S2 E11 - Taurus Season with Jev

Laura Konst

We start this second part of season 2 with Astrologer Jev.  How can we prepare for the Taurus energies?  What are the unhealthy expressions for this Taurus season? And of course, she will tell about what energies the planets and moon bring us as well.

Listen, enjoy and discover!

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Welcome to the Tali and Loz Podcast were we discover spirituality together, we had a little bit of a break. But as sort of per usual, we are starting with the Jev. Hi, Jev.


Hi, Laura. Hi, everyone.


How are you doing?


I'm good and hope you're good as well, because they've built the world looks interesting, right?


Yes. Very interesting. I am actually very well, I had a holiday, the first one in two years, and I took a digital detox, sort of, so I ignored all messages and emails apart from my family. And I must say, it was probably the best thing I could have done.


Wow, wow. That sounds amazing. I think that's exactly what all of us should do. And I mean, knowing what's going on in the world. I think we all take it very personally. And a lot of my clients are also feel very distressed and come to me for some help. And what we all need to do at this point of time is to take good care of our nervous systems. Yes. And that's exactly what you did,


is exactly what I did. And I think also, I think, you 100% 1,000%, right. It's so for some reason, it feels so extremely close. But I think it's also the knock knock on effects in our lives. Because you know, people that know people there to say, you know, you talk to your friends, and I live in London, and you live in Spain, or Switzerland, and we all got connections around the world, and everyone knows someone who had to flee the country. And then yeah, you think about them, you meditate or pray for them and their families. And yeah, it's difficult. It's difficult. Yeah. And I think you know, I think we all see also the news that other people you know, will suffer maybe hunger because of the, the, the wheat that they do for the bread. And pasta. I just came from Sicily. So I have to think about pasta at the moment. There's going to be shortage, and you know, it's scary for all of us. So, yeah, so I hope tourist season, which we're going to talk about today will be sort of helping us the energy, I really hope you're going to tell me that.


Let's see what I can share. Of course, the energies we're all going through we experience differently, because there is an individual reality. And then there is a collective reality. Right? So I mostly talk about how the energies are influencing us individually, how we can benefit from them, how we can use it for the best of our abilities, and to create the best realities we can we can for ourselves and for those around us. And then of course, we know that each and single one of us we are like the small drops in the ocean, that creates the ocean create this collective reality. So yeah, let's see what it brings and how we can move forward. At this time.


Yes, because we're closing Aries. Correct. And Taurus, how is how is the difference? Is there a big shift in energy or not? Oh,


it's big. It's big. And I'm actually very happy for this big shift because so the Taurus season begins on the April 21. Okay, and Taurus is the sign of Earth. So let's think about it this way. Before, April 21. Before the season of tourists we have already let's say, March and beginning of April, we had the Aries season, right? So that's a lot of fire. But we also had an enormous amount of Pisces energy in the sky, because of the Jupiter Neptune conjunction because of other planets also traversing the Pisces energy. And that was an interesting combo. I think many of us could feel I was also talking about it and on another video the other day that it feels like like we're we're driving on a highway and there are two lanes. And there was a very thick fog around that highway. And so one lane is the area's energy, which is you know, motivating us to go forward to do something to you know, get energized. I'm inspired by new ideas, what we can do, you know, the world is finally opening up so we can move, we have got some ideas of where we want to change something, or, you know, inspired of launching into the new areas of business or self development or sports are relationships. So a lot of those, you know, inspirational kind of ideas is the new beginnings, right? But then at the same time, this Piscean energy, it's very uncertain, it brings a lot of fog, it brings a lot of those questions of I cannot see clearly what's coming. I don't know what's going on. It's like, you know, driving in the fog, you maybe see two or three or five meters in front of you, but you cannot see further. Right. And so this interesting combination between I want to launch forever, but I cannot see where am I launching forward? That is an interesting combination between the energies of fire and the energies of water. And as we know from physics, right fire and water, they don't function very well together. And that's why, exactly, that's why we need the energy of Earth.


