S2 E15 - Cancer Season

Laura Konst Season 2 Episode 15

An in between season episode  with Astrologer Jev!  What will Cancer Season  bring to us?  What are the unhealthy expressions for this Cancer season? And of course, she will tell about what energies the planets and moon bring us as well.

Jev and I have now concluded all 12 Zodiacs! These episodes are all timeless and we encourage you to listen to the previous episodes for each month to discover the upcoming energies!

Listen, enjoy and discover!
*Season 3 will start mid to end of August 2022.

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Laura Konst:

Welcome to the Tali and Loz Podcast where we discover spirituality together. And yes, season three has not started yet. But obviously Jeff and I can not skipped cancer season because that means we've had done a full circle of all 12 Beautiful zodiacs. So this is just a little treat before Season Three starts in August. Hi, Jev, thank you for joining somewhere in between all the seasons. I love


Hello, right. Always nice to see you again. Or hear you again. Yeah, exactly,

Laura Konst:

exactly. It's been very busy for the both of us with news and events and everything. But we still want to do cancer because this is the last one of our full circle. And I'm so glad that we've you know, I think it's it's pretty cool that we've been doing these for a year now.


I love it. I absolutely love it. I know that we've got some loyal listeners who were literally, you know, coming back and listening to every single episode because I would believe that on one hand it is of course astrological kind of forecast, right, because we're also talking about the moons, new moons and full moons. But mostly I see it as an educational content, right? If you understand the energy of you know, cancer, Leo or whichever you're interested in, you can you know, utilize this knowledge for our pretty much.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, exactly, exactly. So cancer season, which is starting in very soon in June.


Yes, it starts on June 21. And that corresponds to the summer solstice. So that's already a very beautiful day when the energies are very kind of heightened. And it is believed to say that the veil, the veil is thin. So our intuitive capacities and abilities are becoming much stronger. So take this day, I think it's very beautiful, because you see how it coincides on one hand that summer solstice. And on the other hand, this is where the Sun moves into cancer. And cancer is this watery energy that is very nurturing. It's very intuitive, it's very much in touch with your own feelings and intuition, so to say, so keep, you know, give this day take or pencil or in some time for your own kind of feeling, you know, moment or ritual. Let's put it this way. Because let's face it this year was not about clarity. Oh, no, exactly. That's true. We were floating with the Piscean energy, there was a lot of Piscean energy stored in already, you know, in March. And then in April, we had this big conjunction between Jupiter and Neptune in Pisces, and then it kind of gradually phased out in May. But still, it's three months of total unclarity of total confusion of total kind of faith and trust that there will be something better. And of course, it will look a little bit back then the eclipse season has been a very, very heavy for everybody very rough. But at the same time, I think many people can look back and say, Oh, that was tough and rough. But now I can see why it was needed. Right? It's almost like going, going to the dentist like we know it won't won't be comfortable. But then when we out of the year we're like, oh, gosh, I'm so happy I want.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, exactly. So you have to go through the pain in order to feel more settled, basically feel more comfortable, is that the right word?


You're comfortable, I would not say comfortable. Because comfortable. We look at it differently. We typically sit in those comfort zones, when we don't want to change when we don't want to walk that new path when we don't want to say goodbye to something or someone that has that actually should not be in our lives anymore because our growth is kind of maybe stifled or not, you know, not giving the room for growth, right. And so that would be comfort just sitting and not changing. But I would say of course the universe is pushing all of us collectively and individually towards the direction which is better for our soul evolution. And sometimes even our mind cannot imagine that going there will be better for us only when we're pushed there and we look back and we're like, oh, actually, right now. I love my life much more. Yeah. So that is great. And we've went through it and congratulations. We've survived no matter how hard it was. So, now the good thing is that we are in the summer, when it is when we can feel that the energies become much more mellow much easier. Of course, it doesn't mean that we don't have things to do. Of course, the pace is kind of accelerating, especially after the mercury retrograde. But it's still not that emotionally heavy. It's just a lot of on our plates, because we're, essentially, we're building the new life, we're building the life the way we want it. We're building life without those old patterns, or old things or old people. So it kind of takes, you know, work. But this is where the energy of cancer this is this welcoming, see of nurturing?


