S2 E14 - Gemini Season with Jev

Laura Konst Season 2 Episode 14

We will finish season 2 with Astrologer Jev.  Mercury Retrograde, Gemini Season......what will it bring to us?  What are the unhealthy expressions for this Gemini season? And of course, she will tell about what energies the planets and moon bring us as well.

Listen, enjoy and discover!
*We will back for Cancer Season in the meantime but the full season 3 will start from Leo Season*

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Laura Konst:

Hi and welcome to Tali & Loz Podcast where we discovered virtuality together. And it is almost Gemini season and Jev is back to let us know what we need to embrace for. Hi, Jev.


Hi, Laura. How are you doing?

Laura Konst:

I'm good. I'm good. So what's been happening in your Taurus season so far? Oh, good.


It's beautiful. It's actually really beautiful. You remember how we were discussing that? First of all, we'll floating a lot right with the Pisces energies, we had to float, we have to trust ourselves, we have to listen. We had to really sense what the future vision is. And then the tourist season already brought some actual manifestations, actual material results. Okay, not all of it. Right. Not the whole vision, but some first steps. And when it comes to my first steps, I actually absolutely love it. Because apart from being astrologer, I'm also a teacher and a professor. And yeah, I can see how that goes forward for me.

Laura Konst:

Oh, that's so exciting. And is this beautiful energy continuing in Gemini season? Or is it the whole shift of energy?


There is an interesting mix all together, right? Because I definitely need to start talking about the notorious Mercury Retrograde by the time this podcast will be published, we will already be in the middle of it, okay? Because this Mercury Retrograde is the second one. This year, we typically experience three Mercury Retrogrades a year, alright. And every Mercury Retrograde period lasts for three weeks. So this is the second one and it starts on the 10th of May, okay, and it ends on the third of June. It will be or it is happening in two signs. Okay, so it starts in Gemini. Yeah, which is ruled by Mercury, so we will definitely be feeling a lot of it, okay? And then it kind of backtracks back into the sign of Taurus. So what does that mean all together? Since Mercury rules, thinking and communication and how we learn and how we digest information, how we share ideas, how we share our opinions, right? What is our communication style, that will all be up for review? Okay, so I would imagine there are a few directions that are definitely essential to review. Alright, so one of these being the communication style as such, right? Because every single person has their own communication style, right? And so sometimes it's really good to kind of take a stock, right? How do we speak to each other? How do we show up? And communication style is not only the words that we use is also our face expression? And do we smile? Do we make pauses in our conversation? What is? What is what does it mean to communicate safely? What does it mean to communicate inclusively? So a lot of those those things are becoming really important, especially as we're going through this huge transformation process. Right, that we are going through the whole year, I would say with a lot of different planetary changes and alignments. I think we all can feel how we're, we're, we're changing.


Yes. Oh, that I literally, I literally


was was thinking about it this weekend that I've changed so much. When I take even six months, let alone a year or two years, internally, there is a huge shift. And so of course, that should mirror how we show up in the world now how we speak to ourselves and to others now. Okay, so that is one big area. And then another big area is of course, our mental stories and our mental narratives. I would say that we were talking about Venus a lot right in our previous podcast that it was going through Retrogrades and meeting Pluto. And so we could see that they were a lot of reassessment and really profound permanent changes, when it comes to our relationships when it comes to our money when it comes to what's essential to us when it comes to our priorities. And when it comes to our values, right. So a lot of those really fundamental things in our life. We're already somehow Changing great. And so this Mercury Retrograde, although people tend to kind of fear it, right? Oh my god, this is again on and I will forget what to say and my, my hard disk will probably be blocked or I don't know forgotten somewhere or lost or whatever. At the same time, there is a lot of blessing in the Mercury Retrograde because what it gives us it gives us three weeks of slow down, take stock of what we usually don't pay attention to. And that being our mental stories, our mental narratives, our mental scripts, okay, in all areas of life, again, related to our relationships related to our self worth related to our relationships with money and abundance will relate it to the way we want to live our lives now that so much has changed and shifted related to our future visions and what we want to do in the world to help community or, you know, somehow spread our gifts and talents in the world. So a lot of this things will be up for review. And then once more Korea will put be moving back from Gemini, Gemini and moon and moving into Taurus. This is where where it relates to material reality, right? First, we kind of went through a what do I think about it? What do I believe in? Or what do I play on repeat in my mind when it comes to X right, or whichever theme or topic we will discuss here. So when it comes into Taurus, you already have the opportunity to say, Aha, okay, what kind of actual habits Can I shift? How can I change it in material reality in my daily life, or daily work or? Okay, now that I think about it differently now, now that I've got a different perspective from the same, how can I implement it in my life?

