S2 E7 - How to Start with The Power Of Miracle Thinking

Laura Konst Season 2 Episode 7

I am talking to Spiritual writer, editor, publisher and Spiritual knowledge base Randy Peyer. Her second book The Power of Miracle Thinking is a bundle of incredible miracle stories. Randy explains how she started with Miracle Thinking and how this has affected her life.  My biggest is...how is this different than positive thinking and where do I start?

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Laura Konst:

Hi and welcome to the Tali and Loz podcast where we discover spirituality together. And today I have a lovely lady with me, Randy. Hi, Randy, how are you?


Very good. Happy to be here.

Laura Konst:

Oh, that's great. Thank you for being here. So Randy is a writer, book editor. She's also in touch with publishers. And she's been in the spiritual world for a very long time. And she has a lot of knowledge about a lot of things, spiritual. But today, we're gonna talk about miracle thinking, which is a book that you wrote yourself, isn't that,


you know, the book I wrote is the power of miracle thinking. And so for this book, what I did was, I interviewed many people who have miracles. And I was particularly curious and interested about, like, what is it that we can do from our side? Like, what? What are the thoughts, the beliefs, the attitudes that we can hold, plus the actions that we can take that really allowed what I call the doors of grace to open what what makes the miracle happen? What makes the magic happen?

Laura Konst:

Yes, exactly. And I've, I've read a little bit about it, and the tips that you give there as well. I think it's great. I think it's sort of I find it deeper than just positive thinking. It's, it's different. So can you tell us what is miracle thinking?


Miracle thinking, it's about maintaining a particular mindset and taking actions that lead to the creation of miracles in one's life. And you know, I have a very fun formula. You know, in my own quest to create miracles in my life, I add, with all the people I interviewed, I came up with this little formula. And here in the United States, we have something called a Roth IRA, which is like a retirement plan where you're investing in yourself. I don't know if you have that in the UK, but that's something we do have here. And so I have the Ruth IRA, because my middle name is Ruth. Okay. And the IRA is actually an acronym. And I had a dream one night, and I saw the letters i n. S. I S T. Insist, spelled out on a Scrabble board. I love to play the game Scrabble. And, and I asked myself a question when I woke up, and I had seen that word and CES and I said, What is it that I want in my life that I absolutely want in my life that I'm willing to absolutely insist upon? Yes, I noticed the amount of energy when I made that statement. Because what we're absolutely insisting upon in our lives, we can create that I wholeheartedly believe we can create that. So the I in my Ruth Ira formula is insist that you can ask yourself, what is it that I'm truly willing to insist upon happening in my life or for me? Or that I have? Or do or be? So that's like, the first thing being so clear on what it is you want? Mm hmm. Now, the problem happens with the are in my Ruth IRA, which is resistance. And so for example, was some years ago when I was you know, formulating this and I'm just beginning to understand how we can create manifest the things we say we want to manifest and at that time, I was saying to myself, I really wanted a relationship I want my soulmate I want a relationship I'm willing to insist that I that I attract that that I have that bring it to me bring it to be God bring it to the universe speaking to the Divine sir just bring it bring it bring it and then there was the part of me going but I you know, I've been really hurt in relationships before. And so you know, wherever we're putting up that hand in front of us, so one hand is drawn asking us asking it to come towards us the other hand is pushing it back. Because we have fear or past experiences that say it's just going to be like the last one, whatever that is, or whatever the limiting or negative belief is. I call this the Yes Bring it to me but and then we're putting qualifiers on it as to what it should look like and especially what it should not look like right yeah, we're we have wherever we hold those Yes, but it doesn't mean that we can't have our dream that we can't create that miracle. But it will take more time. That's typically what I have found because we've got that but up there but that but so how do we get off our big fat butt?

Laura Konst:

Literally? Yes.


