S2 E5 - Pisces Season with Jev

Laura Konst Season 2 Episode 5

We start this Pisces Season with Astrologer Jev.  How can we prepare for the divine creative season and how can we utilise the kind and compassion energy towards ourselves and others? Although can we go too far in this as well? What are the unhealthy expressions for this season? And of course, she will tell about what energies the planets and moon bring us as well.

Listen, enjoy and discover!

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Laura Konst:

Hi and welcome to the Tali and Loz podcast where we discover spirituality together and we are starting Pisces season with Jev. Hi, Jev, how are you?


Hi, Laura. Hi everybody. I'm good. Very happy to talk about Pisces. I love this energy so much.

Laura Konst:

Yeah. Why is that?


I mean, it is a little bit misunderstood, I believe because you know, it's the last sign of the zodiac. So it's ruled by Neptune. So it's a little evasive, so to say, right, well, of course, we will be talking about characteristics. But there are so much, you know, there was so much kindness, there is so much compassion. There's so much of this unconditional love that. I mean, What's there not to like?

Laura Konst:

Oh, yeah, it is closest Valentine's as well.


Ish of yeah, we can say so. Right?

Laura Konst:

Ish. Yeah. So so those are actually already the healthy expressions then right? I assume a Pisces that they are very kind. Usually.


Let's dive into that. I love it. It's difficult. We have a little chitchat in the beginning. But now we're like, let's go.

Laura Konst:

I'm just like, I feel we all need that energy. If I hear it from what you say, I feel, you know, the world is opening slowly, after the COVID times, and there's so much polarization, we need kindness and compassion. So I'm like, Let's go for that. Because we need it


goes away. Totally, totally. And in fact, the energy of Pisces is already and will be very much very important this year. Okay. And I'm thinking where to start tackling that so to say, but basically just giving a little bit more overview is that yes, you're right. We're almost coming out of the, you know, winter hibernation this quite tough and deep retrograde season with Venus retrograde and Mercury Retrograde where we were very much inside of ourselves or within our, you know, families relationships, looking into very serious topics, like, what's worth my time, what's worth my attention, who is worth of my love? What's worth my money? So a lot of those like really fundamental questions. And now that we're coming out of this, we've shifted a lot of things within ourselves. We've shifted values, we've shifted, what's important, what's not. And now we are kind of coming forward to see what's next. What do we want to build? And for that we need imagination. Yes, and Pisces is exactly about imagination.

Laura Konst:

There's all one bit of creativity wise or is exactly,


exactly, exactly. And yeah, it is the very strong sides of Pisces its imagination its ability to almost go further than this reality to imagine something which is I don't know not on this planet almost you know, to connect with something that is bigger than us than ourselves. And to actually there are there are two signs which are responsible for creativity, right one is Leo This is our own creative talents what will want to create coming more from inside from our egos That's to say, and then there is creativity from Pisces are ruled by Pisces and this is a little bit different creativity or type of creativity because this is almost channeled.




it's kind of divinely inspired creativity.

Laura Konst:

Okay, so it's like these downloads and spiritual way of creating


we can say so yeah, we can say so it's almost like people are in the flow. You know, for example, Pisces energy is very much associated with poetry. When it just flows through you when you're just feeling those words or you're feeling those feelings which you want to put on the on the paper. So yes, this is divinely inspired creativity. This is imagination. This is dreaming. So dreams reom are also ruled by Pisces, daydreaming and my dreaming to kind of reconnecting with the for example during the night where reconnecting with our subconscious were reconnected was something again bigger than us and we're not always can explain the road what we're seeing what we're connecting with, but we can be inspired