Laura Konst:

Right. So it's basically like a whole review. Very deeply in Word, but also, then the same time a review of how we want to deal with this review, has also taken the steps of the review all in one go.


Yeah, we can see so but at the same time, I mean, it's three weeks, right? It's not just one day, opportunity to kind of ponder about stuff, right? And then even if that will be just one big realization in your life, with the one little change and shift, the consequence can be huge.

Laura Konst:

Yes. Yeah, that's true. And is it is it also then a good time to think ahead further about things that you want to manifest and the things that you say, I've got, I've got different plans, but how am I going to work it out? Which is also sort of a review is also sort of, how am I going to make things work? Is it a good time for that as well?


I would say so because typical IMOCA Retrogrades they are good for reassessing re it's everything was read, right. When you remember, like take verbs, which start with read, this is Mercury retrograde. Remember, reprioritize, reassess, reconsider, reevaluate, remember, so all of it is the retro, retro great words. Right? Right. And so if you've got some ideas, for example, or if you've got a strategy or a vision, which we were working on, back in May in April, this is a really good time to make adjustments to that strategy or make adjustments to that vision to actually get into the nitty gritty details and we will talk about it related to the Gemini energy as such, which is about details. So you go into those details and you see, aha, okay. So that can work as a part of my vision, but that probably not so what can I exchange?

Laura Konst:

Right? I see. Okay. And what are What's On Gemini itself when retrograde is no longer there for a while. What's happening then to the energies?


Well, the Mercury Retrograde will last until June served, right? But at the same time, there is something that we call shadow.

Laura Konst:

A shadow Oh, The Shadow of the planets are retrograde. What is it


the shadow zone of the retrograde? Maybe you've heard about it?


Potentially probably. Okay, let me explain


what it is that the planet is moving forward, right? Yeah. Then it stations retrograde at one specific degree and then it goes backwards. And when it goes backwards, or obviously it does move backwards, but this is the optical illusion that we have here from the earth. So it goes backwards in the degrees of the Zodiacal wheel. And so it trespasses the same territory that it was already moving forward.

Laura Konst:

Uh huh. Yeah. So like swing? Yeah,


exactly. And so this is where we're experiencing experiencing retrograde. And then at one point, it will station again, direct and will go direct and trespass again, the same territory that it has already been in


twice. Uh huh. Okay, yeah.


So when it moves Direct the first time we call it shadow zone, because it already is in the territory, it will be going backwards. Right? Yes. And when it stations Direct after going backwards and goes the third time through the same territory, this again is the shadow zone.

Laura Konst:

Right? So you get like, twice a shadow.


Yes. That's why Mercury Retrograde is not really free weeks, it's really longer.

Laura Konst:

Right? I see. Because it's like a like a whole slow motion motion.


Exactly. Exactly. Exactly. Yeah. Well, I mean, the world is doing a good job of keeping us overdrive on overdrive. Anyway. So the universe should also have its own mechanisms to slow us down.


Yes, exactly. Okay.