Aha. So that's exactly where it comes in.


corrects directors comes in and says, okay, all right, you've done a lot of work before. You've done a lot of work in around the dreaming around the sensing around the visions of what you would like to have in your life. What you are ready to let go off what you are ready to release, where you will remember with the Pisces energy and the season, we were releasing a lot we were really flushing out from our system, something that is not serving us anymore. Old habits, old patterns, old beliefs. We literally were very slowly but very surely creating the space for you. And so this is where Taurus comes in and says, Okay, now that you have created this space, what are you going to build and grow here?


Right? That's what we need. That's what I need. You it's like a sort of, not sort of like it's quite literally a grounding face.


Correct? That's exactly the word. Yeah. By the way, what is the best crystal for grounding cooler?


Oh, there's so many buddy, our tourists set that we made Tali and Loz and Jeff together. There is a beautiful autumn Jesper in there. And Odin just was very quite unknown. I don't see it often anywhere on social media, whatever. But it's like this. Brown orange is like autumn leaves. Squash together. And it just feels very grounding and, but soft. Like it's like a soft landing, if you will. Oh, I think that's definitely one to use a lot, especially in crystal grids to enhance the grounding that we're going to receive from tourists. Yeah,


it sounds just just right. Which sounds just right, because the the energy of tourists the well functioning, the healthy energy of tourists is very grounded. It's very earthy, okay. It's very steady and practical. It's where we saw row. So we can think of quality instead of quantity. Yes, it's very hard working. self sufficient. And it's very, very patient. Yeah, so think of a bull, right? Bull, when it wants to go, it will go it when it doesn't want to go, it won't go, you know, nothing will nothing will ever force the ball to go if he or she doesn't want to go. So that's the same with the tourists. And the very good trait of people with it with a strong Torian energy or also what the season is gifting us is that we're able to set those long term goals which are, you know, meaningful for us which are important for us and to really be patiently and steadily going towards that goal.


Ah, okay. Do you think that needs some kind of balance as well than with not just grounding, but does it need other energy as well like going up to the chakras, higher dimensions or whatever, something like that as well. Rather, if you get too stuck in the ground because you do want to move forward as well? Of course,


I think well All, when we're moving into the tourist season, it doesn't mean that we won't have any other energies. Of course not. It's just the sun moving into the Taurus, and it helps us to get out of this high highway with the fog, right. So we kind of getting already on a clear space, maybe you can imagine some piece of land or farm, where you know that you have done your higher work already, you have released a lot of energies you have released anything, you know, from the past, or, you know, old emotions or old patterns, those which are running our lives, right. And now you're studying again, we're still having and we will still have some of the planets in Pisces, some of the planets, some areas that will not change, but the totals what it does, it adds into the mix, and it says, Okay, now that you have done the pre work, how and what will be the practical steps? What will be the plan towards your goals? What exactly are you ready to undertake? Now that you can do? How will you do it? Yes, because the Taurus energy it's, it's related to the inner and outer resources, right, the inner resources being our own talents, what we can do what we can create with our own hands, for example. And the outer resources are, of course, you know, possessions and money and our relationships to money or relationships to abundance and prosperity, how well can we be self sufficient? How well can we create prosperity in our life? So I believe this is a very important part of this growing something new of cultivating something new. And this is also what is allowing our own relationship with ourselves. It's the part of the self love, it's the part of the self worth. And that's a biggie, that's a very big thing. Because when we know we can create something on our own terms, something that is very valuable for us very meaningful for us. This is where our self worth flourishes.


Uh huh. So it's also asking for abundance as well. Abundance and self worth and self love in


theory, they're directly related to each other, we attract abundance in as much as we value ourselves internally.


Yeah, that's right. Yeah. And, and here


we go. So we basically it's like a loop, right? You can ask what what comes first, right? Where the chicken or the egg, but the thing is, when we create something with our own hands, or using our own inner talents, we start valuing ourselves more. Why? Because it means that we our self worth is not tied to any external means anymore, right? It's really tied to our internal soul, our internal character, our internal values. And so when we value ourselves more than this creates an energy and frequency where the universe can come back and say, Actually, I will match that. And then it creates more abundance and prosperity in your life.


Right? Yeah, that's true. That's true. We all need pyrite for that.


