's a good practice to do when it comes up. Just I released the energy that's within me. Yeah.


That's the first layer. It's very basic, but it can assist you. Yeah, do I feed into my body? And then just say I released that feeling? Or what is it? Yes. And you know, all you can say to yourself, give me a clue in the world today about it. And you will mostly see a newspaper with a headline or something like that. I'll tell you a funny thing. We were looking at buying another house. And we went around from house to house to about four or five houses, we found the one which we are in right now. And we were driving back home, and we're getting well, I wonder if we should do this. Whether we you know, we were going both ways you're going in and out of the energy. And this truck overtook us and came right in front of us. And then it kind of you know, we were driving closer. And next minute down at the bottom of a small print. It says in God, we trusted move. Oh, wow. Got it straight away. And we just laugh. And we said okay, we got it. The message has been given to you if you are not aware of that. In the past you? Yes. You see. So there are so many signs all the time, the universe is trying to talk to you. Because we so cluttered with negative data and woe is me. We don't see that actually, the universe is really telling Listen, yeah. If you just noticed this, you'll change the

Laura Konst:

chain. Yeah, there's signs everywhere, if you if you see them, and feel them and hear them. Yeah, you see,


it's always there. It's always there. You're a

Laura Konst:

teacher and expert in metaphysics. And I think the cons are you're learning you still learn. You are learning, I think, can you ever stop learning with metaphysics?


No, no, you will always if somebody says, you know, run away from them.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, exactly. Just for the listeners. What is the difference between the knowledge of metaphysics and philosophy and physics? And how do you? And what sort of category do you put metaphysics?


The metaphysics is more the art of, of everything, knowing about nature and knowing about how to, you know, even to cook the food, you know, what do you do with the ingredients? And do you put in the vibration, to the food to change the food vibration? And it's things like that it's all natural. But we need to break the viewing points of what we think is true. Okay, that sounds very interesting, because a lot of what we've been taught in this world is not true. And it's your journey to realize, well, is that true? Do I need this? Or do I need that. And so television and that kind of thing, can push you into a an eternal stretch, just because something is happening, but it doesn't actually have to be true. So once you learn that you are in your own world, and that you are empowering ourselves. You have the power to make changes within yourself. It's, it's it's a different way of looking at it. So philosophy and all these levels, all religions, everything will all take you to the top of the mountain. It's just there's no right or wrong road. It's just a matter of do your day.

Laura Konst:

Right? I see. So is it sort of that you challenge yourself to look to see things from a different perspective.


Where the challenge is, is your ego will really challenge you and say That guy, Vernon's got a terrible voice? And so you could have that, which then you kind of go no, I'm not. I just don't like his voice. You see, but and so that is part of the trickery of your own ego. Right? It's a judgment, basically. Like that lady that I was just talking about. When I made the appointment. She was gruff, and but Ababa. And then when she gives me the email, it's a totally different story. Yes. So I understood. So it's the same with you and me. When we go to a teacher or somebody to listen to them. You could be enthralled in the conversation. Or you could back off and say, you know, I don't like the voice. But underneath it, there is a theme something there. Right? Yeah. And I remember, this was years ago, I had a, I went to this one teacher, I thought she was a teacher. I went to the talk, and I was rolling my eyes up because I knew it. And I was going through this whole process, and board and blah, blah, blah. And she, I would say she's a bit ditzy, or the you know, the cuckoo but the last five minutes, she turns around, and looks at me. And I could see there was somebody out. And she spoke to me for three or four minutes. And I got it. I said, thank you very much. And then she went back into ditzy. And it's just this is how I was I willing to listen to just that moment when she became aligned to me? Yes, it was a it was a wonderful training for me. It just showed me listen to everybody don't just think that that person's cuckoo or this or that. There's something to learn. Ego will definitely try and trick you. Take you over Yes. And consensus reality, the two together really mess you around.

Laura Konst:

So how did you how did you sort of rolling into learning? Or? Yeah, rolling, pushing yourself to learning metaphysics? And what do you do with it? With your workshops or teachings?


