S2 E12 - Energy Medicine, Your Body as a Conduit for Life-Force Energy

Laura Konst Season 2 Episode 12

In this episode I am talking to Jean Louise Green, Certified Advanced Rolf Practitioner of Structural Integration and Author. She is explaining why Structural Integration and Energy Medicine are so important for our spirituality and daily life.  A fascinating episode where it becomes clear how mind, body and spirit properly come together.

Listen, enjoy and discover!

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Laura Konst:

Hi and welcome to the Tali and Loz podcast where we discover spirituality together. And today, Jean Louise green is joining me. How are you today?

Jean Louise:

I am so happy to be here, Laura. having me on your so I'm really excited to be here and, and, and share about what I do and

Laura Konst:

helping to make a better world. So yes, exactly that is listening. So for those that think who is Jean Louise green, well, she is a beautiful writer. And she's a rolf practitioner, and she's published a book about it's called Structural Integration and energy medicine, and is how she's going to tell you all about what it is. But it is how we can get the energy flow much, much better throughout our body. Isn't that right? You know is? That's correct, Laura, that's the highest aim of it. Yes. And

Jean Louise:

I actually do a form of bodywork called Structural Integration. And it's based off of the work of Dr. Ida P. Rolf, who was, she became more visible in the 1960s at epsilon, which is a retreat center in Northern California. And she taught there and practice there and became very known working with some very, just very strong people during that time in the human energy field. And so yeah, she she was just amazing. And I had the ability about it. I have the upstart

Laura Konst:

like how to start this journey, how he's already in the 60s. And obviously, we know much later, 50 years later, almost. So how does it work?

Jean Louise:

How did I get into this? Question? Yeah. I was a young gymnast. And as a gymnast, I actually was not trained properly in a certain way. Because if you notice gymnasts nowadays, I mean, they're incredible. And it's, it's an incredible sport. And at the same time, often the young people have pretty big arches in the lower back. And that can happen with improper training where people are not drawing their belly button back towards the spine. And there's core level muscles called the psoas muscles that will pull forward when the outer layer of the rectus abdominus pulls forward. So that creates a big arch in the lower back. And that can be really problematic for people. Yeah, so by the time I was done with my gymnastics, and I was a young adult, I had difficulty sitting standing medially. And I, I was fortunate to come across a Roth practitioner, who I experienced a 10 session series with. And that's like a recipe that Dr. Ida P. Rolf. She developed that work. She was a biochemist, and yet she studied yoga. She was really good at studying the human body and observing and she had some very original ideas. And she also studied with other people that were really doing some great work at the time that was related to body mind and consciousness work. So Dr. Rolf developed a series of 10 sessions, and I experienced those sessions. And what I was so pleased about is that during a fifth session of the work, my pelvis became horizontal. And that's a big deal. Because the pelvis is like the kingpin. It's the center of the body. It affects it affects what's above and below the body. Right. And it's a major energy center in the body as well.

Laura Konst:

Yes, it is. Yeah. By the Root Chakra, right. So it's our foundation.

Jean Louise:

Yes. In the sacral chakra and the solar plexus. Yeah. So those that area of my body was not balanced, meaning when I stood, my pelvis had been moving forward, tilted forward. And I didn't have a proper grounding connection with my feet into the floor or into the earth, there was a constant kind of battle with gravity, subconsciously trying to hold myself up. So I was, I was not at home, so to speak, I was not being supported by the earth. And it was subtle, and yet, it was something that was ongoing. And the pelvis also Affects Emotions. It's a major emotional center of the body, as well as, as the fifth chakra the throat chakra. So there's an old adage as above, so below, so because my body was disorganized, in the lower end, it also affected the upper end.

Laura Konst:

Right? In your book, and I really liked this sentence, it says, it's a conduit of life force energy. So basically, where you said, if your body is not straight, it's not properly structured, then your spiritual journey might be affected or will be affected. Well, yeah, the energy comes by properly. Yeah.

