Ep 17. Capricorn Season with Jev

December 21, 2021 Laura Konst Season 1 Episode 17
Ep 17. Capricorn Season with Jev
Show Notes Transcript

I am learning about the analytical energies of  Capricorn Season from Jev.
What can we look forward to and what do we need to be aware off?
How can we embrace the energy we will experience?

Sit back, relax and discover.

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Laura Konst:

Hi, and welcome to the very last episode of the year 2021. And I'm going to spend this time with Jev. Hi, Jeff, how are you?


Hi, Laura. Hi. I'm very good. Thank you so much. I cannot believe that we're closing this year already.

Laura Konst:

I know it's gone really, really fast. Oh, yeah. What kind of year was it? I think it was all over the place.


That's exactly what I just wanted to say. On one hand, it went fast. But on the other hand, I think all of us are a little overwhelmed.

Laura Konst:

Yeah. Yeah. To say the least, yes.


But that's exactly good that we're closing the year with the Capricorn season.

Laura Konst:

And why is that what kind of energy is Capricorn season?


So the Capricorn season starts on the 21st of December. And that's exactly the day of the Winter Solstice. So it's the time when the D is the shortest and the night is the longest. And it's also well, why winter solstice was are so powerful is because there is a lot of energy, which enhances our intuition. So just keep in mind that take some time on this day to listen to what your intuition is saying to what kind of messages are coming through or symbols or synchronicities, anything that can be super, super powerful. But coming back to the Capricorn season and the energy, well, actually, it's really great, too. You know, Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and Saturn rules, time and form and shape and structure and tradition. So a lot of things which, you know, can really put us together in some way, you know, to help you also take a look back and see how far we've come, how much we've done this year. And also to kind of put everything on the shelf, you know, meaning a little bit like to do a sort of a review, I need this, I don't need this, I will take this into a new year, I won't take this into a new year. So become a little bit more structural become a little bit more, you know, long term oriented, because will if, if you think we can already jump into the health expressions of Capricorn, I can say that the Capricorn as I said, it rules time, form, shape and structure. So for people who have a lot of Capricorn energy is really kind of easy to create shape out of something, create structure out of something. And I believe it's also a good time for all of us to go through this time and to understand some things from like perspective of structure, why something happened or why something didn't happen, right? Then Capricorn is also about authority and maturity, it represents the father figure. And it basically shows how we show up in the world, how we show up, what is our social role? What is our career, what is our reputation? So all those things, and how we present ourselves out there? Which is obviously quite important,

Laura Konst:

right? Yes, definitely. Yes. It also


is about duty and responsibility, also about integrity. So you'll see quite mature ways of being great when people actually take responsibility for themselves for the way they treat work, people family, but most importantly, themselves, their feelings, their own emotions, their own patterns, their own Wave ways of reacting to something. So it's really about responsibility and integrity. And that's why Capricorn rules, business structures, hierarchical structures, corporate world politics. And that's exactly the places where we need a lot of responsibility and a lot of integrity. Great. Yes. And the last one for Capricorn is that this energy gives us the feeling and sense of discipline. Because it's, as I said, it's about the long term. It's about the long term vision but also about long term goals. The Capricorn energy typically gives us this tenacity, to to pick the right long term goals, but also to go for it to really understand what it takes how to make Tappan, how to bring the form and structure and how much time will it take? So long term goals is exactly something that I think a lot of us will be reviewing at the end of this year

Laura Konst:

of this year. Ah, well, actually, to me, it makes, again, a lot of sense as you usually do, because I was actually talking today with my friend, colleague, and I said, you know, what, the first week of January, I feel like I need to sit down. And I hadn't read this. Well, what you said, I don't know, for the listeners there. And I said to her, I feel like that week I need to sit down, I need to really properly look at Tali and Loz, for 2022. And my ideas, because I've got lots of ideas, I want to do things differently. I feel like most structure, especially word structure, because this is my, obviously I just closed my first year of Tali and Loz. And I was all over the place and try stuff, what works, what doesn't work, I've bought things that I shouldn't have been buying. I've bought things I should have bought more of. So, you know, it's a constant learning curve. And now I see this and I was like, this is Capricorn season. That's the first, you know, first week of Jan Capricorn. And that is what I need to do.