So what I'm trying to say here is that when Mercury will station direct on the third of June, we will still not be back fully back into our thinking capacity sources say, Okay, we'll still mercury will still be going through the shadow zone until June 18. Okay, so that would be the time still to kind of slowly come back to normal. So to say slowly switch from the intuition into thinking okay, because when Mercury's in retrograde, my biggest hint and recommendation is always use your intuition. Trust your intuition. It's really more about feeling and sensing than thinking. Okay. So you were asking if we are kind of after the sort of June if we're back to the thinking if we're back, or what kind of energies are there. And so I would say that we probably could all feel like we are on a low start the whole year pretty much right? First, we started with the Venus retrograde and Mercury Retrograde in the beginning of the year. Then we went into the Pisces season with a lot of Pisces and we were swimming and we couldn't see anything and was all fog and creativity and trust right. Then we kind of got a little bit of fire with the Aries season but still with such an amount of Pisces energy we were already getting conspired to do something and launch somewhere but still without certainty, right? Yes, definitely. And we weren't into the tourist season so we thought okay, I don't see much in front of me but I've got the urge I've got inspired with the new ideas so I will at least start kind of acting cornet right taking some first material steps into the world like okay, I'll do this and this and that. And so with this with this Mercury Retrograde it's a little bit like okay, you've got the new vision. Now, how can you reassess it what needs to be added what needs to go away what needs to stay what needs to go and so after the mercury retrograde and especially after the shadow, I feel like this is really when this link is freely flying when you're like okay, now I've done all this sensing and see if and feeling and trusting and ideating and reassessing and changing the values and transforming myself and there is a lot of the the Pisces energies will start slowly be exchanged for the areas Okay, so all the all the planets, which were floating nicely floating in Pisces, including Mars, Venus and Jupiter, will subsequently subsequently move into areas throughout May and so will feel a lot of this Hey, fire boost again. And yeah, I will believe that in the second part of June, this is where we really can apply all this fire and updated strategy and ideas into the new life.

Laura Konst:

Hmm. Wow. So it's, it's gonna be like an actual go for it type of energy just


do I would suggest so yeah, I would suggest so why don't we look into the Gemini energy so that people would know what to expect of that season. Yes, please. Perfect. So let's talk about the strong and healthy expression of Gemini. And that season starts and begins on the 20th or 21st of May beginning depending on your timezone. And so as I mentioned, the strongest part of Gemini is really or what what it rules is our logical mind it rules our thinking or communication. How we learn our learning styles, right? Some people are more, you know, about reading and studying on their own, some people prefer going to, you know, sign up for a class, some people need to do it in order to remember and understand how it works. So it's really about these parts of our life and makeup. So to say design, right? Yes, yeah. So typically, people with the strong Gemini energies, they're very good. Very, they're skilled presenters and public speakers. Right. So it's really all about working with words in one way or another. Some are writers, some are speakers, some are philosophers, well, not not philosophers, but teachers can be as well. Typically, they have a very good memory, if there are no other conditions in the chart, they can really have a very good memory. And so they collect information, they really feed on energy feed on information, right? They can be the walking encyclopedias, right, here's me with the person and they're like, I know this, I know that and they know, you know, they remember the years and they have the stories about everything and you're like, Okay, how can you remember exactly, keep it all in their heads. And so, again, since it concerns the mind, they can be quite quick, quite weary with a good memory with a good either math or language skills. So typically, again, this this energy can gift a person with the possibility to learn multiple languages to switch easily in a conversation. And like really have it in, in their mind in their brain. So for example, I, I go to yoga classes online, which are led by a friend of mine, Alina, which probably also be in your at your podcast, at one point. And she's amazing with remembering those really long yoga postures in Sanskrit. She will just go like, so easy. And you can see she's not reading like she remembers, and she just, you know, drops them in the class. And you're like, Wow. I remember. Exactly, exactly. And it's not just two or three. It's like a lot.

Laura Konst:

Yes. Oh, yes, definitely. I think I've we all have these people that remember exactly where they were on holiday in 2003, for example, and yeah, I don't even remember where I was last week. I didn't know what holiday I was doing in 2003. There are you know,


maybe because Gemini is not the strongest one in your energetic mix. No, that's not no. Here we go. Here we go. So yeah, a few more points about Gemini energy is that it's typically gives a person the possibility to, to to be really easygoing, thank you know, it's very friendly. It's very active. It's very mentally stimulating, right. As I said, These people, they typically want to learn to read to engage with someone to talk to communicate, there will be a lot of this kind of movement, even buzz, right? And Gemini archetype also rules, short trips and travels, right. So really short, like not too distant one, not the, I just hop on a plane and I will just, you know, go it's really just moving. I don't know just to go to another city or to be really active in your neighborhood. So it's really like moving right but not too far.