Good. Good. Yeah, good that you're reminding us of the name. Because I think that's, that's very, it sounds like a very perfect crystal for this time, right. And then on top of that, just to top up this beautiful energy is that tourists rules, our connection to our body and our senses. So think of the, you know, the sight and the touch, and the smell, and so on. So typically, people with a Taurus energy, they are really, really, let's say, enjoying and having pleasure through those senses. So you know, the smell should be very delicate and intricate, and they love perfumes, or let's say the music should be very harmonious to the ears, and they love beauty. So they like arts and you know, surrounding themselves with beautiful objects. Or, let's say, if it's a, it's a, it's a cloth, it should be comfortable. So the touch with the skin should be really, really, you know, pleasurable and soft. Exactly. And so I think it's also part of how we can simplify our lives and remember that there are a lot of simple pleasures, right? That we're still can pamper ourselves, we can Still pamper our body with a massage or with a good food, and basically calming our nervous system down as well.


Ah, right. So, um, but that's sort of what we all need, like you said at the beginning, we need to calm down that nervous system is what's going on the planet? Correct? Yeah. So it's quite a good time to enhance that feeling to protect ourselves.


It's absolutely right. It's absolutely correct. We also need to remember that the North Node is in Taurus right now. So this season will really strengthen this, it will strengthen our understanding of what is really important of what is really meaningful of what is really valuable, and will remind ourselves that strengthening our connection with our body is actually providing a lot of grounding. It will also remind that Taurus for example, rules our connection to the earth to the land to the nature, and that is also very grounding. This is very, very soothing for for the nervous system for for life, basically. Yes, yeah.


Beautiful. I'm actually quite looking forward to this. Taurus season.


We need some grounding. That's Yes.


Yeah. I think I've been I feel that I've been like, crushed English word, like a bounce ball. Here, there and everywhere. Yeah. And I feel like I needed direction. I think there's a lot of inspiration the left for me the last few months, like there's a lot of ideas. And some I can put in practicality, but then I don't finish it or I can't finish it and and other things are happening. So I have to abandon the project because I've got other priorities. So I feel like I've been here there and everywhere. Yeah, to one hand is quite good for inspiration, creativity. But I need that grounding to come back to myself.


Yeah, absolutely. And you just summarized it. It's not only you, it's all of us. You just memorize what we are going through with the energies of Pisces and areas where inspiration, a lot of ideas, a lot of those downloads and intuition are saying, what about this idea? And what about that idea? And how about we go into that direction? Everything feels so interesting, new and fresh and potential. And then, you know, comes this watery tiredness or fog and you're like, Ah, I just don't have energy for this. Or maybe it's not that important, as I saw it yesterday. So yeah, it's all over the place.


And are there any other positive energies that are coming this the Taurus season as well?


I think I've covered all of them. And I think that's a lot already. A lot of very beautiful things which are necessary at this time.


Yeah, definitely. And so how about the challenges this month?


Yeah, let's dive into those ones. So of course, as every coin has two sides, also Taurus energy, you know, it has beautiful, beautiful sides, but it also has their own shadow sides or unhealthy expressions. And so some of those or let's say inertia, or, you know, like laziness or being stuck or feeling stuck or being super slow. Well, there is a fine line, right? I know from what I know, and I also have quite, quite Salvadorian energy in my blueprint, so I can speak for myself as well. And also knowing from my clients, there is a very feel fine line between saying that resource, personal resource energy is lazy or hard working, right? It feels like extremes, but there is one caveat and caveat is what people will the Torian energies find valuable, meaningful and purposeful. They will be incredibly hard working, they will be thorough, there will be unrelenting or irrelevant lesson in you know, pursuing this goal very patient even though it might take you know, five or 10 years, they will not care it's valuable for them. It's meaningful for them, they will go for it no matter what. But those things which they feel like they are not important, they will not move you a finger for that.


Yeah, but aside from me, because I also have Taurus in my archetypes.


Here we go. And so of course other people are saying You are lazy, maybe you feel like I don't know, maybe you feel like cleaning the house is not important for you. Because, you know, presenting something is much more important. Maybe right, I'm just, I'm just making a random example. And so of course, your family members can say you are lazy, we're not cleaning the house. But then in terms of what you feel or find meaningful and valuable for you, you know, you have done pretty good progress. So for us, it's really important during this season, to see how we can balance how we can also do something which is important. But you know, when, when there is something that you don't find important, find who can help you find who can support you find the possibilities of you know, maybe outsourcing for your business, if we talk about business, or find something that is, you know, if we if we talk about relationships, explain to your partner, what what do you find meaningful and worthy of your time and what's not so that it doesn't create, you know, conflict or misunderstandings.