Oh, we need that. All right.


This is why I really really love it. Well, everyone loves the energy of cancer, because I mean, I personally, I have lots of friends with this beautiful consider Cancerian energy, either cancer sands or cancer moons, a lot of those absolutely beautiful people. Because when we talk about the Healthy expressions about strong sides of cancer, then it is about home. It is about family, it is about mother and motherhood. So it's this almost classic archetype of how do we see the role of a mother, you know, this nurturing patient, always willing to feed you or hugging you or giving you this, you know, worms and the ability to then go back into the world and to achieve whatever you want to achieve? Right? And so it is really worm energy, because it is all about feelings and emotions. It's really like, feeling feeling feeling, right. It's not about thinking it's not about going and doing although cancer is a cardinal sign. So it wants to start something right. But it's very much related to the feelings and emotions, we can almost say it's our inner home. Right? How do you in our inner home? How do we feel with them? Do we feel this inner sense of safety? Do we feel this inner safe of security, it's a home with them, no matter what kind of storms are around us, or no matter where we find ourselves and what kind of environment or what kind of circumstance. So that will be a very strong healthy energy of cancer of knowing that I can feel whatever is coming and I will be okay. Because, yeah, I know how to go through it through those emotional storms, right?

Laura Konst:

Do you think it's a good time to do a lot of inner work? A lot of maybe shadow work because you maybe feel a bit more comfortable in the energy so you can handle going through Shadow Work and trauma better,


while you're opening a Pandora's box? All right. No, no, no, no, I'm very happy to comment on that. Well, in my personal humble opinion, there is always a good time to do shadow work every single month, and every single archetype is supporting us, right? There is no kind of schedule time for that, oh, this month, I'm just having fun. And next month, I will go with them. No, no, no, this is really like, there was no specific sign maybe maybe Scorpio would be like, in the first row because it's really about digging deep. But the rest are all good. With the cancer, energy. Again, it really depends on how this energy is playing out in in your individual chart, or every single one of us, right, we're very different and we're very individual. So our psychological makeup is very different. For some people, it's easier to feel for some people it's not for for we unfortunately we live in a society that does not encourage a lot of feeling. They do encourage a lot of thinking and basically pushing the feelings away. So I would probably say that cancer energy will gently and almost with a mother with tenderness will push us into feeling anyway. Maybe not going so deep into the shadow work but actually acknowledging what am I feeling and especially in last summer when we want to slow down a little and enjoy and maybe lay on the beach. So there can be a few things that we even do on the beach, right? We can be I don't know, reading or we can be listening to the music. But we can also set aside maybe five for three minutes and to actually check in with ourselves. Oh, how am I feeling right now? Especially after this you know, intense eclipse season and especially after you know milk Go retrograde. And now that things are kind of calming down again, how do I feel? am I different now? Am I not? Am I you know, maybe I'm a little bit more mature when it comes to my feelings, maybe I'm a little bit more responsible when it comes to my feelings, maybe I feel a little bit more secure in my own inner world. So that I think is part of it.

Laura Konst:

Oh, this sounds so beautiful. I'm actually I think I really need it to some gentle energies. Because it's been like, absolutely Google. But yeah.


Through through ritual. Yes. And so the cancer energy as we were talking just now, it's really this perfect archetype or role of a mother and when, when the if we think about those people in our lives that have a lot of consuming energy, even the energy, they just walk into the room and you feel like you're already nourished, you feel like you are energetically hogged by them, right? So if you have these people around you, keep them around, take good care of them, because they are the nurturer worse, okay. So that is the very strong side of people with this energy is that they like and they feel called to nurture others to take care of others to nourish others. Right. So it's really, yeah, this is why many of us feel very nurtured when we come home, be it you know, parents or grandparents, because they are taking care of us no matter how old we are, right. So that is the very healthy and strong and spread expressions of cancer. But here, I also need to make a little comment that we should not always kind of expect that someone will step in and will take care of us, right of our feelings and our emotions and higher, no, a home cooked meal, or whatever it is, you can always nourish yourself, you can always nurture yourself, you can always give yourself the best that your body needs or your mind needs or soul needs. There is no one in this world who will know how to do it better than

Laura Konst:

you. Oh, yeah, that's, that's very, very true. Yeah, that's very true. I think. It almost sounds almost too, too. It almost sounds too good to be true. They can seryan Sign it sounds like a perfect the perfect person.


