S2 E8 - The Journey to the Core of your Soul Part 1

Laura Konst Season 2 Episode 8

In this 2 part podcast I discover the journey to the core of the soul with Quantum Shaman Maria Elena. As a therapist, Quantum Shaman, Reiki Master and all-round spiritual being she is taking us to the soul via the complex ways of the multi dimensional universes, akashic records and more.
In this first part she will explain where she comes from, how she works and starts to teach us where our souls could be all coming from.

A complex but great podcast....

When you are ready, sit back, relax and discover.
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Laura Konst:

I and Welcome to the Tali and Loz podcast, where we discover spirituality together. And today I'm here with Maria Elena. And she is a therapist. She is a quantum shaman, a Reiki Master, and an Akashic Record reader. And there is a lot more things that she can do. Hi, Maria, how are you?

Maria Elena:

Hello, everybody, thank you for inviting me.

Laura Konst:

You're welcome. We, you're on the other side of the world, quite literally, you're in Ecuador at the moment. And we met only one time on Zoom. And Carrie Palmer put us in touch. And Kerry told me this lady needs to talk to her because she's got a lot of ability she has, she's very open like herself, but also spiritually, you are in touch with? Well, obviously with the center of your soul with the the core of your soul, but because we're going to talk about that how to get there, but also with the higher dimensions and the source. So tell us a little bit about yourself before we gonna start into introducing the journey to the core of the soul, please.

Maria Elena:

Mm hmm. Thank you. Yeah, as you said, I'm a therapist, Holistic Therapist. So I started like 16 years ago, studying Reiki I did all the different types of Reiki is that you can imagine, Akashic Record reading and then Akashic Record healing. So I actually I've been discovering into my life, all the different holistic methods of healing, I've been always very interested in how to resolve issues and problems. And, you know, with energy, it's, it's not always intense, instantaneous. So I've been studying a lot, why how, where all the questions are going to have? Well, I tried to, to give an answer to that. More, more or less scientific answer, right, because when I started, I didn't feel anything. I didn't see anything in I was blocked everywhere. Before I was doing therapy. I was working in the opera. So I lived in Italy for like 18 years. Before I was living in Germany, and from Spain, from Madrid. And in my family, nobody was in two energies or other dimension things I come from a very Catholic families, so one life, church, things like that. And my dad was very, very Catholic. So actually, my background has nothing to do with with therapies and energies and stuff like that. So when I was seen into the opera world that, you know, I worked for 25 years.

Laura Konst:

Wow. Yes. Okay. I was a

Maria Elena:

stage designer and a stage director. So I for me, was a beautiful, very beautiful, you know, opera, but at one point, you know, I had the typical period of the Night of the Soul crisis, depression. So I started to look for help, not with psychologist but, you know, somehow Reiki came to my life, it had to come in was my destiny. And I started to go into, into the knowledge of all of this beautiful world about about energy. So of course, I, I went into meditations, I went to understand that we had an energetic field body. I didn't even know what a chakra was, I mean, terrible. And I started to to learn from from the very, very basics, and it took me a lot of time, actually years, you know, to start feeling something and to start discovering that things were moving in my life, because for four years, nothing moved. So this is where actually I got all the the focusing us as a therapist today is about why do I have this? What is it what's, what's the meaning? What's behind that? Why should I? Why Why? Why? Why? Because, because Because Because because I've been asking and asking and asking. When I started, you know, to, to channel a little bit, I was so enthusiastic about it that I started to ask even more and more and more. Even the origin of the soul. So I started to discover the different dimensions, the different beings, the different ETS, the different, everything was new. So I started to ask Cass Cass and I one point, I say, okay, but our logic as humans, you know, we're copying patterns. So, but but my, my origin is not the same as yours. So even if we have the same I don't know, if you have the same pain as I have, maybe the the origin is not the same thing. And maybe the lesson is not the same, right. So I started to, to ask for the differences, and how can I have a solution? And is my solution your solution? So I started to ask all that, you know, universe of solutions. Until once I was channeling, you know, I was channeling light beings and my guides, you know, the typical thing that is really helpful at one point, and I was used to, to have them working with me as a therapist. And Jesus was, well, he's still is my master. He was teaching me many things. And I was, you know, asking him all the time well, as God did this, ask God. I mean, he should know. Yeah, I mean, for me, for me, he was so far away so far away that I, I didn't, I didn't really feel that I could talk to him. You know what I mean? Even though I was taught in my family that you pray and you ask God, but you know, this exactly. This religion teaches you to be so distant and separated from God and from love and from everything that you need to ask for permission for everything, that you still had that thought, right. Um, and you said, Why don't you ask yourself? I mean, you're worthy to ask God. I mean, you are God. I'm like, Come on, man. Yeah, God. I mean, you you are the guy. I mean, you're the son but you're the same. Like, yeah, but you know, have lots of scenes and I have lots of things. Yeah, I mean, I'm just a little tiny thingy. Please help. You have so many questions. So you ask him, you ask him. So at one point, I said okay, bye bye. Once I was with a patient, and I put my hands on his his head, and and I listened to this voice Hello. And I'm like, I don't feel anything. Where are you? Oh, guys, I mean all my guides. Where are you? I'm here all by myself. I cannot feel anything I don't I don't see anything don't feel anything. What's going on? And this voice Hello? You were asking for help right now? Yeah. I don't know what you say God is well that's what I am. I'm like come on. So all this conversation you know was coming through I was doubting about everything because this this voice was you know, so natural. So, so nice to me. And then I went to Hawaii you um, source God, you wanted to know things right? But I'm gonna teach you that is not possible to thing with a human logic. You have to think with source logic and source logic is the universal the cosmic. You have to think in different ways. sighs



Maria Elena:

And I said, How do I do then he's like, let's just start. So this happened like eight years ago. And I started of course, to have lots of questions and all my life all everything that I studied, disappeared is like erased cero from actually the very beginning, but actually with his logic, I mean source logic, logic and source logic is just so different. Because it is the awareness of the oneself is the awareness that you are experiencing alive. Many lives in different dimensions, to experience creation. and to experience by your own experience, so your own point of view, nobody's telling you what to do, what to say, what to think and what to believe, but through your own expansive experience, and of course, is the experience through your spiritual awareness. And spiritual means the contact with your own soul, tell. And the counter with your own spirit spirit is the dimensional awareness, of course, with the connection with source knowing that you are experiencing. So actually, that and everything about frequency so actually, I was the typical, you know, therapist that comes from Reiki and of course, you know, you know about all the differences in your light body and things like that, but you don't know, you don't really work with with the laws of the universe, you don't really work. Knowing about the frequencies you do, just take blockades away? Of course, yes. And you transmute one energy with another one, you know, just filling with with light, but you don't know exactly what it is. So I started to ask as for for intention, intentions and details. So little by little, I was downloading information that at the beginning, it didn't really have a form. It was just information that I was remembering, in a way I was remembering, but I didn't really know any really know how to use it. Right. So at one point, I was really, really blocked, I could feel that I needed to bring down some things, but I didn't. I didn't know how to do it. So this is a turning point in my life. Because it was exactly when my dad died. He was actually in a way he was he was a master for me about patients and, you know, discovering other dimensions. And it was very important for me, my dad, you know, he's limited. Thought he was an engineer and aeronautical engineer. And he didn't believe in ETS and things like that. So I mean, my dad was very weird, because he wasn't really a good guy. Yeah, brilliant engineering. You know, he was one of the best engineers in Spanish history. And he was out of out of space.

