Ep 12. Scorpio Season with Jev

October 22, 2021 Laura Konst Season 1 Episode 12
Ep 12. Scorpio Season with Jev
Show Notes Transcript

I am learning about the transformative energies of the Scorpio Season from Jev.
What can we look forward to and what do we need to be aware off?
How can we embrace the deep energy we will experience?

Sit back, relax and discover.

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Laura Konst:

Hi and welcome to the Tali and Loz podcast where we discover together, we have Jev back, and she is talking about Scorpio. Hi, jev, how are you?


I'm good. Happy to see you again or hear you again.

Laura Konst:

Yes, I know. It's obviously we speak every month about every season. But for some reason, Scorpio to me always feels like, sort of a strange season like transformational and always things happening. Is that right?


Yeah, absolutely. It. I mean, Scorpio is a very interesting sign as such, right? It tends to have a little of bad rap because people, you know, they they get the intense side of it, but they might not get the advantages of it.

Laura Konst:

Oh, that sounds very interesting. So what are some of the healthy expressions then that we can expect to Scorpio?


Well think of it like we think about the seasons, right? So when the seasons change, let's say when it's summer, then of course, you know, we have all the trees blooming can flowers and fruits and leaves and everything is out there, right. And then as we change seasons, the more we go towards the winter, the less of it is about what's on the outside, and the more it is about the roots, how the roots are nourished, how the roots are getting the the supplements, the nutrients, everything that the tree could, you know, survive through the winter, and then to start blooming in the spring again. So that's very similar with a Scorpio, it is this point where we are after the harvest season in let's say, Libra season right September October, we're then going deeper, we're going into the darkness we're going into the deeper into ourselves, and this is how Scorpio is related to emotional depth. It's related to psychology. For example, one of the key questions that people with a very strong Scorpio energy are always asking is why? Why is he doing what he's doing? Why am I thinking what I'm thinking was you know, this pattern or that behavior so there's a lot of this willingness to get to the bottom to the roots into the depth.

Laura Konst:

Wow, so it's I can sort of see that I'm, I'm a Sagittarius but almost sort of Scorpio and my little niece, who's four years old, she's a Scorpio and often children under age are Why Why? But she is even more why well why but also if you tell her why it is and she's like, I already know that Auntie Laura I already know this grandma and she always thinks you know, I know even though she wants to know why and then you tell her why she knows everything anyway already. This is a very Scorpio is


it's a mix as we were talking about that as we are, you know revisiting the same explanation from our episodes into the episode and so when we are the mix of energies, we're not just the sound side, obviously, right? And so when I say people with a strong Scorpio energy that refers not only to the song It refers to, for example, Pluto is a huge denominator whether people have Scorpio energy, and Pluto is a generational planet, which means that all everyone who has been born between I think 1983 up until 1992, I have Pluto in Scorpio. So that is already a huge portion of Scorpio energy,

Laura Konst:

right? Yes.


Exactly. A lot of my clients are also within this age bracket, so to say and I can see why they have very healthy interest in themselves. And also other people, then this is where we come into this healthy expression of of Scorpio, they are this people really likes to understand they really want to understand how other people take how they themselves tick. Why is it why this emotional pattern by this behavior by this trigger and so on, which is amazing, great for the self work for the personal work for the personal growth. It's amazing because again, many people are not even wanting to touch the depth or to go there, right? they close the door and they try to kind of run away, not the Scorpio Scorpios are saying Bring it on. Let's see what's in there. So that is the very healthy expression and Scorpios are oftentimes called the detectives of the soul. Okay. And that's why many psychotherapists typically have very strong Scorpio energies, because they have the space and the capacity to not only go into the darkness themselves, they can also sit with other people in that darkness, they can die, they can sit in the uncomfortable spaces, in the uncomfortable questions in the wrongness of our, you know, humaneness and so on. So that is really, really strong sauce.

Laura Konst:

Wow. Yeah. So it's not about all about the sunshine, we have. Our first episode was all about evolutionary astrology. So if people are getting a bit confused about how this works, then we'd love to refer you to our first episode. It's all a bit. It's a different type or different direction of astrology, because there's different directions, I guess. So yeah, thank you again, for that explanation, Jev. It's, it's not just about your sun sign. And it's not just about this month, it's about everything really. But for this month, what can we expect more for healthy expressions for all sort of all of us like what energy is around?