Laura Konst:

Right? I like a little bounce ball that Geminis


Oh yes. Oh, yes, absolutely. Especially when it comes to ideas and communication, that's for sure. Because they're always the ones that would have the latest information, or the ones who would sign up for free or five different courses or trainings or modules. And, you know, they're eternal students, that's for sure. For sure.

Laura Konst:

Okay, that's exciting. And what else is happening? What else? Is there anything that we are other she signs? Because I hear they're very, like bouncy and that kind of stuff. But what for the signs that can't handle this bounce? They're a bit slower. While they go? Do they need a lot of grounding? Probably don't they?


Well, yes, it's interesting that you were mentioning it, because, of course, I'm explaining this archetype on the pure kind of way. And it really depends on our personal charts, like how much of this energy do we have? And how freely can we work with it? Right, so once I mentioned is really our natal charts. If our sword house which is represented by Gemini is well placed, situated, or our Gemini, our Mercury is well placed, you know, it's not in a water where it's like, it really likes air signs, because you know, air is thinking communication, or it likes fire in when it's placed somewhere in the water or in the earth, it can be a bit slower, it can be a bit sluggish, it can you know, it's like try singing under the water. So it's a little harder, right? And so, on one hand, when we add another dimension to it, we can think okay, when there is the Gemini season, we all get to become a little bit more chatty, a little bit more open a little bit more, wanting communication, a little bit more wanting cloning a little bit more, wanting some new information, right, maybe a little bit more than the previous months when we were just floating and maybe spending more time with within ourselves, right? So it's more social. So to say it's more you could probably expect more even more media or more information or people reading more after a pose right. And then what is helping us to go through this kind of shift in the energy from this, you know, more inward contemplative time into more buzzy, fuzzy and communicative is the Mercury Retrograde so it will slow us down anyway. Anyway, we'll say Okay, not too fast. Too fast.

Laura Konst:

Right, I say so that boat. Yeah, so yeah, there's the universe taking care of everything, it will still be balanced.


Totally, totally. Well, of course, we can always help we can always help we can always provide some support with spiritual practices, with meditation with going out in the nature and of course with some crystals.

Laura Konst:

Yes, definitely. Yeah, there is actually a set that we are doing for the Gemini as well for all the zodiacs and I find where the Gemini ones there are a lot of crystals that are of the middle chakras quite a bit. So there's quite a few there's a couple of hot ones their solar plexus throw, and then one one crown and one root chakra. So you can see like they're all stimulating and helping the Gemini so for example, like the Citroen it brings it stimulates that joy that they already have and the energy and the fun. So but yeah, then equally you've got Black Onyx, which is a ground and what this they they also need it. Yeah, I think yeah, it's a really yeah, really nice set for that, I suppose. But also the heart chakra. Is that something that the Gemini needs to work on? AB is it like a balancing stone for them? Do they need to feel a bit more in their heart and a bit more be open?


I would say what kind of brings about right away is that Gemini people need to learn to slow down their minds okay? Because typically they're way too attached to their minds way to attach to thinking way to attach to talking. So of course, it's hard to to let go hard to say okay, this tomorrow, I will not think at all or tomorrow I will not talk at all. So it's really slowing down what helps, right. And so what they need to learn is to relax slowed down the minds and especially come back to their body and intuition. Okay, because they place way too much or tend to place way too much focus and priority on the on the mind. And way too less value on the body and intuition. In fact, it's it's even hard for many people with a very strong Gemini energies to even connect to their intuition. They might not hear it because they bought the mind to so loud

Laura Konst:

mode, right? So that's why there's like two heart chakra crystals in there just to help connect them with their intuition or listen to the heart. Yeah, yeah,


that's a good one. Yeah. But let's take a look at the unhealthy expression of this energy. So we know we know what to expect, right? So since I was talking about this mentally very active and stimulated a mind the shadow side of of Gemini can be quite being quite scattered and unfocused. Hmm. Okay, so think about it all over the place, the mind which is all over the place, where we can compare it to the 100 tabs open in our browser on the laptop, right? And you're like, oh, I have all of them. But

Laura Konst:

guilt, okay. I do have some German, I believe in my archetypes.