But it can also shift I think, like, what's important than not, that's what I've got. Yes, yeah, I think is that also my Taurus energy that I've got a few months that I think all of a sudden, I need to clean the house twice? And then I've got a few months that I think I'll do it next week? Because I'm too is that Taurus as well.


We are I mean, that was just a random example. This is why it's so easy for you to pick on that. Right? Exactly. I mean, cleaning the house, we all have this shift, thank you, we all have those waves of laziness. But of course, we need to think about the values, I'm talking about the value of something which is so important for you, this is part of your DNA, this is part of your values, and you don't want to compromise on that. Okay. And so of course, based on the values, some things you will find very important in your world, and some things are not important at all. Yeah. Okay. So it's really finding that sweet spot between where, where do you put your energy? What do you believe is important for you? Where are your priorities, and where you feel stuck? And how to overcome this being stuck. Okay. And here we come to the next point of the tour. Torian. Energy is fixed mindset. And this is a very big one, because Taurus people are quite stubborn, not only what they do or don't do, but also in what they believe in. And that is not helping, because if we have fixed mindsets, it's kind of doesn't allow us to grow. Yes, that's right. It doesn't allow us to open up for new things doesn't allow us to believe in new things. And because Torian energy is so much related to material reality in what you can do with your own hands, what you can touch, what you can sense and smell and eat. It really sometimes is hard for this Torian energy to open up for a different view on the world, that there are energies, there is belief and there is you know, truth and there is flow and there is intuition, some other things which you cannot touch, but you need to open up towards them. Right?


Oh, yeah, it does sound very familiar. On one hand, I think I'm a bit of both. I think also, that's maybe because I also have Aquarius in my archetypes. Yeah. That's why I'm like,


cuckoo. We're all good. Because we're all a mixture of different energies. That's why it's good. Because if we would be just one energy, oh, that would be crazy. That would be really black and white. But we are no, no one will. None of us is black and white. Maybe with exception to some people on this planet. But mostly we're very, you know, rich mixture of energies, which allows us maybe we are feeling stuck in one area of life, but then other energies are helping us to push through whether we resist or not. That's already a different story.


Right? Yeah, that's right. Do you feel that this tourists energy that some people, I think it's I think this is a question for every month, sometimes after podcasting, I should have asked that and now all of a sudden it comes to my mind. Could it be that some people are almost immune to certain energies? That you think why? Why is this person not affected by what is going on not affected but not I don't know they, yeah, maybe not affected this the right sort of description by the energies that are going on.


Is it possible? Yeah, yeah, absolutely. Yes. And I'm happy. I'm glad that you're raising this question because this is exactly where we find people who believe in astrology and who don't. And the reason for that, of course, there are different reasons for that. But we mainly believe in what we can experience, right. So if we experienced, then we say, oh, that works. And if we haven't had a chance to experience or we become quite cynical, we're like, Ah, this is a, you know, nothing that that is worth my attention. And so unfortunately, we live in a society where emotional and energetic part of our beings is not very supportive, is not very acknowledged, is not well recognized. We live in a society that values very much the rational mind, logical mind, material reality, and everything else is kind of deemed to be non existent or part of a fantasy and so on. And that is, that is a problem, because this is why our, our, our society runs in the very dysfunctional patterns. Because I was I was literally writing down that, you know, intuitive download that came to me yesterday, and it sounded like that, that this world is trying to convince us that everything is rational and material, but the at the end of the day, we do something or don't do something, because we feel a certain way.


Yes. Right. That's very true. Yeah. Yeah.


