S2 E10 - Aries Season with Jev

Laura Konst Season 2 Episode 10

We start this Aries Season with Astrologer Jev.  How can we prepare for the warrior archetype energies? Are we going with the flow of being a leader, an inspiration or are we going towards being self-focused?  What are the unhealthy expressions for this season? And of course, she will tell about what energies the planets and moon bring us as well.

Listen, enjoy and discover!

FYI we are having a mid-season break and we will be back at the end of April!

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Laura Konst:

Hi and welcome to the Tali and Loz Podcast where we discover spirituality together, and we are kicking off every season with Jev. Hi, Jev.


Hi, Laura. Hi, everyone. How are you doing?

Laura Konst:

Oh, good or good. So, Pisces season. It's been a few crazy weeks around the globe. So now we're going to airy season and I hope calmer energies are coming our way. Or is that wishful thinking?


Oh, I'm not sure about that, Laura. But let's unpack it step by step. All right. But you are absolutely correct by saying that these were absolutely crazy weeks. In the world, what's happening is absolutely unimaginable. I think we are all either, you know, helping somehow or definitely feeling great. And, of course, this is also something that some people are asking, Can you can you see it with astrology? Or how are we going through this energies with astrology, and just a few words about that, is that it's, it's interesting that this happened during the Pisces season, when we were talking about, you know, such such traits of this energy, like kindness and compassion and unity. And, indeed, sometimes the world has to go through some dark moments, in order to really see the contrast with the light. And I think all of us could see how much unity there is in the world. Right now, how much unity is there between people who are willing to help are willing to support who are willing to open the doors for for the refugees who are willing to donate time, money, energy, psychological support any of these? So, yes, the weeks were terrible, and, and of course, we will be watching what is going on and hoping and praying that this will this will stop. But at the same time, let's keep in mind two things. And one is that we're as a society, collectively, all around the globe, the whole humanity, we're going through a massive transformation in terms of our values. We see what we don't want anymore, we see what we don't want to accept what we don't want to allow what we were really coming back to what is important to what is essential, right? It's not about you know, greed anymore. It's not about ambitions and money and work 24 hours, it's more about peace, we're really started coming back to gratitude, we really started coming back to what peace means for us. What peaceful sky ahead of our heads.


means for us in our lives. What does it mean to be kind and compassionate to other people who are suffering. So I think we can see really from this perspective, how Pisces season has helped to maybe amplify these energies and bring it bring them more into our consciousness. And then of course, another part which is which I wanted to mention is that I hope that the energy of Pisces also gave hope because every time we look back as a humanity, we can see there were so many things right there were worse and tsunamis and pandemics and whatever it was, we still went through it and we became better through it. So I just wanted to to share a few words on the Pisces season. And also to kind of have a glide into the idea that the Pisces season or Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac. Right. It's the 12th one. Yes. So this is about completions. This is about endings. This is about closing certain karmic cycles or cycles that we've been through and we've been through a lot. Oh, yes, well, months, right. So for many of us, it's not only on the, let's say collective level, but also I feel impersonal lives of every one of us, and also working with the clients and though of course, seeing it in my own life as well. There were a lot of possibilities to change differently, to to go differently, to act differently to think differently. To basically not choose something in your life anymore to say, Okay, I'm done with it here and done with it now. And so here is a good springboard from this Pisces season into the areas, which starts on the march 20. Right. And this is basically the new year, it's a new astrological year, because the the sign of Aries is the first sign of the of the zodiac. So we'll start another year, we'll start another cycle. And with this comes a lot of interesting elements. So to say, well, first of all, we can say that the energy of areas is the energy of fire. Okay, so answering your question, it will not be called. They call it fire cannot be called. Okay. But it's also it really depends on how we use this energy in our lives. And I think this is exactly why we are doing this podcast on a monthly basis to explain what are the positive sides of every single energy? What are the shadow sides of every single energy so that people who choose for themselves so that people could be conscious about how these energies are working? Right, right. Yes. So thank you so much, Laura, for initiating this podcast and that we are sharing this information and hopefully it helps to more people.