Well, I will listen the world that praises the mind and forget about the rest. So we're kind of all pushed into it. And then of course, the question is, how can we find balance on our own? Yes, yeah. So yeah, it can it is just we just need to know that this is the feature of the aura trait of this energy, right? There's been kind of scattered losing focus, making mistakes as well. So that's why probably there is Mercury Retrograde as well. It's about okay, if you do mistakes, check them really several times, okay, check your contracts, check when you are booking tickets check when you are scheduling something important, really double attention there. Because just because right? Because there are mistakes be there, there are some miscommunications or something, you know, is not working out where they would attack and so on. So yeah, take pay some attention there.

Laura Konst:

Oh, okay. That's a good one. So we need like a crown chakra crystals for that?


Can be yes. Okay, then let's take a look at it from a different perspective, I would say that the strength of a Gemini energy is to go wide and broad, okay. When we talk about information and knowledge, for example, as I said, these people would be the jack of all trades, they will know everything, they will have tried everything they want, you know, different things they are curious. Without and, and so it's really about knowing a lot, or knowing something about very different subjects. So they might be a little superficial. They might just a little bit about everything, but they might not be going into the depth

Laura Konst:

of things. Hmm, right. I see. Oh, yes.


Yeah, yeah, so depth might be missing there. And that might? Yeah, it really depends on the topic. Okay. So if let's say, yeah, you can go into anything in depth, right? Our world Life is beautiful. This way, you can really become the best engineer or the best mathematician and you know, you really go deeper and deeper and deeper. But when we talk about emotional depth, this is not the energy. This is not the energy, okay, it's more about thinking and, you know, logical reasoning using logical reasoning, but not really going into the depths emotional.


Are they emotionally detached and as well?


Not detached there. I would say avoiding Of course, again, it's very individual, it really depends on the the personal history and what the person has been through whether it's whether this person has more masculine or feminine energy regardless of the gender, there are a lot of different conditions that we need to look into. But mostly as it is absorbed, this energy is not about motion, they will just avoid talking about it or will they will just you know, change the subject because that is not interesting for them and

Laura Konst:

interesting. Okay, Hey, right. Okay, that's interesting.


You might observe different people, right? Yes. And yeah, as I mentioned, already, it might be very hard for them to reconnect with their intuitive abilities, okay? Or to let go of the rational grip, they really want everything to be rational, they really want to prove, like, prove it to me, give me the theory, give me the 120 scientists who publish the approved papers that it is true. So it's really hard for them to kind of realize that this world is not only materialistic.

Laura Konst:

Uh huh. Are they that sounds to me also, they, because they live so much in the logical and give me the proof that they are tough believers. So they they are not the first person to believe that x y and Zed is existing? Because I need proof.


Correct? I don't want to generalize though, of course, of course not. I have. I have worked with many people, I have worked with many clients, and I have a lot of friends as well. So I can definitely test all the astrological theories on them, so to say. So it really again, depends if a person can have Gemini sun, but then Pisces moon, for example, right? Pisces, let's say south south node. And so the spiritual part of them will be really, really strong. So they will know that there is spirituality, they will know that there are energies, they will know that there is something bigger, but if a person would have different placements, and Gemini energy is very strong, and there is none of water on or non, you know, something that brings in the spiritual part. They will be the strongest skeptics.

Laura Konst:

Skeptics. That's the word I was looking for. Yeah, yeah. I couldn't find that. Yeah, I see. Okay, great. What else do we have to embrace? On embrace? Yeah. Embrace or