Jean Louise:

Bingo. That was great. You gotta grow. Yes. So there was a disconnect. And the body is a conduit for lifeforce energy. And it's the energy of the earth. Like there's a reservoir of these electrons, lifeforce energy on the surface of the earth. And when we stand barefooted on the Earth, our bodies are able to move that energy through. And all alive beans are supported by the gravitational field of the Earth, and also of the heavens, there's an electromagnetic lifeforce field above us of the sun. And that moves through the body, it penetrates into the body, and we basically swim in these fields of larger energy. And our bodies are designed to move those energies through and the work of Structural Integration. It amplifies that ability, by allowing the structure to come back into a place where it's most optimal and easy for that energy to flow through the body.

Laura Konst:

All right, so you so for your in your case, your pelvis was not right. Correct. And that got adjusted and how, by the fifth, and how, how is the adjustment work? How does that work? What do we do?

Jean Louise:

Well, instructional integration, it's designed to work with layers of the body, layers of connective tissue, the fascia. And in the first three sessions, we open that outer wrap of the body that the superficial fascia and that then allows the practitioner to start into the core level sessions of sessions four through 10. In the fifth session, we're at the psoas muscle and we're helping to bring balance between this so as and the rectus abdominus. And in the fourth, we've already opened up the in side line of the legs and a pelvic floor. So we are like helping that line to move through the center of the body that energetic energy to move up along with central vertical axis where the chakras are along the front of the spine. Yeah.

Laura Konst:

And is it with like massage or with like, yes. pulling and pushing and can you imagine Yeah,

Jean Louise:

thank you so much. Yes, it's a form of hands on bodywork. So practitioners are using their fingers, perhaps their knuckles, their palms, their forearms, perhaps their elbows at times?

Laura Konst:

Oh, yes. It's like it is a Asian massage that you sometimes see when they put the elbow right into your back.

Jean Louise:

You know, it is done with such precision this body work. And I work very slowly in the connective tissue. And I know how to use my body tools to accomplish what it is that I want to change in the body to help assist that person. So every body tool that I have, so to speak, is it's it's had a lot of training, and it's able to perceive the change in the tissues as I'm working. Yeah. There's, there's one thing I want to say about this work, Laura. There's a a Roth, a Roth offer, who went to school with the Roth Institute many years ago, and he's the author of, of anatomy trans. And his name is Tom Meyers. And he, he actually described our work very well. He said, there's three types of pain. He said, There's pain of injury, there's pain that gets stuck in the body. And there's the pain of releasing the stuck pain.

Laura Konst:

Well, that makes sense. Yes.

Jean Louise:

So when I work with people, I really focus on areas of what I call strain, where stress has become internalized in the body. And I use my appropriate tool, my my hands. And I work very slowly and gently, and I help bring the person's awareness to that area. So that we're actually in tandem, working with a similar intention, I may ask the person to bring breath gently into that area to expand that area. So the fibers start separating. So space is being created where there's there was compression of fibers. So where my work continues to evolve, and I've been doing this work for 30 plus years. And, and where I'm at right now is I I really, I really honor the fact that each person is has incredible potential to be the full aspect of who they are and what they came here to do. Because I feel that each one of us has purpose. And each one of us is very needed.

Laura Konst:

Oh, yes, definitely. All the healers are, as you said, you also bring the attention of the client and their breath to the their awareness as well. Yes. So from their perspective, they they are quite involved. It's not that they Yes, chilling out or is not yet they have very involved and being aware. Yes. Do you also bring like Reiki into that as well?

Jean Louise:

I love that question. I would

Laura Konst:

love to show you the other side of the world, but otherwise, I'll be there tomorrow.

Jean Louise:

I another part of my own growth since 2019, as been to come across what's called a subtle physical energy substance called a Cordova and the Cordova comes through the Toltec tradition. And it's a subtle energy that was hidden for about 1000 years. And it it was brought out by a shaman named quaity the blind and quaity is the teacher of my teachers. Dr. ARLEN Cage and his wife Bonnie cage. So I knew that I was supposed to meet these people when I first heard about them. And I knew I wasn't going to go out of my way to do it, they lived in another part of California. And we ended up at this same healing arts fair. And I walked over and I saw a katoa and Dr. Cage, and I just, I knew I was in a place I was supposed to be at that moment. And I introduced myself to Dr. Cage. And with in minutes, truly, I was receiving the first level of initiation of the Ocado. And right now there, the highest level of initiation is what's called level five. And I'm a level four. And with each level of initiation, there's more, there's an amplification of that chi energy, that subtle energy that moves through us. So for me, there's been greater connection with that internal guidance system within me. And I call on that, each time I begin my work with people at the beginning of the session. And I think I'm a little bit unusual that way. And people are very open to it, and they realize that they have come to a special place for a level of healing. That is, has great potential. And,