Laura Konst:

Even though he was working with that,

Maria Elena:

I mean, you know, it is exist and he's like, no, no, no, we're the only ones in the whole universe. And I'm like, I mean that I mean, do you think God thinks this way? Or he's like, yes. Because Church says and so for me it was the door to break all these beliefs you know, and to discuss at home because I was living with him you know, every time we were having supper and dinner we were discussing things you know, for me, he was the school to discuss without being frustrated. I had in front of me somebody that was never going to believe me. Yes. So I had to find a way to stay in my truth without being destroyed

Laura Konst:

Yes. Yeah. Without and also disturbed by guest because it's very hard yeah. Because

Maria Elena:

he was saying you know, you're gonna get lost I have to go to Mass because you have to be forgiven by God because everything that you do so strange, but he liked Reiki he liked me to to give him sessions and to to play the singing bowls. He liked that because of course he was feeling okay. But I guess that I was doing it with so much respect and love that his his belief system was starting, you know, to be break breaking and, but his belief system was so strong, strong. Yeah, that it was it was a way for me to understand how to move into different belief systems of my future patients. Yes, I have a patient believing all their lives and so my dad was actually very, very important

Laura Konst:

for me. Yeah, it's like school, or school. He was then a year as well.

Maria Elena:

It wasn't a school. So when he died, and I had this blockade, this hypnosis boom came through me. And I said, Oh, I should try hypnosis. So I was looking for for a hypnotherapist even in Madrid, for me to help me go through this blockade. I knew it was, it was the method. Yeah, so I found it. And I had our first session of three hours. Wow. And I looked at myself, and I could see myself as another being, actually arcturion being, but it was so strange, because I, you know, I had all these problems with ETs, abductions and things like that, you know, that were very, very strange for me for for my my belief system. But I did have experiences. And when I saw myself, I said, Oh, wow. And my, my hypnotherapist took me to that life and took me to why is it so important for me to be in the life I'm, what do I have to bring down? So I saw myself as sign scientist, consciousness. And I one point, I was like, bringing down information, it was data.

Laura Konst:

Oh, wow. Yeah,

Maria Elena:

it was so strange. Something opened in my brain. And I was bringing down this data that all of a sudden, I couldn't, I could understand exactly what I was doing. And I said, Oh, but this method is mine. from another dimension. So I started to understand that mentions and how things interfere in your life, but when you're not aware, is not that you can focus on that now, because you don't know that exists. So this is one of the problems that we have for awareness and what we call the awakening or the ascension, you know, there's so many different ways of calling the same thing. Then when you don't know that things exist, you don't see it. For example, I might have a ship, you know, in the sky, but since I don't know that exists, I just see a cloud. Yeah, and I don't see that the ship. Yeah. But if I know that there are so so many things existing in other dimensions that actually you can see here, or you don't know that exists? You don't know. So you don't I mean, it's transparent. You don't see it. Yeah. So you start like, being aware of other so many other things that you understand. And you start like opening your knowledge and your wisdom into into other frontiers. So this is actually what consciousness is open to other dimensions, but in this dimension on Earth, yes. But bringing from other dimensions, I mean, usually is like opening to other levels of consciousness. So that's what we call the levels of consciousness, being aware that other information that before you could not understand. Now you know how to understand that, but also how to transform things, how to transform your life through that information. Okay, so I started to bring down my maps. As, as I told you, before, it's been like seven, eight years that I'm working on the maps. So little by little, I started to give it a form and to give it a method, how to use it. Today, I have three maps. And these maps are, are actually really cool. Because they they're useful for everything. So every issue or every problem you have there's a solution. Yes, there is a solution through frequencies. So it's a map to understand and to bring down exactly the frequency you need to resolve your problem. And of course, it could be spiritual, mental, emotional, physical emotion, but it has all of it in the map. So what I do usually now is bring down your present map, or your life map of today explaining the different cycles that you have in life. Where you are, what's the process, where to focus? Why, and where is a blockage, where you have an issue or problem open that up, you know and see the origin and through their origin. You can see lots of different opportunities I call issues or resilient points of views. I call them opportunities that issues bring you to transform your life as an awareness, because usually what things come all the time in your life as we call it karma, that problems that are still there and they repeat and repeat our lessons, spiritual lessons, usually patterns that we need to resolve. And resolving is not only this karma that we need to learn but also a lesson that our soul is experiencing through these opportunities in life.