embrace? Yeah, very correct. Absolutely. Well, I would say some other things about the Gemini energy which can play out during the season is that it's, it might be very unstable. Okay. Because as we were talking, it can be scattered and unfocused in people. Right? Where the thinking or the communication. And so there is a certain instability and a right it can be oh, let's meet tomorrow. Oh, no, I've just changed my mind that will be you know, the meeting will be in five days, or let's let's meet next week, right? So it can be a lot of changes a lot of those kinds of instability or ever changing, it's really a very changing energy that wants variety. It wants to experience different things. So not always, it will do what it promised. Okay, so because mercury is a trickster from mythology, it's really a trickster planet who was not only communicated, but it was always also making some pranks and jokes, you know, down to the point of, of a lie. So in the very, very, like, very low shadow energy of a Gemini, it's liar, it's a trickster. It's a person who can work with the words really masterfully. So he or she can always kind of get out of the what they have said or didn't say, you know, there's always a way out. Yeah, correct. So let's keep that in mind that there are definitely during a special deal with during Mercury Retrograde, there will be changes there will be updates or amend. So just be flexible. Go with it. It's okay, if a meeting didn't happen today, and it will will instead happen in two days. It's okay if we planned something and then we had to reschedule it. It's fine. Just go with the flow and be

Laura Konst:

open. Yes, I think that's always the best anyway, because you never know what's happening through trial. And are we ready to talk about the moons? Yes, we are must Luna gonna do this month?


The LUNA Luna Well, the good news is that the eclipse season will be closed right by the end of May, we will have survived two eclipses wanting to present another in Scorpio. So when the new moon comes the New Moon in Gemini on the 30th of May in nine degrees of Gemini. The year eclipse season will have been officially closed. Like okay, we've done our new change a new twist in the in the trajectory of our lives and So this New Moon in Gemini, I think it's very nice, especially after the intensity of everything that was happening in during eclipse season, right? So new moons are always about, you know, again, new intentions or new what new seeds what do we want to plant. And so of course, first of all, if you have your chart check where the 90 degrees of Gemini falls in your in your chart which area because that area would be the area of new ideas, new perspectives, new ways of looking at things in this house. Okay. So for example, Gemini, as you could have guessed, already falls into my 10th house, which is the house of career and social role and how I show up in the world, this is my most visible spot, so to say. And so that is, of course, very connected with my communication, how I participate in, in podcasts, or YouTube, live chats, and sessions and so on. And I'm super excited and open of what's to come.

Laura Konst:

Yes, I see. Right. So that those so it brings energies to everyone, that depends on where they are in your houses. So it's not just the archetypes and sun and moon sign.


No, no, no, it really depends on which house it is in your in your chart. But of course when we speak about the Gemini, it brings certain themes okay. So, of course, it will be as I mentioned, it will be related to this thinking kind of energy, it does mean bringing new ideas, new perspectives or rewriting the stories that we tell ourselves right. Be about family, be it about relationships, be it about work with morality, religion, well, it depends which which house it is, but also when I look at the the aspects which are coming along this new moon, there are some of interesting aspects in there. Because for example, the Venus Uranus, north node and Mercury Retrograde will all be in Taurus, okay. And so, this Mercury Retrograde is still kind of reconsidering things, right, and it is the ruler of this new moon. So it will really change in our perspective. So it's really changing the way we think about something. And Taurus represents our fixed mindsets where we don't want to change where we're stuck in the old ways, right, where we can be super stubborn. And so, of course, the question is, what should we reassess and reevaluate in order to move forward with more freedom with more excitement with less of those kinds of old loads. And some very surprising revelations may come up because you run offices there. And it's mostly conjunct the North Node, and the North Node is mostly conjunct the mercury, so it kind of plays out well together. And yeah, we'll have more sun Jupiter conjunct in areas so when when Arias is really this kind of very fiery planet very fiery energy. So Morrison Jupiter went there conjunct and arias That for me is almost like combustion engine, the rocket is ready to fly, you know? And it's an interesting mix here because you energetically you are ready to fly. You feel a boost of energy, feel this fire, but your mind is not ready yet. You're not on the same page with your internal I don't know soul or something that gives you inspiration. So it really will say Uh huh, okay, you want to move forward? Well, what about this

Laura Konst:

is a high? Okay, yes.


So there will be some interesting ideas and perspectives that are coming up because Pluto in Capricorn will also be square Venus and tourists. So that will all be about money. They will all be about how do we work with money? How do we treat money? What are our money habits? Well, relationships as well. But typically, that would be Venus and Taurus can can really live a life where there is access where there is non responsible, non responsible attitude about how do we spend money what do we own? Do we need free cars in our garage? Do we need a garage? Do we need a lot of those things? It's really you know, there will be a reality check that for sure.