Laura Konst:

yes, I do believe that if you could pull that lifeforce energy with the Structural Integration as a role practitioner, it would activate things better as well in the body, right. Yeah. Virtual grows.

Jean Louise:

Yes. And so I got an opportunity to do a webinar through the International Association of structural integrators, which is the professional organization of structural integrators. And I had an opportunity to do a webinar, which I titled, an energy medicine approach to Structural Integration. And it was so overwhelmingly received with a positive response, that I've been asked to do another webinar this year. And I'm super excited about it. So in that, in the first webinar, I really showed, I really shared with people how I partner up with that with the level of presence through that subtle energy to, to be present with the person while we're working, so they can be totally present. So we can have the same intention as we're working. And I think that was super good for practitioners to hear. Because we our body, mind, emotion and spirit, and working with the body. There's not a separation of all of that. We're working with the entire being.

Laura Konst:

Yes, I see. So when you when you're in the last five sessions, because we've come through sort of how it works and like the pelvic floor, and you go a little bit deeper. How do you how deep Would you go fit in like the last five sessions? Are they also very hands on? Or is it other practices that way?

Jean Louise:

Yes, thank you. So when I say working deeper, it doesn't mean pressing harder. It means working with different structures. Yeah. So in sessions, 456, and seven, there's very specific areas of the body addressed in each session. And in my book, Structural Integration and energy medicine. I share that with people so they know what this process is about, where we're going, why we're going there, what they can expect, and how they can optimize the work themselves as we do this process together. So for example, the goal of the first session is to open up the breathing capacity. That goal is to open up the lungs and we start D straining, the upper girdle, the shoulder girdle and we are also get into the pelvis. In the second session, we actually go into the feet, the lower legs, the quads, the knees, and we start getting the bases of support of the feet underneath people. And a lot of times people stand with their feet turned out, or they may have one foot that's kind of turned in and the other foot turned out, that's a rotation pattern that's going on in their body. And that's one of I feel my specialties in my work. Because through the 30 plus years of practice, I've been observing that there are like, I look at body structure, I look at the person standing in front of me in the very first session, and I have people stand in their underwear, so that in and I let people No, we're gonna do this. Yes, and, and I want them to be comfortable, you know. And I'm looking at their front view, a side view, their back view their other side view. And I'm looking for what I call a primary rotation pattern, which means that each person's body is going to have a direction that it prefers to twist in, whether it's right to left or left to right. And depending on what's going on with that rotation pattern, it's going to create a row rotation pattern in each side of the body. Because we have two cylinders of the legs, two cylinders of the pelvis, there's going to be like a cork screw spin, yes. And one side of the body will be internally rotating, the other side of the body will be externally rotating. So each side of the body needs to be addressed in a specific way. And I've been seeing how strain in other areas of the body that are related, will be almost predictable. Like I know if this is doing that. Then this other areas going to be doing that. Do you see what I'm saying? Yes,

Laura Konst:

it's like build building blocks.

Jean Louise:

Exactly, exactly. For example, a twist in the ankle can affect the knee, that can affect the pelvis. And because the spine is connected with the pelvis, that twist from a sprain an ankle has the potential for affecting all the way up to the cervicals to the top of the neck and the head. Yes. It's crazy. It's crazy how that happens. It goes

Laura Konst:

yeah, it goes by that I had for myself actually, I had a an accident a while ago. And I couldn't walk for a long time for a few months couldn't work. And then because I had a vertebrae that was all the way my lower back I think was my L three, I believe, or else it was moved. But also the Osteopath that helped me and he did also occupy contrary really helped me. He said your pelvis has moved because of your fall. It moved like a squat corkscrew, but also upside down. Yes, yes. And he it took a while and he said this is going to take a year. And it did take here for Justin all of a sudden it popped back after a year of aka puncher and osteopath. And I got Yeah, but it was it's awful. Like because it does affect the whole body like my migraines, and you name it. I had it. Yeah, time. Yes.

