S2 E9 - The Journey to the Core of Your Soul Part 2

Laura Konst Season 2 Episode 9

Part 2. In this 2 part podcast I discover the journey to the core of the soul with Quantum Shaman Maria Elena. As a therapist, Quantum Shaman, Reiki Master and all-round spiritual being she is taking us to the soul via the complex ways of the multi dimensional universes, akashic records and more.
In this first part she will explain where she comes from, how she works and starts to teach us where our souls could be all coming from.

A complex but great podcast....

When you are ready, sit back, relax and discover.
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Laura Konst:

Welcome back, Tali and Loz for the second part of the journey to the core of yourself with Maria Elena. Enjoy

Maria Elena:

elimination is, is not the end, it's the motor or is the the energy that tells you keep on expanding because you can create so many other things that you're not aware of, but you can do and is not yet experienced in your, in your total wellness. This is something that you can do extra. Yeah, yes. So the extra is what is so addictive, so addictive, because you can create new potential that you don't have in your Akashic record or in your library of life. But you can do extra in this life, because you're aware that you can do that. Yes. So that's, that's when you feel total, that's when you feel complete, when you are creating something, not only for yourself, but when you create something that through yourself through your life, you are giving back to others. So this is I think we're healers today are feeling they're calling the healers today that have their own way of understanding healing, or they have their own way of giving back information is not that they have to copy other methods is they have to understand their own path to give back what they learned. Or because that's the level of consciousness that they have as a being, you know, not only as a person or as a soul here, but as a, you know, like being summer and are bringing down this information. So I, I call myself a discovery conqueror like this pioneers conquer. I discovered this little path for the healers and say, hey, that's that's what you do best. But you have to manifest that into your own meta or your own language. Yes, just because there's so many people that need that vibration, that frequency. This is why so many people today don't really finish learning how to heal themselves, because they don't find the key. Yes. And I think so many healers are limited because they're following something that is not yet their own way of expressing themselves. So this is it. This is what the catch was called Amy, is there, reciprocity energy. I am asking for lots of healing lots of information, but I wouldn't want to have to give back that. Yes, in another language in I translated different languages. So my maps are one of these expressions for many people. But other healers or other people have to go through this is like a membrane of consciousness that I want to point this out. Okay, I have lots of information but how do I translate this? Can I have it back? Yeah. And back is what unites us? Yeah, definitely. We feel more completed, because oh, I can talk to you later. You can understand me, to you, you I've found somebody that they can understand me. So when we find another person another soul that we can explain ourselves and the other one say, oh my god, I was looking for something like that is we will unite, unite, unite this, this is an illumination point, you know, of our our lives. Yeah. So we are united we are getting together. This is where we understand that we're not alone. And we're not separated our higher selves, our work working so we can meet each other. Were working from other dimensions to find out these languages these connections with one another internet today assume all these technologies so wonderful for us to understand, but also to find out and to meet.

Laura Konst:

Yes. Yeah. It's Oh, sorry. Yeah.

Maria Elena:

And to find out other information that we cannot find out by books or things, you know,

Laura Konst:

Yeah, cuz it comes from the, like you said, from downloads, and I really like what you said that the healer should find their own way. I feel like I'm on such a path, but I just don't know how to express Apart from having my crystals, and I'm good in, in giving advice. But I know there's something more, which I'm sort of working on, you've put me on a on a sort of a path. I'm working on that one. And our last conversation. But it's also the, the journey to record. So it's a program that you are designing at the moment, it's almost finished. And we're now recording this in February. So if this comes a little bit later, it might be finished. We can go to your website, which obviously I've put in the description. Is that only for healers? Or is it for people that who are already more spiritually advanced? Because it's when I look at the cause? It's very, very deep, like I've not seen anything like it before? It's yeah, so it's so it's basically for those who are a bit more advanced in spirituality and also being healers, right?

Maria Elena:

Yeah, for healers. 100%, because it's a path of understanding so many things, and usually is focused, I mean, because usually people differentiate their private life with the professional life, right, you know, a lawyer or a doctor, or, you know, they have a personal life and professional life. But healers, we don't as a narrative artists to our personal life is our normal life and our private life is the same as our professional life. I mean, we don't have a distinction on that, because everything that we learn everything that we do has to do with our job. Yes. So yeah, this dispersion that I I give that some people are doing right now. Are for healers, which is very good, because they're going to focus on how to transform my life that is already transformed. But actually, the transforming here is the next level of consciousness of transforming is transcendence. So once you are transformed, the next step is to transcend Yes. It's a path to become, to become taught, I mean, you night, back again, with with source in the understanding that you are keeping x expanding into this life. I mean, it's not that we need to live another life in this life, you know what I mean? Because there's people saying, oh, let's bring the five D, we're gonna live in and and they're focusing living in another dimension, and another No, wait, wait, you have to be here in the 3d, but with another consciousness. So this shift, the transcendence is being aware of who you are, and bringing down all this potential of this awareness, but enjoying this life and bringing down all this magic into this life 3d, so transforming the 3d into this magical potential that we can do. I mean, we are the magicians, we are the transformers, we are the CO creators. And we do that through this body through this intelligence. So keeping keeping ourselves aware of how to do it is is the trip so the trick that I give, of course, is for everybody, it's for everybody. But usually people that are starting in a healing path, usually start little by little start giving so much information, or so much homework to do, because healing is homework, you know, you have to be present all the time. You have to be there, you know, like changing, correcting, being aware of how you how do I think, how do I do this? I have to forgive how do how, how, how, how, is is just a focusing healing? Yes. So usually people at the very beginning, don't really start through a path that is so heavy to do, usually people that that are yearning in this transformation and are living with this consideration of transforming their lives. These are the ones that started this path, because once you start, you cannot live it. Yes. I've been I've been, you know, in the middle because it's hard to just keep on doing keep doing so the, the trip to the core is I divided in four paths. I, I had it into two, but actually studying as, as a shaman with a wealth of yoga. I understood that the four different directions that Chairman's use are the four different points of views, or of your Transforming Your Life. So the first, the first module is eliminating your past, through how do I identify myself in the past, so things I did how I did it, I, you know, my past is really, really dense and really, you know, a baggage that I have, so I have to take it away, I have to eliminate that first baggage. So this is the the first module and the first module is really hard. It's really hard, because through my maps, I also go and see all the lessons that you had, that were, in a way, not lift, lessons, not live lessons that were distorted from the energy things that you didn't learn correctly. So it's really the way of understanding why, for example, I'm not really empathic with people because I when I was five years old, this happened to me, blah, blah, blah. So my point of view of being empathetic with people this was distorted. So this way, I learned everything from another point of view. So I see I explain all the different levels of cycles of consciousness that you had all the lessons, how to heal all of that. And it's really, really dense, you know, so we illuminate that and you start, you start understanding that our light body has imprints where do they come from? So we start healing that. So that's the first part, which is not really nice, because he's said there's a lot of deep work. Yes, yeah. Because he's forgiveness, gratitude, self love worthiness married I mean, those are the painful very painful points United life. But once you understand that, once you heal, that we go to other lives, we go to ancestors, we go, you know, we just start killing the ego. Yes.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, I can see I can actually see the cars though if I located that you said the past and then you go into the shadow work as well. Releasing past shamanic constellations and just, it's yeah, it's very, it's, it's, I would not say it's for a total beginner. If I look at this, it's like, no need to stand

Maria Elena:

in, but it takes time. So this is why it's a treat, because it takes time and you can stay in the module as as much time as you want. Because it everybody have a different rhythm and understanding of their own path. Yeah, depending on depending on on their level of consciousness. So it just, it could take a little a little time. Yes. Yeah. And then you know, you keep on going, you know, the more you go deeper, the the more you eliminate baggage in a negativity, patterns programming, you take out a little thing, you take everything away. And then you know, you start by being more free and extending to understanding life as a soul. Yeah, and the more you go deeper, the more you come out into this universe of freedom. Yeah, being free and free means I do what I love most I start transforming my life and there you see your dream.

Laura Konst:

That's all what we want. Yeah, exactly. I think it's beautiful. And I assume you are there to help the people with that as well. They were they have during this this course where they have one on ones with you or would it be circles with other people or is it a mixture of things?

Maria Elena:

The past is only yourself is only yourself? Because it does take me a lot of time to work on the maps. Because it's not only what I show you what we explain I do meditations for you as as a medicine that you're taking the pill every day you take your your meditation as a as a medicine? Yeah, the The sessions are two hours, two hours and a half, because they're long explaining and taking the understanding and the healing. So, yeah, and some information, I have to do it in my weekends. So I don't have weekends anymore. I just work for you to bring down so much information that otherwise you I mean, it takes a long time to bring down some information. Yes, yeah. So the, the sessions are just for you. I do have a method that is called reactive Ando that I, that I brought down to. And it's all through my experience as a director, I, I did this method for actors and singers. And now I'm focusing for healers. And that's for groups. And that's for groups and collective under for groups. i Yeah, I'm thinking about doing one, I want to do one for healer. So healers, the ones that you guys want to do this, I'm open to to the discourse, and this is to find out your potential, find out your own language, and how to bring down the information. And it's all through feeling energy as frequencies. So yeah, so why is four groups because we can practice with one another in the same language, we can talk? We can feel and, you know, usually healers in front of the patients, they don't want to have errors, they want to be perfect. And this is one of the limitations that we have, you know, sometimes with? Well, every time with my patients, I always say, you know, I'm learning this, you want to be my guinea pig because you know, unlearning, yes. You know, healers are always learning their own way. Yes. And patients come, you know, with with the opportunity for us to transform ourselves through them, because we reflect all the time ourselves in others. Yes. So this this method, corrective anda for healers is an opportunity for you to find out your language with the best potential. And sometimes we're going to bring more potential down that you didn't know that you had, and bring everything down and understanding, put it into practice. And then you just go home and practice yourself. We do it through singing we do through playing instruments, because the real medicine is sound.