It is. And this is why when we're talking about archetypes, I always need to make a disclaimer because there is no pure archetype in our world.


Right? That's always a mix. It's


always a mix. And then again, let's not let's not forget about the context. Again, we unfortunately we live in the world that did not for centuries, prioritize or value emotions, did not prioritize or value this expression of feminine energies, which all water signs are. And therefore unfortunately, people who have a lot of watery energy, they have their own kind of struggles, let's put it this way, right. Either they feel they're misunderstood, or they feel like the or they cannot find their place in the world because the world is so goal will go and always, you know, achievement and career and rational mind and whatever. So they might even underestimate themselves, they might very much undervalue themselves. And of course, I mean, we have very clear ways how we can measure material success, but we cannot measure, let's say, emotional success may be you know, saying, Okay, someone has got a beautiful relationship. But other than that, you know, it's hard for these people sometimes to find their place in the world. And so they continue to do more they continue to out for their beautiful energy and output into the other is to the point of either burnout or to the point of depletion or to the point of depression. So yeah, it's really important to know that these people are nurturers men and women we're not talking necessarily about specific gender is really dependent on a personal chart and psychological makeup. So yeah.

Laura Konst:

Do you think they should so? For them, it may be best to always work on or their courage is that maybe and protection, like protection from other people's energies? Courage, because they might feel underestimated.


Protection. You've nailed it. It's absolutely yes. And I We'll be asking you for crystals recommendations, how to protect the energy, courage? It really depends on the situation, okay? Because I mean, of course, they might feel a little bit overwhelmed by the world. But then courage is related to what the would like to achieve, right? Not necessarily every person with a strong considering considering Cancerian energy will want to go out and achieve something. And if they are happy to be at home and nurturing their family will probably the only place where you need courage is to learn to say no. And here we're coming to the unhealthy expressions of cancer. And let's see what we need to kind of keep in mind when we want to protect our beautiful can Syrians, but also keep in mind, what kind of energy we will be navigating between the 21st of June and probably 21st of July. Okay, so, first of all, since we're talking about feelings and emotions so much, then during cancer season, we might feel a little bit oversensitive. Okay, we might feel a little bit you know, almost like vulnerable. of, you know, maybe the world can feel a little bit too much. And we might be a little overwhelmed by it. And we would like to retreat into our own shell not to get out of it. You know, when we feel like home was my castle, I'm recharging here. I don't want out. I don't want crowds. I don't want to be on the spotlight. Like leave me alone. I'm good here. Okay. So that can be please taken into account but we will be talking about the new moon in cancer and there is an interesting overlap of energies. But this is just to know, right that people with the cancer energy, they might be quite oversensitive. So be gentle, be very gentle, they are the nurturers, but they're also very sensitive. Okay.

Laura Konst:

I don't think I've got no, I don't have cancer in my archetype do I? Know I don't think so. No, but I do sometimes get overly sensitive.