Jean Louise:

Yeah. Laura, that's the type of work that I do with people is to release that. And the process that I take people through. takes about two and a half months.

Laura Konst:

Wow. Yes. Yeah. But actually good. Yeah, I think

Jean Louise:

Yeah. So we work like that, like each week, and the body gets ready for the next session. The next layer of strain surfaces. This recipe that Dr. Rolf developed is just brilliant. And I was able to write all of that kind of stuff in my book. So the book is meant to be a guide for people during their Structural Integration series. And it's also even people who aren't going through Structural Integration. It will help people understand why they're feeling what they're feeling in their body. Yes, because we all are exposed to injuries. We all are exposed. Well, maybe not all but I say most people also have have emotional trauma at a time in their lives. All of this affects the physical body. And that stuff gets embedded as stress and strain into the body. And Structural Integration is the most thorough approach to balancing and integrating, really the body, mind, emotion and spirit that I have come across. And the results of it are quite remarkable. And and I'm really grateful to do that work and to be of service and to help people become optimal.

Laura Konst:

Optimal, yes, because I remember reading your book as well, you kindly send it to me from the other side of the world. And I started reading it then, since I started reading it a few weeks ago, I started, I do notice that I'm more aware. Yes. I remember reading I've to, you know, do a bit more, more upright.

Jean Louise:

Exactly. And I had a chiropractor that went through my work with me, and she said, Jean Louise, your book is filled with gold nuggets. She said, every chiropractor should read your book. Because by her experiencing the work and going through the work with me, it really changed how she adjusted people, because she started learning more about adjusting even more specific for the rotation pattern that's going on. And so that was huge. And, and then Laura, I wanted to say something else that's upfront in my mind. And that is that. I don't know if this is happening in Europe. And what I can tell you is that in the United States, there are so many people that are getting knee and hip replacements. Yes. And what I have found in the body is that the degeneration of the connective tissue around a joint precedes the degeneration of that joint.

Laura Konst:

Oh, really? Yes.

Jean Louise:

So this was shared to me in 2012 by a chiropractor, who was also a structural integrator, and he said that he had been observing X rays over a period of years. And he saw that the degeneration of the connective tissue would precede the degeneration of the joint meaning it was very much connected with the degeneration of the joint. So what's super important about the physical body is that the connective tissue that wraps everything, you know, we're looking at connective tissue as we're looking at skin, muscle, tendon, bone cartilage. It's all connective tissue, even fat, okay, yeah, yeah. And it all has purpose and connection. And when that stuff is working properly, it's delivering nutrients into the structures that it's related to, that it surrounds. It's removing waste. And it also has a resiliency, it has a liquid component. It's made of proteins called collagen. And it's made of a liquid aspect called ground substance that has a lot of minerals in it. But that's the fluid aspect that allows this transmission of nutrients and the exiting of waist to occur into the lymph into the blood. So that's super important. And when connective tissue shortens, which it will do, think about a twisted washcloth, you know, take a towel and you twist it, everything presses in connective tissue, the fibers are supposed to slide and glide everywhere in the body. When we breathe, if I put my attention anywhere in my breath in my body, I should be able to feel my breath, fill that area up and an expansion there, okay? And that can happen. Well, when those connective tissues start to twist, they start. They start adhering to each other. They lose their playability, they lose their hydration, and it dries them up. And then we lose our range of motion. All of that happens. So you can see how It affects many systems of the body when the fascia is not balanced. Dr. Rolf said that every system, major system of the body, the circulatory, the nervous system, all of these systems are embedded and surrounded by fascia, the connective tissue, and this work will help optimize the systems of the body.