Laura Konst:

by it. But so is it also dreaming, intuition The unexpected type of creativity that you that you just walk in talk as you go about your day and all of a sudden, it's like, boom, I'm in. I have these ideas,


there is a time kind of stamp on it. Of course. What you put right is that it is divinely inspired right by this rule, spirituality Pisces rules, our connection with the divine, it is how we connect with something bigger than us. How we nurture this relationship, how we come back to it. And of course you can you can choose for yourself, right is the universe God source spirit, whatever you're referring to. And every one of us, we have very unique connection with, right. And so when we are connecting with it, we're cultivating, we're cultivating some kind of relationship, some kind of slow, some kind of our own practices, how we connect with it. And so then, depending on how much Pisces energy you have on your chart, then of course, you can work with that in a different ways, right? So of course, people who have a lot of Pisces energy in their chart, they are very much in tune with the energy with the universal energy with the flow with this willingness or desire to create something with this dream in this so to say, Yes, I

Laura Konst:

see. Because it could be any of your archetypes that could be Pisces as we as we keep referring. It's not always the sun sign we're talking about is evolutionary astrology. For those who actually just tuned in, in season two, the very first season actually I just do a quick referral the very first season the very first episode, Jeff is explaining evolutionary astrology, which is get is different than the just the sun signs is based on all the archetypes. And so you might be a Sagittarius like me sometime, but you might still have Pisces in chart and that's what we're talking about. For what you saying there's a lot of love. There's a lot of divine connection. Intuition is it a good time to maybe up your game in spirituality if you're a spiritual person?


I love I love you put up your game I strive to up our game. But of course as you're saying this Pisces energy it is think of it as the last sign of the zodiac and the last season before the new astrological year begins. Okay, so we're kind of wrapping up the year. And I know it sounds curious because think of it we'll first have the new year right then there is the Chinese New Year then there is something else and now there is the the astrological new year, but this is how it works. And so we are wrapping up the astrological new year and we are softening. Pisces is it's about softening. It's about looking back of how far we've come through, you know the previous seasons and previous science since last April. So we're looking back at this. We are obviously reconnecting with the with the spirit or the universe, whoever was saying is guiding us through everything that we have to go through everything that we have to experience or overcome and have great will have occurred, basically gratitude for everything that we were able to experience. We're able to learn and were able to overcome. Here I want to refer actually to what's going on right now. In the sky, so to say and we have Neptune in Pisces, okay, Neptune is the ruler of Pisces. It moves really slowly. Okay, so Neptune will continue its dance in Pisces until I believe 2026. So it's really, really moving slow. But the fact that Neptune is in Pisces in its own sign of rulership already kind of amplifies this energy. So we are already moving through the whole of the spirituality of reconnection, and you can see how much more spiritualities out there right,

Laura Konst:

definitely, definitely.


It's expanding. It's it's growing. It's not so much woowoo anymore. It's not alternative anymore. It's a part of life because we understood that there is something more than just making money and you know, buzzing and bustling and all of that. And on top of that This year, we have Jupiter in Pisces, it started, end of December. And so right now it's already swiftly moving in Pisces. And of course Jupiter is the amplifier as well because Jupiter is about growth and expansion and happiness and flock and truth and higher knowledge. So it's kind of this, you know, very bouncy energy that is quickly approaching Neptune. And so we're already living in the period of time, where Jupiter and Neptune are co present in Pisces. And on top of that, Jupiter used to be an ancient ruler of Pisces before Neptune has been discovered.

Laura Konst:

Oh, wow.


So we have a lot of amplification, which basically brings us into this energy where it already is upping our game. One way or another. This is what I'm trying to say.

Laura Konst:

Wow. Okay, so it's already going on? Basically. Correct.


Correct. Correct. And in April, they will meet they will conjunct Jupiter and Neptune and yeah, we definitely will be talking about it also next time we come together. And but April will be a huge month for everything creative and for everything spiritual. And if you are a spiritual business just go with your creativity go with the flow with all those spiritual creative ideas. You know, it's your time it's also your time.

Laura Konst:

Oh, good. I already feel like it's my year so it's I'm looking forward to April already. I think the funny thing is so she I don't know if this has been sort of coincidence doesn't exist. But April is the only month I don't have anything planned. And I'm talking up until Christmas 2022 I've got stuff in my diary already people but April is the only that's still empty. And maybe that is sort of like a sign of an APR. I should just be me be you know, just go well go with the flow literally but your workflow


exactly, because it's the you know, when when there is void there is a possibility to create something

Laura Konst:

new. Oh, I like that. Yes, I'm going to keep that in mind. Yes, no plan for April people okay.


