Ep 16. Sagittarius Season with Jev

November 18, 2021 Laura Konst Season 1 Episode 16
Ep 16. Sagittarius Season with Jev
Show Notes Transcript

I am learning about the energetic energies of the Sagittarius Season from Jev.
What can we look forward to and what do we need to be aware off?
How can we embrace the energy we will experience?

Sit back, relax and discover.

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Laura Konst:

I am Welcome to the Tali and Loz podcast where we discover spirituality together. And Jev is back to tell us bout the energies of agittarius season. Hi, Jev, h w are you? Hi, Laura.


Happy to see you like this talk about Sagittarius season.

Laura Konst:

Yay. I'm a Sagittarius people probably already know. But yes. I do have them some Terriers and I'm a blend depending on all the other planets as well and the moon and a lot of different energies. But yeah, my sun sign is Sagittarius.


So I have planets in Sagittarius as well.

Laura Konst:

Oh, yeah.


I love this energy. I just love this energy. It's so you know, bountiful and optimistic and joyful and expansive.

Laura Konst:

It's just very cool. It's very cool. Yeah, we just came from our deep the deep energy of Scorpio. So this will be a bit more like a Ha, type of


Exactly, exactly. We were moving downwards, and now we're out out of the darkness, because also, when you look at the symbol of such terrorists is a centaur, right? It's half horse, half human, and it always has a an arrow, and this arrow is pointing up. Yes.

Laura Konst:

Upwards energy.


Exactly. It's upwards energy so that we would, you know, after the transformation that we were going through, now we're able to actually pull, like breathe out and come out and have some joy and have some expansion and have this newly renewed

Laura Konst:

season. Wow, I'm really looking forward to it actually. And because of my birthday party, but just in general. And so what are the healthy expressions actually are Sagittarius?


Well, some of them I just mentioned that typically people with a strong Sagittarius energy, they are very enthusiastic, they are optimists, you know, they have joy, the love, you know, they have a lot of sense of humor. They love a very good joke. And they typically don't dwell on on adversities for a long time. Okay, obviously, life is happening. And sometimes we're down or something, you know, comes our way. Sagittarians are not the ones to dwell on things they would come I don't know, after maybe two or three days of thinking about something or, you know, being down if needed as well. But then afterwards, they would be like, Okay, fine. Now was the new day. What can I do today?

Laura Konst:

Yes, sounds very familiar, actually.


Here we go. Here we go. So that's great. And of course, people love having these people around because they are not only optimistic for themselves, they're also spreading this energy around them. So it's almost like a continuous poorly, energy.

Laura Konst:

Yes, definitely. And how about like traveling, because that is in my head as well as a Sagittarius thing like a healthy expression of dissent Aries, is that right?


Yes, of course, health expressions are depending on whether you are doing it in the balanced way or in an excess way, right? Because let me start, let me start from the beginning. Sagittarius is all about higher learning. It's about higher knowledge. It's about expansion. Because this energy, it wants to expand the horizons, it wants to learn different, you know, value systems, belief systems, philosophies, religions, to see other cultures to learn other languages to see how people in different countries leave work thing, survive, and so on. So it's really about the expansion of the world view about understanding how this universe works pretty much. And of course, what comes along with this is distant traveling, typically, those people who have a very strong Sagittarian energy, they would have traveled far. It's not about oh, I've been to the next you know, village, it's typically these people would be like, Yeah, I've been to Australia. I've been to I don't know, China, Japan, to South Africa to South America to all those places.

Laura Konst:

Wow. Yes. Yeah, that's very true, actually. And how about I'm sort of the perhaps individuality a little bit weird, a little bit. Authentic, a little bit crazy. Is that also a Sagittarius thing?


It's not about craziness. No, because let's say being different, it's a side of Aquarius Aquarius wants to be different. It wants to be a rebel. It wants to be together with everybody, but also apart from everybody. It's an interesting paradox. But when we speak about Sagittarius A Sagittarius wants to attain the truth, it always is on the go, are in continuous search for truth. What is the truth for me? Do I find truth in a specific religion? Do? Do I find truth in a specific philosophy? What is truth? What is not? What is true for you? Or what is true for me? So a lot of those questions are coming up. And also that comes to the point of authenticity, what is authentic? How can I show up authentically for me? Am I safe to show up authentically? And whether other people in my life are showing up authentically? Are they not faking anything? Are they not wearing masks or anything? So that is very interesting. Energy. And it's joyful. As I said, it's very uplifting. And typically, these people have a very philosophic outlook on life. When you can hear them speak, you will always kind of catch the big picture view.