Well, they're archetypes, but they're also planets. Okay. And I don't remember a chart right off the bat. But when it goes, take a look afterwards. So then, of course that would that will lead to feeling insecure and unsafe, right, either with other people or even within the family, or in this world, basically, again, how do I find the right way to be here in this world, if it's so different from my energy, so there can be a tendency of hiding or retreating, being super private, or we're also looking for this emotional security outside of them, right? In their partners in their family, in food, in sweets, in whatever we kind of go to, right. So it's, this is why it's shadow energy, it's really important to understand that first because people want they don't understand the they just go with it. They're like, this is my only way to go. And I don't know any other. But when they understand that this is basically part of this insecurity you're part of maybe a part of which is even wounded, it really depends on how the chart is functioning. But this is good to know because when we know it about ourselves, then we can start devising you know, and finding different coping mechanism, healthy coping mechanism, how do I find the security within myself? How can I suppose myself how can I use this precious beautiful nourishing energy not to only out for into others, but also give it back to myself? And yeah, that that also brings us to some events or situations where a person may feel helpless and even clingy to others for this protection, you know, others should save me or others should protect me or others should be always super sensitive with me. So there can be this expectation that you know, everyone kind of should be always taking their feelings into account. And of course, there should be a golden mean somewhere meeting somewhere in between, right. And the last that I wanted to mention very, very important and very much resonating was what you were just mentioning, people with a strong Cancerian energy might have very weak boundaries. Okay, you're such nurturing, nurturers, they're such you know, nourishes if we take There is this word that they tend to forget about themselves. And they tend to have very hard time of saying no. And so it comes both ways it comes in the is, of course, also a very kind of big question to talk about. But first, I will definitely mention energetic boundaries, okay? Because they are so feely, they are feeling so much. And sometimes they cannot differentiate whether what they're feeling is the yours or someone else's. Right. So it's like, feeling for everybody around, which at one point will take a toll, right, because it's like exhausting to feel everything for everybody. And so of course, there are also different instruments like Reiki for example, or a different kind of protection and object protection, or of course, also sifting one's environment and seeing what kind of people are nourishing you and what kind of people are draining you. Okay. So that is important, then, of course, weak boundaries are also coming from the place of maybe a low self worth of thinking that I cannot say no to others, because I need to prove myself and I derive my self worth for from taking care of them. So I will not say no, because this is where my self worth will kind of diminish. Let's put it this way. So again, you can see how it's more of a shortcut and a healthy, healthy pattern. And yeah, so I will definitely be looking forward to hear your recommendations because I would say that can Syrian people as much of a beautiful energy they carry that our society and all of us need a lot like this inner security and boundaries. So the crystal should ideally help them to ground and protect this wonderful energy that they are pouring into all of us.

Laura Konst:

Oh, definitely, I guess they said that we made together has quite a bit of sacral and root chakra crystals in there. So definitely shouldn't eat or shrink guides depending on how you want to say it. To me the tomato is just like Black Tourmaline super protective and it's connected to the bird. So it keeps them strong. It keeps their foundation strong. It protects them from other people's energies as well as negativity and Shang it is also the one that you can filter your water with, quite literally. Then we have red Jasper Jasper is connected to the sacral chakra and that is more the one for courage. It was used even in the ancient times as an amulet or on Spears for courage during the wars and fights and stuff. So I think definitely that is one of the main crystals. Filkins Aryans are conserving energy rather Carnelian as well, Carnelian. It's very vibrant, also connected to the sacral, although I feel it's also working on solar plexus personally. And that is that I do. And that's the boundaries and I can set I can this is what I decide this is my gut feeling. So I think that's for the one that you mentioned, like the weaker boundaries, that might be the best one as well. And all of these are in the set that we made, which is on the Tali and Loz. Website.


Oh, that's beautiful. I love it the courage to say no, and the courage to say it. So to set boundaries. That is definitely where the courage is required for for everybody, where every one of us

Laura Konst:

we all need to read Jasper and Carnelian because it is in the top, I would say top 10 wanted crystals can only read just because people naturally choose it very quickly. And I just think because we all feel that those are the energies that we all need. Right. So they are super popular. Crystals anyway. But yeah, I think that because it is for everybody, particularly, particularly for the contrarians or Cancerian energy rather than even if it's in your archetypes, right. Yeah,


yeah, that's beautiful. I don't have it yet in my collection, so I'll definitely take a look at it.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, definitely. Definitely. It's a beautiful question, especially if you've got high Carnelian. If it's like a very high grade, it's so vibrant. I love it. It's very good.


What color is that?

Laura Konst:

It's super orange. A lot of them are a little orange brownie but the ones the tumble stones. I've got triple A grade so they they're very very high quality. And those super orange they shine social. When they're amazing. I love them.


That's nice that's in line with this somewhere.

Laura Konst:

I Really? Yeah, it is a very summery crystal. That actually that idea. Yeah. Cool.