Just to finish off with the with the description of Pisces Pisces, well, let's say people will have a lot of Pisces energy, but also all of us who will be going through the Pisces season we will be influenced by these energies, there is an increased sensitivity and sensitivity towards Of course what comes through you energetically you know, if you're also very connected with your intuition with your psychic gifts. Because psychic gifts is also one part of of Pisces energy and people to be able to intuit to, to be able to sense to be able to you know, like, channel something, so a lot of different psychic gifts, and, or to be in tune with different synchronicity. So to be in tune with the dream wheel. So these people may oftentimes be empaths. So very sensitive towards energies of other people very sensitive towards energies of organizations, or you know, even entering the room and something already what the atmosphere in the room is all about sensing if there used was an argument just five minutes ago, like really taking in these energies. And so of course, it's great that you have the grounding stones in in the South because of course it is necessary to ground but it's also necessary to protect oneself to protect against, you know, sensing too much feeling too much or losing oneself in all of those feelings something and

Laura Konst:

Okay, so for just Yeah, so for the protection, the blue Tigers I actually will be really good. It's also quite a soothing, soothing crystal which I think they would probably need because if you take up so much energy they need to think themselves so yeah, I think the tiger's eye is one of the moustache for a Pisces and Mukai okay, it is also very protected and groundings beautiful crystal from from Australia. It comes in all kinds of colors, like from mostly it's yellow and red but it could also be purple and brown. And I think for the unhealthy expressions. The strawberry quartz will be great because they are connected to the earth and sacral chakra So they are the grounding ones. And if people are if Pisces feel a bit overwhelmed by all the energies they take in being so sensitive, that strawberry cause is one that restores the energies basically.


Sounds good. Sounds really good. Yes, exactly what I wanted to speak about is a few things to watch out for in the season. And for, for people who have a lot of Pisces energy is just to highlight again, hypersensitivity. And sometimes absence of boundaries of energetic boundaries have boundaries, you know, emotional boundaries, to be able to say no to people, or to things in life and so on. So really, trying to differentiate or discern the sun is a good word and discern is actually a very good word. And Virgo is the polarity point of Pisces, that's what Pisces people are learning. They're going towards Virgo. And Virgo is teaching them to discern discern what's mine, what's not, what's healthy, what's not, what am I supposed to feel, what is not mine to carry and not mine to feel. So it really goes down to two energetic boundaries and the ability to protect oneself with crystals or maybe with other you know, spiritual practices, some kind of visualizations Reiki is is helpful as well. So yes, grounding can protection is really, really powerful, and very much required for this type of energy to kind of, you know, to surround this delicate garden from storms from outside.

Laura Konst:

Uh huh. And do does Pisces also tend to be a bit away with the fairies,


as well, because lovely. Absolutely. No, it's ruled by Neptune. And Neptune can be very ambiguous, it can be very foggy, it can be very, it basically, you know, in a in a healthy expression, it's it's about fantasy. It's about illusions, it's about delusions, it's about living in pink glasses and looking at the world through pin glasses, or looking at the law school pin glasses, you know, real idealizing something or someone. So of course, again, grounding and reality check is very much needed to kind of come back down on the earth not to just leave somewhere on the clouds and hope you know, for the best. But of course, everyone chooses what's best for them. But yeah, reality check is a

Laura Konst:

good thing, obviously, because they are more empaths. But they also impact towards themselves. Like do they have self loathing? That they feel like a victim often or anything like that?