Laura Konst:

Oh, yes, I think we have so many clients from the both sides of us that love these podcasts also for what they have to, but they have to prepare themselves for, you know, if they if they feel pressured, already go into the direction of x, y, and Zed. So I need to protect myself more, I need to take a step back. And it really helps them and it's just really nice to, to hear that as well. Like the the emails from listeners is very beautiful. And that's what we're doing it for. Right. So. Yeah, it's fantastic.


Thank you. Thank you so much. And to all those centers for sending the feedback. This is very much appreciated.

Laura Konst:

Oh, 100%. Yeah, we love it. We always share it with each other as well. So it's like I like it.


US going as well, right? Yeah, we definitely keep going. Perfect. And now back to areas areas, as we said it is the energy of fire, right. And on one hand, it's really beneficial because we haven't had a lot of fire energy in up in the sky since Sagittarius season. Oh, yeah. And that is November, December, right, then a lot of planets went into the ear signs, or signs or water signs. And we will act the fire energy in this. And probably you could feel as well that, for example, in February, things were super slow and sluggish. And we didn't have energy to start something good or to go forward some something, you know, of course, it is a combination of different things. It's the you know, psychological toll that we're taking from everything that is going on around us. But also when there is a lack of fire up there in the sky, it also means that we like this boost, we like this internal spark that that says Go for it start something new, you know, it's it's more it was more allowing us to still sit with ourselves and to complete our internal processes. Okay, so there is always a logic up there in the sky, why something is available, why something is not available. So when we needed to go through the closures and completion and you know, more, let's say pondering, then of course, fire is not very helpful because fire gets you going fire gets you running around and doing something. But yeah, with the Aries season this fire is finally coming back. It's coming back to us. And with the the new beginnings, energies coming in this new astrological year, the really possibility to go forward, you know, to go forward for something that we want that we always wanted or wanted recently now that we're changing so much, or we believe it's important for us right now. And yeah, basically going forward. Then, of course, there are some downsides of this energy. But let's dive right away into the healthy expression of Aries energy, and then we'll take a look into the shadow side and so that will explain how to work with this energy better. Okay, yes, let's go. Cool. So the healthy expressions of areas as I mentioned, it is As the spark of life this is this, you know, these fiery boost of energy which brings them to vias and spontaneity and willingness to go for something right without thinking pretty much without thinking what other people will think about you, or maybe even not always thinking through the consequences, but actually having courage. The areas where this courage have to be brave, to be courageous to actually go for something right. And that can, of course, be, let's say, express in different areas of life. But the energy the healthy energy of Aries is the energy of leadership of going somewhere where you haven't gone before or maybe others haven't haven't gone before it do tours unchartered you know, territories, and the only others as well who lead others, inspire others, inspire others to go for something to achieve something to create something. The this healthy energy of areas, this people with strong areas energy, they know how to inspire others. Fire so that you literally you feel this fiery spark in your bones, and you believe the whole actually, if they think I can, then probably I can. Yeah, I say. And we need that. Right. We need some of us we need right, the right leaders, the leaders with integrity leaders who can inspire people to, to unite and to, you know, go for something.

Laura Konst:

Oh, yes, definitely. And do you think it's it's then also a good start? A good? Again, do you also think it's a good energy to start new projects? Because you have the drive at the spark? And like the let go type of mentality?