Perfect. All right, so let's take a look at the moon's oh, what's learning

Laura Konst:

gonna do for us? Yeah, Superman. Just now, isn't it?


Yes, now that we're recording, which is possible through the Sagittarius full moon, and yeah, this is nice. I mean, it's, it feels much easier than the previous ones. Yeah. Which is already a good, a good kind of relief. Alright, so we're looking into the new moon in cancer, which will be taking place on the June 29 in the seven degrees of cancer. So if you have your natal chart, take a look where it falls, because new moons are always bringing new beginnings. And yeah, especially now that we are kind of through the Eclipse corridor. And now we tend to rebuild our life, there is no bad there is no coming back to old normal or whatever. Now we're literally rebuilding and doing things differently and experimenting and behaving differently or choosing differently. And so this new moon in cancer, it's, it's a very nice one, it's always a very kind of sensitive and feeling and nurturing. And I've, I've looked at the planets and placements and aspects and it has an interesting overlap. So we have the sun and moon in cancer, which may be a little bit may bring a little bit of this feeling of being a little sensitive, a little, you know, new, a little vulnerable feeling like oh, maybe I'm not ready yet for this new next thing that I've been kind of eyeing or looking at or thinking about or starting, whatever it is for you at this point, right? It can be a project can be a job can be moving to another moving houses, right? It's the cancer. Or it can be you know, starting something new starting a relationship or starting a family or having a new baby at home, you know, it's still you know, very fresh and very kind of sensitive. So see where it falls in your chart which house and what it brings for you. But it can bring this feeling off, I'm not ready yet. I'm not sure I don't know, can I do this and so on. But at the same time we have Jupiter in Mars, and Mars in areas, okay. And of course, Aries is this first sign of the zodiac, very impulsive, very energetic, very courageous, which says let's go for it, whatever. I don't know how you feel back there in your heart, but we'll go for it anyway. Okay. And we also have Venus and Mercury in Gemini. And Gemini. Again, we know that it's very active, very outspoken, very dynamic, there is this let's try attitude. Right, it's very kind of open minded and ready to communicate and share and connect with different people and start something. So you can see how there is a blend of several energies. And we have a beautiful support because Saturn and Aquarius in retrograde will sextile this Marcin areas, so there is definitely a support support to go forward. But also to go forward with some responsibility to know how to do it right? To see what ever you are studying how it will bring some benefit to society or community that you are surrounded by. Right. And also we have Venus in Gemini sextile Jupiter in areas and where we have sextile it's always a very beautiful support, right? It's easier it's flow. When Venus sextile Jupiter, then these are two benefits or SEC styling that it says okay, let's, you know, seed something here and let it flourish. Let's see what we can kind of experience here and get a benefit from it. And then the only thing that is a little bit let's say brings a little friction and tension is Jupiter squares, the sun and the moon. But as we know squares they are also okay they might feel a little bit like a friction but at the same time this friction leads us somewhere it pushes us somewhere it says okay, I got it that you feel sensitive. I got it that you feel maybe not ready yet. But this is the motivation This is to push this is a push to kind of jump into it. Try it out, see how it goes and chances are is that we might feel sensitive but once we've started then we're like oh I Actually, it's easier than I thought. So the key here, I would say go for it, even if it's still feel sensitive and vulnerable. All right.


I think that is my life motto, just go for it.