Oh, that's a deep question, Laura.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, well, getting into them. Yeah, I


can say that I love our sessions, that that we're already dancing so nicely. Um, I wouldn't call it self loathing, I would call it the overwhelm. Right. And that's, I think you also notice yourself previously mentioned that. So basically, because there is so much sensitivity with them, and so much, you know, connection with the non material world, the material world can actually overwhelm them. And so reality may seem harsh and feel harsh. This is why they tend to stay in this protective bubble, and, you know, go more into even the fantasy world or leave them in an imaginary world or leave, you know, they might, or they tend to find the way to escape from reality. Uh huh. Okay, and then this escapism can be expressed or manifested, manifested in very different ways. It can be manifested, you know, through altered state of consciousness, it can be alcohol can be drugs, it can be some kind of spiritual practices, which are changing the state of consciousness. And of course, again, where is the limit? Where are the boundaries where it is too much? So, of course, it when the world seems to be harsh place, and when the reality seems way too, you know, way too hard. Then of course, internally as you rightly guessed, internally they may be besides the feeling of overwhelm their mate might be the feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, some kind of suffering or some kind of shame or guilt So it's really kind of how do I live in this world? And how do I protect this delicate garden of mine?

Laura Konst:

Wow, I see. What else can we expect in this Pisces season,


I think we've more or less covered the healthy expressions of Pisces and unhealthy expressions of Pisces. So just to kind of sum up and to look at it, the greatest thing is that we all collectively can step into and benefit from this absolutely imaginative energy to use said step up our game to reconnect with the divine, to be creative, to go with the flow to feel the feelings of trust for the universe, that the universe is always leading you to also feel almost like unconditional love towards everyone, because Pisces is the feeling of unity, knowing that we're all connected and objectively that our destinies are connected. And so because as I explained, Jupiter and Neptune are soon to be meeting in Pisces, we really will feel a lot of this energy in the upcoming days. So yeah, so that's exactly what we need right coming out of lockdown, to feel connected, to feel Kinder towards towards each other, to feel more compassionate towards each other, to feel that we can create a different world and to really dream, the new dream, so to say, right, but then, of course, the reality check is very, very, very much needed. Because as we were just saying, there might be a tendency for escapades, there might be a tendency of daydreaming of losing the ground beneath one's feet of going too much into the illusion, pink glasses idealization, basically living in the cloud, or going into the lower states of you know, drugs, alcohol, hopelessness, suffering, and so on. So, we really need to stand with our two feet on the ground firmly. And that's why we have quite a few planets in Capricorn right now, which are helping us to do just that.

Laura Konst:

Ah, alright, so the universe preparing us already for this.


Absolutely, absolutely. So we have the feet planted firmly on the ground, but then our head will might take off

Laura Konst:

will be stretched quite literally. Okay, and so the moon obviously always plays a part. We love our beautiful Luna, what is she going to do this season,


we have two moons one is the new moon and then the full moon, the New Moon in Pisces will happen on the march 2 in the 12 degrees of Pisces. So if you have your own chart, take a look where this falls for you what kind of house it is, and because it's an absolutely beautiful, sensitive, imaginative, new moon. It's it even. I'm feeling to say it's thunder. Because Pisces is about some darkness. So it's tender. And I was looking at the chart of this of this new moon and it's Wow, it's like, you know, a pattern in the sky of planets dancing together, it already looks like a painting. Oh, wow. No groups of planets coming together and saying Don't worry, we'll keep your feet on the ground. And we'll you know, move into this direction on that direction. So we have to, well, first thing is that it is the last New Moon of the astrological year, right. And there are no negative aspects. Oh, this is very, very nice. And there are two parts to this new moon. One part is this dreaming and trusting and softening. It's really almost stepping into the new dream. Stepping into the new inspiration, stepping into the new trust that something new is coming in, in your life or in your dreams or in your vision of life. Right. And so we have the sun the moon and Jupiter conjunct in Pisces, you can imagine this is an expansion. This is the growth this is the optimism and the joy to create something new to look at it from a different perspective to let yourself dream

Laura Konst:

to let yourself drain right, okay.