Laura Konst:

Yes, yeah. And also because I was reading in your book, it's also quite a bit about self care. Yes. Breathing, you're talking about support tools, such as infrared saunas, yoga, be aware it work with your chakras? How how to take sort of connects with the, with the, the actual physical body?

Jean Louise:

Thank you so much. Yes. So by the time we're done with a Structural Integration series, it's kind of like cleaning the slate of the body. So the body wisdom within us is able to communicate with our brains more easily. For example, if someone goes back to working out, and all of a sudden, they're getting a feeling of Ooh, maybe I shouldn't be doing that, you know, or maybe this is too much right now. So there's more communication with the physical body. And then there's also an openness for the person to be able to listen to that inner guidance that that that still small voice, that still small voice becomes louder. Yep, yes. And then we're also able to move that lifeforce energy in a very direct way through the body, for example, in each session, afterward, done with the session, I have people stand. And we actually do a breathing a connected breathing with the intention of moving that earth energy up through the central cylinder of the legs, up along the front of the spine, up through the top of their head, out into their energy field, which is in the shape of a torus. So the torus is like, it's like a doughnut that's open at the top of the body and energy from, from the electromagnetic fields of the Earth, in the solar light, the sunlight, it's moving into us. And it has that subtle energy connection with these larger fields, which, for me, I realized it contains information and energy

Laura Konst:

and energy. Yeah. The picture in your book is, it looks like the electromagnetic fields of the Earth, when you see goes from the North Pole, and then with a big bow all the way to the South Pole. Yeah, exactly. And that's how the picture looks like. So for people to, to sort of think and how does that look like like that? Thank you.

Jean Louise:

And so energy is moving in energy is moving now. And it's circulating through us? Yes. So work like this allows us to tap into that even more consciously, which is really cool.

Laura Konst:


Jean Louise:

So, by the time a person is done with their 10 sessions, I realized that I wanted to write a section of the book that would be supportive for a person after their 10 session series. So included in that is a section on electromagnetic healing devices, which include the beamer which stands for bio electromagnetic energy regulation. So for example, when I meditate, I can really feel the energy flows moving through my body. The beamer is designed to do that using DC current through the body with copper coils. So you lie on a mat and you can actually set the setting to be either stronger or not as strong. So I love the Beamer and I utilize that for myself and with my clients at times. So the beamer in the far infrared sauna they really served me and then also I at the end of a 10th session, I show clients the five A Tibetan rites, and I love like Tibetan rites, yes. So the five Tibetan rites are even supported by the Dalai Lama. He loves the five Tibetan rites. And I learned about these years ago from a very young woman in her 90s proceeded to do handstands, headstands, cartwheels, the splits in each direction. And then she whipped out these, these exercises, my jaw was dropped. Oh, my goodness. So she handed off her file to me. And I started doing these. And I didn't realize that there were books written about these things. Yeah. So these rights really help me. They help they help strengthen my core, they help connect into my energetic line. They stabilize my joints, and I use them before I go into meditation. So first thing in the morning, I'm usually doing my 21 of each five Tibetan rites. And I love those things. Yes. And then I go into meditation. So for me, that both of those things really feed me and help my connection with my physical body. And with my, my spiritual self, as well.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, yeah, it's very, it's all to do with love how this all sort of integrates with each other. And I think also because I, I've never had a role of practitioner experience, like physically me. But I do know, since the accident, what a sort of a broken body does to your spirituality, to your whole mood, like you're so stuck, I was so stuck, I didn't do yoga, and I stopped, oh, my, my exercise. And then once I got going again, then my spirituality came back, and everything is, and now I understand better. Since especially since I've been reading a book because it goes quite deep, but in a nice, it's actually it's easy to read, I find it. And I'm not, I'm not someone who can read a lot of books very quickly. You know, some people read Harry Potter books in five hours. For me, it's too many letters. Many letters, but this is this book I can read quite easily, which says a lot of people. So if I can read it, everybody can read it.