And that that already shows how how, you know, upside down our world is because we're feeling beings. But we are told that we're thinking beings first and not the feelings being first. And so coming back to your question is astrology and the energies, first and foremost, the energies, you need to feel them, you need to go on and on. But also on top of that you need to observe, right, you need to observe and see what's shifting what's changing for you. Like, for example, you just observed and you said, Oh, during the past month, you were all over the place and was hard to focus, you had the ideas, you had this inspiration, you had the creativity, but you cannot finish the day, the project. And maybe it's not your default way of being maybe normally you're pretty. As I also encountered you or experienced you, you're very much you know, focused and onpoint. And you know what you want, and you're going for the goal. So when you notice how you feel and how you act, you can then check in with astrology. And now we're having this conversation and I'm explaining, okay, these are the energies, this is how you're experiencing them. And that reinforces your belief from astrology, because you're like, oh, that's exactly how I feel. And that's exactly what's happening. For the people who don't feel and also don't have the habit of observing how they feel or how they act. And they don't have the, the, you know, maybe, maybe it's not important for them to observe, or maybe it's not important for them to have this introspection. Then of course, they they tend not to believe in astrology. And so, yeah, there are two parts to it, as I see it, one is not feeling the energies because people, many people are disconnected from their feelings, okay, from their emotions, they are more they are living in their head, and therefore it's really hard to be affected by the energies because you're, you're, you're literally ignoring what's going on in the body. Okay, yes. And then another piece to it is not believing because there is no focus or priority to, to analyze and to observe.


Yes, yeah, that makes total sense. Isn't it? Really? Yeah. Yeah. I was just wondering, because sometimes I feel there's a lot of people that I notice. Oh, yeah. That's how I feel as well, you know, when I talk to them, even though that everybody has their own individual feeling, but they feel the energies around. And some people look at me like, I don't know what you're talking about.


It's okay. It's okay. It's always been like that, but the world is awakening at much higher speed right now. Which is nice. Yeah,


absolutely. If more people that that understand one another. Yeah. And we really need that at the moment. So Yeah, I think it's I think it's a good. Okay. Yeah, this was a bit of a deviation. But an important one an important one, I think I think it's also a question that other people will be asking as well. Yeah, so more unhealthy expression Do you think it could? Because you said stubbornness and laziness, but that can be confused with prioritizing sort of what is important for you? Could it also be because you said about the senses? Want to feel nice and tastes nice? Can it also include over indulging?


Oh, yes. Oh, yes. You are learning can I had this word in my mind over indulging? That's exactly it. Yes, that's exactly it. And also, it's interesting you bring it up, because I actually wanted to talk about another side of Taurus. But then overindulgent will be the coping mechanism. Okay. So the Taurus energy because it's so connected to the earth and to the you know, growing something and building something and you know, literally creating material reality. There can be some fears, fears around money, fears around not having enough money, fears of not being able to have a you know, to have enough resources or survival fears. So, that's where people can as a consequence, and of course, those fears are not always conscious mainly are but sometimes they they, they run really deep. And so, as a consequence, these people can go into kind of coping mechanisms or defense, you know, mode and that would be first of all, focusing on the material reality way too much focus on the money way too much, hoping that, you know, if I have will have a lot of money, then life will be really beautiful and amazing, which is not always the answer, as we know. Then another coping mechanism could also be hoarding, you know, really trying to have so much stuff, you know, shopping or bringing things and you know, holding them at home or holding money or, you know, really becoming, you know, the Scrooge so to say, and another coping mechanism is overindulgent, eating a lot, trying to come to your senses to the point of you know, forgetting that there is real world out there. So really, and we're coming back to the introspection, only when we can understand why we do certain things, then we can get really to the root of what the fear is about.


Oh, yeah. So that's something definitely need to be aware of. Yeah, yeah. Because that's, yeah, I'm actually trying to I just came from Sicily, people when I had my overindulgence on too much pasta and heater and lemon, cello and wine and beer. But it was really good. But yeah, it's something I really, I need to like, and I haven't been very good and exercise either. So I have to be really aware this month or that energy not to catch me.


Yeah. Oh, well. Yeah, exactly. It's, it's really consciousness that we need, right? And nothing is good. Nothing wrong with a good pasta and limoncello from Italy. There is a difference between doing it consciously. Like I go on vacation, I switch off all the digital media, I'm really reconnecting with the nature with the body with myself and with good food in that matter. Or doing it doing it unconsciously having a really deep fear and anxiety around maybe resources, money and so on and trying to eat them. You know, it's not up to them, but to eat so much so that those fears would go


away. Go away. Yes, I say Yeah, but it's good that you? Yeah, well, for me, I like to know this upfront, so I can be aware of the potential downfalls in this energy. So I think I read more being mindful.