Well, let's say that the season of Scorpio starts on the 22nd of October and last until approximately 21st 22nd of November, right? And so when we all collectively are going through this season of Scorpio, we all become a little bit more introspective, we all become a little bit more deep, whether we want it or not. Right. And so of course, we're also going through some kind of, let's say, review of what is the inside of us, what is there in the darkness? And what is the year in terms of vulnerabilities What is there in terms of insecurities, what is there in terms of fears, and of course, on one hand, as a society we don't like to go there. We don't want to go there. We rather want to you know, have fun and play and travel and so on. But when we allow this space for ourselves to go and explore what is it in the darkness and to sit with this darkness what is possible for us is the transformation is the almost this Caterpillar butterfly metamorphoses, when we can change forms when we could, you know, lose something or let go of something in order to rebirth in the new way a new expression of ourselves.

Laura Konst:

Ah, so it is very good, sort of, like a time to look in the mirror type of thing like, What does work for me, what doesn't? Do I let go of this? Do I continue with this? And that is also a good time to make choices? Or is it a thinking time?


Think it's the time when the universe itself is trying to push us a little bit inside of ourselves, okay. And then whether it's the choices time or thinking time that everybody decides for themselves because they're obviously in order to, to let go of something in order to be almost going through this, you know, process of death and rebirth, we need to start feeling it's not so much about thinking it's about feeling it's allowing to, to really reconnect with oneself. We're not on a really deep, deep level. And so what is also interesting is that the Scorpio sign and season and this energy is not only about ourselves, it's also about our deep presence, deep emotional presence in relationships. So it is about intimacy. It is about trust. It is about emotional, deep relationships, it is about sex. So it is about shared resources. You see, it's not only about kind of relationships on the superficial level, it's how we go deep together, how are we feeling safe, how are we feeling safe to open up emotionally, not to word ourselves and so on. So as I as I'm saying it's a very deep it's a very rich season, that we just need to understand a lot of benefits that it brings and allow it to bring to bring us a lot of benefits

Laura Konst:

way with your help. We've got the Scorpio crystal set as well. And the crystals that we've chosen for that said he listened to this I think it's perfect for everyone like not just to score people with Scorpio energy. But even for everyone if you look for example obsidian it's very much like a protective stone, but also a motional support so even I guess if you have to dive deep then you might get off balance a little bit because you may find things that you don't want to find. But then obsidian and Shawn gate as well great great to help and shogi is also great for clearing blockages and if you talk about the sexual balance I mean read Jesper is fantastic Sacral Chakra it's I think for me it's the strongest one for sexual energy as well and relationships and it was viewed in the ancient time as Blood Dragon blood or Christ blood like depending on where in the world so it's that deep deep connection with being basically and I think that's the beautiful crystals for this season I guess. Yeah,


I support I support that and also I support what you're saying that it is not only for people with Scorpio energies it's really for everyone during this season for sure. Because as you're saying when we are going deep within ourselves we definitely find things we don't want to look at right and so I think it really helps when we have the tools when we have anything that can help us to balance especially when people don't have these deep Scorpio energies right because for Scorpios it's almost unnatural to go deep and to ask you know questions and to see it in the darkness every now and then and to be introspective but for other people who are not that prone and not that you know not knowing how to do that these energies can be a little bit heavy because Scorpio energies can be dark it can be about intensity right it's intense always if you have some if you know some people who are Scorpios you would probably have noticed that they are quietly intense okay they can have very intense look or they can have this energy of some kind of magnetic or having having this internal power right so yeah it's good that we have the sets to support everyone