I've got insistance what? We've got the resistance that that but factor and just notice wherever that showing Not for you. It's real. So I'm not one of those people that believes in that fluffy Oh, I'm going to fake it till I make it. You know, some people, it's gonna work perfectly for us like, No, we're perfectly for me when I asked myself when I realized I did have that but and I asked myself, What is it that I'm truly willing to? This is the A allow? What is it that will truly willing to allow? And so, in truth in that moment in my life, I want a relationship, but I have a lot of fear of having my heart skewered and being betrayed, what is it I'm truly willing to allow? And I said to myself, you know, I'm willing to allow a phone call with a new person, I'm willing to allow a dinner out with a new person, and I'm willing to allow maybe holding hands. And so it was a very safe zone. So think about that, what is it you're truly willing to allow? What is the baby step that's moving you in the right direction? You know, there are times in life, where I believe we have to take those big giant steps and they say, get out of your comfort zone. And that's where the magic happens. Yes, it can happen there. But also, the gentle truth is to ask yourself, what is it I'm truly willing to allow? So notice

Laura Konst:

difference with positive thinking, just because some people would say, oh, that's just positive thinking or just having a positive attitude. But if I listen to you, I understand it as positive attitude, focus, but also boundaries towards yourself. And when they are clear, then miracles could be happening.


Yes, that you know, that's true. And you know, and I think people normally have a default, which is either a yes defaults or no default. And so people who are more cautious are tend to say no to new opportunities that are coming, coming or no to this and that, because it seems too scary or too risky. And I'm not saying don't use discernment. It's just like noticing, are you a no person or Yes, person? It's like, you know, I have a friend. And she's like, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes. Let's go do this. Let's do that with whatever. Yes, yes, yes, I'm more of a no default person. So it's just really, you know, knowing you know, it's also about using discernment, but also just noticing, are you a yes person or no person. And, you know, I'll give you a great example. You know, I know this guy. This is some years ago, mindfulness teacher. And his business was was low, slow at the time. He's doing great now. But you know, he connected with a major hospital using and you know, and now he's like the mindfulness director for the hospital. But at the time, he was struggling, and he was approached by a major San Francisco Bay Area radio station to be interviewed. And he turned it down, because he said, They're not my audience there. That's a hip hop station. Oh, and I'm thinking, Oh, my God. He just said no, because you never know who's turning that dial. They're on their computer on their commute or whatever, you know, their morning commute. He has no idea. But he turned it down because he let his mind stop him. Oh, wow. And you know, I want to share with you this is a lovely intention that and you know, you we know that intentions are a wonderful thing to be doing. They help us develop that positive miracle thinking mindset. I have a very dear friend named Peggy black. She's been intentions partner of mine for many years, and she ran and intentions and miracles and attention circle for 20 years. And one of her intentions, my lovely friend, Peggy Black says is I am open to receive wonderful blue sky money. So what is blue sky money? Yeah, blue sky money. It's like money this is just seems to come from out of the blue. I am open to receive. Now notice the beginning of that intention. You have the openness in it, and the willingness to receive

Laura Konst:

it. So you are worthy to receive it right?


Because so many people are like, Oh, someone needs it more than me. Or we're caregivers, especially women. Oh my god, you know, we let's put everybody else first. And you know, and there are times to do that. And there's also times to be willing to receive are you willing to receive your goodness, your bounty, your abundance? All wonderful things in your life? Are you willing? Because if you're saying no if your default is no and people are offering things for you in your mind, oh no, no, I don't need that. You know, you're denying the other person and opportunity to give to give their gifts to you. That says whenever you can, so I'm open to receive blue sky money. I am open and willing to receive Blue Sky money poured on me in all wonderful ways. And love it. Then I took Peggy Black's wonderful blue sky suggestion, and I created a new one that I want to share with everyone, which is, I am open to receive wonderful blue sky opportunities. Wonderful opportunities. Yeah. Now, and you know, you just put things like that out to the universe, you have no idea what's going to happen?