Absolutely. Yes. Absolutely. With both hands? Yes. Because, again, this is up to every single person how to channel this energy, they will feel the spark, but then we'll do the channel, right? Yeah, right now we have all planets Direct, which is a forward motion. So it's not the time of not doing anything, it's the time of doing the time of doing is the time of going forward. It's also it you know, different people may choose how to channel this energy. And for example, some people may choose to become the leaders, right? So we just were talking about this leadership in again, in various different areas, depending on what you do in your life, what you aspire for, maybe you are a leader in the questions of climate change, maybe you are a leader on the political arena, maybe you're a leader of your own family, and you finally decide that, you know, after the whole change that we went through, you want to do your leadership differently, you want to be a different type of leader, maybe it's at work, maybe you realize that after two years of pandemic and isolation and working you know remotely now that people are slowly coming back in the offices maybe you will probably be you realize that you want to do your leadership differently. Maybe now you are more compassionate leader maybe now you are more inspirational leader or areas is also ruling our connection to our physical body appearance, how we, how we are how we look, right. So some people may channel this energy into sports, you know, running marathons or starting some kind of sports. Well, not career so much but sports routine, maybe or trying something new or coming back to regular sports practice, because again, since we were maybe close or isolated, maybe some people were missing some kind of sports practice. For example, I love swimming. And during the COVID time Phil has been you know, either closed or restricted. And now that I'm coming back to my weekly swimming sessions, I just love it. And with the with the Aries season, it will come even more prominent so we can channel our energy the year right? Or it's also about any creative projects or intrapreneurship, for example, or, yeah, you just choose because you will have energy you will have the drive, you will have the motivation to do it. How will you do it? This is really up to you. Because the areas is also it's the archetype of a warrior. It gives you this inner power to go for what you want to be brave to be independent, to be fearless to be free to to feel Follow your instincts. Because Aries is also our sense of self. It's our sense of self identity. It's, it's, it's the I am, who I am, or who am I without anything else? Who am I? If not my family? If not my work is not my money, if not my health, who am I underneath of it all? And what matters for me?

Laura Konst:

Right is also a big self care, energy. Sort of, like who am I like mentally, but also sports? It is a type of sort of self care, isn't it that I've personally failed in the last few months?


You can look at it this way, but areas will not think about it this way. Right? So it really depends on how you look at it. Of course, sports is a good thing. Of course, when we think about who am I is also a good thing. But since the Think about it, that Aries is the first sign of the zodiac it is this divine spark when the soul just comes to incarnate for the first time. So you might imagine this untamed horse pretty much that is super enthusiastic to just launch around to experience life to try it or you know, not to be tamed by anything or anyone, it doesn't understand oneself good. Yeah. There is there is really hard to understand or have this objective understanding of oneself. But there isn't there is an internal drive to experience things in and understand oneself through this experience.

Laura Konst:

Ah, yeah, so that's a slightly different perspective of Yeah, I see. Okay. And if you're talking about, like, the leadership and the archetype, and you did mention the word compassion as well, so it's it is, even though of the joyful new experience energy that you described, it is still with compassion towards others. Is that right?


It? It depends. Well, of course, we don't leave ever in the universe where there is only one type of energy. And this is good. This is really good. I guess, if there would be only one type of energy, we would then experience really, let's say brutal parts of this energy, right? Because we shall start talking about the shadow sides of areas and and believe me, we don't want pure and pure shadow side of energy in our lives. And so the reason I mentioned compassion is because we luckily have a lot of Pisces energies in the sky right now. Okay. And that will continue to amplify. So it started already back in February, and during March and April, it will amplify even more because we have Jupiter in Pisces, but we will be talking about it when we will talk about the moons. So yeah, compassion is a good thing right now that is helping all of us to basically float.

Laura Konst:

stay afloat, definitely. And whether whether the unhealthy or the shadow sides of Aries, then


oh, yes, let's dive into that. So I was talking about the warrior archetype, right? And so think about the wounded warrior archetype. Think about this wounded masculine energy that can turn or channel this divine spark and the boost of fiery energy in a negative way. For example, the very frequent manifestations would be anger, rage, impatience, violence, distraction, destruction, and war.

Laura Konst:

Right. That's actually quite sort of scary, unhealthy expressions, and especially what's going on in the world at the moment?


Absolutely. Absolutely. And that is the wounded masculine energy. The analogy that lack the feminine archetype, lack wisdom, lack compassion, lack understanding that not all things in this life can be fixed by going to work.

Laura Konst:

Oh, yes. It makes things worse. Yeah,


absolutely. Absolutely. But also, of course, not every one of us will, you know, engage in the world but also one of the mastic level. Let's, let's keep going. Keep it in mind that during the area season, we might all lack patience. We might all like being you know, a little bit calmer, a little bit more peaceful. So it's good to have it in mind. It's good to understand. Aha. I will have more fire in me. What will I do with this fire? How will I channel it? Will I channel it in the right way or not? Okay, right. Then the area's energy can also be called too fast too soon. Oh, okay. Exactly when people just jump into something without thinking without thinking about consequences without thinking what the impact will be on other people. And they're just like, bam, did it and then all actually, it's not very good for for others, right? Because the energy of areas as we were talking, it's about me, it's about others. The others is Libra, which is the opposite sign of Aries. So it's always good to kind of keep in mind. Alright, I might jump maybe into something too fast too soon. If I have this in mind, how can I do differently? How can I pause for a sec?