Laura Konst:

yeah i think that's yeah i think that the beautiful crystals as well and however the unhealthy expressions for this month where do we where do we have to be careful of


whoo let's go into it yeah now that we talk about darkness but good that we started with the with the goodies right yeah we know now the benefits we know now why is this energy so intense? It's because we're going deep in into the into the well let's say to reach towards the roots but also what we need to be careful of or what we need to yeah just just know what can be unhealthy sides of Scorpio energy is as we just mentioned its intensity right intensity sometimes even an unnecessary intensity intensity in internal intensity or looking for intense situations or creating content situations and drama for other people. So that if we could avoid that and you know going into the deep and dark places allowing the safety for for ourselves and another emotional safety that would be something to to keep in mind all right. Then when we talk about Scorpio there can be some compulsive behaviors some destructive passions right. So that is obviously the siblings of drama and sensory and the Scorpio is also about power. So these people they might consciously or subconsciously look for power the symbols of power you know the symbols of power can be anything it can be the internal power within like charisma, the power like powerful people can be social status can be money can be psychology, you know when when we know psychology of people, we kind of, I mean we by by by we, I mean humankind, right? Yes. People, some people that are not operating because integrity, if they are really good at psychology, they can actually manipulate people, right? Okay. That is something to avoid that is something to kind of catch if we have it, too to make sure that we are not misusing it. And then the energy of Scorpio can also have some kind of the need of external validation. Okay, so sorry. times people with this energy p or looking outside of themselves, to find who can validate them. Another part to the story, since we're talking about relationships is that there can be quite deep fears or poor insecurities when it comes to really deep emotional relationships, like fear of intimacy or fuel to trust, fear to open up fear to, you know, stop guarding oneself, there can be a lot of defensiveness or or defense around the heart.

Laura Konst:

Mm hmm. Okay, and do you think that that sort of expresses itself also to maybe closure with a couple if both of them have Scorpio energy, do you think it could also result into maybe like, a war between them a little bit, that one maybe is into going deeper and deeper, but the other one struggles with that a little bit? You think that could clash in the Scorpio season?


If it really depends, I should say, because it depends on the consciousness of each person, right? And this is something that astrology cannot see, we can see a lot of things in the chart, we can see a lot of, you know, past life scenarios, this life, lessons and so on. But we cannot see what is the consciousness of a person, if a person has already gone deep within oneself, and they know that aha, here is my insecurity, I don't know, insecurity that they are not worthy, or not good enough. Or they do have fear to trust, for example, right? The question is, whether this person has it in his or her conscious awareness or not? And what are the coping mechanisms? Are they able to talk this through? Are they able to open up and to actually share it and say, yes, I do have this insecurity. Yes. I'm scared to trust Yes, to show up and vulnerability. Are they able to do that? Or they are not? And this is the

Laura Konst:

Yeah, this is a big question, huh? I think it's gonna be quite a. Yeah, it sounds very intense. The Scorpion very intense. I think, again, with our crystal set, we've chosen labradorite as well in the crystal set because there's really good for calming and compassion. So we're going to need those. And Malachite is for mutual support. So that also probably is really good crystal for like couples or people that live together that both Scorpio energy would be really good to understand each other to show tenderness and to show gratitude as well with those two crystals. So it sounds pretty perfect with these that we know love with these crystals for that I love


it. I love it. Absolutely. And I also love that there are the moons which are supporting as well. So one is the new moon in Scorpio. It will be around 12 to 12 to 13 degrees. And it is happening on November 4. And first of all, it's a Supermoon. So the supermoon What does it mean it means that the moon is at the closest one of the closest points to the earth. So if there are no clouds, it looks super big, it looks like huge. When you look at the sky, you're like wow, this is really close. So that is nice. And then of course it brings also much more potency, it brings much more energy into this this new moon. So new moons are always about beginning about starting something about planting new seeds. And that is an amazing start amazing time to you know, to set new intentions especially around those Scorpio themes, right? So what we're talking about the themes are emotional depth, it's about power, it's about psychology, well the right use of power right? It's about the shared resources intimacy trust. So the question is, how can we do this differently? How can we approach it differently How can we set the new intentions and you know, overcome those fears or overcome those insecurities or being closed water that or being less manipulative? So a lot of those questions will come to the surface and of course there are quite a few aspects within this moon which are, you know, guiding us somewhere sometimes with the soft hand and sometimes would be some you know, tense energies so that we would be actually pushed out of the of the comfort zone a little bit and so One of the main aspects during this new moon is that the sun and moon are directly opposing Uranus and Taurus. Okay. And Uranus is always about something unexpected sudden something that we're you know we're not prepared for or we're not expecting so that that is a shake off, there is a shake up. Because again, we tend to stuck in the rut system to stuck in our comfort zone. So the Uranus is coming and saying no more, let's do something differently. Let's do something, you know, let's, let's move on to onto the next track here. And there is also a T square with Saturn and Uranus. So the Saturn brings in more seriousness, it forces us to think long term, it forces us to take responsibility for our own emotional patterns. It takes us into the questions of what's the right way to connect with people, but also what is best for let's say, for the group for the tribe or even for humanity. Is it best that I'm misusing my power? Is it best that I'm manipulating someone or not? Or is it better to to take responsibility for our own inner world emotional world and to make you know, to to achieve the best version of ourselves,

Laura Konst:

okay. Wow. So that it could be a very intense time, or it will be probably very intense time. But there could be big surprises as well if when Uranus is in line as well with the sun.