Jean Louise:

Yeah. But this book was really inspired. It was a seven year process of writing this book. And seven years, seven years, girl is seven years. And I want to thank Dr. James oschmann, for taking me under wing. He's a bio physicist. And he experienced Structural Integration back in the late 70s, and got to meet Dr. Rolf. And she asked him to develop a scientific explanation of her work. And he took that on. And it totally shifted the direction of his own work at the time. And he became a leader in the field of energy medicine. And I got to watch him speak twice, during 2006. And I heard him talking about the proteins of the connective tissue, and how they were able to actually conduct the lifeforce through them. And when I heard him say that it was like, Oh my gosh, ding, ding, ding, ding, all these bells are going off. I was so blessed to hear because he was speaking about science that is yet to it's kind of like he was in the forefront of this stuff. Okay. So. So, he was bringing out information that had already come out through Albert sont GRG. He already knew that hydrated proteins so the body conduct subatomic particles and waves. Okay. And that was documented and it was accepted by his colleagues eventually. And Dr. Osman took up on that it's difficult he you know, scientists, science. Science is now moving into the quantum and that's part of the world of our body of our human body. So for Dr. Osman to, to move into that. It really blessed me the because I've experienced waves of energy in my body since I was a little kid, and, and I wondered what these were, and I'd ask people about it, and they just kind of shake their head. Well, as I heard him, I realized, this is the movement of the lifeforce energy along the spine through my body, and it's feeding every single cell of my body. On that quantum level. It's bringing information into my DNA. It's up up regulating genes and helping things happen that need to happen. So I was inspired by Dr. Osman to start writing. And I started writing. And eventually, I got to the point where I needed to ask him if he would allow me to utilize his material in my book. So he checked out my website and the articles I had already written. And he came back with an A really over overwhelmingly positive, just wanting to support me. So he asked when my manuscript and I sent it to him, and he proved the entire science in it. He went through the whole thing. And by the time I needed someone to do a foreword, I, I, I asked him if he would consider doing that. And he said, Jean Louise, I've already started it. Oh, yeah. So the foreword in that book is super important, because you'll understand his connection. Back to Dr. Roth. And by the time I spoke with him after he received my manuscript, there was a, there was a span of time. And when I got on the phone with them, I asked him, Dr. Osman is his manuscript even been worth your time and effort, you know, and he said, Jean Louise, he said, You are a very good writer. And he said, I have been waiting for a book like this on Structural Integration for a long time, Denise said, you have put into words, some very complex concepts, and you've done it in a way that's better than anything I've seen.

Laura Konst:

I can say, that's amazing. Well, like I said, it's easy to read, like I understand what you're talking about. And it's not my field of expertise at all. But when I was reading, oh, I actually understand what she means. And it makes sense. Yeah. So yeah, written in a very easy way.

Jean Louise:

Yes. Yeah, I did this, Laura. Because when I'm actually working with people, I like to be more quiet, so that I'm getting information moving through my toroidal field from a higher, higher sources. And I'm also picking up information from the person and their body, I'm listening with my hands, and all of my being to what's happening on the treatment table. So when I go into that space with people and and I invite people into that level of space with me, so we're working as a team, the, there's so much that I want people that I wanted people to know about the work and if I'm talking, it kind of takes me away from what I'm doing in the body to a certain degree, I don't have that level of depth and connection. So I wrote that book, so that people would get this information. And I just had a client finish the work with me and and she put into words, amazing, amazing words about she actually said that reading this book is critical to this process, because she said Jean Louise, you don't have the time or the energy to share all of this stuff with people while you're working. And as I share that level of information, it requires energy for me to be present to share on that level. Okay. So I knew as a practitioner, I knew the depth of this work. And I wanted to be able to present it in a way where people could have access to it. And it would help them get on the same page while we're working. And it would also support them during their sessions. So that when things get a little bit more difficult, and they're wondering, what the heck's going on now, you know, they can open the book up and see, oh, you're at your eighth session. Okay, during this time, because we've already done the core level work. It's a time when there may be deeper levels of strain surfacing. And that and I call that the causative level strain And during the eighth and ninth sessions, I have an opportunity to help clear that in the pelvic girdle and in the shoulder girdle. So they're, I mean, these are gems of information and people go back into my book while we're working. And they're able to understand what's going on.