Laura Konst:

Right. So do you think that the lessons are not just from the from the one dimension from spirits? Do you think they could also be from a different dimensions as well? So it's not just the past life that we use will I usually talk about is or the past life of human forms? But do you believe in you, can you believe that it could be from different dimensions the past lives? Yeah,

Maria Elena:

remember that what we call future or past lives are our lives our aspects of the different incarnations are simultaneous, so nothing is past or future everything is happening at the same time in this universe, okay. There are other universes too. Sometimes the help that we are receiving from other lives or other dimensions is because are those dimensions are other lives living in different dimensions. So for example, I could be up to 80 and it could be an artery and I could be aleria And I could be Draco Yes. So many things. Also human human aspects of my soul, right in the different past lives that we call past life, everything is happening in the different time, space, awareness, okay. So everything is simultaneous. Sometimes we are receiving information from our own aspect, our higher self is like is the main brain or the main not soul, but is the main brain that is having the cognition of what's happening in every aspect of our lives.

Laura Konst:

It says, the Akashic records, right? Is that Yeah,

Maria Elena:

that's where you can find your Akashic Record. Yeah. All the information of this life, other lives. Remember that this life is 20% of one aspect of your soul. And your soul is directly connected to the spirit and the spirit is what we call the higher self. It's where all the information of all the different aspects of the different dimensions yes okay. And and our higher self can change so many things. So, when we work with the Akashic records, we can ask our higher self to please change this or be aware of this or please do these or bring down this information, because it's the monitor is our hard drive. Yeah. So, when we ask for for the different information, sometimes is another aspect of us living in another dimension helping us Yeah, so is the same me in another dimension bringing information here or helping us in this dimension and sometimes, there are other beings helping other light beings other manifestations of aspects of creatures of creation. Consciousness okay, that consciousness when you understand these metaphysics, you understand that we all come from the same origin we are all we all come from this same nature of intelligence is a what we call source source I mean God it's just a name we give through religion but actually is source sources and intelligence are huge intelligence. Expanding awareness, expanding consciousness, expanding create creation, we are creators of our own reality? And all that information goes back to source sooner or later. Okay, right. Yeah. So when you understand that, I explained it like in a very simple way and humorous way. So God wants said, I want to expand myself, I want to, I want to be a creator, I want to have all the information and all the opportunities for me to, to express myself boom, and he exploding and 1000s of millions, trillions of little, little sparkling lights, every sparkling light is one of us is one aspect of creation, that's what it is your higher self and your higher self, just a little sparkle. And we have an opportunity to expand ourselves in the different manifestations of life, of create creation of dimensions in this universe and other universes. And every time we are being aware that we are that we are expanding consciousness, were like a little branch of Consciousness in the Universe, you know, expanding, expanding, expanding, but to expand, we need to be aware that we are me is you and I come from this or that. And you can understand this is so incredibly infinite, the you understand that we are come from the same origin. So I am you, and you are me. And we are all connected. So if we're all connected, all the intentions of our consciousness is connected. So when you need help, when you want to expand when you are asking for opportunities, that expressions of consciousness of other dimensions or other beings, is us helping each other expanding. Okay, so it's just the point of view of the focus of the awareness of the consciousness that makes you think that is Laura, or is Mary Elena, or is whoever. But we are all expanding in the different levels of consciousness. So this is the cool thing that as humans, the human species, is divided in different races. And the different races have different cultures, different levels of consciousness, different cultures. So just humans are so different one another. Yeah. And we always think that we are separated, and this is one of the problems, that becomes an issue, that becomes an opportunity for us to evolve. Because we're not separated.

Laura Konst:

Now altogether. Yes.