Well, how do you mean, how did I get to that point? Yeah, well, that was through through a Master. Yeah. I went to some trainings, etc, etc. That man's passed on now. And, and now you got to teach yourself and, and do do what you've learned and allow more to come because it will just do that it will just happen and you, you grow from it. And that's where you could call it. It's the ABIs. Because you could be terrified. Oh my god, what am I going to say next? Yes, but if you can allow it, you will say the next time. So training like that is what happened. So and you always used to say, you know, when you're never losing yourself, God, I thought I was letting myself go. Then when I realized I had you now that you did I have to now pull myself towards myself and make something and that will happen. So my teaching is giving the people the space that they can understand something. Yes. And that space is between us. It's always there. Between you and me. There is a unique space and allowed we connect.

Laura Konst:

Exactly, yes. So you will.


So what I've just done to you, and you must your audience will feel it too, is you can feel a warmth in your chest. Because as I've said that to you. My heart opened your heart open. So there's a connection without doing anything. We do that. Okay. Yes. So even if you don't understand the heart knows it. Yes. The heart of the key is the king or the queen. Exactly. Yeah. I think more the Queen definitely more the

Laura Konst:

Queen yeah more. She's quite tough, cushy powerful. Yeah.


And it has an incredible intelligence your heart far more than your brain. Yeah. Far Why

Laura Konst:

do you think the soul is more connected to the heart and the brain?


It is both is together? Yes. Yeah. That's why

Laura Konst:

I open up the heart to connect to the soul maybe better.


Correct? Yes. And then you become more of who you are. Yeah, and less of the and and so you, you evolve in your own way everybody's going to evolve and climb up the ladder. at their own speed is no, you must rush on the other one, there's some people are really slow at learning or getting it. Yeah. You know, that's part of our journey is not a wrong thing. But you and I just have to understand that. And that's where our ego, can you can look at a person's god, he's really stupid. Just don't really know, what's actually is around with that person.

Laura Konst:

Yes, exactly. You know, they maybe have other qualities that you can't see. Yes. That's very true. So in a couple of days time you're traveling to London? Are you going to do workshop calling in the future? Yes. What is how do we call in the future? What What can we do this workshop?


Well, when you want me to call in the future, you first will are able to connect to the heart, so I trained you to be in the heart. And then the future is after all the time, like you have a past. And we access the past, but to actually access the future seems too futuristic, or too like impossible. But you always in the center, when you don't realize it. So if you have to take all of these concepts, and go wipe it out, you are in the present and there is no future no past time doesn't exist, you just you are just here right now. So And yet, at that moment, your future is right there. And so you can move into the future, in a very elegant way you move into it. So sometimes what happens is the viewing point of your brain, which is embedded in you and telling you that this is how it's got to be, you got to you got to shatter that, right. I see. Okay, so you're gonna shatter the belief system there of what you think is true. And that applies to all kinds of things. You may believe that. Houses must be square, with a door in the front. And then one day you go to somebody's house, and it's completely different. It's round. And it's and you go and you go, wow, this is amazing. You breaking the concept of what you thought is impossible. To break it, you're breaking these. It's in a way, like a consensus reality where you are locked into that belief system that this is the truth.

Laura Konst:

Right? I see. Okay. And that's the whole workshop. It's like, a few hours long. Yes, they don't do it people.


Yes. Well, it varies because the people that come are the people that are wanting to know something. Yeah. They knew you adjusted to that, that group. You can't talk about something else when they're not ready for that. So the right people come to you. There was asked the right question. Yes. Always. And so the, so the whole thing becomes very easy. And normally in my group, we have a lot of laughter because it is really funny. Yeah. Seriously, and even I have to laugh sometimes. How I create for myself some stupid singing. Why do I do that? And you have to laugh at that. Yeah. Oh, wow. One of the things that the most powerful thing is to be able to laugh at yourself. Oh, yeah, definitely. Yeah. Really? Because we think we know it all. And really, we know nothing.

Laura Konst:

No, we're always you're never stop learning. That's the thing. Never ever. If you hopefully you don't, everyday school day, we always say everyday school.


Well, your life is your school.