Laura Konst:

That's good. That's always good to reality check on those things.


Yeah, I agree. I definitely agree. And then there will be a Full Moon in Sagittarius on June. On the 14th, and the 23 degrees of Saturn. So again, take a look in your chart where it falls. But when we talk about Sagittarius such themes, or focused around our beliefs around our truth around our faith around our intuition, higher knowledge, okay? It's also about learning and teaching. It rules academic environment, it rules distant travel. Also, some foreign affairs, things like immigration, self full moons are bringing typically some kind of illumination, something that we haven't seen before. Okay. And so I can see quite a lot of things coming into light with this full moon, you know, especially with the immigration, I think that's a very hot topic right now in Europe, right, of course, events that we all know about. And so there are a lot of questions around the immigration, academic environment, new learning, teaching, who will be you know, educating people who are moving now across Europe, and they might no not know, languages that they need. So a lot of those questions manifesting in the in the outer world. But when it comes to our, let's say, personalities, then really look into what's your truth. Now, after everything's happened, everything's changed and shifted for you. And also see how you now that you're slowly coming back to life, let's say, that's funny word. But But yeah, I mean, we will be freer, we will have more clarity of what we want to do. Now, the question is, can we now incorporate and live in balance between our logic and intuition? Right, because all of those Retrogrades and all of this Piscean energy that we will we were flowing with, for a lot of months for a long time. It was teaching us to Sensei was teaching us to trust it was teaching us to intuit. And so now that we are kind of out of the season, the question is, will we forget about it so easily? Or will we actually incorporate it in our new life?

Laura Konst:

Okay. Wow. To me, it sounds quite intense energy, though. All of it.


Maybe this is the way I'm explaining it. I wouldn't say it's intense. Now Gemini is not too intense. Gemini is easygoing. It's more about really kind of taking a stock and reviewing what what has not yet been integrated, right? Yeah. And then search is also such energy is full of optimism. It's pretty, it's very positive, it wants to bounce back and wants to go and travel the world again. It wants a lot of things. But then, of course, the universe wants us to change the old tracks. It says, Okay, if you want to get back to normal, let's make sure that this normal is new normal, not the old, normal,

Laura Konst:

and a better normal. Oh, yes,


absolutely. Yes, there will definitely be some surprises because Uranus is conjunct Venus and north node and tourists. That is a very interesting aspect to, to follow and to see what it brings because Uranus is really hard to predict. It's always about some surprises, positive or negative. It really depends on the person and then their chart. But these are surprises around Venusian themes, themes around money, relationships, self worth, and so on. But since it's conjunct north node, I would say these can be just sudden shifts for us which are bringing us towards our future.

Laura Konst:

Oh, that sounds interesting. Yep. I'm looking forward to that one. Because I yeah, I feel like I feel like I'm some sort of CUSP at the moment.


Because between what and what

Laura Konst:

well from from business perspective with Tali and Loz, like also the shop and other projects, and I feel like at the moment, it's a bit slow this month, like in sales, but I also haven't done events and I've been on holiday, but I feel the time is gonna come that it starts to have like a boost because there's live events coming and so I'm sort of really curious about that. Just like what Yeah, how's it gonna grow?


Yeah, I agree. And we'll be absorbing as well. But definitely, definitely the energies are shifting and it's good. Okay. We're shifting along.

Laura Konst:

We're shifting along. That is so true. Wow. Jev. Gemini season? Is that anything else that you say we need to be aware of? Or are we going with the flow of Gemini?


We're going with the flow. We're shifting, we're staying open. We're staying curious. That will be my final line here because Gemini is exceedingly curious. And so let's use this curiosity, of trying to reimagine how we can live our life now. How can we shift how can we be open to change? How can we transform ourselves for the better and transform our community and transform our Earth for that matter?

Laura Konst:

Very beautiful. Thank you so much, JEV. And thank you for listening as well. And as always, please support the show by sharing it to everywhere we are, you can share the share on IG TV or like Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and the website. And obviously also Spotify do follow the show as well show you support. And just like Jeff said, Stay curious and keep discovering. Thank you so much. Bye bye. Bye, everyone.