Laura Konst:

Yes, like a bit a bit further than then the little circle around oneself basically


orderly worldview, because obviously, they especially they have traveled far and wide, if they have been reading a lot of different, you know, sources and maybe philosophies, maybe religions, they have a very expanded view. But then on top of that, what I also need to mention is that a very healthy and very strong side of Sagittarius energy is intuition is being really connected to their intuition. And the intuition is the cosmic phone. Right? It's not necessarily what we have learned or read or heard. It's what we felt through our connection with the Divine

Laura Konst:

previous episode, you mentioned about Pluto being sort of like a generation planets into Scorpio was sort of my generation. How about Sagittarius?


Sure, that's the next generation after Pluto. And that would be people born between 1995 and 2008.

Laura Konst:

Okay, so sort of like what we see as a Gen Zed generation, isn't it? Yeah.


Good. Very similar.

Laura Konst:

I could could could be very similar. It's roughly, I think that also sounds a bit like them. I think they are a bit more expanded than we were the even more open minded. And we were I think, if I look at the young ones speak to them, they're a bit more spiritual as well, like a lot more, more open, I have to say they're a bit more free to talk about spirituality, free to talk about the spirit about crystals and that kind of stuff. For us. It was there. But it's only in the last few years that were openly speaking about it. And I feel like that generation 95 After is just talks about it like hot chocolate, basically.


Yeah. I would agree. I would agree. I would agree. I can see that in my, let's say, younger clients as well, or people that I met while I was traveling. And yeah, first of all, the or as we were just talking, they have this philosophical view of life. They want to expand horizons, so they don't take anything as granted. And they don't take anything as an authority. They just want to want to expand what they know Right? And then of course filter, what is their truth what is not but they are open to everything. And on top of that, we can see them traveling non stop. Non word whenever is possible.

Laura Konst:

Yes, yeah. Yeah. Apart from obviously the the restrictions Yeah, definitely a traveling generation as well. 100% And yes, so we with your guidance, again, we collected crystals for Sagittarius energy. And if I think of what you just said, I think one of my favorite the birthstone is topaz, blue topaz, we have a Italian laws, and it's very much for clarity, it's very much for peace, because such terrorists can also be a little bit all over the place which talk about later, but also a fortune and abundance mindset. And then obviously it has the travelers stone which is Liberdade is to start in the best time for travelers is protects them It helps them to stay on their path. And I think that's definitely one of my favorite crystals as well. It's very beautiful. And then also I think for the healthy expressions would be really good is the The sodalite for sodalite is very good for mindfulness, or self expression, but also public speaking and be out there and philosophical thinking and higher thinking. And the last one I would say is k two, which comes from the KTM mountain. It's a very interesting crystal it's, it's wide with sort of gray black dots and it has blue dots on it as well with they look like painted banana. It's natural like that. It's one of the strongest crown chakra crystals. So it's very much connected to higher consciousness connected to the Divine, like you said, it's going up there a bit more fill, philosophical mind and intellectual curiosity. So I think that beautiful crystals to that we've chosen for Sagittarius energies as well.


Amazing. Amazing. I feel like I need this travel or stone because I travel or bagging myself as

Laura Konst:

well. Definitely. You've been you've been sort of everywhere, especially the last few months I've definitely, yeah. And I think if you have Sagittarius, energy around you in Labrador, anyway, very good to have. Yeah. 100%. And how about the unhealthy expressions of Sagittarius? What should be we more aware of that could come away, but maybe we can sort of try to manage it upfront.


Correct. And just to repeat the dates as well, the Sagittarius season is between 21st to 20, maybe second of November, to 21st 22nd of December, okay. And so it affects all of us whether we have Sagittarius energy or not, we're in the season. So we get to, to taste it anyway. Right. And so what can be coming our way is, first of all, this energy can be a little bit over enthusiastic, and also exaggerating things. Okay, so let's keep in mind, let's keep in mind that we might take more than we can true promise something that we cannot deliver, or maybe plan too many things at once, or even take too many travels at once. So that can happen for sure.

Laura Konst:

Oh, yeah, it actually sounds like my whole life that one but yes, yeah.