Laura Konst:

Yes. But I call it actually so you you are the type of person where you do workshops that you don't have a script, you don't stick to like, the first time you know, so you have a group you read the group, and then that's yeah, that's about it. isn't the best workshops? Yeah, yes,


it's I don't I don't have a, an A to Zed I can have like an A, and then I'll let it go. Because definitely I know we'll never get to Zed it'll go somewhere else. Yes. And that's the way I work. I've tried it, to have it, you know, like, A, B, C, and D. And it's just, it's just crazy. I remember a lady who went to My Courses went on to something like smoke indoors or one of those amazing workshops. And but this lady was so controlled in the way she was doing it, that this lady put her hand up and said, What about this? And she said, No, I can't answer that. Turn the page and then said, are there any questions? And everybody screeched with laughter? Because she was a parrot wasn't actually going with the group and answering the question. And said, was a great lesson to my friend in there, just allow the so when you teaching, you need to be open to how it's going to go into the confines that you can't make it go from here to there. The chaotic theme you do to hold that space, space, it is

Laura Konst:

how it is the best thing ever. Yeah. And that's how I did the podcast as well. I don't script it. I don't write questions down. I just, yeah, yes. Yeah, yes.


So what you doing and what I'm doing is holding a space, or my space so that you can feel and you holding the space so that you can articulate whatever you wanted to say, yes. It's just an easy thing to do.

Laura Konst:

Alright, beautiful. And after that, you go into York, of all places, and beautiful Britain, you're going all the way up north? How did you end up in your because you've been there before?


Oh, I've been there many times, many times. And it's just, you know, the students come along, and then they say, What did you come here, and then we follow and go there. So it's like, it's just that you've been guarded from yet today, today, today. And that's what we do. So every year, we don't know where we're going. But York has a special kind of connection to us. So we do a lot of workshops there. And we're also doing a big retreat there. But the retreat, people can't just walk into it, they have to attend some of the basic things. So that you have an understanding of what we're doing to just walk in to an to the concept, even though you may know a lot can be confronting to you because of the way I teach and the way they know. And so we have to bring those those into balance. Right? A lot of people have beautiful talents and stuff. But we we like that we haven't aligned ourselves. So once we've cleared all that up, yes. It's lovely to work with that understand me.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, I see. So people come to you first. And then then you have a group that can go with


when they come into the group. everybody's on the same page.

Laura Konst:

Yes, I see. Wow, that's amazing. That must be very powerful.


It is then instantly when we start, we start, you don't have to go into a whole lot of you know, okay, you didn't know what we're talking about. It's all been said. So you speak from that? And then move up. Yeah, I see that you move very quickly.

Laura Konst:

Yeah. Because you travel a lot. I have listeners sort of all over the world, actually. So you've been to Australia. I read you do obviously things in Africa. You go to the US as well.


So it's a long time ago. I did that? Yes. Yeah.

Laura Konst:

Are you? Are you going out in the future to the US or not? Now? What


are we looking at that? Yeah, it's a long way from Cape Town to the yes. But yes, we are looking forward to doing that. But, you know, it's all a matter of how much do you want to do? Yeah. Yeah, we'll what you can do. Yeah, exactly. Beautiful. Wow. But you know, these gifts happen. And people invite when will it will happen? That's how it works is through invitation to that you get people that tell you this and that and you go out and do it. Yeah,

Laura Konst:

yeah, exactly. Wow. Was there anything else you want me to mention actually, Vernon


now You are the one that's supposed to ask me the question. Yeah. I asked you one question. Nothing else I can say you just talk, I'm

Laura Konst:

just thinking, we talk to you, we talk about your events.


All the events is open to anybody as well. Even we got short little talks, like an hour or so. Two hours. That can be very informative. Because in those, I help a lot of people with healing, no show that the abilities of they can do it, and they can change things. So we show that you're able to make the changes

Laura Konst:

make the change. Yeah. This week, you're mostly going to doing in York about healing the past to create the future. Yeah.


Yes. All right. We do a two hour talk or something like that, too. Which just bringing people into to hear about this type of work and some will come carry on and some will leave. It's part of the process.

Laura Konst:

Yes, exactly. Yeah, some people may or may not be ready or Yeah, that's exactly that's just the way it is. Yeah, exactly.


It is just Yeah.

Laura Konst:

Well, Ben and thank you so much for your time. We're all the best in London New York. And you can find Vernon his events in the descriptions below up in the link that his website you can also get the tickets via that and have a look where else he is on across the planet if you're somewhere else but London and New York, his meditations and everything that he does is also all in the descriptions below. And thank you for listening to this podcast if you'd like to support the show. Also follow the link which is also below. And yeah, you can next week there will be another podcast as well. And let's see where we go then. Thank you so much.