Laura Konst:

Sound. Yeah.

Maria Elena:

So some people just use their hands, that's all but let's transform this what you feel into sound. So I teach that because, you know, I sound is my, my language might come from the opera, I was a singer too. So I really understand the, how the vibration becomes sound. And how how, how do we work with that? So this is what we do in groups and in groups, you learn a lot you have lots of fun, you find out so many things. So many people I mean, you you find out and you get to know new friends. And this is so important to belong somewhere yet to be found somewhere in our consciousness.

Laura Konst:

Oh, yeah. Especially for healing because you want to be understood as well. And I think that's that's the beauty of as healers also connecting with one another because we can send each other people as well if you think well that person is not for good for you, then I'll send it to that person or and it's yeah, it's our language. Yeah.

Maria Elena:

And one of the important things that healers we need to to have everyday is curiosity. So I'm a very curious person, you know, this is one of my

Laura Konst:

many tensions

Maria Elena:

I'm always asking people how do you do that? Teach me I want to know how to do that. Um, or maybe I don't know I have lots of friends that read cards. I don't think I don't consider myself a reader of the cards tarot, but I also ask them, please just do this for me. I want to know I want to know I want to know the Notice that this is not that I want to do it, but it's it's another path of understanding. You know, for example, I have little I like to read. And I like to read details to my, to my patients, because I know that in the tales of spiritual tales, there's something important that we have to translate that I was gonna say before. When I talk to my patients, looking through their way of understanding, you always have to talk to them in images. Yes. That's how the soul on the subconscious understand images. So this is why rituals, and this is why talking through the platonic solids work, because we understand through symbols, we understand through images, and that's the language of the soul. Yes. So when you talk to the soul, maybe your mind doesn't understand, but your soul does.

Laura Konst:

Yes. Yeah. Yeah. So

Maria Elena:

that's where the healing comes. It comes always from the highest. Maybe your mind doesn't understand that moment yet. But you know, the healing comes in the different dimensions. So this is where all the transformation is happening. And then one day, you just wake up and you just go like, Oh, I understand. Oh, yeah. Look what happened. Oh, look, I understand this. And that because all this transformation was happening behind you. Yeah.

Laura Konst:

It's not instant. Never. No, nothing is ever instant.

Maria Elena:

Not Not always, sometimes. Yeah. But it's instant. In the energetic layers. Yeah, maybe not in your mind, not in your physical that is there. So for example, tails, or understanding through music, or understanding through images, this is why art is so important. For transcending for transforming people. Arts is where everything is written, everything of the all the information from the past is there. So some people don't read between symbols, this is why symbols alchemy is so important to understand. Because so much information from the past is revealed through there. So, yeah, wow, really? Collisions come through symbols. Yes.

Laura Konst:

Really? Yeah. Mostly, it's, like I told you, I've been a bit of obsession for Sacred Geometry actually got the deck that you told me to get. And also

Maria Elena:

the codes three codes. And that's, that's really important, because you're working with crystals and crystals is is really important to understand the vibration of the crystals. So, you can get those codes through through how you feel them how you understand them, yes, these codes are all the time upgrading upgrading, this is how we have to understand healing you as a healer for crystals, you get the connection also with Mother Earth that has the revelations and information hidden because all that we know all that we see is not true. Is not maybe their real history but Mother Earth has has it. So when you are in touch with crystals crystals are the symbols for these codes. Yes. And are the symbols also are the communicators for you or the path for for aligning to the cosmic information. So crystals are giving you the information for evolution. Also, yes, a path and the room. Is Mother Earth. Blood. Yes. In symbols

Laura Konst:

there they are. Yeah. Wow. We can so far was I think we've talked for an hour I must.

Maria Elena:

A crystals crystals are like like sacred geometry.

Laura Konst:

Yes. Obviously the molecules are that they are those? They are. Yeah, they are. They are exactly exactly perfectly aligned.

Maria Elena:

That's the path for healing. Yeah, so quantum physics, actually is what is going to reveal exactly our history where we come from. Everything, everything. So the transforming or the ascension that we're talking about is finding our being aware what's actually our real history is our real potential in our DNA.