And then these nice group, the sextile Thank you Ramson Taurus and Uranus as we know, this is a planet of surprises, it can shake up a little, it can bring some unexpected developments. And it is its aim is to basically shake up those structures of our lives where we didn't want to change. Let's shake it out, so that you could build something new on here. And also Uranus is the is this cosmic intelligence kind of energy. So that might like, for me, it's just that with this nice aspect, it adds ease and flow to this expansion and trust and brings those sudden insights or brings the sudden inspiration or ideas that you've finally want want to create something or, you know, express yourself creatively. Or how will this up, I don't know, even write poetry or create music or something like that. And those ideas, the brilliant genius ideas will be striking. So that's one part to this moon. And then the second part of this moon, is that we have Venus and Mars and Pluto conjunct in Capricorn. I mean, that is an interesting aspect. This one is a little, it's powerful. Okay, because Pluto, whenever personal planets are meeting Pluto, there is always a profound transformation. So now that Venus and Mars are moving together very closely, for almost two months, the mat on the 14th of February, and they will be moving together, not too far from each other until the beginning of April. And so this, of course, is a representation of the feminine energy and the masculine energy, you know, the cosmic lovers so to say. So, of course, this has an impact on two things. One is our internal energies, okay? Because obviously, we have the all of us we have a feminine energy and a masculine energy, but of course, in different proportions, right, depending on our you know, psychological makeup or our birth chart and our society on our grown, grow, growing up and culture. But this has the possibility to balance them out. This is really a possibility to align to see how our masculine is expressed our feminine is expressed Where's there is a harmony. So internal peace is very important. And then external peace is of course, it influences our relationships, how we meet somebody, or how we interact and relationships. And because Venus and Mars are traveling first in Capricorn, and then they travel in Aquarius, it also suggests and invite us to build relationships in very specific ways. So to say, because Capricorn is the sign of maturity, is the sign of responsibility is the sign of long term goals. It is almost those very serious questions like, you know, are you ready to build together? Are you able or willing to commit long term you know, okay, not from the beginning. But you know, you need to be clear whether it's a kind of a fling thing or there's the seriousness.

Laura Konst:

Right, so it's actually a great time for couples. Donatelli?


Yes. And then Venus and Mars will move into Aquarius. And then, of course, other questions will be on agenda so to say is more about how do we love freedom each other? How are we relating to each other from the equal basis? How can we be individualities our own personalities in in relationship and so on? And so, when Mars and Venus are meeting Pluto in Capricorn, this is really a reality check. And this is you know, Pluto Pluto doesn't joke very serious bladder, it will either power up stuff, which is on a good roll, which has you know, some kind of potential and it will give more power to it. Or you will dissolve things not the soul but really kind of it will ask you to purge stuff which doesn't belong there.

Laura Konst:

Okay, okay. Because Pluto take things out as well.


It's not the shaking things up. It's literally Pluto rules. Pluto and the sign of Scorpio which is ruled by Pluto rules, our reproductive system, the toxins.

Laura Konst:

Oh, I see from


so Rachael let go of something that we don't need anymore on a very regular basis. And that's exactly what's happening to Pluto says, Okay, guys, if you were about to, you know, dance together longer, and you see there is a potential. Maybe there is something you need to detox right now. Maybe there is something new to let go of right now.

Laura Konst:

Uh huh. I see. Oh, yeah, I can I can actually relate to that in that way. Yes, definitely.


Now, yeah. So since that has happened in Capricorn, I would suggest there is a lot of grounding, there is the energy of maturing, committing. Thinking about the long term, and there is a very nice support from the nodes of sea of faith. Oh,

Laura Konst:

right. Okay. Yeah. So actually, for me, if I if I listen to this personally, without getting into much detail, I feel like it's almost like well, actually, it is an ending of a season of astrology season for me. I've got a relative relationship, I cannot have a divorce. And it's now time to completely close that chapter and completely open a new one. And this is the right time. Correct? Sounds perfect to me. I'm ready for it.


So take some time on the march 2 for a new moon ritual. plant your seeds. Yes. Planting seeds can be letting go of something as well.

Laura Konst:

Yes, that's right. Yeah, that's right. Yeah.


I really liked this new moon. I feel it's very tender and has a lot of potential for the seeds to sprout and be very imaginative.

Laura Konst:

are going to put that in my diary. That's for sure. Yeah.