Absolutely, I would say surprises and also transformation because the biggest word for Scorpios transformation, its transformative rate and also with some of the aspects that I can see in this new moon. There are quite a few aspects which are focusing on the mercury, which will still be in Libra. And Mercury is how we think how we communicate, how we learn things, how we share our ideas, and Libra is obviously about relationships. And so the Pluto squaring this mercury in Libra, that already applies the pressure to transform to transform the field of our relationship to transform the way we show up in relationships, how are we equal in relationships and also it was some other aspects which I'm not going to go in details here. What I can see is that we are supported into independent thinking. And we're also supported to step into the healthy interdependence in relationships right it's not codependence because Scorpio very often they are looking to merge with other people right to merge resources to merge emotions to merge you know fears or anything of the kind and that might trigger unhealthy dynamics that one person is in power or you know, having more power and another doesn't. And so with this new moon, we are learning and stepping into the healthy independence in relationships when we can be close emotionally, but we're not necessarily you know, merged into each other in forms of, you know, being glued to each other or being dependent on each other for financial matters. So physical matters were for emotional matters. It is the healthy interdependence here.

Laura Konst:

Okay, that's as beautiful as well though. Sounds very it sounds almost like perfect. That's sort of what you want as well. You want to be yourself and but not glued to two independent of chubby it is it is and what's the full moon gonna do this this month?


Whoa, that one is yes, this one is amazing, because it's a full moon and also it's a partial lunar eclipse in Taurus. It will take place on November 19. And it is in Taurus 27 degrees. So if you have your charts, you can take a look what it falls in which house what's going on there. And it is a very ritual. It's a very ritual there. There are so many aspects that I won't be able to even unpack all of those right. And because all it is also it means that we're approaching the eclipse season right? The eclipses are typical, they can be four to six eclipses a year. And the eclipse season. It's always a turning point because it brings a lot of energy, it brings a lot of energy. So first of all, close the cycles, six months, you know what we have been through in the process. month and then opening up the next six months late. It's like a little bit like a portal, so to say, Okay, and so this eclipse is illuminating a lot of things and providing an opportunity to close the cycle. So as I just mentioned, and the sun and the moon are both conjunct the nodes, the lunar nodes, okay, so that is a big thing because the sun in Scorpio is conjunct the South node and Sagittarius which is more about our past. And the moon in Taurus is conjunct the north node in Gemini, which is more about our future, so to say. And so since this eclipse is illuminating those last degrees of the lunar nodes, because every sign has 30 degrees, right, and the lunar nodes, they are moving always from the 30s. Back to the zero, okay. So this is how they move. And so during this this eclipse, because the sun and the moon are conjunct the nodes, they are illuminating, they are illuminating what we have been learning on this access, what, what we have been troubled through during the past one and a half years because the South node and North dotted changing sign every one and a half years.

Laura Konst:

Okay, okay, that's quite a long time.


Yes and no. It's both. But it's enough time to review something great. So such a thorough self note, is that what we're doing collectively, right? We are letting go of outdated beliefs, belief systems, philosophies, values, righteousness, religions, anything that we may be, we're conditioned to believe. And during the past one and a half years, we basically were reviewing what is no longer serving us what is no longer valid for us. And then the Gemini north node is all about learning and letting in new information. Okay, so refreshing. It's basically updating our mental structures. Okay.