Now you're prepared for your role again. Then, when we talk about Sagittarius energy, there can be some people experience blocks to intuition. Okay. And let me speak about intuition a little bit. Some people think that they don't have intuition at all. Like, they're just saying, Oh, I'm not intuitive, right. And there is definitely some kind of misconception in our society, because it's just the lack of information. And we all have intuition. Every single one of us, every single one of us is we're born and we have it, there is no you know, you have it, I don't or I have it, you don't, we all have this. But obviously, in the way our society operates, we are pushed to use our logical abilities much more than intuitive abilities, right. So from the very, you know, childhood years into the, I don't know, kindergarten, school, university companies working all of it, it requires us to train our logic muscle. And the more we are training, or I would even say overtraining that muscle, the less we are looking into the intuition. And I would say by let's say, No, don't know for sure, but maybe around the years, you know, when we're 20, in our 20s, we tend to kill our intuition, right before that, it's still speaking to us, and we're like, oh, maybe I'll listen to it, maybe don't, but then start doing with the 20s. That said, this is where we're killing it. And then, of course, we tend to go through different you know, events in life and after surgeries, we're already in the middle of the whole thing called real life, understanding not only the external world, there's also internal world and this is where we start looking into where was this intuition under which crumbles right? So intuition is something that can be blocked or wounded, but it can be restored if we work with this. If we develop it again, if we start listening to it and following it, even in the smallest matters, even in the smallest details, like feeling into what kind of breakfast oh, I want to I want to have right or what kind of I don't know place I want to visit Nope. Thinking about it, overthinking about it, but feeling into it. The more we can do it, the more we can train it. Okay. So that's another part. Then, as we were talking about travels in the unhealthy energies of Sagittarius, this traveling piece can be taking overboard really too far when people literally feel like homeless restless nomads.

Laura Konst:

Okay, yes, I'm not that bad, but okay. Yeah.


Yeah, just just to know, you know, when we know, it's already half of the success, I would say. And now just to understand why certain things are working this way, right? So when when people find themselves not having proper home, living always on the suitcases, not being able to build relationships, because they're always on the run or on the go. This is the question to start asking, Why am I running? Or piano all around? What am I running from? Am I trying to again, over be over enthusiastic, be exaggerating, and to kind of run away from myself and have this quality mindset enjoy form to the aesthetic and looking for adventure? Am I running away from something? Okay, so this is again, coming back to truth and radical authenticity within oneself?

Laura Konst:

Yes. Okay. And yeah, for those. If I listen to it, we have great crystals as well, that we've chose for there, haven't we, like obsidian? I mean, it's grounding. And I think that's definitely what Sagittarius needs to balance out the unhealthy expressions, as well as protection, just protect themselves, but also for, you know, doing everything overly protect themselves not to overstep their own boundaries as well. And what you were saying about intuition, we've got clear quartz, it's a Master Healer anyway, but it helps to develop the intuition. It's, I think, clear quartz is a must have everyone. Everyone spoke Quartz was saying about feeling like a nomad going everywhere as Smoky Quartz is actually also really grounding, balancing, but also connected to Mother Earth. So it's almost like helping to not move around too much to stay, you know, to stay somewhere where you do have like a basis. From that basis. You can go here and there.


Really nice. Really nice. Yeah, I

Laura Konst:

think they send this out like good crystals for the Sagittarius season, actually. So how about the idea that some people think the Sagittarius energy is also stubborn? And maybe they always want to be right? And they maybe don't want to listen to other people. Is that true?


Partially, yes. It's not so much a stubbornness because stubbornness is a characteristic of tourists, okay? Because it's persistent and stubborn. And we're like, very much like a ball. Sagittarius, where else this energy is righteous. Because they are so much connected with the intuition. They might know things without knowing where they know them from. Okay, yeah. And so there may be a lot of this righteousness, like you were. I think in the last podcast, you were mentioning that there is a kid who is asking the questions why, but then already saying I already knew that before. Great. So look for some Sagittarius energies. These are the people who are like, Oh, I already know the answers. I already know how it works, I already know that my religion is the right one or my beliefs are the right ones. And it can be a little bit like a black and white if the consciousness of a person is not expanded. This is unfortunately where the the religions worse are coming from. Okay, so my religion is the right one, all the restaurant the wrong ones. And this is, of course, where we need to stretch ourselves. This is where we need to grow and our consciousness, understanding the duality of this world. And understanding that what is true for true for me not is not necessarily true for you, and vice versa. Yeah, and

Laura Konst:

just accept that that is a possibility and it will give everyone peace as well just accept the other people have different views on the world. Totally. And what are the moons going to do this month or this season?