Laura Konst:

No, I especially because it's opportunities is open. And then when the opportunity


and you see you've qualified it with a positive word, and the positive word is what wonderful, you can be very descriptive, you can get as descriptive as you'd like. But keep all your words in the positive,

Laura Konst:

right? And do you think its intentions are always best to do while you're meditating, or even just when you wake up, and you scream at the top of your lungs and then go with the day,


any time during the day, I think it's wonderful to have them witness like Peggy black is my husband, my personal intentions partner for 20 years. And so we have a way of doing intentions. So for example, you know, if I might say, you know, I'm open to receive absolutely wonderful blue sky opportunities that benefit me in my highest good. And she would witness that intention by saying so be it. And I would claim it by saying so it is. And I might do 30 or 40 intention, she might contender 20 or 30. And for each one, we would say so be it. So it is so be it. So it is it just getting you know, the more positive frame of mind. Now, one of the things we don't do is we wouldn't say something like this. I am grateful that the pain in my knees stops, because you've put pain in your knee into your equation. So we ask what is it you truly want, you don't want the negative in there. So we would say I'm grateful that my knee feels flexible. I am grateful that I walk with ease. You know, so just stay in the positive watch out for those negative words.

Laura Konst:

Can't because they creep in very easily done they bury? Yep. You know? Yes, definitely. And how about I was reading a bit of on the book. What I also so is the word forgiveness. What has forgiveness to do with miracle thinking?


I want to approach that question from actually a slightly different angle. In the United States, there is a money guru who's on major New York TV every single day. And probably everybody in the USA knows her. I don't know if you know her there, but her name is Suzy Orman. He's like, you know, the money guru of money gurus. And I was interviewing her. I'm the former editor in chief of a national Mind Body Spirit magazine. And so I was interviewing her for an article. And she told me this story about how anger repels wealth. And so this is where I want to start the forgiveness conversation. Wow. And in this story, she's in her limo in downtown New York. And she sees a man squatting on the sidewalk outside of her window. And she's just noticing as each person goes by, he's saying, got a cigarette. And they're just walking by ignoring him Got a cigarette or walking by. She's thinking, This man is not even asking for money. He just wants a cigarette. So she opened up her purse. She has a big pile of money in it. She decides I'm going to give him everything in my purse right now. I'm going to blow his mind. And she said I had my hand. I had my money in my hand. I had my other hand on the door handle to open the door. And I watched this this couple walked by. And when he said got his cigarette, and they ignored him. He spit in their direction. Oh, and that we post her Of course. And she said, I took my money. I put it back up in my purse. And you know she made the decision right then obviously she's not going to reward that kind of behavior, right? Yes. And she said to she said and this was the real epiphany. She said he didn't know what good was about to come his way but his anger repelled it. His resentment repelled it. So think about where were you holding your anger? Where were any of us holding anger? Because wherever we're holding it for anyone and for any reason whatsoever, anywhere, in our checklist of our long history of people who are on our non forgiveness, our unforgiveness checklists, there You're actually slowing down or preventing your highest good from coming to you.

Laura Konst:

Right? I think that makes sense because it perfect. It gives you blockages everywhere. If because anger is very strong, isn't it, it's very difficult to set aside. So that's where the potter forgiveness comes in.


Yes. You know, I had another epiphany about anger just a few weeks ago where you know, there was an angry driver trying to pass me. And I was meaning his anger with my own. I'm not even going to the swear word. I called him but let's just say I was feeling anger with my own. Yeah, that this, you know, this guy just rammed his car almost up on the back of mine. And I realized, this wasn't about that driver. This was a setup from my wonderful universe to show me where I was holding anger wasn't about the drive thru at all. And so I made a decision in that moment. My decision was, you know, I don't want to keep holding on to anger because I'm just gonna keep attracting more of it. So I want that low frequency vibration, though I do not know what is it I want. And I said out loud, I choose peace. I choose ease. I choose peace. And as soon as I said the word peace, this peace, literally, I mean, it just felt like a washed over me like this spirit energy of peace washed over me. And I noticed when we say the word peace, and if you say the word peace, what happens with your mouth, your lips, they automatically form a smile