Yeah, absolutely. That's exactly what we're trying to do with this podcast.


Exactly. It's always so yeah, I love it, because it's sort of gives me like what's the right word? It sort of handle for the month for the reinsurance. Yeah, reinsurance. Yeah. Yeah. And I don't go that way. Laura. Don't go that way. Put out. A zoo lion pie. Right. Okay.


All right. Okay. And let me then finish with the final unhealth expression of this energy. And I believe this is the most important one where we need to pay attention to that is a low self worth. The low self worth or the self worth tied to external things. And we've touched it a little bit just when we were talking about the, you know, money and prosperity and abundance. And here's also the, let's say, Shadow energy is when we are told that our self worth is tied to external things, or our achievements or status are how much money we have in the bank account. That is not always translated in how we feel internally.


That's true. Yeah.


So we really need to realize at one point that our self worth is related to how we value ourselves. It's not related to anything external. Of course, we can create something, of course, we can, you know, contribute somehow to the world and feel that it's valuable. It's my purpose and strengthening that self worth. But the starting point is to really understand the shift that it's not about what kind of car I'm driving, not quite what kind of company I work for, or whether married or not, and all those things, but it's really the your own internal connection to yourself.


Yes, yeah, that's true. Uh huh. So we have to be working also on the sacral chakra quite a lot.


Oh, let us know what what would you recommend in terms of the crystal?


Oh, definitely chameleon? I think yeah, because chameleon the beautiful bright orange, which is great for the sacral chakra and grounding but also yet Sal being ourselves and joy as well. Yeah, we mentioned previously the pyrite and the autumn Jesper lepers. Let's rely, I think, for the throat chakra and the third eye chakra also to connect to the higher and ourselves and our vision. And what do we want? And what do we believe? So yeah, I think that's the lapis was also the birthstone for the tourists. So yeah, I think those


amazing crystals. Yeah, definitely amazing. Yes. Thank you so much. This is good. It's good to know that we are going to ground soon after we have, you know, done our dreaming and releasing piece. And then we'll go to ground and that there is also some support with the help of the crystals.


Yeah, exactly. There's always good, good tools as well to help out. Correct. And what is a little beautiful little she's quite big, what's little known are going to do for us?


Oh, little Luna will be bad because we're entering the eclipse season. Yeah, that's already here as well Correct? Well, eclipses are happening once in six months. And the eclipses are the portals to the new kind of turn and then twist on our soul trajectories. Right. So we know that our life path, they're not linear, they are not straight, they have a lot of twists and turns. And so every Eclipse is kind of a gate foretell, that opens, you know, a new twist on the on the path itself. Okay. During the last six months, you could see what changes took place externally and internally. And now, let's accelerate another shift on the timeline of your life. Okay. It's not always bad. It's sometimes very, very good. I mean, I look back at some of my, you know, twists and turns. And I can say that, for example, last year, we had the eclipses in Sagittarius and Gemini. And Sagittarius Eclipse was exactly the one that activated, let's say, the move when I just realized that I need to move the country and I need to try and see how it goes if I leave for some time in Spain, because I always wanted but never kind of took any steps forward for it. And then this eclipse, it just brought this really amazing internal understanding that this is time


to travel. Exactly.