Nice ritual. Yep. And we have the Full Moon in Virgo. It is happening on March 18. And the 27th or 2028 degrees. So again, look at your chart, see where it falls? And there are also I would, I would see two parts to it with different aspects and different planets dancing together. So we're already at the March 18. We also have quite a few planets in Pisces, which is we remember there is Neptune and Jupiter already. Yeah. Then of course sun is there because that's the Pisces season. And then also Mercury is joining the party.

Laura Konst:

Wow. Okay.


So we have a lot right and a lot of imagination and a lot of dreaming and a lot of kind of then think on the pink clouds and believing that the new world is possible. The lens dream the new dream and you know, let's create something together. Okay. And all this party is opposing this. More than Virgo.

Laura Konst:

Wow, that this more serving? being of service right?


Service. Yes. But also the first thing about Virgo I would say this is again a reality check because Virgo is an earth sign. Virgo is very grounding and Virgo is about discernment. What is real? What is not? What is staying? What is going now that I've dreamt the whole new thing and the whole new life for me? What am I actually willing and able to take with me to plant to grow to make sure that it's growing nicely? I will fertilize it I will water it and I will take care of it. Yes. All the rest. It was a nice dream, but it goes

Laura Konst:

straight. Bye bye. Yeah. Wow. Okay. So it sounds like oh, like well, actually what you said before feed on the ground by head in the cloud.


Correct. But I really like this help from the from from the Virgo energy, because it also says Okay, now that you have your you're still having your head in the clouds. Let's do a little little cleaning here. Yes, Virgo loves cleaning. So let's clean right Okay, now that we've got a lot of dreams, how can we organize them? And then of course spirit is also about health and healing. So one thing if we're connecting with spirituality, we may simply flow on it, you know, simply connecting simply feeling through the energies simply being the flow with it, but Virago adds a very healthy point to it. It says don't lose yourself in this energy. It's not just for floating there. It's actually you actually need to do something with that right? You need to understand where do you stand with who you are, what you do with this energy, how you can help others with this energy as you are saying, we are going about serving others. How can you ground some of these ideas you've been thinking about? Maybe it is in the, in the area of health and healing in spirituality. So these are really really good ideas. And I think Virgo is really nice. Full Moon which illuminate it illuminates where probably we've gone too far without agreement.

Laura Konst:

Okay, right. So what do you recommend for to focus on then in that case, because for me, it feels a bit well, up and down. So around a full moon ritual, if you want to do one, would you focus more on your the Pisces the Pisces? intuition, creativity? Or would you actually focus on the grounding and the reality check.


I see it as really the the phases of the moon, which I personally love, and I'm using it a lot. And as we know, the moon, the moon cycle is around 29 days, and every 2.7 days, it changes the sign. And every approximately three, four days, it changes the phase as well. And so when we have the new moon, it's the first phase of the moon. And the New Moon is in Pisces. And this is where we are really invited to to dream really invited to open up to those energies really invited to plant the seeds of what we want to dream about what we want to create what we want to imagine. So this is where we focus on Pisces energy a lot. And then as we roll with it, and we're going through different phases of the moon, then at some point, we're reaching the full moon. Right? And this Full Moon is almost like, a little fruition on the way okay. And this fruition it is illumination of aha, I've already dreamt of quite a few things I've already imagined. I've already sensed. I've been divinely inspired. And now let's focus on what stays and what goes. How can I bring it down on this planet Earth and rooted and grounded and make it real?

Laura Konst:

Right? I see. Yeah. So it's literally the whole cycle.


Absolutely. Absolutely. And then of course they additionally the relationships part or piece is still unfolding, right? As we were talking to Mars and Venus are still dancing together. And during this full moon, they are conjunct in Aquarius conjunct Saturn and Saturn is also very serious planet it's about commitment and responsibility and seriousness, but also with Aquarius. It's about freedom and individuality. So basically, the question is how can we commit to each other? How can we build something together long term, but how can we allow space for each other? How can we value and all honor each other's individuality? Work itself in this in this relationship, right. And then another interesting aspect is that Mars and Venus are squaring Uranus and Taurus at this hormone. So again, you see Uranus is very active, actually, throughout the year, through very many moons. And especially also the eclipses where Uranus is very active, because it keeps bringing in those surprises so shakeups to, you know, to drop the old ways to, to get out of the stuck ruts to to to get ourselves on to the new level. So Laura, how do you see this this spicy season? How does it look for you?