Beautiful, very good. Okay, and then we have the Full Moon in Capricorn on July 13, in the 21 degrees of Capricorn. Also the same advice, take a look where it falls in your chart, which house, maybe you have some planets around, and so on. And so this Full Moon is an interesting one, like, every month, I'm really loving it to check always what the moons are bringing us because, yeah, it's always there is always a story behind it. Right. So here, the story is that, let's say the new moon in cancer, this is our new beginnings, but also beginnings that are very much stemming from our hearts. There is something that we're beginning that is very much related to how we feel. Does it nourish us there? Does it nurture us Do we feel like this is important for us doesn't bring us this feeling of belonging and family, right. And then when we switch into the Full Moon in Capricorn, Capricorn is the energy we've been living for a long time. And, and the poro was traversing Capricorn since 2008. So it was changing a lot it was showing us as a society where there is where, you know, there is too much rigidity where there is too much focus on society and career and reputation and forgetting about what we're feeling forgetting about taking care of our families. Where there's maybe too much control or too much, you know, cure key and too much power general and not generated but focused on one hand, like one hand or two hands. And yeah, so it's an interesting one, because that is the point of illumination, right? Full Moons are always bringing some eliminations, illuminating something we either did not want to look at, or did not notice in ourselves or our in our environment, or in our life, really. And so here what we have, first of all, Moon is widely conjunct Pluto retrograde in Capricorn. And so that is already giving a very big push into transformation. You know, Moon is about how we feel. And then Pluto, when Pluto is conjunct the personal planet, it transforms it very deeply and permanently. It says, Okay, maybe this is the time to actually start feeling and not only be led forward by the mind, or not only be led forward by commitments and responsibilities that outside world placed on us. Okay, so that is already kind of hope, okay. The fresh, you know, water, which says, Okay, now we really need to kind of reconsider here. Then we have Sun conjunct Mercury in cancer. So again, this Cancerian energy is saying I'm part of the game here. And Mercury helps our feeling side, it doesn't push it away anymore, as you know, invalid or not needed or something that is problematic. It says actually, what I feel. I think it's valid. I think it's important, and I think I will act on it.

Laura Konst:

Even the considering energy might be a bit insecure. And not sure about the feelings, then the then Mercury and the sun still help that energy to say actually, I am going to trust myself.


Yeah, absolutely. I think it's not that we are unsure of what we're feeling we if we pay attention when we know what we're feeling, but it has been for a long time believed that we don't need to act on our feelings, right. When again, when we were growing up typically our feelings would not be validated typically, it would be just be rational stay rational actors, everybody else do what parents want and you know like, useful things that rules society. So that would there would not be anarchy, but at the same time, sometimes we could have experienced some rigid rules in place which will would not give some space for emotions to be felt acknowledged and acted upon. And this is what is is changing this with this full moon but all So throughout this year, I would say, we all are slowing down to the point of actually acknowledging how we feel and what we feel. We're acknowledging what is important for us. We get rid of whatever it has been imposed on us. And we took it just because, you know, we didn't know better. And now when we get to the bottom of what we feel and how we feel, and what some things that we do makes us feel we finally realize all but why did I do that career for 20 years that totally did nourish me, and I was not, I wasn't even involved there with my heart. I was just doing it because there was expected of me or because it was comfort zone or because I thought this is important. And now finally, I found something that is aligned with my heart. Okay, right. And of course, the full moons are the points of opposition. We have the moon and Pluto on one side and Capricorn. And we have the Sun and Mercury in cancer on the other side. So there is this opposition, and there is this friction between what do I choose? What do I choose? Yeah, can I feel and can I go with what I feel and how I feel? Or do I still need to kind of be normal and stay in society and do whatever is expected of me? Okay, so this is of course, the answer to be answered by every single one of us individually.

Laura Konst:

Oh, yeah, definitely. So basically, we need a lot of Sacral Chakra crystals, our gut feeling and to trust ourselves. In the heart of heart. Yeah, that's true. Yeah. And hot crystals. Yeah, definitely. So it is sort of like the mid, the mid body chakra is ready to Yeah, focus on as well, very much. Really, really trust ourselves and follow our gut feeling and follow our heart.


Yeah, very, very well set. And I believe also, some of the planets will be helping here as well. For example, Neptune in Pisces is in the picture. Again, it squares Venus in Gemini. So we basically brings a little bit of confusion and brings the feeling of okay, I cannot be super rational. Now, I will be more emotional and more intuitive. Right? So some of the planets are saying, take that side, take the side of cancer don't go with Capricorn anymore. Not so much not to the extreme right. Or we also have Saturn and Aquarius, training Venus in Gemini. So it's asking, it's saying how does it affect community? How how, whatever you are doing? If you are following your heart, can it result into better future for everybody? Are you taking personal responsibility for how you're feeling? Right? Because if we're not fulfilled, if we're not nurtured if we're doing something that is not related to our heart, I mean, we will not bring some nothing good to the society or people around us.