Laura Konst:

You but does it also come with? From what I hear like impatience and the Wounded Warrior? Is it also from a perspective of me? Me me like the ego? The narcissism? Is that right?


Yeah, absolutely. You're 100%. Right. This is me when a person is so much invested into me, and lack an objective understanding of others and what's going on in the world and how this me orientation impacts other people. This is where we are. See, seeing how this energy may play out in a very self focused way, in a very subjective way. Where there's certain blindness about how this person influences other people, or how his or her actions influence other people, and downright into the narcissistic tendencies. It's all about me, I don't care about others.

Laura Konst:

And how do how do we protect ourselves from going into the unhealthy expressions, but more focused on the health expressions? But think is best to do?


This is a good question. Question on the million? Well, first of all, is, is becoming conscious of these traits, right? I'm always saying in my sessions with clients that bringing things from the shadow into the light, meaning it maybe used to be unconscious, now it's conscious now that, you know, if you cannot unknow it, you can forget about it, you know, you can ignore it, you can, you know, decide not to take it into account. But if you are a thinking person, if you're a person who's working on yourself, and you have noticed things in your life, you have noticed that you are impatient, that something that you're doing tend to influence others in a negative way. Or you might notice, you know, some of those traits that we were just talking about. This is really about self development. This is really about self consciousness. This is really about healing. This is really understanding, okay, how much of this shadow area side do I have? And what do I do with it? Right, because especially this things will impact the people who have those areas, energies and the relationships, this will be the first thing that will be their feedback loop, right? Because either these people will choose to be loners, because it's hard for them to be in relationships, they want freedom and independence and you know, maybe sexual adventures and you know, experiences and so on. But if they want to be in relationships, which we are social beings, we want to be in relationships, at some point, it will come anyway, they will have to learn how to listen to others how to take others into account how to compromise once, you know either need for freedom or some narcissistic tendencies. So that's a lot of like self work. And of course, people who are impatient and very quick to anger, they of course have to work with it, they have to go you know, deeper into it with different tools, either with psychotherapy, or you know, we're very individual and the tools are individual, but sports is always a good idea.

Laura Konst:

Okay, yeah, just to get it out to channel X. Yeah, yeah, well,


of course my question is, what do you think would help from the crystals recommendation?

Laura Konst:

A lot and I think a lot of grounding stones again. It looks like it's, it's the energies are coming from, like, in a liquid spark, and wild enthusiasm as a healthy expression and started things new But equally the Wounded Warrior to me that sounds like babes, you need to work on your root chakras. So, go for things like bloodstone. Even a bloodstone is also the stone of warriors. It used to be. It was used a lot in battle to protect the warrior. Oh, wow. Yeah, it's a it's one of those, they used to even put it around a spear the point of the spears for protection or on the shields for protection. But equally bloodstone is also connected to the heart chakra. So it's also you know, for love and getting that compassion out as well. So I think that's the perfect stone for this season. And also zebra AKC guide is black and white zebra again. So to ying yang. It's a very much a balanced stone, it brings you your energies back into channel. And it also resonated with the Root Chakra, but also the solar plexus. And solar plexus is the I Am. This is me my creativity. So yeah, unless you just do another one, I think yellow aventurine yellow aventurine is very connected to the solar plexus, but it's a heavy stone. So I do think when you feel a bit like anger, or miserable, or like the Me, me, me, but I want to feel better, then use the yellow oven trend just to cheer you up a little bit and to get the joyful energies back. So I think that's my top three for this month.


So cool. I love the protection, toilet and the stone for the word. And you also mentioned the solar plexus. Absolutely, channeling this energy into creativity is also a very, very good use of the, of the fire and of this spark.