Laura Konst:

Okay. Well, that actually, that sounds sort of how society completely is at the moment, isn't it? You hear a lot of people are since the beginning of COVID, which is roughly a year and a half ago, I became more spiritual, I've looked at myself a bit more transformational. So that really comes in line with what you just said, with the north and south node in Gemini and Sagittarius. Yeah, yeah, absolutely.


and yes. During this, this eclipse will also have a lot of support from from different aspects, both again, comfortable and uncomfortable. But that's a support in any case, we have the support from Pluto in Capricorn. And that is again, it's the transformation is letting go, it's releasing the past, releasing the fears. And as we're saying, if the South node or Sagittarius, we're releasing also those mental structures, also those, you know, beliefs, deep seated beliefs that are not serving anymore. And another part that I want to briefly comment here is that Mars will be in Scorpio as well, and it is opposing Uranus and Taurus. And interestingly, this Uranus is almost like central hero, you know, it will be active until the end of the year for sure, in every single new moon and full moon that I was checking, it's always there, like it's there, it's, you will be bringing some kind of unexpected events every single time, sometimes comfortable, sometimes uncomfortable. But in any case, what we need to keep in mind is that it wants us to grow, it wants us to stretch. It wants us to become the best versions of ourselves. And so again, we're talking here about some shakeups unexpected event around power around money around shared resources around intimacy trust, so that we could review how we do it. But most of all, we would also look into how the monetary systems are changing right now because Taurus is about finances and resources, how will generate resources, how will workers resources, okay, and Uranus in Taurus is shaking this up, right we can see it right now. All the volatility with the cryptocurrencies, how different countries are making sure that the measures are taken less legislation has changed for the cryptocurrencies, where is it? Allow who is it not allowed? Where is it now, the National currency. So a lot of those changes, right? And with the support from the Venus in Capricorn, these are the supportive changes to monetary systems and how we support ourselves, right? How are we might be independent in terms of how we, how we generate money, how we generate resources, how much do we actually need? Do we need an access or we don't do we need you know, huge debt, just to make sure that we are you know, buying some leaders branded branded clothes, or we just don't need it anymore, right. So with with the support from from Venus in Capricorn, we get to a little bit more maturity here, we get to maturity, we get to discipline, we get to practicality around money, and also saw sufficiency, because I can tell for sure, as an intrapreneur, I can see more and more people are becoming more independent in how they work and how they generate money. Even if it's just a hobby on the side, they are now much more self sufficient than they used to be. So yes, this is what I would put that would be my take on this full moon and lunar eclipse.

Laura Konst:

Wow, that is a it is a lot of information, I think from a lot of different aspects. I feel like Libra was sort of it was a bit of push and pull, but not too much. I find it was still balanced. You know, it's a skill, I guess. But then if you hear this, then I feel like this can go well, it's not even push and pull, but it's push pull up and down, back and forward, left and right. And all kinds like an atom goes all directions. That's sort of how I feel about what you've just been saying. Do you think that's sort of an accurate description?


Don't you feel like it's not a all over the place, but it's rather going deep? There was a sort some direction, but we're going deep, right? Yes, I would say it might sound by the description of it, that it's in tongues. But on the other hand, I would say we wouldn't be going through it if we wouldn't be ready. Yeah,

Laura Konst:

that's very true. So is is a good description, but more into debt rather than how it behaves?


Correct? Correct? Correct. We have been going through so much during the past one and a half years, that at this point, we are ready, we are ready to go deeper, we are ready to rework, how we built relationships, how we generate money, how we change our values, we are ready. I am feeling good. And I'm hoping that it is the case.

Laura Konst:

Yes, I actually have the same thing as probably my listeners know when you know I'm working on a physical shop. Hopefully, there's no guarantee yet, but I feel like I'm ready for it. I can handle it. I know how I wanted. It's just the last few huge steps they have to overcome, but maybe that's the time that's all going to happen as well. Right.


Great. Good luck with that.

Laura Konst:

I'm looking forward to it.


Yeah, so Scorpio season as we were talking, it's a little bit dark, it's a little bit nourishing, it's a little bit intense. So when we're looking for our own why's, it's great to have some tools. So if you have interest in reaching out to me, I would be happy to hear from you and to offer an astrology consultation in evolutionary astrology to help answer your why's.

Laura Konst:

This has absolutely amazing as usual I will put Jev er details in the description s well. Thank you so much, Jev f r the Scorpio season. I'm l oking forward to speak to you n xt month.


Thank you so much, Laura. Thanks.

Laura Konst:

We have Cari P lmer, talking about following g idance.