Laura Konst:

No, no, that's true. That's true. That's a beautiful, is there anything else that we can expect? This season?


I, I would finish with the full moon. There is one more aspect which I believe is kind of dual. Fair.


Oh, that sounds interesting.


Exactly. So basically, we have Uranus and north node which are already kind of coming back coming together to to conjunct each other in the middle of July. That is, in itself already a huge aspect for every single one of us, okay, because North Node is where we're moving towards. And right now it's in Taurus, right. And Uranus is a planet of disruption. It basically says, You know what, let's destroy a few things so that we could build new ones. And that is already an interesting one because I think a lot of astrologers are keeping an eye on this aspect, which will start in the middle of July and we'll I would say last for a few weeks, maybe two or three weeks. And it's really hard to predict it because Uranus doesn't allow predicting itself it likes to be sudden it likes to be unpredictable, throw likes to be rebellious, it likes to bring surprises. And so we really all of us can expect that our lives will shift in one way or another and our timelines will shift in one way or the other. So it's like the cosmic catapult that is coming in and says okay, I will push you in that direction. Even if you didn't think you will go there or you're thinking or feeling that you are not ready. I will push you there and then just trust me, okay. And so this aspect is sextile to Uranus and north node in in tourists who are coming together this sextile mercury and sun in cancer, okay, so you can see how much more weight we have on the cancer side, and how much against this Capricorn kind of power, right? So it helps us to move towards our future where we value ourselves where we value each other, where we're clear around our values, what's important to us and our purpose. It's literally where we are guided by our hearts rather than our rational minds, or any commitments which were imposed by society. Okay. So the key here, I would say check in where you are not yet guided by your heart. And, and basically start trusting your heart and start following it.

Laura Konst:

Yeah. So basically, I would probably make big sign next to my bed is say, stay calm. At the end of July, if the surprises could come, prices will come. And you just have to stay calm.


Exactly. Just trust. So yeah, trust yourself, but also trust that the universe always has the best plan in mind for

Laura Konst:

mind. That is so beautiful. That is I think there's a very, very good last words. The universe has plans and Trust yourself, trust the universe. And yeah, that sounds beautiful. Jeff, thank you.


You're welcome. It was a pleasure of doing all these episodes, the 12 episodes throughout 12 months. Yeah, that is amazing. I'm taking the restaurant reset break this summer. I'm still doing the one on one readings with my clients. And you can always find me on my website, which is www dot evolution with jeff.com. But otherwise, I'm taking the rest from social media from podcasting from YouTube videos. And yeah, we'll see where the Uranus will catapult me.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, definitely. And the same is here for Tanya last podcast, we are taking a summer break as well. Also with Tali and Loz, because we are almost weekly doing events across the UK. So please do go to the website and the events to see where I am somewhere in the country with all my crystals and candles. And yet it takes a lot of preparation a lot of time. So hence the break for the podcast. There isn't I don't have a specific date yet. But it would likely be mid to end of August, then I will be launching season three of the podcast because I will speak through to a lot of people and already have spoken to a lot of people for season three. That is going to be super, super interesting. With a lot of new healers with a lot of new practices that you may never heard of. So do stay tuned to mid to end August for the tiny last podcast. And Jeff, I wish you a beautiful, restful and sunny and warm summer. And you deserve a break because you also work extremely hard.


Thank you so much. Thanks to everyone. It was a pleasure to guide you and hope to see you or hear you or connect with you somewhere

Laura Konst:

somewhere later. And do follow up podcast and also share all the episodes. All our episodes. The last two seasons that are now completed are timeless. So even in Leo season, if you think hang on a minute, why didn't you do Leo we did earlier last year. And it is about the overall energies is you live evolutionary astrology so you can still go back to Episode one and it is still current. All the information is still current. They're all timeless. So do feel free to go back to the previous seasons and keep learning. I wish you a beautiful summer and we'll speak to you later or you can hear me later somewhere in