Perfect. That's perfect. It looks like you're very much aligned with the with the stars with the moon with the, with the sun. So everything that is coming up there,

Laura Konst:

they come up, but yeah, it's like I think now, like the last few weeks, my head is all over the place, and I'm everywhere. And I've taken on too much freelance, and you know, so that comes with this season now. Definitely, but yeah, Capricorn. I'm looking forward to it because I needed


I think many of us needed and actually, it is even this time with will be enhanced, and I would like to share some some astrological happenings. So you would understand why the Capricorn season this time is much more powerful than any other time. And basically, the difference is that we have Venus retrograde this year in the sign of Capricorn. Okay. So the Venus will station retrograde on the December 19. And Venus is retrograding roughly once in two years. So the last Venus retrograde was back in May, June 2020. Okay, okay. So right now Venus will start moving backwards, as we're saying. So her retrograde will be happening in the sign of Capricorn. Alright, and so what does it mean? It means that, well, first of all, Venus rules, a lot of good stuff, right? Venus rules, beauty, and love and relationships and money and finances and feminine energy and what we're attracted to, and where do we spend our money, a lot of things which are very important in our lives. And so when it is in Capricorn, then all of those things are going through a really good review process. Because whenever a planet goes retrograde, then we apply the words which start with re, reassess, reconsider. reprioritize, remember, Rebbi talise. So look at it from a different perspective and change something great. Venus will be retrograde in this sign of Capricorn, where Capricorn is not about pink eyeglasses, right. It's very practical, it's very down to earth. It's very organized, it's very long term oriented. It's the boss, you know, in the company who says this is a this is our, this is what we'll need to do. This is where we need to put more effort and right. And so this will be a really key time for a lot of us. Okay, because Venus is already moving quite slowly. And it will spend time in Capricorn until basically beginning of March 2022. Time Exactly. It's a lot of time when Venus will be in the sign of Capricorn with the you know, forward motion and then work backward motion and then forward motion as well. So it's a lot of time, but then on top of that, as if that wasn't enough. Venus is meeting with Pluto three times during this retrograde dance. Okay. Yeah, exactly. And Pluto, as we know is the planet which rules evolution of the soul. It rules transformation and deep changes and restructuring. So imagine that it's on top The whole review there is even deeper restructuring of everything that we value. Everything that we believe is worth our time, energy, attention, money, all of it. So I would say by the march 2022, all of us will be quite different people when it comes to how we look at love, how we'll look at money, how we'll look at resources, how we'll look at what we are ready to go for, and what we still want to achieve and accomplish.

Laura Konst:

Wow, that sounds great, though. I'm really looking forward to it. Because I like those kind of sort of handles that you can give, and I'm tired. Like, I keep that in my mind. And I do think okay, so that is a good week to do. Because Jeff said, this is that's why we love Jeff on a podcast. Because I have a handles right, the handles for people to see what they expect, you know, if they, if you you know, there's those crazy monkey mind energy coming up, then we need to make sure that we don't do too much. And so we thought Yeah,


it's a good navigation system when we when, when to slow down when to go forward, when to use the time in the most beneficial way. And I think this restructuring is something that has been needed for a long time time.

Laura Konst:

Oh, yes. This has got me Yes, definitely. I'm really happy with it. Yeah, I feel I needed Yeah, it's gonna be great though. And we've got some great crystals as well because we've put I was early access to get it in we and I see in here definitely an hour said that we have an awesome Jespersen rooting grounding. It also works on your your sacral, chakra, Ruby and soy seat. While Ruby obviously love it also connects with the Crown Chakra. So it's it's like a set that goes all the way up and down. Clear codes shown gate against any negativity. And I you need that as well when you restructure because people might comment on what you want to restructure in your life. And you're saying I'm going to do this differently. And people my comments were you need this protection of any of this negativity. And yeah, they're great. The Zodiac sets are available on the website of Tali and Loz. And Jeff, the astrology side of it, and I pick the crystals. So it's a really nice combination. And I think people love it. So that's a good one that we did together. Definitely, and let's move on to the unhealthy expressions of Capricorn.


Yes, we need to

Laura Konst:

know those as well.