Exactly. And it worked perfectly. It was just amazing, intuitive guidance that said, now's the time. Now you go, maybe you know the world was still being locked down. So Why not sit you know in a lock down somewhere next to the seat? Yes. So see what comes for you what kind of new twists and turns are coming your way for the next six months because these eclipses will activate the changes for the next six months until the next eclipse season in November, December. And so the first one will be the new moon and the partial solar eclipse in Taurus 10 degrees and that is happening on the April soleus. Oh, so really quickly right after the beginning of the year, the Taurus season Yeah. And that is a beautiful new moon. It's a beautiful new moon it's a beautiful Solar Eclipse and also I could say it's without much hard aspects that's exactly what we need for things to start growing right? Because it's really it's this Taurus energy brings this new building energies brings the development that brings growth it's asks What are you ready to cultivate on your you know, own piece of land in your life or your own farm in your life? And it also brings some developments which finally manifest right on time. And because there is so the moon and the sun in Taurus they are conjunct Uranus. And as we know Uranus is pretty interesting planet it comes you know, it comes in, in a way that is unpredicted. It's really hard to predict it because it's very unexpected. So it can bring some surprises it can bring some life changes. But on one hand, I want to say sudden, but they are not so sudden because they were brewing in the background. We could we couldn't see them. But we could sense them. We could feel them. Okay, I would say throughout March and also in April, we'll kind of sense that something is coming. But it's not yet visible. It's like again, driving on the highway, right? You kind of full really hope that you will see that I don't know, CT or mountain or whatever you're driving towards, but you could not see because of the fog. And so this eclipse activate that you already see something. Oh, that's exciting. That's exciting. Exactly. And on top of that, we have Venus conjunct Jupiter in Pisces. So Venus and Jupiter are both very benefic planets. They are the planets you know of love and beauty and relationships and caring and you know, growth and truth and expansion and luck. So, a lot, a lot of beautiful aspects. There. Also, both of them will trine Pluto in Capricorn and Mercury in Gemini. So a lot of beautiful energy and the Lord of things which are just on time,


time. Ah, it sounds like a proper growth as well. And they showed us how to download that in May. Obviously, a lot of animals are like birds and stuff like that. The little chicks are coming and the little little flowers like tulips bloom in May. And it's yeah, like growth and new life. It sounds very romantic.


Does well it's still a lot of strong Piscean energy, which is very romantic, very, you know, related to the pin glosses and idealistic of dreams, but also to relate it to creativity and spirituality and unconditional love. Perfect. Yeah,


I think that's gonna be nice time we're moving into


it will but as always, there is a little bug, which means that we will have a full moon and the total lunar eclipse in Scorpio 25 degrees on May 16. And again, as we know, Scorpio energy can be a little tricky, right. So the lunar eclipses, they typically bring in or changes, right, the solar eclipses they bring out or changes and the lunar eclipses bring in or changes, they can illuminate something so deep that it brings a really profound transformation into your life. It might not necessarily happen right on the moon, right? It can really unlock the possibility for it during the next six months. Uh huh. Okay. And so this moon will be conjunct the South Node in Scorpio and the South Node in Scorpio that is our, let's say collective transit, where the south node is As transiting the area or the sign of Scorpio between January of this year, and July 2020, free, oh. And so that means that during that time we collectively, each one single one, and also together, we're unlearning, we're letting go of things related to Scorpio themes and Scorpio themes, or especially in the shadow energies, right? They are really, you know, letting go of any drama, letting go of any power dynamic, letting go of any power abuse, letting go of any deepest fears, especially related to intimacy and trust, how we trust each other, how we can relate to each other, moving away from the, you know, maybe fool, not using the shared resources and the right way. So a lot of things where we need to come closer to the Taurus energies, where we need to understand how to ground how to become self sufficient, how to value ourselves, how not to be very much dependent on the external validation. So you see where we are. On one hand, we're giving some new way for growing new things. But we're still slowly unlearning, right? It's, again two way, two way street. Well, the Scorpio is about emotions, okay, it's our deepest emotional world. So it will, it will, you don't need to think about it now. Because whatever will come to you, you will know it, the full moons, they tend, they tend to have a quality of illuminating the directions is the you know, the dark corner that we haven't been, you know, looking into or thinking about, and so on. So it comes and says, what about this? What about that? What, how are you dealing with that? Because it can bring a lot of emotion and it can bring certain choice points. Do you still want to repeat that pattern? Do you still want to repeat? You know, finding yourself in situations that trigger that fear? Or are you able to overcome that? Or are you able to work with your nervous system to ground yourself to give space to your nervous system to know how to create this calm and space, instead of you know, being constricted, constricted and fearful. So there are a lot of choice points. And it might be a little tricky, because Taurus energy and Scorpio energy and also some of the energies, which are part of this full moon, they are in fixed signs. And fixed signs doesn't like change. They resist for so long as as it's possible, you know, because there are three different modalities, right? There are Cardinal energies, mutual energies, and fixed energies, and the cardinal energies and mutual energies people with those modalities. They have changed a lot already last year, and in the beginning of this year, they feel like Aha, okay, a lot of things and situations that are coming up are requiring change, so why not change? Not the fixed signs, fixed signs are the last ones on this train, they will resist for as long as possible, they will try to stuck, you know, get stuck and be stuck and sit in their comfort zone for as long as possible. But of course, you know, the universe will pressure them again and again and again. And that's a process.