Laura Konst:

I think so yeah, I think that's those were my top three questions. But at this point, I think all three of them fit properly. Yeah, and obviously, we do have actually crystal sets that we made. And Jeff did the astrology part for it and the crystal part for it and they are made for these type of energies. And not just your sun sign. But also just the overall energies could be a moon sign or your archetypes as well. So yeah, I think that I think


yes, all sets are good.

Laura Konst:

Or good. And the moons what is beautiful lunar gonna do for us this


the moons Yes, of course the moons will be in the signs of Aries and then in the sign of Libra. Yeah, before we go into the the moons. I just wanted to quickly mention that on the 21st of March, we're going to have the spring equinox. Yay. Yes, and it. Absolutely. And the equinox these days are very important with energies, I really recommend doing any of the rituals, if you are into the rituals to use this energy to listen to the you know, messages, intuition to strengthen intuition and to also if you can do any connection with the earth, okay. And there is a midpoint between the winter and summer solstice. So we are moving along with the cosmic cycles.

Laura Konst:

Yes, but it's very close together because of the day after the airy season starts. Yeah,


yeah, absolutely. So there will be a lot of energy. So then the first new moon of the newest illogical year will have on the April first the Fool's Day, oh 11 degrees, 30 minutes of areas, okay. So if you know your chart, take a look where it falls in your house in which house and whether you have any planets or points in April in areas, then you will see how it impacts you as well. And so this one is very interesting because there are a lot of stellium stellium is when many planets are kind of gathering in one side, right so there are parties so to say. So we have the stellar one Aquarius for the Mars, Venus and Saturn. We have Jupiter and Neptune coming closer together. Well, Jupiter is moving. Neptune is not so much but very slowly. They're getting closer to an exact conjunction on April so 13 And then we have a stellium areas with a Mercury Sun Moon and Chiron. So you can see already a lot of energy in IR in water and in fire. And then we'll also have the Uranus and north node in Taurus. So it basically brings pretty good balance of all four energies, okay to work with. And of course, as I mentioned a lot of fire, and we will act that fire in the sky. So now we will feel this cosmic boost, we will feel this boost in our blood in our you know, energy systems, we will want to go for something either to help or to leave or to create something, or to be courageous or to run whatever you do with this energy, right? And then also looking at different aspects there, which are not many, but a few. I can see that the themes of community, what is good for community? How are we going to build the future? What do we want for the future? How are we doing it from the equal perspective? That will be where we'll still be in the forefront? Right? Because we are, as I mentioned, we're going through a transformation where the values are changing. And we're unfortunately, some of the very negative events are showing us a different way. It's showing us what we don't want anymore, showing it's giving us a motivation to build the world, which we believe is better, kinder, more like failure and so on. Right? So this this Pisces energy is helping exactly with that. It helps us to solve any victimhood consciousness any helplessness consciousness, it gives us the opportunity to imagine, remember the song of John Lennon, imagine it we're imagining the new world we're imagining how we want to live together, we are imagining how we can be more united, okay. And so this fiery energy brings this courage to do it. First of all, imagining and thinking about it, what we want, what we don't want what we could do. Now, it will be the time to do with the courage or the fire within the pendant with the boost going forward. And we're going towards peace because North Node in Taurus is peace. It is peaceful sign it doesn't want worry, it doesn't want negativity, doesn't want drama, it wants peace. He wants embodiment. It wants simple pleasures. It was simple life. It wants connection with nature. Of course, we need to change some things, but it is these will be changes which are slow. But But sure, sure to say it's slow and steady wins the race.

Laura Konst:

We definitely need that energy in the world right now. For moon, when will that be? And what is she going to do for us?