Laura Konst:

Yes. And that's where all like the connections come from what you said with different dimensions if we can all can If Yeah, when not if, when we can all connect to the different dimensions and the source, we would understand ourselves a lot better, but also others. And I think that's how we can heal each other. And that's how we can heal the earth. And I think again, and I said it on different episodes of the podcast as well, it's when they said the Stasi children are here. There are a lot more lighter, and they are more iPad, and hopefully, they give another boost to healing everything.

Maria Elena:

Yeah, remember their souls, their souls incarnating to do the work from the inside, because from the outside, it's very difficult to do the work. Yes, for transforming the human race. The species, right. Right now there is a big fight between who wants the control of, of the earth to develop the different races. So here we are in a big, big war of spirituality. But if the human being is aware of their I mean, our history, how our potentiality is, diamond is in the dimensions is so powerful, because we have source potential inside us. That's our spirituality. So when, when we work together, that's our main power. And, you know, in life here and this history, we are all the time taught to be separated, taught to be one against the other one because of politics, history, sports, whatever, everything if you can see it, everything is not to be yourself. So you have to be always younger, you have to be like these sports, famous people you have to they're always showing you that your life is not important that your life is unworthy that your life you're not enough that you're no one that you're limited that you're separated. Yes. But it's not that way. So, yeah, so for us healers is to first become together all of us. Yes, not. I always say that if we bring down information, please share it, share everything that you know, share all your wisdom, because the more wisdom you share, the more you're going to reach out. You're going to have Yeah, so abundance, prosperity is infinite. So the more you give what you have, the more you bring down. And this is the law of source, which is love equals love is you love equals. I have because I give is not I give because I have no no, it's the other way around. Right? I have, because I get Yes. That's beautiful. Yeah. So the more I give, the more I say the more I share, the more I give. So this is actually the revelation for humanity, thinking, My sacred dream for a better world, and a better world is all of us being illuminated all of us being the highest expression of ourselves. So if I help you, if I give you I'm giving myself too, but we are actually raising the frequency of the humanity. And if we raise ourselves, we're raising the planet, a planet that point of view is raising the planets frequencies so we can if evolve in a better life. So actually, is not I heal to to for me, just for me, I don't heal for me because I want to be famous or I want to be rich or I want to you know, once you heal, you understand that the healing is for everybody. So if you heal one, you are healing the whole planet. Yes, because it is where little cells were little cells. So transformation. Evolution is thinking that my dream is for everybody. So my dream is just not for me anymore. That's where when you understand that what when you want to give forever Everybody I'll share for everybody your level of consciousness is superior is away from the control system. Yes, you passed. You separated this. I am divided. And that's different tear. When you think you're alone, that you're divided that life sucks that everything is impossible that um, no one. That's when you are under the control system. That's when you are control fraud. Yes. So we have to go through. Those are patterns. Yeah, I programming. That's not true. That's not real. Now. So once we take away all of this, you're free.

Laura Konst:

You're free. That's what we want. Yeah. And when

Maria Elena:

you're free, you're connected to all the rest to all the different beings consciousness. You once you control yourself. You're free. Yeah. So one of the best things is, Are you addicted to your cellular? You know, to your mobile phone? Are you addicted to the once you're addicted to something? You're under control?

Laura Konst:

Yes. Yeah. So we need to let go of all of it. Everything. Yeah. And just be yourself and stick. Yeah. And, you know, search for your right. Support circle with the right people that do value, year and we value value each other. And we don't want nothing to do with the negativity control.

Maria Elena:

The first step is asking for help. People don't ask for help, are really afraid to ask for help. When we see people that are really keen to do that, we in a way, we have to just give a free session. Yes, yeah. I have lots of friends that don't believe in healing. And I say, why don't you just kind of see me? You know, let me check you. I mean, this is for free. This is because you are special. Yeah. Because it's true. You are special, we are all special. Because this is why we have the opportunity to express our aspect into into physical matter way of being in. So once they feel that things move. That's the path. That's the path and bringing this opportunity to people to empower themselves that we can. We're magicians, we can transform our lives. When we decide that nobody, no one nothing can control

Laura Konst:

us. Yes. Thank you so much, Mary Elena for all your time and explanation. It's it's a very in depth world that you're in which I'm loving. And if people have any questions, or if you want to contact Maria, Elena, the contact details will be in the description with a website, link to her website. And she has a lot of different types of healing for you. And she's always there to answer any questions that may you have me you have. So we do understand that you might have a lot because there's a lot more to this. And I'm looking forward to talk to you in another episode as well where we can maybe touch on one aspect and go much more in depth because there's a lot more layers to this what you know. And yeah, thank you so much for your time. Maria, Elena,

Maria Elena:

everybody for listening.

Laura Konst:

Thank you. And yeah, obviously like and subscribe this episode and I see the time of podcast as well. Feel free to share it anywhere on social media and with your friends. Because we want to spread the love. We want to spread the healing. And that's what we can do for you. Thank you so much.