Uh huh. Wow. So it's sort of okay, so that's actually one to just let it be type of energy you can brace for what's to come with the eclipses


you just allow it you will allow it and you pay attention. Okay? Because our our exact level human nature sometimes wants to run away, run away from emotions run away from what's going on inside of us. But that is a sure sign of basically staying in the same area where you are where you are. Yeah. So if you want to change, be open for this change. They open for what comes for you stay open for what your emotions are trying to communicate what they're trying to tell you. Because there are some of the one of the biggest aspects during that Eclipse is related to Saturn because Saturn is in Aquarius is squaring the sun, the moon and the notes. And the Saturn is all always, you know, it's, we can think of older wise men who is looking, you know, at their children who says, not so fast. What do you think? Where do you think you're going? How about taking responsibility for your actions and thoughts and patterns? He's basically want us to mature.


Yeah. Right. So that's that, again, come in connection with the growth as well,


correct? Correct. Correct. Because we're all if we want to move into the new direction, if we want to unlock this next, you know, twist and turn on our path, we also need to become quite responsible about how we work with our own energies and how we work with our own emotions, traumas, triggers, and so on. It all starts with them. It doesn't start somewhere else


I know. Exactly. Wow. Okay. Sounds like a good a good time. I think that we all need, as well.


Sounds like a time that we're all going through whether we wanted or not, right?


That's for sure. Yeah.


But I like I like that there is a combination right at the beginning, like the first the new moon and the Taurus Eclipse is unlocking this growth potential, giving us the new hope, the new vision, you know, the the ability to start building that new life that we were sensing and dreaming of. And then the eclipse in Scorpio comes or follows up and says, Okay, now that you're slowly stepping into that new life, is there anything else you want to clean out? Is there anything else you want to still kind of detox release and make sure that toxins are not in your body anymore?


That it Yeah, exactly. Wow. Thank you. Well, thank you, Jeff. I think, yeah, I'm actually quite excited. For this. I think what would like i said before i was the bouncy ball, but I feel like now I need to go into that growth, as well. And everything that is to come, stay grounded, and balanced. And I've got my crystals ready to go. And thank you so much, again, for your time. And we'll be sure meeting next month for Gemini season.


Yes, correct. It was a pleasure. Yes, it was a pleasure. Thank you so much for having me great that we were looking into this absolutely beautiful. Taurus energies, it reminds me of the trees. Like if we think of ourselves as the trees, we were going through a very long, cold winter row trying to dig really deep understand what needs to change? And how do we want to bloom during the spring and what can you know, add to our growth, and now that we have flushed a lot of toxins, and a lot of you know, release from our systems and our genetic systems. Now we finally see the glimpses of that spring, and how do we want to bloom? And how do we want to build not only our lives but also live in our society.


So beautiful. I like that recap. Thank you so much. For all the listeners also, definitely visit Jeff her website, there's so much information on there as well. And also sign up to the newsletter because you get really wonderful emails, that would be another tool and another handle, and you can find all our information on her courses as well into reading with her, that's something I would definitely recommend because it does. For me personally, it really opened up a lot. It made me understand myself a lot better. And it also sort of gave me a direction of what I need to work on to balance myself. So definitely contact Jeff, like yesterday, because if you're late. And obviously also don't forget to like subscribe and share this episode and all the other episodes for Tali and Loz podcast. Because it's all about discovering spirituality. It's often it's from my complete ignorance, I'm going to talk to people about their spirituality, and take from it what would help you because we're all different. Other things are resonating might resonate with you and things or not. So yeah, definitely give the other episodes a go as well. And we are open this second part of the season, so I'll see well not see you. Oh, yeah. But you can hear me next week, as well. All right.


Thank you. Bye, everyone.