Yay, that will happen on the April 16 in the 27 degrees of Libra. So the opposite sign from the area's right. And as we were just talking, when we're Aries is all about me. Libra is all about others others, it's rules, our relationships in our lives. But relationships one to one relationships, not always romantic ones. It's you and your mother, you and your friend, your and your colleagues. So it's the concept of relationships, how do we do relationships? Are we building them from the equality perspective? Are we equal in our relationships? is the balance between giving and receiving? Correct? Right or not? Right? The liberal so rules collaboration with different people, it also rules open enemies, okay, so it's either good relationships or not very, you know, there. But then this, this whole moan that four months are always an illumination and full moon always bring something to our consciousness. And so I would believe looking at the chart of the full moon is that it will be a checkpoint for all of us of how do we relate to each other now? Oh, right, because we are changing the world is changing. So of course, it's time to also drop some of the maybe tendencies we had in the past in our relationships. For some people, it may be overusing power over using authority, pushing others to get some results that people wanted or you know, having this narcissistic tendencies and all the thinking about themselves, or on the kind of weaker side of it. Maybe giving too much and pouring too much of yourself into relationships, putting other people on the pedestal forgetting About yourself not knowing what boundaries are. So you know more this victimhood sacrificial position. So this this Full Moon in Libra, it will bring out those things and then it will ask, okay, the world has changed, you have changed now how? How will you relate to others now? Right? And all what are the consequences of my actions? If I have, you know, if I've changed and I want to do you know, I want to build in the new world and I will do it with a brave heart and theater, how will my actions affect other people around me? Okay, because this moon will have the aspect to Pluto or read the other way around the Pluto in Capricorn squaring the sun of the moon. Okay. And we are still coming back to the same question of power. Okay, so Pluto is about power. And Capricorn is about authority. It's about this rigid structures of oppression suppression. And so the question is, do we take responsibility for how we show up in relationships and how we use our power and relationships? It's, you know, sometimes it's really is down to the radical honesty to see do I simply pressure people around me towards what I want? Do I use my authority? Do I try to try to you know, literally use suppression or a pressure kind of methods or not? Or can I step into my inner power was more integrity was more maturity with understanding that I will not always get my way. So all those questions will come to the forefront again, individually and collectively. It's not always about you know, what's happening in the world. It's really important to see what's happening in my own apartment in my own life and my own family.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, cuz need to start somewhere. It always starts with yourself, because you can't expect other people to do everything for you. Right?


Totally, totally, totally. And we have during this time, what is happening as well is we will have even more energy in Pisces the lower of Pisces, we will have Venus and Mars and Jupiter and Neptune all in Pisces and Jupiter and Neptune conjunct in Pisces. So that's a lot of this dreamy energy. That's a lot of this energy of kindness and compassion and unity. But at the same time, also the energy of fantasy illusion. what's real, what's not? Maybe, you know, deception a little bit as well. It's also a good checkpoint of understanding do I live in the reality or an illusion? Right? Some people live in the fantasy world and might destroy, you know, a few countries around.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, why not? But also then, like Venus and Mars, like, female and male energy. But if they're in the same sign, is that a unity? Or is it a push and pull type of energy?


This is a good question. I like it, how you are becoming more astrological versus Laura. I'm learning. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. Well, the Venus and Mars this to cosmic law versus yours said, the archetypes of the feminine and masculine principle. Luckily, they have already started this cosmic dance back in February when they met first in Capricorn. And then they moved almost together in Aquarius. So this were the time when they were conjunct and that started an interesting process that it first of all, it brought, I think, many of us to the point of alignment, internal alignment between our feminine and masculine energies. So really was the idea of strengthening especially our feminine principle, because I believe we live in a very patriarchal society and our feminine energies are very oppressed, suppressed and wounded, and so on, regardless of the gender right regardless of the gender. And so we really with the with the recent Venus retrograde, meeting with Pluto three times, it was really a transformational process of understanding where we give our power away, where we are not wildly encouraged selves and so on. So our feminine part of us has been strengthened in in the last month. And so when Venus and Mars when they are in Pisces, they are not conjunct anymore. Okay, but they are still in the same sign. And so I believe that is still great to have this internal alignment. And they just in this case, they're contributing into the Pisces energy so in their own way with their own space so to say right, so Venus in pisces is much more compassionate, much more kind, much more willing to help much more willing to love, much more willing to be creative, much more building to create this connection with the spirituality and the source and the you know, divine and have faith, have faith that things will become better that Sunday. And then Mars in Pisces. Of course, Mars is not doing very well in the water sign. Unless you're swimming. Yeah. It's also good in order to tone down this masculine energy, which we will need, especially during the area season, right? So when we will have this boost of fire, at least we know at least it gives us some calm mind and peace of mind knowing that at least Mars the planet of work will be in Pisces, which will tone it down, which is it's really hard for Mars to move in the water. It's like, you know, running in the water. Yeah, I think if you tried that, you know, it's not very fast. Yeah.