Maria Elena:

And everything in this planet is all about being separated, separated through religion, through politics, through sports, through men and women through everything is we are separated, divided, divided, divided. And we say we're alone, we think that nobody is going to understand this. We think that everything is separated from me. And evolution right now is we have to evolve, being aware, being aware that we are all the same, but in the different aspects of of understanding who we are, and how can we transform our lives and transforming our lives? Is being aware that we are created?

Laura Konst:

Yes. And I also read with I think we talked in the one we just met on so for the first time we talked about that a lot of healers and spiritual beings, and we really start to connect even more and more, I think, especially in the last two to three years. And we're all working on embracing each other, no matter what you know, in what dimension you believe in or what type of energy connects with you. Whether it's its spirit or at or dragons or anything like that. Do you because you've studied so so many of these physical like the physics side as well and the quantum side, as you say, which I think is really cool. The Quantum shamanic side from you. What how can you help How do you do you actually help people? How do you actually help people While you in touch with all these dimensions as a therapist, as a shaman, what do you how do you go about any treatments?

Maria Elena:

Well, I use my maps.

Laura Konst:

Yep. And for the listeners, I've seen those maps, they are physically on the wall. Yeah. They are physically, physically mountable, which is really cool. You can see them on her website as well, a little bit that tiny bit of it. But yeah, yeah, the maps.

Maria Elena:

So yeah, I use the Maps. And of course, every time that I have somebody in front of me, it's, for me, it's a different universe. So it's like starting from the very beginning. So the question is always, how can I help reflect this person, the solution that needs right now, and the solution is what this person can understand from the point of view that has right now, usually, people come here as a victim, or as you know, the the focus is, is always very, very explicit. And sometimes the solution is from another point of view, another focusing, resolving many problems, or resolving through forgiveness, or there's, there's always a path that that person needs to follow. So I give a bit, I can see or in a way I can understand and discern the path of this person and tell this person in their language. So I have, sometimes I have to translate myself, and the knowledge and the wisdom into a very simply simple way to do things or how to go through things, I have to translate the path to the solution. But understanding the point of view where they are and the shamanic way, is really is really the the way to understand that because when you when you can see the person from the different aspects, they call the aspects the archetypes from a physical, the emotional, the mental and the spiritual, you see the path in the different levels of consciousness of the person until you go to the very highest. So the healing also, the healing always comes from the highest point of view to the person, right? Not the not from where they can see it, because from where they can see it is very difficult to understand the solution, you have to help them transform their point of view. Yeah, okay. So that's, that's the very shamanic quantum thing. And, and the maps give you all these points of view to understand is a path. And the path is a process. So I call my method, the evolutionary processes, because the cool thing about healing is the process of discovering who you are and discovering why think that things happen. And every problem, every situations, every relations you have in life, it has a meaning for you to discover yourself. Yes. Yeah. So to see light, always, in whatever happens, and when you understand that, that is a process that is a path, and that you can change everything by changing, transforming your point of view. That's healing. Yes.

Laura Konst:

Well, that's true. Yes. And I think you do, also the healing of what the past as well like ancestral healing, the current healing current traumas. And when you describe something to me, and I'm still fascinated about is you use the platonic solids. Yeah. To to explain. So you use the triangle as a beginning, it's got three points. Yes. Beginning that's that's when you're is that when someone is still traumatized? Or is it someone with who doesn't connect just yet with their higher self? Or how do you how would you describe it in words without seeing them?

Maria Elena:

Well, I would call the triangle the first I mean, is to explain people because this is also very shamanic. When you explain by words, people don't really understand in this subconscious way, or in the unconscious way to understand to talk to the soul because I as a, as a quantum Chairman that I call myself, I always explain to the soul and that I learned with my dad, I was talking to his soul, not to his mind. So the triangle, what it means is somebody that understand that wants to change their life, because my life is so horrible, I don't know what I need, I'm not happy. But, you know, they don't understand that we have in our lives that our patterns or our programming sometimes comes from, from our ancestors or comes from our lives or comes from religion. And that is a limitation for us to understand life and to transform life. So when I explained that I explained, okay, the triangle is, this is actually you're focusing you are focused only in your family, your work, your well being, that's it, that's it, and this is enough, this is enough to understand that you want to transform your life in the different other aspects of your life. So, the will being becomes will be not only physical, but mentally you are understanding you are opening to other aspects. And also the, your job is also that you can create what you want to do and how you want to do it, and creativity and then this other aspects of your life, you know, the spirituality, and, you know, having fun, or sports is another aspect of you, because there you have abilities. Yes. When you I started doing that and say Okay, now let's transform this aspect of your life into into a cube. Now you have another another way of understanding life. And then it becomes a tetrahedron and then the cathedral and then and because I Hebron, why? Because all these aspects of your life have inside potential, your abilities become potential, or your potential becomes a soul. So somebody that just thinks that life is being married, having a job, and that's all it is. Yeah. And then you understand that your soul transiting in this life or the lives you can change so many things. And you don't have to be always in the same job. But you can change your job by changing the focusing of your of your life, and you start thinking, how can I do that? Okay, what you like in life? Well, I like doing this. I like doing that. Okay, that's a potential you know, you can be a cook, you can be a cheff Yes, really, but that I do, but I can't. How can i earn money by doing that? You're a chef. I mean, people can see that now with this TV programs. You know MasterChef, these people that have a dream? Yes. I love cooking. But you know, I'm an engineer. I work in this and that, and I don't like my life, but I love cooking. Okay, that's your dream? Yes. When you have a yearning in your soul, that's your destiny. So follow your destiny, you just have to eliminate the programming the limitation programming belief system. So yes, you can do it. Right now. There's this guy who won a long time ago MasterChef in Spain. And he, he didn't have a dream he did. He just liked to cook. But he was poor. He didn't have anything. He won. And now he has a star in the Michelin Michelin star. And Netflix gave him his documentary. I mean, this guy, and this guy is so cool, because he has ideas. He has this and that. So I always say that when you have a dream, that's your path as your destiny. And even though you think your dream is impossible, that's where we have to work on because there's nothing impossible when you have a yearning. So healing is focusing on your yearning, and make it manifested into the physical life. Yes. And when you see that there's something impossible. That's where we have to heal. Yeah, we could, it could count from your mother's side blockades from programming and patterns, you could come from another life, it could come from courses, it could come from what you never know. But it's working on your soul, working on your Akashic Records working on your map. And from this map, everything can happen. So I, I saw this in, in all these years of, of working with people,

Laura Konst:

beautiful and at the end At the end you become swear you become whole. And that's the end it's the end we'll go yeah, that you become holy spirit. Yeah, I love that. And

Maria Elena:

this fear is always there always show you know, the, the platonic solids Yeah, all around this fear because this fear is our higher self we are, we are completed at one point I always say you know we're always transforming ourselves to feel complete. So that's that's one of the main things that I talk about in the in the maps in the processes in the in this trip to the core of the soul one of the yearnings that we have is not always to be shared for to be you know somebody or is to feel complete, complete. And this total Ness this wholeness these oneself this feeling complete is the yearning to go back to source Yes, feel completed is the source. Yes. And this is actually the path the path and the meaning of our life is to be completed and to be completed is also to know the truth. Yeah, it's

Laura Konst:

the but do you feel whole already? Or do you feel like you're almost there? Because you are in contact? Yeah.

Maria Elena:

I feel like I'm almost there. Yeah, I have always the yearning to feel completed or to feel this wholeness This is why I had so many questions. I did touch many times is what you call illumination right? is where you really feel total. But when when you come back from this illumination is what I understood is that you you still have to experiment or experience life in this dimension. So like you always want to find out more about who you are how to express yourself. So I think to the path is never finished is infinite.

Laura Konst:

The journey to your soul is infinite. Beautiful last words of this episode from Maria Elena. Next week, you will hear part two of this episode The journey to your soul