Absolutely, to know how to navigate the season because obviously, the season gives the the feel of the energy to all of us, whether you're Capricorns or not Capricorns whether we have Capricorn, you know, sun, Pluto, or anything, any planets, we might feel it quite originally. And so, unhealthy expressions or shadow sides of the Capricorn energy can be first of all, that it can be too rigid. Okay, as we were talking that Saturn rules to time and form and shape, it's all about kind of where we, you know, basically walls, right. And so we need to make sure that the walls didn't become too rigid, that the structure didn't become too rigid. And I think we were just talking with you about restructuring. And that's exactly needed when something became too rigid or became too inflexible or became maybe too, you know, outdated, old fashioned, anything that needs a fresh air, anything that needs a fresh approach. So take a look at the areas of your life or your own behaviors or thinking processes where you might be too rigid, too inflexible, maybe too judgmental, maybe having too high expectations towards yourself, and especially others, right? And since Capricorn is about authority, also, it's worth looking at where can we be to work towards it's one to express too much authority, especially when it comes to the lives of other people, you know, family, close one children, employees, whoever it might be, okay. So that is important. Then, the energy of Capricorn can also be somewhat conservative, you know, Holding on to the past and thinking that the past is much better than the present and the future. So holding on to the past and not welcoming or trusting anything new. So that is also the shadow side of Capricorn. And this is where the restructuring is also very much needed to take a really honest look at what parts of ourselves or what areas of our lives are stuck in the past. Where can we let go? Where can we say, okay, I don't know what the future holds. But I'm ready to risk I'm ready to open up I'm ready to, you know, grip something that is not within my experience, and which is not based on tradition.

Laura Konst:

Right, yes, so it goes very deep. Hmm. You have to trust yourself. And the future and the universe basically, with this.


Which is not important of Capricorn energy. This is Pisces, for example, Pisces is all about trust and faith and surrender and going with the flow. Capricorn is not that it's about the time structure and show me what you have. And if I don't see that doesn't doesn't exist, right. So this is exactly why we are so complex beings, that that we have a lot of different energies, and we can, you know, see how we use that wonderful mix that we are. And here we're coming to a very important part of the shadow side or shadow energy of Capricorn is that Capricorn can see emotion as a liability as a weakness. Right? Because Capricorn is all about, you know, for every kind of concrete things, the walls, the time, the structure, the responsibility, the reputation, career, and so on. And so the motion can be seen as something that is not needed, or even can hinder someone, you know, build a career or to go forward and achieve long term goals and so on. So this is again, something that we need to always remind ourselves that, although emotions are not that popular in our society, it's a fundamental part of us. It's an instant foundation.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, definitely. Definitely. I think definitely, emotions. Even in business, it seems coming from retail, that if companies just be very busy, and don't take consider emotions of the people that do work on the shop floor to deal with the customers, they get seen as so cold, and people don't like working for them. And then business, they can hurt the business. And then you have companies that are more personable and approachable. And those companies do much better. Through emotions, you know, they get appreciated, they get listened to. So yeah, I see that. Yeah, definitely.


I think it's it, we can, we can really follow it in the business world and see that those managers who have a very strong emotional intelligence, they are much more successful than, you know, the best professional. Yeah, or as you're saying, or the cold and authoritative and controlling and micromanaging and so on. So this is why it's the shadow energy of Capricorn, right? It's something which might be out of the consciousness or conscious understanding of, of a person. So this is why I'm mentioning it, that emotions are important. Yeah. And just to finish off with a Capricorn shadow side is that because we're talking about the authority, the shadow side can also be something like depression or sense of guilt, you know, because when someone is taking too much responsibility too much on their shoulders, and then, you know, setting very high expectations on ourselves, then if we're not able to come through with our expectations and, you know, responsibilities, then we can feel guilty, we can feel depressed, we can feel that everything is futile, and I cannot, you know, get myself together. So, a little bit easier on oneself a little bit more understanding,

Laura Konst:

a bit more softer towards yourself as well. Yes. Need some loving crystals for that one, and don't feel guilty about having emotions. We need to do restructuring, right.


That as well that as well. And what kind of crystals will help to soften our rigid Capricorn?