Laura Konst:

That's actually good timing for, for what's happening now that that by energies toned down, because they believe that that if that if Mars would be in a fire sign, that would be like, a cosmic nuclear bomb going off then?


Absolutely. And I believe that there is no wrong positions, planetary position, the universe is much more creative. The cosmic intelligence is so much more intelligent than we are. That everything is going as it should should. The question is how we as people, individuals and humanity are reacting to those energies.

Laura Konst:

Yes, exactly. Yeah. Wow. So beautiful. If you think about it, right?


Absolutely. There is the cosmic harmony. And so that's the new moon and the full moon, you now will know what's coming. The the themes of fire boost new energies, new beginnings will be there. The themes of how, how did I change? And what do I want to create in the world? Versus how did my internal changes influence the way I relate to others now?

Laura Konst:

Yes, yeah, if I, if I interpreted I would say, I would channel my energies towards new ideas that I've got. There's many of them as some of them I've been lacking to really push through it, I started them and not finished them. So for me, this will be great time to finish them. And if I get frustrated, I need to get back into my running because I've been lacking my running and my exercise routines last year, months. So and that's where I put them my internal frustration rather than onto other people. So I go running, and I'm like, oh, I need to get this energy out. I will go for a run, or swim or whatever. And then the positive energies and days, I'm going to be creative, and finally finished my creative products that I've been, they've been on the shelf for a few months now.


Perfect. See you already have your plan, like your ducks in a row. Yes, exactly. So

Laura Konst:

that's how I feel and I'm ready for it. Europe, beautiful. Well,


I think I will channel this energy into my new project, which is called the Astro T. O. O. And this is my monthly sessions for my community where I just talk about astrology, from different perspectives from different there are different topics and themes. I've launched it back in February, it was really the beginning, let's say, test. That's why it wasn't, you know, announced everywhere, just for my community. So if you're interested, you can go to my website, www dot evolution was jeff.com. And at the bottom of the of the website, you can sign up for my newsletter. And this is where I announced those monthly Astro tea sessions. These are really the cozy evenings where we you know, come together with our favorite tea. I love tea. And we just talk about astrology. For example, back in February, I was talking about the moon and it's, you know, the magic and its spices and the ingredients and how it how it changes and flows through the science because every two, two and a half days, the mood changes at science, our moods are changing as well. And so it's almost like waves and how you can you know, benefit from those waves. So you're the If this will be happening every month now, so I will channel my my boost and fire into these creative session.

Laura Konst:

Oh, that's so beautiful. And do you do it on a specific days like when it's full moon? Or is it is it depending on how the energies are so it could be one month could be on the first of the month and the other month is on the 16th of the month.


It depends on my own, let's say commitments and availabilities as well, but it is taking place on the vaccine moon so in the first half of the month, maybe towards the full moon around full moon. But yeah, let's see how it goes. I just started with it. Let's see how how we continue so far. I had really good positive feedback. And so if you want to join, you are absolutely welcome. Oh, definitely.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, feel free to Yeah, sign up for Jeff's news letter. Definitely. We can do because you can learn as you can hear Jeff has so much knowledge and she's she's very open to sharing her knowledge and the love and how you can prepare for all the energies. And regarding the Tali and Loz podcast, like and subscribe and share wherever you like we're on all social media on all big podcast outlets, Spotify, Apple podcast, even YouTube and Pinterest. You name it. We are there. And Jeff, thank you so so much as well. Your descriptions and your website is all in your website is also in the descriptions. I have to say that that's the right way to say it. And I guess I'll see you next month then.


You are seeing me next month or hearing me next month. We'll be talking about the energies of tours, which I really really appreciate.

Laura Konst:

Taurus peace. Yes, we need some of that. Alright, thank you so much. Bye bye