Laura Konst:

pay. So yes, yes, please give us


you know, I want I wanted to break that change. So just notice that you're holding resentment. One of the things I've learned about resentment is always leads to an explosion. If it is not healed, it always consistently leads to an explosion it just in my life, that's what I've just seen. Yes. So let's get back to the cut. All these things said, Now I'm going to address the forgiveness piece. Because I understand how we hold anger. You know, I, I'm a human being I feel anger. I'm choosing peace as much as I can just switch your awareness, switch your awareness and choose peace, if you can. So, I want to share the story that I share in the power of miracle thinking about forgiveness. And I was working many, many years ago for the city of Pacifica, California. And I was working with the elderly in their senior services program. And I worked for a man who treated people cruelly, he was cruel. I would witness he wasn't so much cruel to me. But what I witnessed in him was like a horror of a human being. You know, he took papers, and he flung them in an employee's plays it face saying, you know, and then he swore and said, you know, this is a bunch of blah, blah, blah, you know, that's not what I want. And he was cruel. I mean, just as taskmaster, he was cruel. It was uncalled for. And this man died. And over the next seven years, at different times, he would float up into my mind, and I would say, you know, I forgive you. I'll just do the work of forgiveness as I knew how to do it. Yes. But I think about him again. And I think, oh, that meaning in it, you know, I really hadn't forgiven him. And but, you know, it's not like he was on my mind constantly. But over seven years, at different times, he would pop into my consciousness. And I was always to, like, you know, okay, yeah, I'll forgive you this time. You know, but like, no, whatever little Forgiveness Ritual I was doing. Like, there's one where you take little grains of uncooked rice and you put it in water, and you give it a little forgiveness, prayers, like, lovely, but then I find the next month, I'm still doing the same damn prayer, because I'm still not forgiving. Yeah, sure, people can relate to this. And then it was like seven years had gone by wasn't like, I was thinking of him at all I moved on in my life, I was no longer working for that center, whatever, you know, just in a very different place in my life. I had a dream. And you know, like, when you have a dream, and it's so lucid, and you know, this isn't a dream. You know, it just it's a lucid experience. And it's real, it's as real can be. And this man was pointing at a chalkboard because this was before whiteboards, okay. Yeah. He's pointing towards on a chalkboard with a piece of chalk. And I said to myself, and I could hear myself saying this to me in this lucid experience, because I was conscious and aware in the experience, oh, he's teaching me something. Or he's showing me something. And I received a transmission of love from this man is greater than anything I've ever experienced on the earth. Oh, this huge transmission of love and I realized that at least the way I interpreted this was that he was making his amends to me from beyond the veil.

Laura Konst:

Oh, wow. Yes, he's he's trying to Get your forgiveness to, for him to receive to forgiveness is that's what it is he allowed beyond beyond the realms in a different way.


When I received that transmission of love, there was nothing left to forgive. The sad part was buried. Yeah. What I what I extracted from that incredibly powerful experience is that I believe that ultimately, maybe in this lifetime, maybe not in this lifetime, but ultimately, the only place that everyone, all of us are headed to his love, ultimately. So I asked, I asked myself, can I be that love here now?

Laura Konst:

Right, yes,


in every interaction I have with every single human being animals, whatever. Can I be that love here now? And if I have a discord or a moment of discord, and C or whatever, I don't know what the right word or word is only discord as the as the word. But anything that feels like, like it's jarring, can I? If I can't get to love? Can I at least get to neutral? Can I let go of the trigger so much that I can least get to neutral, neutral? So but my aim is just to love?

Laura Konst:

Yes, that's beautiful. I think that's where you open up more as well. If you are a forgiving person and are very open for love, then you probably will receive more love and more miracles.


That's true. Now let's go now let's take it a step deeper.

Laura Konst:

Okay, go ahead.