Yeah, we have another piece of an eclipse. So the first one was during the Scorpio season the eclipse in tourists, the lunar eclipse, and in Sagittarius. We have in Sagittarius season we have the new moon of Venus For the Sagittarius, it 12 degrees, it is happening on December 4, and it is a total solar eclipse. So it has much more, you know, if the lunar eclipse is more our internal changes and transformation, lunar solar eclipse is more about external, what is changing on the on the outside. Okay. And so that's another turning point and then opening for the next six months. Okay. And so, as we were talking about the Sagittarius The themes are the growth, expansion, wisdom, philosophy, beliefs, intuition, truth, authenticity, Joy. So all of all of these nice, wonderful topics, okay. And interestingly, I can see that the sun and the moon are conjunct Mercury during this this new moon. So again, it's all about thinking abilities, how we process information, how we approach this information, what do we kind of drop and what we keep, and the south node and Sagittarius and north node in Gemini will have reached zero degrees by them. Okay, so that's the final degree, that's the graduation kind of energy the mastery energy and the Saturn in Aquarius will be sextile in the Sun Moon. So, there is definitely a long term support, support to for stability for discipline giving some strength to go forward and also goes higher into the future. Okay. So, it basically taking responsibility for how we show up in the next six months, how do we work with those with this new information, how have we changed our beliefs how we changed our our patterns in terms of being righteous or not being authentic or not, you know, expanding our worldview and not blindly trusting what for example, media is giving us so all of these interesting topics. And on top of that, I can see the the square to Neptune in Pisces, which will push us out of an illusion or any delusions that we have maybe also the victim roles or consciousness, the absence of boundaries and helplessness. So getting out of this, you know, lower frequency energies, and going higher into more joy, more wisdom, more truth. Alright, so I can definitely see was, you know, some, some are, again, as typically, it's a mixed bag with some aspects being very supportive and smooth some aspects, generating a little bit of tension so that we would, you know, grow, we will step out of the comfort zones, but overall, I can see a lot of growth there a lot of expansion, and push into doing things differently. Because also, there is a container theme during this year overall, where the Saturn is squaring Uranus. And so the square is exact three times during this year, once it was in February, the second time was in June, and the third one will be end of December. So during this new moon, the square is already again, coming closer. Okay, and that is the old year theme, which is breaking the old and choosing the new.

Laura Konst:

Uh huh. So it still is it still also a bit of the transformation energy that we had in a previous season as well? Is that sort of continuing?


It's a little bit I would say yes, but it's a little bit different transformations, right? Because Scorpio season, it's all about our personal transformation. Okay, what do we feel? How do we feel? What kind of you know, deep seated fears? Do we have insecurities how to face them? How do we work with the dark energies and so on and so forth? The Saturn, Uranus, they are not personal planets, they are the outer planets, okay, so they are having a bigger impact on us as a collective. Okay and collective of course, with the whole, you know, pandemics we can see this as the overall bigger theme that we are the oldest crumbling and the new is emerging. So how do we change the society how we're changing our values, how we're letting go of the past, of the past, cure keys, past structures past or no? Governments authorities and all these questions, right, and of course, we can see a lot of protests in the world, a lot of energy which is trying to break through those out there. Where widget systems?

Laura Konst:

Okay, ah, so it's still Yeah, it's very different sounds very different anyways different level? And do you feel maybe it's a really good time to work on your higher chakras to work on? See if you can go deeper into that meditation and to connect more to the divine. Do you think it's the right time for that as well? That it's a bit more upward energy in that in that case?


Sure. Absolutely. I mean, this is always the right time to, to connect with the, with the intuition and the with the with its power, our force, which is which is bigger than us. But the Sagittarius energy can bring us more into this philosophic state.

Laura Konst:

Yes, so yeah, it's still like deeper thinking. Compared to with Scorpio, it was more deeper feeling. Yeah,


we can also say that Sagittarius is a more expansive, more expansive, it's not so much into the depth. It's we are in we were in the depth now we're out in the open and we're in the white

Laura Konst:

in the white. Yes. So that's what it is. Yeah, I see. I see. It's just deepening thinking but wider, deeper, wide thinking Full Moon on December 19. In Gemini, is that right? What, what is that going to bring?


So the full moon correct in Gemini in 27 degrees. It's the closing full moon of the year. And it's almost like a final elimination of those themes that we're we're working on because the south node, the North Node are still in the zero degrees. We're still graduating almost the year before this axis will shift into the next one, which is Scorpio Taurus, which will be an interesting one and a half years into the future. So we are Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. We can talk about it another time because it's, it's a topic in itself.

Laura Konst:

Okay. But yeah, definitely, we can always make it a podcast. Why not?