Laura Konst:

I think it looks great. I think it looks for me. For me personally, I think it's closing but and also opening certain chapters that I've been wanting to close for a long time. And, and I feel now I know it's coming, I can focus on it properly. And that's why I think of the sessions with you really help because we know that I know what to sort of focus on with everything. And yeah, I think also the kindness and compassion towards it. Other for it throughout the whole world. I mean, there's so much polarization at the moment and we just need it. So I feel we Innes again, open and closes and that we're coming out of lockdowns for all countries and from the Netherlands and there are still locked down partially locked down, while in the UK for open. So it's a bit like, you know, let's let's just move on now. But let's soften, soften Yeah. And be kind and be compassionate. And also the spiritual aspect, the the flow. And that's why I was asking earlier about up my games like I feel I'm ready to go a bit deeper and to understand more. So I'm, I'm really, really looking forward to this. I think you're right. But you said in the beginning, like it's a beautiful, I feel like it's beautiful energy.


Oh, that sounds really nice. And thank you for sharing your personal experience as well. I'm looking forward to that as well, especially to this spiritual creative port. And I've heard it also from from other astrologers, we believe that April might be true in the sense in creative sphere, that you know, the areas such as cinema, music, creativity, paintings, artistry, they will just boom and bloom while when needed. We also want to save the new perspectives of how our life may be, because we don't come back to what we have, right? We want to build it a new in a fresh way, in a kinder way in a more respectful way. So I think create creative channels will will be basically inspirational for us how it can be, it can be beautiful.

Laura Konst:

Jev, always loved to see sessions always learned so much. And definitely if you want to learn a lot more from Jev, that's definitely possible. Her website is live. The description it is in the description, please contact her she can see your chart, which I highly recommend because a new world What do you understand yourself a lot better. And she does courses as well. And there's a lot of information on her website. And Jev, I look forward to you to the next season, which will be Aries.


Yes, it will be and I'm actually super excited about that season. Because as you just mentioned quickly, I'm relaunching my soul growth program, and begins on the tours to the 21st of March. And that is already in the Aries season. So I'm really looking forward. This program is a combination between evolutionary astrology and somatic intelligence. So we have a small group of maximum 15 People will really connect in a safe container for everybody who wants to learn more about themselves to go really deep. And also, it's basically getting a map of your life of your soul trajectory of where are you going what your soul is learning in this lifetime, how to overcome blocks, what's the mission and purpose of your soul in this lifetime, and then the somatic piece and the embodiment practices are giving you the tools to get there to know how to overcome your blocks, how to overcome your fears, how to step into your power, and I believe the cherry on the cake is that there is in the course there is encoded the personal reading with me. So we spend, you know, one hour face to face with one with each participant to really go deep in the chart. And also the self study materials like journaling prompts like readings, they are based on your natal chart. So it's not one size fits all approach and so on. It's really this is your chart. This is your unique blueprint. This is what you need to learn understand the deeper in order to thrive. Oh, I already have quite a few bookings. So everyone who wants to join I will be happy to see you as well. So first of March is the beginning. There are still seats available open so come by take a look at my website. www.evolutionwithjev.com We need soon again soon again,

Laura Konst:

thank you so much. Thank you so much. For all the listeners. Thank you so much to listen it also don't forget to like and subscribe and share. We are everywhere Spotify, Apple podcasts, but also on YouTube and Facebook and Instagram and you LinkedIn, and Pinterest. So feel free to share all of our episodes everywhere because we want to spread the love. We want to discover spirituality because as Jeff just said, not not one size fits all. One thing might resonate with you one thing might not, but let's spread the love. Thank you so much and see you next week. Thank you