Okay. You know, what I do know for a living is I help people get booked deals with New York publishers, my company, we edit books, we go strike books, and whatever, whatever the author needs, we do it. And I pitch it if it's stellar, and I believe it's going to be sellable. I have this amazing track record of helping first time authors, primarily professionals, and first time authors. That's who I work with, or combination of professionals who are first time authors, and better clients. We edited her book, I got her a book deal in two weeks, which is amazingly fast, losing world. And, and she wanted my company to do some extra work that the publisher was requiring. And so I said, great, you know, we can do that. And I sent her a bid. She got furious, absolutely furious about it. Because you know, I'm not paying an extra cent and this should have been done. And so I thought about it during the night. And you know, we spoke the next day. One of the things I know when somebody's upset, let them speak. Yes. And when they finish speaking, just listen, you're not interrupting. You just say, is there more? Tell me more. You want them to get every single bit of it out. So you can respond. But But few people just typically feel better. They just get to tell you what's going on for them. Then I was able to say to her? Well, that's not you know, it's not what I said, No, what I said was, I told her, No, I called her by her name. And I said, You're a very high frequency being is a high frequency being. If we can solve this together, then we are contributing to the collective consciousness in which we're providing a solution and elevating it a positive elevation. If we don't that we are just contributing to the negative energy on this planet. Yeah. So that's where I started our conversation by then. And after hearing her, I said, you know, that's not a service actually, that any publisher has ever requested of us. It wasn't something that we would normally just due because it never been requested of us. And she went, Oh, it's not standard. And I said, No, not at all. And so then she was like, totally fine. She got it that we hadn't violated anything on our side. We contributed more to the positive understandings on this planet and the positive energy that's swirling among us and all over us and through us and around us.

Laura Konst:

Wow. That's beautiful. So she managed to really like calm her down, but also maybe be aware of where where she is at, you know, rather than Yeah, you're holding a sort of like a mirror without holding it to your face. Yes.


Right. Like you know, I have a housemate who was a special ed teacher and she would have a parent coming in rip roaring angry, furious with her with the school, whatever. She would listen and say that you know, tell me more what else what else and taking people seriously, but she turned around those, those mothers and mothers in They became a big advocates. And you know, it was just amazing to watch that people need to be heard they need to be listened to.

Laura Konst:

Yes. Oh, respected, respected. Yeah, definitely. And without judgment, I think as well. And so it's difficult.


I'm going to share with you an exercise from my first book and crappy to happy. So I have a former partner named Oh, Shara. And we would put each other down. You know, sometimes funny, sometimes not so funny sometimes judging. So we came up with this idea. Because we're in the US, you know, we're speaking in quarters and dimes and things like that. So I don't even know what your money situation is over there.

Laura Konst:

But so good. We understand what you mean. Yeah. Okay.


So we, we said, we had an agreement of either of us put the other one down, we had to give each other a quarter, but it couldn't be the same quarter passing back and forth, it always had to be a new court. And if we judged anybody else that went for a dime, okay. And it's amazing. When you start putting just a little bit of money on the table, they're just like, how you start becoming much more aware what's coming out of your mouth?

Laura Konst:

Wow. Yeah. So it's just being mindful of yourself and connected to yours, connecting to yourself as well, with the miracle thinking, so how, what tips would you give people how would they start going about this?


You know, when I gave the example of the IRA that insist resistor, wow, that's a beautiful place to start. And I want to give you a little practice called set up your day. Okay. Like we said, you know, earlier, when we started this conversation, you were saying, you know, do you start doing attachments at the beginning of the day? Well, there's a little practice that I do recommend for starting your day called set up your day, in which you're going to claim a quality that you want for your day. So for example, today, I asked for a fill in the blank. So today, I asked for a day of peace. Today, I asked for a date with a wonderful magical surprise. Right, okay. And put some emotion in it. Like, you know, I was writing a blog post up just a blog post, giving you an example of set up your day. And I actually said, you know, I asked for, here's my example, today, I asked for a wonderful magical surprise. But that afternoon, I got a phone call from my niece who lived clear across the country, that she and her bio dad, her biological father, were half an hour away from me visiting, you know, that, you know, a vacation spot. And just even writing the blog, I wound up with a wonderful magical surprise. Yes. It's just amazing that what can happen like, some years ago, I was working for particular magazine, and I was actually taking over a job as editor of a magazine. And the the person didn't want to relinquish their role, who was leaving who was supposed to be training me, so she kept finding a lot of fault with me. It didn't matter. And, you know, I just, you know, I let it just breeze right over my head, because I'm thinking, okay, you know, you're you're out of here shortly. And it's all good. I just didn't go to wherever she was going in her mind. And, but it was stressful to be around somebody who was like, demanding and negative and, and so I said, Yeah, I remember saying, you know, today I just asked for a day of peace. And I went into work. And it turned out that day, she was working away from home, she was working from home. Oh, which at that time wasn't really happening. Like it is now during you know, COVID times. Yes. It was like, Oh, my God, my day peace. Wow, just set up your day?