Laura Konst:

Yes. Because you were also talking about potential emotional releases, yes, that you may not expect. So in a particular session, and you feel great, and then all of a sudden, you could get really emotional and drillmaster would come up as well, right. So that's sort of that the blocked energy that needs to come out in the positive energy to flow better.

Jean Louise:

Exactly. And I think it's really important, because many people come to me who have had emotional trauma, physical trauma, abuse, and that stuff gets embedded in their tissues. And I think it's really important, during an intake form to have some part of that form, ask the question, have you had a level of trauma physically, emotionally, that would be important to let your practitioner know about because sometimes, those bodies, if, if I, as a practitioner, understand where these people are coming from, it really helps me be able to see those cues as they come up in their body and address them on that level of emotional support for them. Do you see what I'm saying? Yes,

Laura Konst:

yeah, definitely. Yeah. Because you need to be able to handle that as well as a practitioner. Exactly. Yeah. To be there for your clients

Jean Louise:

as well. And I can also let people know that, for example, if someone has had sexual abuse going on in their past, oftentimes, that gets stuck in the legs. Oh, really? Yes. Very much. So. So I may be coming across a lot of strain. And I may be wondering, Where did this come from? You know? Yeah. And if, if people share about that, before we begin, it just helps me be on the same page with them. Yes. To really support them. Yeah.

Laura Konst:

So So from what I understand, what you're saying is that certain types of traumas will be getting stuck in certain types of in certain parts of the body.

Jean Louise:

I have seen that yes, very much, though.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, it's very interesting, isn't it?

Jean Louise:

Very much. So yeah. And it's kind of funny, because sometimes rotation patterns will change to, like, there may be a secondary rotation laid on top of the primary. And this is going to be what my next webinar will be about, I really want to do a webinar about how to release rotation patterns in the body. And I'm working at that now on not only on the level of the girdles, but also on the level of the actual tissues, like if there's a rotation going right to left. And I actually want to, I want to move that connective tissue from left to right, in order to neutralize the twist in the body. So yeah, funny things happen. And I just follow the release of the body and hope, support

Laura Konst:

and help support and Well, thank you so much. I think it's super interesting. There's it's yet to me, it makes a lot of sense as well. And I think so how, how, where do I start because you're in, in a different part of the world. So how do we find a growth practitioner? What do we have to look out? So

Jean Louise:

great question. All right. I, the, the International Association of structural integrators, it's, the acronym is er, Z. They have a website. And if you would Google International Association of structural integrators. They have lists of Structural Integration schools around the world. And by contacting the schools, you will be able to find practitioners in your area.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, okay. That'd be good. Yeah, cuz it's, I think with any of these like us To pass aka puncher you need her someone who knows what they're doing. So it's important right so that we can find it worldwide. That is, yeah.

Jean Louise:

And it's best to find a practitioner who has been certified through an authorized school. Yes. With ERC. Yahzee does the the authorizing of the structural integrator schools and Structural Integration schools and each school is going to be a little bit different. And there will be similarities and ER Z will give them the credentials after they've presented their their curriculum and that kind of thing. Okay. You want to go with someone who has actually been certified through any Yahzee certified school

Laura Konst:

school? Yeah, thank you. That's very important to know. Yeah. Are there any other tips that you can sort of share with us apart from the physical work? What can we do ourselves to already start being a bit more straight?

Jean Louise:

Yes, yes. Well, I think hydration of the connective tissue is really important. And hydration of the connective tissue is supported by the consumption of minerals. So we want to eat food that's organic, as much as possible. Like I have a section in my book where I talk about nutrition, the quality of the water, I talk about oil and salt, it's important to eat really, like natural salt, salt, that not white salt that pours easily, we want to eat like the pink Himalayan or the gray Keltic salts, there are natural salts that haven't been messed with. And they're filled with minerals. And those minerals help the hydration of the connective tissue. And it also helps to balance the pH of the body. So it's not so acidic. When the pH of the body is too acidic. That's when people start having arthritis and these type of conditions where people are getting acid reflux and all kinds of things. Yeah. So the type of food that we eat, the water that we drink is really important. And I really feel that using magnesium supplementation is really important.