Perfect, perfect. So speaking about the South Node in Sagittarius, and North Node in Gemini, that's the final combination about again, letting go of old beliefs, philosophies, convictions, values, letting in new information and changing the way with think, speak, communicate and glory. Alright, so where can we allow more mindfulness? Where can we be more open to new information to maybe alternative sources, or what our society thinks is alternative? So really being more open and more expansive? Right. So and also, happily, and luckily, Sagittarius season is exactly about that to become more open to become more expansive. But of course, it doesn't come without a little bit of internal struggle, right? So I can see the T squared the year involved between the sun in Sagittarius Moon in Gemini and Neptune in Pisces. That is the tension between the logic and intuition. What do I trust? Where which source of information I prefer to I prefer Can I trust my intuition? Can I trust my higher guidance, even though I haven't been using it for many years? Or will I rather let my logic to lead me astray? Just because I blindly believe whatever society tells me. So a little bit between those lines, right? So again, where are the illusions? Where are lies even involved? Because Neptune in Pisces, it's also quite a long time that we especially right now, we don't even know what to believe anymore, right? What is working? What is not working? What is true what is not true? All those vaccines stories were all these COVID stories? Where did it come from? We don't know there is a lot of fog there. And so this is this speaks to to this aspect, what do we trust? Who do we trust, we trust somebody to trust ourselves to trust our guidance within us that says what to do what not to do? Travel, not travel, vaccinate and vaccinate. So all of those I mean, these are just examples right? Obviously there are more and more life choices that we have but these are just the screaming screaming examples that we can observe everyday and the Uranus Saturn square becoming closer that's already one degree apart. So again, the oldest crumbling than us and merging and this process is not always comfortable, but we have to collect a we go through it. Yeah, at the same time. We have a supportive aspects to Jupiter in Aquarius And that is the growth and expansion and confidence. And also Aquarius is about the, let's say groups and support and the the groups and humanity and future, it's really we're almost pushed to choose what is better what is good for humanity, right? But it's, of course, it challenging the way we think challenges the old mental structures outweigh any old barriers, even our neural pathways, right? Because what happens is that, you know, our neural pathways, they are formed when we were little. And then if we're not working on ourselves in a very conscious way. They just work on automatic, they just keep repeating the same thing that we learned when we were seven. And so of course, we need to in many cases, why is it so hard to change ourselves, because our neural pathways, they are already set in a very specific structure, so to say, so it takes a lot of time to untangle it and to practice new ways, doing different ways, thinking differently, and so on. But it's possible. This is good news. It's possible. It's possible.

Laura Konst:

Yeah, that if you set your mind to it, and you will be able to change.


Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. And that nicely leads me to the next aspect of this Full Moon is that Mercury in Capricorn, it will already be in Capricorn, it trines Uranus in Taurus. As I mentioned, Uranus is everywhere, involved in every single new and full moon until the end of the year. And this is definitely some flashes of insight is this is about deep realizations. It's almost like a thunderstorm or like a flashlight, you know, to see how we're changing our thinking, our communication, especially since the beginning of COVID, right? It's where we're constantly choosing, even though it doesn't feel like it. If we look back one and a half years, we can literally see how more, much more mindful people become, how much more they're challenging and questioning, what do they need? What do they don't, what they don't need, how they speak to each other? How they can choose the words more mindfully, what does it mean to hurt with the words or to heal? What are the words?

Laura Konst:

Yes, yeah, definitely. I think that I definitely see that back. Yes. Hmm. Yeah, I think I feel this is quiet. I'm actually looking forward to this. I feel like it's going to be great time and a lot of optimism, but also acceptance, maybe accept of what shouldn't be there. If I look, if I look towards myself, right, and hearing what you say.


So yeah, when we talk about astrology, it's interesting, because everyone has a free will to change or not to change, to grow or not to grow, and so on. And this is why oftentimes, you know, it's, it's impossible to say one thing, which will be applicable to everybody. Because we, we have the free will we want, we can, you know, go for it or not. And some people will choose to have this crossroads, as you're mentioning, and some people won't, because they're not interested. So that we need to take into account but overall, I believe this will be a very uplifting season, very dynamic season. Of course, already looking forward for some, you know, Christmas celebrations and how it can be different in this year, compared with the previous year.

Laura Konst:

Yes, definitely. It's going to be hopefully definitely a bit more joyous. And yeah, so if people feel like they need a bit more guidance, or they want to know a bit more, they can always contact you. I will as always put your information in the description. You do readings, and you teach as well. So people can learn all about those things with you. And I definitely recommended as I keep saying every month because I have one of the heavier readings and it was it was mind blowing, but it was very good. Very good. Everybody is


so much. Thank you so much. Yes, I would be happy to hear from you. Anytime,

Laura Konst:

anytime. We will have one more before the end of this year. Before we dive into 2022 this will be Capricorn and that will be next month with Jeff. Thank you so much, Jeff.


In q2