Laura Konst:

Yes. And it's very open as well. It's an open like an, you don't ask for something specific. It's quite open, and then it will come.


And you can be as specific as you'd like, as you'd like. And you know, one of the things that I have heard about miracles, it's actually in the book, from one of my interviews, this man was saying, don't ask for money, ask for what you would do with that money. Because the universe has many ways of delivering something to you. And I'm not saying don't ask for money, but I'm just saying, you know, just stay open, as open as you can.

Laura Konst:

Yes. So you want to ask if you want to ask for abundance or money perspective. As for what you can do with the money, that's what you're saying. Right?


Now, let's look at the word abundance. Because one of my jokes is if you're asking for the universe to supply you with abundance, does that mean you you want more socks and underwear in your underwear drawer is abundance. You want an abundance of problems? What I mean? I do believe in specificity. Yeah. Be a little bit more specific, a little bit more detailed.

Laura Konst:

Yes, right. He would you would then ask for something more specific in abundance, like being abundant in love,


and you know, and then also right and to use words like wonderful or you know, you know, things that are positive. And like, you know, Oprah Winfrey was was giving an acceptance speech, speech, I saw her on TV years ago when she said, I always knew that God had a bigger plan for me a bigger dream for me that I could dream for myself. So I asked, God, what is your dream for me? And will you will allow me to live in that dream? Wow, what are you? What is your dream for me? And will you allow me to live in that dream? Look what happened? And you know, so again, you hear the word allow in her formula. And so, oftentimes, when I'm doing intentions, our I'll add a little tag at the end, which is, or highest and better, or highest and best for your for the highest good. For the

Laura Konst:

highest good. Oh, I see. Yes, yeah, it's a lot, it's a lot deeper than just because you will have skeptics, obviously, we do have skeptics in the world. If they say our miracle thinking is just, you know, have a positive attitude all the time. But it's not. It's not it's not about you can be positive, but still have bad days, right? And you could be positive and still, things happen that you don't want to happen, because also that is human life.


Let's let's talk about that. So, you know, in my first book, crappy to happy, you know, I was on a book tour. This was some years ago, and people would say to me, you know, in a bookstore, well, are you happy? And that's a very fair question. But as you're stating, you know, you can't be like, you know, happy 100% of the time, it's not a human thing that we can be your do that I know. But what I've learned is that I had become, I was like, I was a larger container, I had a larger container, which I could hold many different emotions simultaneously. So in crappy to happy one of my most favorite things I ever wrote in that book is sorrow digs, the well enjoy fills in sorrow digs, the well enjoy fills in. And what I learned was, I gone through a dark night of the soul. Now the dark night of the soul is when there's just like multiple losses, they're multiplying faster than rabbits, because that's what crises do. It's never just one. There's like multiple things hitting at the same time. And so here I was editor in chief of a major Mind, Body Spirit in a magazine in the Bay Area magazine got sold there with my job there with my identity as editor of a major magazine. So I had lost my identity, a relationship went along with it, somebody I knew didn't couldn't create his dream and committed suicide loss, loss loss. Wow. And I went into this dark night of the soul. And we're just like, life just doesn't make sense. And in those dark night of the soul moments, it just feels like we're dying, or we've died. Because the truth is, we are going to be reborn. But in the moment when you're in that like cycle that feels like death, it doesn't feel like that. Yeah, so I have this joke. And I say, why do they call it the dark night of the soul when it's never one night? It's the dark urina half of the soul. Let's be joyful here. Yeah. And so when I pulled myself out of it, it's very interesting. Now, this is another self inquiry question came from I have a guitar partner since the 80s. Deborah love forest. And Deb said, when she's in crisis, she always asked herself the question, what's the most loving thing I can do for me right now? What's the most loving thing I can do for me right now? And so I started asking myself that question many times a day. And I heard, go for a walk. What's the most loving thing I can do for me right now? Go do the dishes. What's the most loving thing I can do for me right now? Get under your covers and cry. Whatever it was, I just listened to that until one day when I asked what's the most loving thing I can do for me right now. I heard sit. Oh, I sat cross legged on my little carpeted living room floor. And anytime I was asking, what's the most loving thing I can do for me right now? I heard sit, do nothing. Oh, so I started lighting some candles because I figured that wonder while I'm sitting and doing nothing, and I would sit with those particular little candles until they went out, which was an hour and 20 minutes. Yeah. And all I kept hearing for two weeks sit, do nothing. But I started thinking about, like, my wife and different stories from my life. And I started writing these stories. And I'd be writing about something and then something completely different than next day. But within a month, I had 100 pages. And I thought, I think I'm writing a book. But if I'm writing a book, what book is it? Yeah, well it turns out to be my book crappy to happy my first book. Now I've been a magazine editor, but I hadn't written any books before. And writing that book, finding a publisher for that book, helping other people with their books, and editing them, and then finding publishers and then growing my company to where it is today. Oh, my God, it all stemmed from asking the question, what's the most loving thing I can do for me right now? Wow. And so when I was in the deep grief, and there was so much just there was like, no end to it. There were waves and waves of grief. And I felt like oh, my God, it's never going to end. But then at some point, I would realize each day, at some point, it actually wouldn't. And I realized these are waves, the grief was coming up in waves. And so I just cried, and I stayed in the absolute misery and agony and sorrow of it. And I allowed myself to feel every deep feeling that was emerging. Because I knew, ultimately, it was leading me to a bigger and brighter shore, I knew it. And that's when I learned that, because I had expressed so much sorrow really allow myself to feel those feelings that nobody wants to feel. I had dug a deep well, in which I could hope that much more joy. So people who are not willing to go and do the deep work of feeling their feelings, especially when they're hard, and they're painful, and who the heck wants to go there? Yeah, you can't experience the height of joy, you just can't. So when a container, several takes the well and joy feels it, then you can hold many things simultaneously. You could be ecstatic and happy about something you can feel grieving about something you can feel sad about something you can feel disappointed. You can feel hopeful you can feel so many things.