Laura Konst:

Oh, I do that every night. I take one magnesium. Yeah,

Jean Louise:

it's so important. And sometimes people will come in and their bodies will feel really, like the connective tissue will feel like, like football leather. It'll be super tight super iron. And it's like, oh, my gosh, it takes a lot of energy to start working with that. And I tell people, you need to get hydrated and take minerals. I tell them start eating really good quality, salt, start, start using magnesium supplementation, and people will come back maybe a couple of weeks later. And if they've really been doing those things, there is a very big difference in their connective tissue. It's much softer, it's much more pliable. So that's huge. Yeah, I do mention that in my books. I've got a section in there on minerals. And I talk about magnesium. Yes. I think. Yeah, and I think diets just super important.

Laura Konst:

Definitely. I think magnesium for me is very important. I noticed if I don't take it, sometimes I finish, I finish it. And then I need to wait a few days before it arrives again, because I order it. But if I don't take it, I slip out my rest. My sleep is a lot more restless.

Jean Louise:

Exactly, exactly. And there are many types of magnesium that support different parts of our body. There's some parts that's some types of magnesium that are better for the heart, and some that are better for the muscles. You might want to Google something like that. Yeah, so

Laura Konst:

yeah, I really liked that the one I've gotten like, yeah, like a very organic natural one without feelings you notice not fancy fairly often actually cute little things in there. So that's good.

Jean Louise:

Yeah, wow. I also think that yoga and stretching are Super good. I think it's important for us to have some sort of meditation path and be connecting internally with our guides and that wisdom that moves through us. Be around good people.

Laura Konst:

Yes. All right. Yeah, definitely shared a love as well.

Jean Louise:

You got it.

Laura Konst:

You got it. Wow. Jean Louise. This is amazing. I think it I would definitely recommend for everyone to get the book. I believe we can get it worldwide in

Jean Louise:

English. Oh, yes. It's on Amazon.

Laura Konst:

Yes. Yeah. So if it's everybody, yeah, it's not an Amazon.

Jean Louise:

It's great. Can I read just this last paragraph? Oh, yes. Please now wrote up some comments about my my book, she said, I highly recommend Jean Louise green to anyone interested in feeling their best physically, emotionally and spiritually. Working with her has had such a positive impact on my life. My body feels in sync and stable, and it feels like it is no longer in a constant fight with gravity. I also recommend her book to everyone, but especially to anyone who decides to go through the 10 session series with her. The physical and psychological benefits of the recipe of the 10 sessions are profound. The information contained in your book is helpful, well written, and an asset to not only the bodywork community, but those who seek bodywork treatment.

Laura Konst:

Wow, that's exactly what I wanted to say. Me too. Yes. Oh, you're such. You're amazing. I wish you around the corner.

Jean Louise:

Oh, yes. And I'm Laura, you're a joy. And I just felt so comfortable in your presence here. And, you know, you really brought out some great stuff for me.

Laura Konst:

It's me writing about you. And then I want to learn a bit more. Yeah, I think it's you know, I do believe when your body is better and more straight more connected to the earth, but also the heavens, that your spirituality is getting stronger. I do. I've noticed that that my by myself. Also, when I've had a few months, that I haven't been working out as much and you know, I was getting more and more tired and I missed the appointment. And I missed that. And and I'm not that type of person or two. I'm usually very punctual. So I think it's all to do with everything is the body, mind and spirit is deeply deeply connected.

Jean Louise:

Yes, yes. So much. So yeah, you are beautiful.

Laura Konst:

Thank you so much, Jean Louise for your time and explanation. Put all your description on your website and a link to your book or put it in the descriptions for everyone. Excellent. Access it very quickly. And yeah, thank you for all the listeners as well. Please check out Jean Louise. If you're in the US Well, depending on where in the US but you can easily more easily connect with her than then I can and follow the show, share the show and also share the love for all the episodes. There's many, many of them at the moment.

Jean Louise:

Thank you for helping to bring out this good information.

Laura Konst:

Oh, you're welcome. Yeah, you've got a lot to say good things to say. That's good. Well, thank you so much. And I wish everyone a beautiful day, wherever they are and a weekend as well. Thank you