Laura Konst:

Oh, I think I think sheets Things grounded grounding ones as well just you know come to earth and deal with people as well. So like Mukai or turn, Jesper. Picture Jesper. They, all the gestures are usually quite earthy vibrations. And I think for like self love, the Rose Quartz is always good. Rose Quartz is always a beautiful self love crystal, don't feel guilty care about yourself. Len Morgan seeds, although they're quite strong vibrations is more for people that I've already using crystals as well. Yeah, and softer and the softer one. So I would go for


I would go for the Rose Quartz a lot, a lot. A lot. Because the the Yeah, the opposite sign of Capricorn is cancer. And that's exactly what Capricorns are learning in this lifetime, how to become more like cancers or like, wired them to be more connected to their emotional side. So Rose Quartz, I totally agree.

Laura Konst:

Yes. First quote. Yeah, that's a beautiful one. Mm hmm.


The upcoming Full Moon and the new moon should Yes, so help us with that. Oh, because we have the Full Moon in Gemini on the summer 19 in 27 degrees of Gemini. And without going too deep into the aspect, I would say that Gemini is typically around the following themes. It can be about thinking about communication about our logical mind and about choices. Okay. So it looks to me that, since it's a Full Moon in Gemini, and we're closing one and a half year cycle, when the North Node was and still is by the until the end of this year in Gemini, this Full Moon will bring us, let's say the awareness of how are we graduating from this one and a half year cycle? How we'll learn to think about things differently, how we'll learn to speak with mindfulness, have we learned to share our opinions or reactions in in a way that is not hurting other people? And also, what kind of choice are we taking whenever we are in the situations which require some open communication. So that looks like that. So me. And then the New Moon in Capricorn on January 2, and tickets, it's two degrees of Capricorn. I think for me, it's the perfect time for taking some you know, you promises so to say, you know, what would you like to achieve in 2022? What would you like to change? How would you like to show up? What do you think is worthy of your time and attention? How do you want to show up with the personal responsibility and personal integrity? So a lot of those beautiful things to start off the year? The year?

Laura Konst:

Wow, that sounds amazing. I have a feeling that 2018 Today is going to be a bit less crazy.


I have just finished the forecast the astrology forecast. 2022 and crazy, huh? I would say it's hard to speak about level of craziness. But that will be very inspirational. That's for sure.

Laura Konst:

Okay, well, that's what I need as well. Inspiration, get going with stuff that we're doing because we all love it. We've We've got beautiful community. And definitely yeah. Are you talking about inspiration? Jeff, do you have any more courses that you're going to do that people can sign up for next year?


I'm running the course right now. I think I will. To be frank. I have not yet finished my website, which I already feel guilty about even before the Capricorn season started. So I really will dedicate January to finally finish my website and then just adding the information on the soul growth course. Definitely, I'm offering the DTO around the astrology forecast. 2022 It's a 45 Minutes video with a lot of different details around what we're going through how to work with it, when to accelerate when to slow down, what to take into account. And then I'm also thinking about the new course around the moon. The moon phases, the moon aspects how to work with the moon what to expect what how to actually live your life in line with the cosmic

Laura Konst:

Yes, like proper Moon living Our Luna living Oh yeah, that's you know, that's my kind of thing. Yeah. So beautiful. I my crystals my love my crystals love the moon. Yes. So well there's I'm looking forward to that definitely well, as always I put your details in the description. So Jeff, this is the end of this season of the tally last podcast and then obviously I'll definitely see you in 2022. Again, we can talk more about of your website when it's finished about the causes that are coming that you just mentioned. And we're going to continue with our monthly meetings have the beautiful energies and obviously Aquarius is next. And we love Aquarius because they are different. They're independent, they have their own lives in their own world, and they're great people.


What a wonderful way to close the year. It is absolutely thank you so much. It was a pleasure. I think it was a really nice way to take a look at every season and see how it's enhancing our life. And I'm looking forward to starting 2020 to see how we're all collectively inspired and to support the talent loss community.

Laura Konst:

Thank you afternoon. Thank you so much, Jev as always, and find the details in the description please contact Jev she also does readings for everyone and you should definitely get one because it will change your life. If you're not sure about the evolutionary astrology, whether it is I refer you to our very first episode of the season one because Jev will explain everything about elu evolutionary astrology, which I always struggled to pronounce but there you go. I wish everybody a beautiful Christmas and Happy New Year and I see you next year. Bye