Laura Konst:

Wow, I really liked that analogy, actually. Thank you. Well, and yeah, enjoy feels it. I think that's beautiful, I think. But to me, it makes a lot of sense. Because it's balance is the ying and yang. Ultimately, it's, yeah, that's what it's about. And so and then you can fill it with love, self love, and forgiveness, which then comes into positive thinking and miracle thinking. And then miracles will happen.


I'd love to, you know, just share some, you know, final thoughts, because we've talked about what is that you're willing to insist upon? Where are you holding that resistance and be very truthful with yourself? Remember, this is gentle. This is for you. It's not for anybody elses, yours. This is self inquiry, all these practices I'm mentioning, and then you ask yourself, what is it I'm truly willing to allow? So for example, when I asked myself that, you know, I did attract a relationship to myself, and I need to just take it slowly. You don't have to always leap out of your comfort zone. I'm not saying not to do that. Yes, you can do that. But there's also the gentle truth and taking baby steps and set up your day. Okay, I like that. Say, use positive words and, you know, put energy into it to what you want. Like one of my, one of my intentions that I say and I say it like this. My life is fun. Shout it and people laugh. My life is fun.

Laura Konst:

But it comes if the universe will hear it really well then yes. Yes, exactly. So you


know, just notice where your default is person Yes person, a person who chooses peace. What do you choose?

Laura Konst:

Love? Yeah, all of it. Love and Peace. Forgiveness? Definitely. And forgiveness I think as well for for things that have happened. Which then in Silva gives peace? Yes. Well, I want to thank you so much, Randy. This is great. I think it's like a life lesson in 15 minutes. To live live in 15 minutes, the miracle thinking. Obviously, I put all your contact details, your website and your links to your books in a description. And I'm sure people can always contact you. If they know if they've got questions for any coaching that you were doing as well. And I think you're such a beautiful person so positive and so much knowledge. And I love it. I love to talk to you and learn from you especially.


Thank you, Laura.

Laura Konst:

It's a pleasure. Thank you so much. But for the listeners obviously like and share and subscribe as well to the Tali and Loz channel and feel free to share it everywhere. And well, you can listen to us next week. Thank you. Bye bye